The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 01, 1898, Image 2

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NliNi’ON. Guv M itchel), of Atlanta, is in the city. I. R. Mower, of Atlanta, is in the city. F an'< Weems, < f h io the city, Ci»*vt‘ Jule Wynn went down to Buchanan today. MissE.heJ Udes is visiting friends n Sandersville. Mies A ina II T’-is has return ed fr-'m Ca'eosa springs. Mrs. W. 1‘ McLeod is visit ing rebitdros in ti.-e country. ■ Mu-s Zoe Eastman has setnrn from Virginia and Wash'ngton City. Mayor John J. Seay went down to Atlanta today on busi ness. Miss S:ella G'*mi is the guest of Miss Lizz e Quillian, at Cass Staton. Miss Minnie Bea den, of Adairsville, i- v siti ig friends iu the (• y. Miss Ruth Norton Las return ed from a pleasant visit to Bi - mingham. M's. C -’lto i Wright, and lit tle dmight r are visiting f iends in.' (Junta. Ms J. B. Garver and her ch»' ni •da : Jite*', Miss Edi-b, have rctu-aed t-n AraiPa. M as Min ie Wyatt returned this morning from a pleasant visit to relatives iu Summerville. Dick Maddox, Os Co. 11, 2nd Ga. re _ r i "> ent, is spending a few ( dajs in the city on a furlough A han<Bome Trap, little used, for sale at a bargain. Apply to G. W. Harper, nt Lloyd <fc Har per’s. Mr. nnd Mr*. J F. WanlLiw came down from Summer" de this nroniLlg and will spend seve a! • ys he.e. M<«,s M un >■» Langford, of At lanta, w'o s the guest of her cousin, M ss h oSeay, ou Sec ond avenue is qn?e sick, Mr. Robert E. Chi’ds will leave Saturday for Cincinnati, W’lere he will spend a month with relatives and frienda. Tetley’s Teas are being served free at Lloyd & Harper’s. Call often and enjoy a refreshing drink. Ladies specially invited. M r . S tin Powers returned last night from N«w York, where he purchased a big slock of goods lor tb« new firm of Powers & Burney. Mts. 11. D, Hill left this morning for Monroe where she will spend several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Nowell. Mr. J, W. Roberts the East R»meTi<ket ageat, is in Codar towiiou business. Clever Joe H.i -is<m is bolding things down in his absence. “Finest coffees ever brought to Rome’ is the verdict of all who try those sold by Lloyd & Harper. Nothing better for the price can be produced any where Misses Louise and Emma Brown, who have been the guests of the family of Sheriff J. P. McConueil at Mobley Spring-, for some it hp, icturned to their home in Atlanta today. The firm of Camp <t O’Rear is this day (Aug. 27, 1898) dis solved. All parties indebted to them will not pay unless both names, S. 1). Camp and J. M. O’Rear, are signed to the bills Handsome box writing pa per and envelopes to match, only 5c box at Lloyd <t Har pers. Also a large and beautiful hue of pencil and ink tablets at low prices and la- Bfc*l designs. SCROFULA It if Foul Blood’s Advcrtis...- ment It Is Soon Cutoff by Hood'j Sarsaparilla. Yu, Scrofula, if anything, may lai called - ttl* adverlUen'.ent of foul blood. It in th* •oourfreot the world —offauslv*, painful, 1 debilitating, stubborn and v. ell nlgL hnendurable. Outward application* do not cure, thy only drive tho difficulty -.o*new quarter*. Emollients may jxdllaU, they cannot abolish the evil. There it but cna nuro way out, and that 13 to eliminate lLu taint from the blood. There la one remedy that cun effect this, and it fa the only one that, bo far as wa know, ha* almost invariably succeeded -a even where the syatem has beon poisoned by long year* of taint, and the ravages to . be repaired are tremeudou-i. That remedy 1* flood’s Sarsaparilla. Head this: My daughter was afflicted with im. pure blood. There were running sores all over her body and they caused her much suffering. We tried medicines that were recommended as blood purifiers, but could not see that they did any good. A friend told me about Hood’s rllla and I begun giving the girl this med icine. The result was that she was per fectly cured after taking a few bottle*. She has had no sy-nptoms of scrofula •ores since that time.'' IIabiETTA M. Hmitii, South Middleburo, hfasa. t Hood’s Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Insist upon Hood's; take no substitute. Hn/vl’« Di He * ct hariaoniously with 1 iUIH I Hid Hood's Sarßaparilla GE’S IN TROUBLE Frankliu C. Clark liat iwo Wives ONE LIVES NEAR ROM Married . Another in Annis ton Sunday. . ♦ The Ait"islo" Hot Bias 1 , says-. Frank 1 • C Ci<ira. wh" inir i«d Miss Vic'jrit (Jian.-bleH o.i West Tenth g'r-’e' Sundav ofterijoot* pnd was arroß*e' f yr. ft* rdar « 'wr noon oD a charge of bigamy by Policeman Harlrfi-kt, wits at ra gned in police court this morning. Among the witnesses and spectators were Mrs. Clark No. 2- and her mother. Clark pleaded not guilty and the following witnesses were introduced : Mrs. Victoria Clark. Pat Allen. E. M. Clark, his brother. Mrs. Clark’s evidence was that she was married to him on Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock Mr. Allen testified that he first knew the defendant in Rome about three years ago and that while be had seen his wife Clark had frequently spoken of her to him. Mr. E. M. # Cferk swore that his brother, tire defendant, was married in Floyd county, Ga., in September 1896, thut he was the father of two childien and that his first wife was still living or was a week ago. The mayor asked the defend ant if he had anything further to say and he replied that he had nothing more than he had already said, that he was not guilty. The mayor turned Clark over to the county authorities, fixing his bond at 1300. This Clark did not give and he was taken to the county jail by Deputy Sher iff Meh arg. The bride left the court rooui with a bui le oj Her young and rather pre- ly lac <• C ark baa uot been at work for C t Illinois Cur and Equ pineut company, a* was slated in yester d y e paper, and, in Leu hat done Vc> y ''tile woik ol u.>y ‘ iod since lie ha* been heie. His brother. Mr E.M.Cla'ku employed at ihe car worka. Be ,r a worthy, Laid Gorkin? man aid has no syinpa’hy <ve n,r bn , uroiher in inis bitmkhu Clark tUu «. ate- l l.oC*i HAPPENINGS. Muchi.y Wanted.— Mr. W, M-iLeod left this morning for Ced>.-town after John Bradfield a muchly wauled individual here, by tne authorities. There > i'u seve~al true bills against hi ni. Rkckphon Tomorrow even ing at the home of Dr. R. B. He’dden on Fourth avenue a reception will be given to the yo-ing people cf the First Baptist church. The affair promises to b-j a most enjoyable one. I’n y itt MKui, ng Postponed. I —()- ng to the absence of Dr. k B. iLeadden the regular l> r meeting of the First Bap i sf ''liurch was postponed until io. • Ji>, to which all members of t< is ch.’rch and all strangers a e c«>rd ally invited to attend. G • v.t Bon;;. —Deputy Sheriffs Re. .ijond p 'd Johnson returned h morning h »m Tayloisville w .ye they went tu get Jim Hyde and Dave L wcaeler, who give the ne -essary bond to ap pe' t at court and were not bi ught back. There are true b ’ls against the two meu. Lea v es Tonight. —Hon. John W. Maddox will leave tonight for Washington whore he goes to see if the Second Georgia regiment cannot be mustered out of service, as most of the boys are anxious to get home, now th; t the war is over. Most of them loft good positions to go to t' of< -i, . Rome Public Schools. -Child - ren not in atiendsDca at Rome Public schools last year who desire to attend the coming year are re quested tn report to superintend** ent’s <.flice'-on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, Sept let, 2nd and 3rd for the purp >im of grading and registration. Colored children will report to principal at colored schools. By o~<ier of the board, W. H. Steel, Secy, Ea-ti-t Association. —Dr. R. B. lleadden, W. J. Neel, A. B. S. Moseley, Junius Hillyer, A. B. Ross, Will Ledbetter, and J. E. Mullen are in attendance on the Floyd county Baptist association at Enon church. 8. B. Whatley was elected as mod erator, A. B S. Moseley, clerk, and A. B. Ross, treasurer. The next meeting of the association w 11 be held one year hence at oand Spring church. Stop Thief —A sneak thief en tered the retndeuce of Mr. R. D. Van Dyke in Eaat Rome Monday night and helped himrelf to a number of valuable articles, in cluding a gold watch a d a pair of cuff buttons. The miacrant evident ly was hungry he took a large pound cake which was on ths table and had the nerve to eat it ou the pritniaes, as crumbs were found whee he had been refreshing the inner nun, a reward of SlO hat been offered for the arrest of the thief dav afternoon that be had another *ife near Rome bnt claimed at an excuse for hit tecoud mairiage th? t he had uot lived with bit first wife for some time. Clark asked yesterday if any hing could be dune with him if he •‘belonged to the army.” “But you don’t belong to the ar my, do you T’ he wat asked . “No,”wasth<i reply, “but I bought maybe I con'd join.” RABBI KILLED Chicago, Aug. 31.—Louis Rosenbloom, 64, a Jewish Rab bi, waS'kicked to death by John Schlecta, 17, who resented Ro senbloom’a interference with hit ■ibuwe of a 8 year old baby girl. ■Schlecta knocked him down and then kicked the old man. Mr. S. Atlanta, it here today. poetry of bics Uie son nity. Bauiah , tne dimples the laughter hildhowu and world would >me a barren leraca*. 1 ti/ by aavace* mi'* ultimate , duty a«d joy th arw com iu the ufK “Mot bar-' Multitude* tail of thi* IXCiUK of m and diaeaae Htiaetly fctni Madam They ! »«d<roitand <.»<-rdeß of thia gaatKaMna ■"** thaw lor wifthood and ■otUarhaod. uad a* a coaaaquence am aamteM and nerlectftJ of their Health in a wnMaaiy way. Other* who aaaHae the trwh, abnak bom th* “ anamination* ” and s teaai traaim<M«*“ t*>Uat«d upon by th* •vmm* phy ldaa. Dr. Piarte'* Favorite *rv*eripuoti doe* away with th* necawity Mr thaa* abaonMa* aMtninatunM and locM treatment*. It ecto direcAy and only on delieat* and impart ant orgbns that are th* vaetibale as bumae life and make* <b<-«u strong haaWky, vfgovoua, virile and alaaUc It ut* *>r withbaad and mother hand. It banlahM th* aanoynaee* of the Maaamfottebto partod preceding maternity •aA aMhe* baby • arrival in the world easy •nA nearly pauttaaa AU th* danger* of maternity vanish aeder it* beneficeat in gaaaM. Nt n*e daring the parted of an tMpation W a aim* —nr of th* littlv stran ■ara haal* aal as ample aapply of natural •aart*b<aemt Thoaaands of women have toadied to it* maraatoa* merit*. All med tain* atage* a*U it A<«ept no subatitut* that may ba repaeaaated aS ’’Ju*t a* good.” “Per ton y«*f* I •ntfered untold misery," write* Mw. Caritoe King, of Na* hcatou. Sd eto Cn., Ohio. “I then took Dr. Picree'* Favor ite PraocrtpUoo and eleven mtMlhs later pre- ST&S O*er • thonaaad pages of Bound medical •d-rir* absolutely Roe. Send »i one-cent atampa. Io covor mailing only, for a paper eov«rod eopy of Dr. Pierce'* Common gan*« M*d al Adviser. Cloth-bound 31 •tamp*. Ad ry**, World'* Diapenaary Med leal A**adadea, Buffalo, N. Y. A BIG SCORE For Rome At The Ball Game Yesterday Afternoon. The g?me of base ball between Roms nnd Gadsden yesce dav afternoon was a oug tided affair and at tbe clone of ths gam « tbe score etuod 29 to 1 fjvor of Rome. Tbe Alabama boys put up a good gam*, but they couldn’t stand Sanfords pitching ho struck out five out of six men at tbe but. Tbe Rome boys have born practicing every evening and are getting iu shape te meet .any and aH commers. They put up a mag 1 ficent gjtne yesterday and say they are going to beat the Gadsden boys again today. SCHOOL BOOKS. The Romo Public School books cau be found at J. SAM VEAL’S, as usual and the prices are as low as anybodys; don’t be mislead by any impres sion to the contrary. I appreci ate your trade and will treat you all right. Bring in your old hoods to exchange as you have always done. I am in the busi ness and hope to stay, of course that all depends on my- friends, and I hope they are not going to be misled. Respectfully, J. Sam Veal, THE BOOK SELLER. POOL ROOMS RAIDED Over 500 Men Who *‘Play The Horses” Scooped in Philadelphia Philadelphia, Sept 1. —Pool sel ling on boras races, which has been carried on secretly in this city for several years, was dealt a severe blow today in a welkplanned raid. Nearly 50) men were captured in tbe dragout, together with .-the alleged proprietors of twelve pool rooms and their assistants. Al! were locked over night for a bear ing tomorrow. RUSSIA GIVES ASSUANOES She Will Respect J The British • Sphere In China. * London, Sept I.—*l be'Constan niople correspondent of the Standard says. “Russia, it is said hua given satisfactory assurances that she will respect the British sphere in China. It is also assert ed that tbe Britieb admiral had <>rdera to seise tbe remaining Chi ueae ships and customs bouses in the event of tne Jsnng Li Yam» u •.efusi' gto comply with Bn iah demands.” ■MSI - -J! Mrs. Frank L. West is reported slightly improved today. *..e.*tee»ia w—Ra—y— ■■■ iiunb. ma* -■ f- ——— miw ■irf’ Ma. life ■ y ■ ... JV 11 • iWhiafiw j 4 r 1 ' *s> iO 0 ‘ i i Schoo hupolies. | _ I JI . We are the school books and school sup- W? P*y business and we are ala ) right up-ro-4a*e in «« thing tha’ should be kept by an up-to-da’te Bookstores)> i WALL 11 I hcusfi ’ii the Bt"te can serve vou better v’lfni von de- ISS sire to invest in a new covering fcr tne dear *lO wali*. ( ?,f «< y.iur home. See our stock ou. iißnd and samp'es ‘’ ■ /'A! H. A. SMITH; .|. ’ THFOLD RFLIABLE BOOK STORE. 1 ' i' 1 >W i! * *** j To the People of Rome. A Y > ; 'Zw‘ ■■ Mr I wish to announce that I -have bought the Model . ( Steam Laundry and propose to rearrange and add t 6 it *sl; Mr 80 that you will have in your city p. plant Second to uoue Cl/ ••• iu the south. ‘ • M/ I have had years of practical exj re innee, the past Mr : ■ three years of which I have own »perafeld one of W the largest plan sin Texas. With the experi- Ci/ eDCe I h ave had and as I will dev my ait tire -time and attention to the business Iwill h t a position to guar-! autee that anything coming to my. ian idry will be done /jjC: yj? satisfactorily. A trial will co iviuc j you that-1 can do all that I claim- Sml in your' bvallo. If it 'ails to please /|\ /K yov there will be no charge. Stop our wagou or telephone No 158, an t yoar bun lie will be returned promptly, fly • /iC H°pi‘U t > receive a fair ah ire of your Jpatro-aage, I ; ’ain /Wk yoursjto please’ , CU' t’ H. PARK I MX; Proprietor Mo lei Steam Laundry, T 1 T • ■: , *< A • • . d c~? a . r 7"i cxiijxixifi--—irT-j l —>T ** ~n-< fi a posmvf cua: at s " i } MSPEPSIJ., KLO J MILS t > 5 ruER. CRIPE. ,*• tII ! ‘ [ BILIOUS.®’H" jj . COKmTEIi ■ ■1 y u GENERAL DEBILITY. 1 « y . * t ai - Kocp y °" r DRuaoisrs. J fi . 818 1 > e-'. -HII pl" "Wsl I ‘ 49 and 51 ■ «' * fl 1 Bt, N. a I. tok" Um la . LIVER PILLS as CENTS. . h Purely Vegetable. Via n;re Bilioutres-, co DKlrntL’i , Piles. Skk Dwepsia ' ‘Small Uuvtokec, fij r « i c=^=3 ■. AN OL 10 JUDGE Shot and Killed His Wife And 1 UIMeELF I London Depot. Ky., Aug. 31.—J Nt wu reached 1;< re todny of a hor- j r 'ole crime in the adjoining county ■ of Jackson, Yesterday Levy John-! ston, County Judge of Jackson I near Annville,about • miles from London "went homej in company with a friend, and notl finding his wife there, picked up* his Winrhf’ster lifie and started in* pursuit of her. She had gone to her mother’s a ] ■diort distance away. When John- | son reached a point near her mother's he met hie wife pn her return home and shot and killed her, aod then, turtiinji the gun > pon himself, ended his own axs istauce. t 00 SPANIARDS DROWN- I • While Maß’ng An Fffort T<» I Bi|. Scri.-enDek T<- DewkY. ! Tocnmi, \V ft Ah*£• Ang <Bl. —The • Hong Kong Daily Frees is authori i ty for the atateiifient that 900Span* > arde including 16 priests lost their ' ives several weeks ago, when the ; Spanish gunboat Leyte was caj>- Itured by a vessel belonging to A<l - Dewey’e squadron. ■ The men boerded three transports |inaD effort to “escape pursulii’K } insurgents the Leyto towing U>» | vessel out to sea. A heavy storm came up and the Leyte net transports adrift since which tin" they have not been seen. 1 Pre”® reached the conclusion that t " vessels ‘foundered with all o» board.