The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 01, 1898, Image 3

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SCHOOL 3OOKS AT R AWL INS DID 3IIE That's Ths Chung iyinst firs. Batkin HEARING SET SE?T. 6.' « A DoscripUon of The Deadly Candy. Mrs. See »y. San Fran ,is r o, Aug. 31 Mrs. Cordelia Botkin has been formally charged with the mur der of Mrs. J. J. Dunning and hersister at Dover, Dal., by sending them poisoned candy. I The hearing of the habeas cor pus writ wont over until Sept. 6 and the police court proceed ings until Sept. 7. T. E. Fennetsea states that on Aug. 4 he saw a woman re sembling Mrs. Botkin mail a package about the size of a box of candy. Ms. B r.kinsiys thu hour she was registering at a hotel in S.. II lena. Police investigation at Dover] has made i \n »w.i that the box | of chocolates sent from this city had in it three layers of candy, the first b dug homemade ami poisoned with arsenic, an I the second and third of ordinary confectioner’s make and 'Quite harmless. Above the deadly candy was laid a handkerchief,, with the purpose, the police believe, to deceive the postal authorities and lead them to thing that: the box merely continued handker chiefs. Accompanying the box was a note saying, “With love to yourself and baby —Mrs. C.” SHOT IN THE ARM S.JP. Jones Jit Meet.i With A■- <ni)E\T While Cleannig Revolver Yesterday CurtersviH Nb-wssays; • Mr. 8. Paul Jones Jr., old st son >f the great evang list, wbi ! e clean ing a revolver accidentally sli i limself Friday about no n at bis muntry home. “Fountaine, ‘ live niles from the city, The voync nan, however vas not seriously iuri as th* ball pii.-s.sad through th uuscle of his left turn and only nade a fie h Wound. He was able o be out on the s’* ‘Bls the day af ef the acc ,1 nt Mr. J >u°9 it 6 j ems h.vl found an old 38-calibre revolver about .he house and ccnc'.uded to give it t thorough e'eanmg. In unbreai li ng the weapon it was in some way liechaigid. He was not aware at the moment that ho had been shot until the discovery was made that there was blood on his shirt - The discovery t ightened him somewhat and he ws ! k*d t> his bed and fell pcToks it. The report of his pistol was neard by the family who hu-rnd o the room. Messengers were at mce dispatched to the city for physicians who reached the young man in a very sh >rt turn. When it was fai.-d taat the wound was not of a serious nature he joy of the family may be imag ined. The°e were many exaggerated ’•eports circulated over the city in regard to the young man’s condi tion shortly after the accident oc. curred bnt they, of c »ur. e proved to be groodless. Mr. Jones is inconvenienced somewhat at present in having to carry his arm in a sling, but outside of that he is having im trouble and hopes within a few lays to be himself again. with Touwhe‘k»; tM-ve-killlug touai-ro Xj>; „>zJ otnove. the d»ird<>rtoi>mv».»«W ,utner»ou»<li»lro»<.eiwmoiw. --W » V;. lost nia«h. 4(K , (xx) a health. SA ’< V&XO 'I *> K ♦ <-’ frcnD 1 nd te'%»< our „»n druggist, who A tsBJ’.Ul V U< •. (er u- y ! iVuA .« 4y-r 'ID, VtJ.tA-'A I ' j.'.'i- fw-,. • >--l f> . file IkaFi iijf jkifcTr ife* - r-. .■„• •••*' > ■ Mil . rldHii4ls" < silt , pFr. c s ' . L?: ...,X C ..-.jS-'!:* Wh s\f‘u t- Qaiy-i©/ :Ne . CiU..'>;,u;gie : eline rH , I pipe in thi§ B-.u-mic .... ’>-<■- ■ ed around ’MawfdHe-.-4s? ham , broke ft, wmuld niake a all he kii’ew aobijj the • ne?,.bttJinoC- X Tne dead .gi.rjy.wdyjtti ! the Grand lh)^H'’^ i otC i,, 'if' tjek’ct. suspended by ;• 'lenity gold’ I chain around li& - neck,’ in which I was the portrait pf Mg Meiidliam. When , the jewels after the detective had hunted m vain, were in th ■ young womatPs-'-i i*! it/i where' Meiblh un wasden >wn - Ss Rjy’n- ‘ olds, ho was life fibst biie ilbti-' died Natp-i ally ’‘ J ' “Margo ret.a,. Adams, an old colored servau|, ?ie jc a. pita-, try slieif, word jyiepdr, h im. MQieii, 1 tiinp 1; a£> ter the' :^'r :^f,lV j^pi^e v ly. iaeT Mendham Police’s office, tlft rtHtitfst 1 viiiP-’j pered'JO t>h& 4’c^ording i I to the Polibe' Ckpta/n :" , l“This is a youwe got... M.' ■ ■ . i" - ■ ■•" 7 me into. . Mi s Reynoldsrandi Mendham were both patients of Kennedy,] and the three weTO oiitpioyte -orP less jijeiidly Adi!’ this Heightened intpre it . kiioW what light Memlh.tu;j* story would throw on jhe. pi.tu'jloi’.. August ,16 Mendliuuj iWfeibl to iiis lawyers, Howe A ■jifiimineL .Vter a consult nion Jkeuiweitt t« the M z esjt Thij’tepnth iSprw.-.80-, lice Station There, Oaptiiins MgClusky andiridelnall • he i nformy tiop] ;fei»v4r i ! ..i‘.‘; ID ■ Kennedy , Jiydj,- »qbi»bii brought in. .ifoiUbeiF’ 1 Mendham arrty. d It was then th.ap.jv 91101'45! w'l6i ; V pered to Mendham got him into “a discovery yet made public re garding the murder has ed this remark. It is one of, the many mysterious InCu'lehts That stjll cling arounc| she. The coroner’s ,,p,fteib>d®H mintites’ dplifieratipn, tjj s>.»ftnr44 noon, found th at Misss ■'R < ’d -i came to her death by bibnrs'-hVr'- flicted by some person or persons unknown. • ~ . ..,p ....■■■ ■ ■ . ■ ’ J ■’ ROME BUSINiiSS COLLEGE: ~ ’-I ■ ’ It. 'I'J-U-t".’ Rome, Ga., will receive yo.mM,, men and ladies now at the actual cdSt to the College for. paijiyiugg them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, • books.and commercial blanks;;fiiM,' accept an easy time note for tuitkrn payable after a position is sceuVed'. The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST It supplies schools anH collegea with competent teachers of’ 4V«’ manship and principals f.c cial departments;, ’CTt 1 .!-’ 'teW-o sons in Shor/h full;.’ explained'. for 10 cents in stamps;'isstrongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men vVho its graduates at Stenography ; 'o' ( - ! Bookkeeping. Address .all. leitert i : to the Principal, H. 8. ■ Rome. G» ‘ . X- - J ' 1 —' i - • "!» '• - r.... C. - '.onr ' ’ , • 5> r ’"■ '• ’ - : ; x ‘Ji '*'Mq| vilhoul triton . frt*< - g xt- ? BEST SANITARY PLUMBING K Wav- 1 •D* ■ ’ jg. JjlViilk VF ■'-''Ip ’ o O-ij, Water and Steam Fitter. Ig ;• k • Cas Fixiures, Has Stoves lb /• Hydraulic rams, steam fix- tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- ® ■ trie fixtures. .)?>* '1 ■ • have euiployed Alex S. Pierce to K g take charge of my shop department. »- tv - J Me is one of the bestyv' :men in the '7l South, liepair work attended to wr ' | promptly. g X | JOHN G . HILDS, F HT’..; ..' J 223 3rbad st. Opposite Th is. F y ® 'J ■ Kr gXvi.tifH JKJL T.' 1- J ....'1 WWS'.. 'OWWWi School BOOKS,; ® sffluiOfsl IIK' NEW & secQ UuUllO. OND HAND. « ’■ t -7/ ' ’ 9 . FULL] EOFPMtISS H .f ~ <1 j • >• ' .• kMtw' ——— - nr- .-rng It ■O-Xo.' .HLN . k ■?, 2 . uIiBmI U b ’-■« - JVEEDXC A’L liiii’ilinjg . R'V •' m - - ' Hi .■■■■■'■ ' r _ ’"‘7 1 i ■■ MIHk S J"":-:- ' ■ ' ■ ’I II j VEIY rm n m®»s ■ ' HILLII2EEJY |1 •I 1 I* $ ST | « r ■ A- j • in OS j.) - - ■' : W < 5 "■ ' * & I SOS T I » .-..1 . SI & O, Garrard i| S mwwi wvkiMWWMiwi tptwwww \