The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 01, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUS(L[I!-CURKIHCIAL EHUSTLER OFROME' Established, IMSI. 'HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established, !Mis. sued every evening, except Saturday. Sindav and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. EDITOR A Nl> M A NAG I It d.tlce Wia. Kl.wk. I'mrY Avenue Who blew up the Olivette? It is expected that Texas will pioduce 3,500,000 bales of cotton this year. Atlanta’s Redwine, like that! unKorked at the Newnan ’pos sum supper, is out of sight. Shafter se< ms to be the only man in the A meric m army at Santiago who suffered with gout. A scamp .in Brookline, Mass., has been selling paintedsparrows to the unsophisticated for canary birds. Leftwich, of the Atlanta bar, is a lulu. Mr. Lo’twich will yet find Jordan is a hard road to travel. All this section of Georgia needs now is a few days of sun shine and every di.y of it will be a hay day. Talking about making hay— some grass widow has taken “all the shine” out of die sun in this neck of the woods. ——- This war has served to show i the vast realms of space that may exist bet w een men. We were thinking of Dewey and Al ger. Even though the fact is as plain as the nose on your girl’s face—just remember that “com parisons are odious,” and be wise— Col. Henry’s suicide pu*s a new face on the Dreyfus case, and now, perhaps Dreyfus, Zola & Co., may get justice—even in France. The 71st New Yoik had a sad homecoming. Only about GO men out of the 1100 who march ed away came back in good health. M. T. Coalbin is departing after having spent the summer in the city—and the tinners will soon be in their regular fall stove-up business. Ratlmr than let the brave Georgians in the Third regiment go away to c’o garrison duty in the tropics, Mrs, Myrick offers to head a subscription list with <IOO, the fund to pay the offi cers salary for one year, rind thereby secure the release of the privates. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of'one con cern ir. the land who are not afraid Io be generous to the needy and suffering. The pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and all dis— eases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it (all on Curry Arrington, di ug gist, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and sl. Every bottle tut in lor money re taunted. 7n I U>e ttoyal >• the highest grade baking powder j . ! known. Actual tests show it goes one- ; third further thun any otter brood. O, i hi POWOFH Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDFR CO., NEW YORK. The New York volunt< ers are not enraptured with camp lif ', and it appears that they’ are | causing a great deal of trouble. Os 370 men of a New York reg ment at Camp Black only 80 remain in c.nnp, the pthers arn technically deserters, "he fun niest part of the business is, the 80 men remaining in camp are guarded by 169 others detailed from recruits. The valor of the American volunteer is pithily expressed on the shaft that stands to the memory of John Sevier, firs' I governor of Tennessee, in the court house yard in Km xville. It reads: “Twenty seven battles twenty seven victories.” — Knoxville Journal and Tribune. Since the czar of Russia has undertaken to preach the gospel of universal peace to re monstrate vyitb Europe for being so continually pi< paring for war, is it not i me for some one to observe that the millennium is close at hand?—Constitution. Reports from over the state show that the (b cent populists are growing suspicious of the scoundrelly lenders who are try ing to swap their votes with rec publicans, An honest populist cannot vote a republican ticket. —Brunswick Advertiser. The First Ohio regiment, af ter camping at Chickamauga, Tampa and Jacksonville, has lost but two men by death and presetved full ranks and excel* lent health. It has a sensible colonel, observes the Augusta Chronicle. • While we are annexing islands why not fly the stars and stripes over Ireland?—Americus Her ald. Not by a jug full ! Does the Herald want to shut off the most desirable class of emigrants that .comes to these shores? The soldiers already at Manila are as anxious to come home, in w that the war is over, as some of the fools here are to go to Manib’—or anywhere else to draw a s ilarv for doing nothing —A mericus Recorder. The newspaper cuts of Mrs. Botkin, of California, the al leged candy poisoner who sent tw'o innocent Delaware women to death, show her to be a worn an with a fairly sweet face, If any one in the army merits severe punishment send him down to run for congress against Gen. Joe Wheeler in the Eighth Alabama district. Chicago Times Herald. The season for the sere and - vellow leaf drawelh nigh—but ■ while J.- Pluvius keeps the shower bath turned on there • will be nai ry a sere. When we are told that the insurgents at Manila love and almost worship Old ■ George ' Dewey, our res >e.:t for the fol lowers of Ague >k, ! o t-’-es on healthier proportions. THE A. J ~Y RATION, * St >rv< <1 to doath ! That is the verdict o' the doctors wh > at | ton 'o ’• y< u:i" TTlany, a youth nf 'v ■ >li'. w b > w is brave enough I > o> out (v i »h the l»oij;di Riders • fii; I who lost hi life in ( •nse ■ Cpietice. I S- irv <l, l’ civs'' hb wag not Ig ; v n the p'<>. 11 r food. Was it iir < . '.s'* 1 \? W o no' that life, as w< r i as in oi vo' ! .' is, needlessly - iei i lii < d hi cc isn of somebody’s blliodei ? If so, who is responsible? AV ho is ml''. ? Had this young soldier been given prouer food and nourish j-bmint while undergoing the r ivagt of fever, his life would save be* n ‘•pared, 'i bis country is rich, and there is not a man in it who would begrudge the expenditure of whatever is ’ nec essary to take proper care of the 'soldiers Wa> i» red tape, or was jit ill co’npeteni■ y that took this 1 life and the others? Now come the members of the “President’s Ovn” regiment, the Eighth () io, and charge that they, top, have been starv ed. Who is to ii'ame? The impression is strong among thos '■« ho hive under gone lim soldioring in the trop ics; and < ven those who were compelled to < imp life in Flori da, that the army ration is to a great extent at fault. These men claim that the food given the soldiers was absolutely un suited to the needs of the men in such climate;- ; that the ra tions - o 1., them, whil it . ; .... ,c i o.uger, furnished no tiou; i-1. -t, and in that const quenco the men were in no condition the hard ships of the campaign about Santiago. Whether this theory is correct or not we do not pretend to know. We do know, however, that this army ration is another thing which should be investi gated. If lives have been lost which, with ordinary precaution and proper provision could have been saved, the country wants to know' where the blame should be placed —Constitution. . 1 L'L I 1 "- CARDINAL DOCTRINS The Albany Herald is solid on the question of more hay and agrees with Hon. Allen D Candler that “free silver is not a cardinal doctrine of the demo cratic party.” By 1900 we be lieve Brother Mclntosh will be as straight on the financial question as he now is on hay: Uo'.umbus Enquirer-Sun. No sensible silver man has ever contended that “free silver is a cardinal doctrine of the Democratic party. ’ In fact, no body but the goldbug organs and other enemies of silver have ever represented the friends of s ; lver as claimin ; that policy to be acirdinal party doctrine. The rem irk •attributed to Col. Can dler s one that any staunch free • silver man might have made, , and it would have passed unno ticed and as simply a matter of course but for the effort that ha« been made to have it appear that the party is taking a back track on that question. The party is juit as true to the policy of trute silver coinage now as it Was in 189.5 and it will be the same in 18)1 Remember that—Albany Herald. And your Uncle Allen Dewey Cand er is as fearless a free-sil ver advocate now as he has been since the financial ques ton became a party issue— howls from party papers that have been recently whipped in to line by the common people,to the contrary. Allen D. Candler is all right on all cardinal prin ciples ol Democracy, aalaLoon ihe fin mcial and other issues that have arisen in recent party history. SB 1 A 1 THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due n >t only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care a '.d skill with which it is manufaetu”ed by scientific processes known to tae Califobnia Fig Syrup do. only, a Iwe wish to impress upon all the imp rtanco of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Fig's is manufactured by the California. Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all otfier laxatives, as it icts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, ami it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please i emember the n#»ie of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, Cal. i.»uisvri.r.F. ■ 'iv.w yoiik, n. t. THE MIGHT HAVE BEEN. A few weeks ago, when the nation’.s*heart wan thrilled by the deeds of splendid valor which made each day’s story from Santiago a chapter of praise for American soldiery,the thoughts of millions turned with pleasure to the day when the brave boys should be welccmed home from their battlefields. Ir the minds of all there was the same picture—a day when ships should sail gallantly into our harbors bearing the rested and refreshed men ; a morning when with eager but disciplined haste the landings should be made, companies growing into regiments, regimenfs into bri gades, brigades into divisions, and divisions into an army which from sunrise to sunset should swing *along our thor oughfares,where millions should g reet them, cl eering. There were to be bands, ban quets, speeches ; grand reunions between mothers, weeping with pride and joy, and sons, victori ous, bronzed, stalwart—a pa geant, a day rejoicing. Noone doubttd that this would be so, for there was no suspected reason why it should not. Our boys had won their laurels and those at home had woven tlje wreaths. But delay began—delay that was senseless and inhuman. Our men, alert, strong, their work well ended,could not be brought lionie. They fell prey to fever, and were without medical attendance or proper foou. It is too lieart sickening »ven to allude to what followed, and the-eisno need. But our men have come—come in overcrowded ships, improp erly clothed, improperly fed, in sufficiently attended, some gaunt, broken, woful, crawling from fever camps—wan, help less, all but hopeless. Is there to be no accounting? Are the mal-admiuistrators to go unlashed? It is for congress to answer this question, for the people will not be satisfied with an inquiry set up and conducted by the guilty. The criminals must be run down and punished by the people themselves, through their direct representatives in congress.—New York World. If Alger could only put every man in jad who has criticised his criminal mismanagement of this war—the women of Ameri ca would be lonesome—for the only real men of the nation would be behind the bars. The Italian wheat crop is offi cially estimated at 128,060,000 bushels against bush els last year’s crop, and average of 1 19,000,000 bushels for the 1 ist 10 years. Official figures show that this yeai’s Canadian wheat crop will be the largest in j the hi-tory of the dominion. | Harvest operations are now in j full swing in Manitoba, and the wheat crop there will be about 15.000,000 bushels more than last year, estimates this year ranging from 40,000,000 to 50,- 000,00') bushels. The condition of wheat in Canada were never better, and the crops will grade very high. An old clipping from the Chi cago News reads : “Senor Sagasta, Madrid— Dear bir : I have taken two of your justly celebrated fleets and I never felt better in all my life. Yours truly. Uncle Sam.” Since then, however, Uncle Sam has had an attack of Al ger’s fever camps and, though he may emerge, his health and patriotism has suffered an al most overwhelming shock and irreparable damages have re sulted. Senator Sim Blalock, affable and charming as ever, is a Kim ball house guest. It is said that the Hon. Sim signed a peace protocol with Senator Dodson some time ago, whereby Mr. Dodson is to occupy the presid ing officer’s chair in the upper house without opposition, and Mr. Blalock is to be given a coaling station in the committee archipelago.—Constitution. An official cablegram from Shafter to the war department, during the investment at Santi ago, states that he, Shafter, was suffering with gout, a id to such an extent tha he could not mount his horse. Comment is unnecessary. Mrs. Burton Harrison, in an article on “How to behave like the 400,” says “..erfuines jjre the essence of vulgarity.” The e is only one thing worse than , using them—that is writing t about them in such a fashion. — . Washington Post. The number of revenue stamps sold during the month ’ of July was sufficient to allow * two stamps a week for each man, woman and 'hild in the United States. September 3d is to be a busy day lor the Georgia democracy. There is to be speaking in fivo places and prominent democrats ' are scheduled to appear at every* one of them. i * ——r (’apt. ghould, the Duncan of Kansas, should be buried at once. Such a foul mass of putre faction should be planted deep— for sanitary reasons, if no other. . There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and ’ until the last few years was sup p dl > !<'■• ii eur<.'hie. For a gieal mu; v vea-s d eters pronounced ' : t i locrfl direas. •tn I prescihed lo > » mmedier, and by constantlj fniiing io ur-' with loci! treat ment, j.:oi.oiucd it incurable i S i nc“ has proven catarrh to be a coustituiional disease, ai d tbere f. ;e r.-'q-iires constiiuticnal treat uu-nt. Hail’s Ca'arrb Cure inanu fdctii',Gd by F. J. Chrney & Cc. T ledo, Onio, ie the only cotißtitu tioual cure on the market. It is taken internally m doses from 10 drops o a teaspoonful. It acts di r< ctly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer ' 006 hundred dollars for auy case i fails to cure, send for cireulart aod tesiimouials. Address, F. J Cheney Co.. Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists, 75c H IT Family Pilhare thi bnt, 7HE MEN IN THE RANKS. I f is not cowardice or a pHl' io.iMnfor men who or war to 1!( ( . ro t „ b , H i out of the, I)nw that lhe war is over. I, T, 77«’»‘«'»'b.nM.l, wko b»v.. Wt 8„,,| „ nd,, iry. >b.yd„l n ..t | ot g n iscii duty in Spanish islandi The g Verimient, can easily m<n enough to garrison all that «p wil uke nmong those who have nothu g else to do. or who will make no sacrifice in doing poli ee du y for sls per month. It will be an outrage upon brave and honor* able if those who want to pet out of the service are not mustered ou' simply because their officers are looking for soft snaps. MEN WHO FACEI) # THE GUNS Admiral Cerve-a’s tribute to American chivalry is no less cor dial than was that of Pedro Lopez private of infantry, in his fare, well greeting to our army on be» half of 11,01)0 of his fellowprison* ets. In his official report on the bat* tie of the third of July the Spanish admiral devotes a paragraph to a eulogy of the American who “clothed our nakedness, and stop ped their cheers lest they increase the sorrow of the conquered,” Evidently, if the men who faced our guns should haye a control ling vo ce in the matter the rela tions between Spain and the Uni ted States would soon become more cordial than they have ever beeu in the historv of the two nations. Thor'- seems to be no rest for the wicked or the good either in this womd. As soon as we have routed the Spaniards, we are called upon to route the Repub licans and the Pops.—Waycross Herald-. Well, we reckon we knowhow to make that unholy alliance step Spanish ! On its city news staff the At lanta Journal has a speculative spirit—with proper attention that reporter could command a good figure on the yellowest vein w in Gotham EDITOR' \L COMMENTS. A cl’iu'e sh uhl have been it ser'ed in the |>r<»(< col depriving Sag ista of any buck talk pi iviDges. —St. Louie Globe Democrat. Surg- ou General needs a firetaid-to-the-wounded bondage on his official reputation. —Phil- adelphia Reco.d. As Governor ot New York Rt" »e --vel' would he full of surprises. He’s a rough rider even when it comes to riding hobbies. —Philadelphia Times. There are also good openings for American provisions in Cuba. For particu ars call upon or address anv iusnrg°'it able to wield a knife or fork. Chicago Chronicle. Loyal Westerners are willing to suffer to a reasonable degree lor the sake of the corn crop, but lhe bur den may become too heavy. Hasn’t the corn had all the heat it really needs this season? —Indian apo'ii Journa'. If Admiral Dewey wil! travel ir-nu San Francisco to Washing* ton by Full be will confer a faVur upon S' veral n.illion people wb<» are exceedingly anxious to paint a wide crimson band across the con * tinent. —Omaha World- Herald. Some of the New Englanders who invests! heavily in th*# great scheme f»r extracting gold from sea water siill believe that ths precess will mak i them rich. The gold brick dealer will cali on those guileless persons immediately, Mail and Express. The Pullman twins are a preci ous pair. One of them has now married a giri whom the other had jilted That comes about »s na ” r io muking reparation for blighted offec’ious as it is possible t«> without carrying out the original 'contract. Alba ty T- legram.