The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 01, 1898, Image 5

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He Donate Sparks ■ Start Co. ON THE LOOKOUT Constantly on the waxen over the best markets, nailing every opportunity that will prosper the interest of our customers, is what keeps McDonald=Sparks=Stewart Co., sofar ahead of the others. For instance, we’ve just made a fortunate purchase in Carpets, Rugs and Mattings, and immediately share the profits with our customers as follows:- % **** <3?*:4ir. Bussells carpat, mid 3, line Jillt li I 55c M Genuine Smyrna Rugs, 4X7 feet $4.45 S|? W Brussels carpot, made, lined and laid 60c W “ “ “ 3X6 feet 285 ?’f Best Brueselis carpet, made, lined and laid 65c V “ “ “ 2 1-2X5f-et 2.10?*: W Axminster, Wilton’s, Velvets and Sapcony car- A “ “ “ 26X52 inches 1.65 pets, we are offering at manufacturer’s prices. O ?r ' r , • c As we never indulge in “False Alarms” you will realize the wisdom of coming promptly if you wish to oy these extraordinary offerings. They are too good to last long. Find them on the first floor. r MCMNALMPARO-STEWABT Company 1 UNDERTAKERS,. .’ EMBALHERS, FUNERAL DiIRECTORS OFFICIAL PROOF Thai Gamp Thomas Medical System Collapsed. INORDS FHfIT STING- Copied From the Reports of Brigadier Generals,' 'I he official report made by the military board composed of Brigadier Generals Sanger, Mat docks and Roe, and on which lhe removal of the troops from Gamp Thomas, Chicamauga, Ga., was ordered, has never been given to the public in full. The writer wis permitted to see it, With the underscandin g that he would publish only a sentence B#re and there, and not the en tire document. The following were culled: All the water iicitup is un- for U 8« without boiling, but enough kettles were furnish *‘,iQ which to boil it. Water dr, els had to be furnished at P ivate expense/’ ‘‘No lumber was furnished for * IQ 8 ‘ The camp policing was B°o .except for sinks/’ (It was , l * vileuess of the open sinks •“M drove the privates to the fields.) There were too many men housed in one tent.” he typhoid was brought to a ®P Thomas. The sanitary °“ d,t,ot >8 were all but a few, • 1 was impossible to dig in „ le8 ’ ° wiQ ß to the underly lng stratum of rock.” F k >r Au £ 1* there was nnt •aough di UQ r furniß, ‘ed nor th ire was from the first day of camp a superabundance of lime and of disinfectants, but* that little cf either was called for.He also says that these Generals never came to his office to fin 1 out whether there was enough of either supplied I “No lumber for tent floor was furni hed except by private purchase.” “Doubtless there has been some carelessness resulting from inexperience, but wo are of the opinion that there has also been some neglect on the part of the officers largely responsible for the administration of Camp Thomas prior to Aug. 1.” (The present administrative officers did not take charge till after Aug. 1. The officers referred to are Major General Brooke and his chief medical officer, Veteri nary Surgeon Deidecooper.) “Regimental hospitals should have been maintained. Under the system established it was impossible to examine the men properly.” (Each regiment or iginally had three medical offi cers, but two were away to farm a staff for the division hospitals.) Here is the board’s parting shot: “Dispensaries have been turn ed into hospitals. The (medical) WHEN YOU ARE TIRED Without extra? exertion, lan guid, dull and listless, your blood is failing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and strength-giving properties they require. Hood s Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and purify ing the blood. It will give you energy and vigor. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indiges tion , biliousness. 25. system has brokon down with vain experiment.” From an official report by Major Jas. Parker, Twelfth New York, not before published, the writer was permitted to copy the following words : ‘■The water (at Camp Thomas) caused diaarhea at once, even among veterans. It lasted two or th”ee weeks and prepared the system for typhoid. Eight thous and tons of excrement lie in the park. “Ii is*too late. The mischief has been done. Every breeze carries a stench. The sick report mounts day by day. A general lassitude is apparent in men and officers.” '1 hese reports are in Washing ton It is these that caused the panicky retreat from the field of death—a retreat rendered slow because trains bearing the sick and dead block the tracks needed to transport th a well ones. SAILOR’S CRIME Kited Indian Woman Shot Anoth • er And Then Htnself. Seattle, Wash.. Sept. I.—An drew Peterson, a sailor, yesterday entered a cabin at Port Townsend occupied by two Indian women, killed one and fatally wouadau the I other. He escaped and took refuge : behind a pile of lumber, and. when surrounded by officers placed a pistol to his head and shot him’' I self. Hr will not recover. He was intoxicated at the time. L \ DIES’ FIN Z S \l -J 1 S- Go to Lanham & Sons and get one of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap. They are ac tually worth SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and some even more, yet they are selling choice for 50 cents. LIGFH SENTENCE Visited Upon Capt. Dtlncan the Kansas Giioilld WHO DESECRATED GRAVE In the Confederate Cemetery at Manassas Va. •Washington, Sept. I.—Captain and Assistant Quartermaster Dun can of the Thenty-second Kansan Regiment lias been tried by court in ir ia! at : horoughfareGap,found guilty of conduct prejudicial to general good order and military d .scipiine,s-’nt 'iiced to be deprived cf rank for two mon bs and con* fined to regimental camp,-to for* fe>t half pay during term of con finement and to be reprimanded by the com na d ; ng General of the army. Gen-ral Davis, the brigade commander, has approved the finding and sentence of the court. Army officers in the War De partment expressed surpri-e at the lightness of the sentence, the state ment having been made that it was conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, and therefore mer/ed dismissal at the least. Captain Duncan’s rffense was that of having the remains of Con federate soldiers near the camp dug up.ln this desecration he was assisted by enlisted men, and per sisted in it until he was ordered un fer ar-est. He contended that his only desire was to secure relics, and skeletons were being examined to this end. Since his arrest Captain Duncan has been in confinement and under guard. It is not customary during tne time of war to forward the findings of the courrL-martial tn the office of the Judge Advocate General. They zo direct to the General commanding the brigade, the officer in this case being Gen eral Davis. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, brusese sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fewer sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quired. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv all Druggists. Bismarck was one day in a company where among other things the subject of how much it cost to gain experience in life cropped up. He kept silent for a time, but presently joined in the conversation and said: “Fools pretend that you can on ly gain experience at your own expense, but I have always managed to learn at the expense of others.” Alger’s fever cemps have done more to cool the arder of American patriotism than all the Mauser bullets of all the Spanish guns A ( LEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it, Anybody can try it who has Lime Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right awav by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tonesup the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. Itcures Constipation, Headache, Faint ing Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegeta-. bio, a mild laxativ', and restorer Ihe system to its n dural vigor. 1 Try Electri • Bitters and be con vinced that they are a miracle ; worker. Every bottle guaranteed | Only 50c a bottle at Curry Ar- I T ington drug afore., | CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1:00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 4:15 a. m.; leave Rome 10.35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m.; leave Rome 6 :25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is ako a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives • Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga 3.10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. tn. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. SICK MEN GOING HOME. * Washington, Aug 29.—The sick at Camp Algor are being rapidly removed to their respective states. Forty-two sick men of the Mis souri regiments left today. Tomor row one hundred sick men of the Sixty fi tffi New York will b home in a hospital train. e Beu ' II Beware of Imitations jf■ » ■ mW"'* x I JMi Mr luu*'! WW, A&WMb WBL Fa in ■—Mm 1