The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 01, 1898, Image 6

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’//TZXi or £ai <®hBS&K£H ( ’■ o •* > N.thing hfts Ite. n heard >f Red wine, Atlanta's ini sing linnkir. 'lbero must Im a h< Kitnevliore that Atlanta criminals crawl into. Wjpoiro'-s lloraol Ji’ .- o 0.0 Mrs A B. Cor'hall, nf Milbridgo Me. tins non ea vomit it u I patch work qmlt the ci ntei piece of which is a bit of h tie hunting from a sigi al fl g saved from the battleship Maine. , <» o o Leites dioj ptd mtn a b< x in in Berlin with in an hour and a half, and some times within thirty five minutes They are wh'sked through tubes by pneumatic fit.ver V l Vegetarians assert that one acre of land will comfortable support four persons on a vegetal) e diet o o o Our soldiers have organized the Society of the Army of Santiago Gome?., however, still remains r the most exclub*ye set. — Richmond Times. o o o Make Aguii.aldo coal oil inspec tor al Manila and lei 't co at that. —M< inphis Commercial-Appeal o o o Capt. Sigsbee may be described as one of th ) men who are the bet ter f»r a first-cl;:ss blowing up.— Philadelphia Ledger, o o o Some one of tfiesedays Admiral. Sampson will inadvertently ad mire eom.dmdy other tl an himsel! and then drop dead in the grand stand. Mempl is Commercial- Appeal. o o o The real author of “ A Hot Timi in the O.d Town To-Night,” which has been described since the San tiago fight as tin new nat'onai anthem, is, recording to a dispatch from D-over, an old negro woman named Amanda Green, who mug it L'-r years until it was final \ picked up by ft.trav. I'-r actor, wh g>L the tune and fix-d up tin wolds ♦<> suit liim-ie|t’, retai img. however, tin- title and the main idea. 9 0 0 Lillian Ru Aelf, whois how in Gm tnairv; is contemplating an ap pearance in Madrid, rn fact, nego tiations hu¥ , already be n opened \V het hep s’, ewil I seek to add a genuine D.m t<> |i.»t mat 11 mon iu I suing is not known, hut s ,e ap pears lo hav<- no tear, d spite the late unpleasantivss, 91 a cold re ception, o o o h e Ohio Demociacy has taken no backward step on the tree silver qil'Btion, and its hearty reso'u t'ons in li vor of Bryan are * dis heartening to the go'd. olat' r». c 00 • ‘>l’ll tell you what it is,” ex claimed 'he editor of a yellow jour nal/Hhc days am mighty few when we don’t makes mt.” Whereat a, bystander quietly in terpesed: “Os c-inise you use « sowing piece?”— B sto.i Courier. * ’ A 000 • Dar ain no good o’ l.eing back ward in this life,” s .id Uncle Eb n. “De parrot ain’a very smart bird. But. it manages pu-ty c ’intor aole jes’ by gittiu’ on d • an’ hoi Orin’ de little bit it knows ’ — Washington Star. • 000 “If you do not marry m ■ I shall hirg Tnypetf ’” exclaimed a love l<> r n Denver young man. “Well, if y< u do, please go down a block, was 1 hecheertul responst “lor 1 heard pip.i say lih did not want you-to h dig around here.” ■—Deny r Times. o o o That Mi s ■en G mid is a in >st Ct'arilah e wyn)' 11 evidenced by her tn-'ny large contributi >n I■ 'f the refief of 'he poor. Fr<>n Mav 4i to Angus' 24 her checks foi .the relief <»i sick s diers am lint to $127 V'kl >0 h n If our g’virniji mt intends f.o PITIFUL BGENES • - ■■■■ • —II-—I ■ ,lll ; When Ballimarj s Sick Antvtd H oiiie FROitf HUjmVILLE GAMP Women Wept over H e> oes who Seoni cd Dyli g Balt'more. Md., Am’ 21 —Orm hundred and twelve sick m mhers of the Filth Maryland 1! gin.ent Volunteers came from Hunlsyillr. Ala , to Baitim. re looking m< r» like a cavalcade fro u Spirit Lum! than the sturdy 0 ddiersf who marched in a..swer to tin- r count ry sca I Haggard a:.d emuepdrd the men were taken from the earr nnder auspices that mus go down as one of the saddest days in Bal timore’s history. The tr-i i. m <le up < f six Pull man coaches and a baggage car was brought into the center of the ciiy, where it was met by a crowd of auxious men ami women, weep ing. Tne latter became hysterical as the still forms in blue were taken from tne cars and placed in the ambu ! anc s. They broke through the squads of police and threw themselves upou the stretchers, Bobbing out lerins of < ndearnvmt. Tlie majori ty of the invalids were scarcely ah’e to lift up their l ends, thus.- able to speak d chired that they had been starved into sickness and and they scored th., army < flieials and their treatment at camp ii imniensured terms. When the tram came in it wts met by eight police ambubmees, conveyances fr< in the various hos pitals and ptivate vehicles, 'fhe me;, were in charge of Dr. I. Riog i,y I’rimble, former stall surg (>n who went to Louisville f< r this purpose, and a regimental hospital corps. Tender hands transf»r -c the «ick from the cars 10 the au.bu anceH and th y were fatten et . no lo the City and Maryland Uoivi r si ty hospitals. '1 he sick who were not in nerdofimm d an-I'i’ention ,vere sent to then so mes. While co deaths occurred, a great num her am il.. Dr. irimbl-, when asked for an inf, rv.ew 51.0..| his head and sain: “I have dene nothing but weep •duce my arrival at Huntsvi ie Several of the h.ispi. a phvsici ns iecbired ui.Eesital io D lv that lh< conditior. 6f the mon pointed to criminal neg ig ice. somewhere. The men wefe not properly f-d while well and not given the uec eseaiy attention w en sick M.inv of the poor fellows called pile ms- Jyjfor nourishment when taken o the h'.spi’al ” follow a new policy concerning the protr c. ion of its citizens abro -d, it can make ago d beginning at once in the case of Henry A. Care! of New Y..rk, who has lain foi eight m mills in a II mduras dun geon without trinl, ’and Who is still there, accused of h imicide From what is know of the case, his friends claim he kill a man 11 self defense. It would take one <d ur warships only i? few days t< find out. and anyone o: them would Jo—the Mangrove, for instance • 000 That hungry American s >ldiei caugnt scavenging around tln lunch counter at Montauk Point -hould be court-martialed. His -mndunt is a reflection upoii the Uoromissary Gen. And the becre ary of War. The fish and oysti r ti ust is th. latest culd blooded oi’ganizitior to be launch'd upon the people. PASTEUP FILTERS cnl Gr~,rm Proof FJter in th. M kes onre and He r fjr sale by T/i? T 7 ~ ,<? on Supply Co ! r ■ • i i, 1 \ \\ 001 EN & BRO., j " " v f Successors to ROME PHARMACY. " -i 3(19 Broad st? —New Clark Building. . : 1 \\'p have bought the entire stock of the Rome C-T 1 Phfirnviry and cro prepared to supply your wants in , f ! io<i'ii<'. pir-cr'pti'-n ir.d patent medicine line. Our * i stock i-i < 0111 lete at <i of the verv highest grade.. \\ <> solicit a part of your patronage ami shall er<- ■ d'.'ivnr t i the l)"st of oil!’ ability to please you nt all L time 'Ve sboub be pl-ased to have you call oil us. - . J*'ii j li no i j druggi-t - sundries, to. el articlesand **: > j such things a- .no usually curried in 3 li'-t-class drug 43 store ('igai - and tobacco. Come to see us. 1 I'iKfSniviik 21: vzixri'iri'’- ' n . «' IS ' ’ . S. Al. Stark, 5, ' * kT ? ‘ K ' 5 .Lmß AHil HiiMliihi WLO. S '’7' S-* : • s D/Ugherty Bidg, 2nd,A e «- , -SM * ’ . H i g 1 F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. I THE BIBON SUPPLY CO. I g Plumbing and Pinning. Engineers’ and machinists’ 5 5’ siinpiies. Stoves, ranges and ® ii tin ware. Gas and electric fix- © I’ tares. INSURANCE gasoline 4 stoves. Water meters. 5 325 Broad st . Phone 32. g jOOOOO $1.2.5 and $l5O Negligee shirts for Si J. 1. j Hill i COMPAJ.i —are WAITING for pve'ryono in Rome to conn in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, W 1 bicycle and golf suits, is w hat wo are but we are hus t,in * while w ® wait - We wil! < - show you the finest stock o' HO clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in ‘•t 3 *',' perfect fitting and handsome, t< * n Georgia, and they . are above competition in value*- sor 4 the price. 1 < i Hiegreatest line of negligee shirts ] ever shown i 1 Rome. i J. A. GAHMON & ; ) 1, ; t , ’ Ours ts th© 'Do«iip?3£(ribT rw '' , " t ® ,fro,n ' Department Wiirsery y ‘ in the U. S. p—Wwte 7 1 iu Mroirlj the leading Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, which will be mailed free. Sendfor it now, it will k <t >ave you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory T- v Nx J -u the union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and. friends far and * uear. Have hundreds of carloads of FHL’iT GROMEMTAL TREES, SHIVBS, ROSES, PLANTS. | We send by mail postpaid. Seeds. Rulbs, Plants, Roses. Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival I sausfac-»on guaranteed, larger by express or freight. 44th year. 3a greenhouses. i-booL. ■ IHF M> s gj, 44ARRISO** «OB 528 Painesville C ■ I To Musical Pe I of 1 ome * r < • It is with plojisiiro i'n ,t, vo introduce to our readers the of i nev.’ and co nph ee stock of ' lift I 13 mH ’ A.2N’'Z);? ' r I f Small Musical Instnun ' n ■/. . n the new Mo-eley building, 327 Br <•. I -it.rcet where wo would be pleased to liaye m t c.-dP.-oLI ■> ' examine our goods. The stock consists of gomo of the .- bast ujt pianos and organs on the in irk it o I ty. We k io[) a full line of everything to a Host class inusic.ntore—Suinetinng Ronio hasmeed&t for a long time . Give us a. call and you will fin I a music store that Romans m iy be prou I of • We are detoi mined to e'ese o >• i. i ; « I 31 CYCLES r-*r■ ’ • r -I the earliest possible date. • *■ ' HL 327 Broad Str?eL - 4 .?< >Ji t S. P. Davis,,Ma -ager. X x x X \ X X \ \ X x x.x x \ X’X x x X X X X 4 xr r We keep on hand at all tiiß 'r .a full stock of Sheet Music: 4 - . . J —, RELIABILITY r. I • , I; < d ’ e h . Hlp/ - i is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. , p it is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. -■ I he success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth about it. . . It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper,in the world. Its war news service is unapproachably the best. | Says the Urbana (Ill.) Daily Courier: “We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.” f e > Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, ‘B* Madison street, Chicago. ■' r ' i ' ;.p ' ( ter' ’ ’ n ft-’*/ g'’ r. C . r,i r '' »-? iV -J—i— at-—--nrIfln 1 fl n> |, rtlll . .t— u._. M Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr- J"" ,n y Jan. 2,1891 f would not I t t regard PISOU Without pi sc ; r r for co*- CURE for C, % ’JY 1 A y B f SUCTION as * best Cough C* ugh oi C • uhod it W L.yond all others. 15 y ears . ' z Mrs C. REYNOLD J. ”■ ; ’j a WESTOVER £ ‘l*hq Best Medicine.’’. ’ ' ’ , ’ 1 /.♦)«•* JMVE HAVE NO AGENTS A' 8 but have sold direct to the con- ' l\ W\ nU3lvr for 25 at Whole- jASgMX-. r • It i \ L‘ 1 8al ‘ ; I’ nceß > saving hun the V-/ ‘ Vk / I doaici s profits Shipanv- ' M 0 ij "here for examinato. n /C \/kßi''J ' J r-• 'M P* r / X \ \ I\ , Evor ything warranted. / \JCh//1« 111 1 K Is HS styles of Vehicle*, / T"-- * <>■ 4 I\l /7\ iVI styles of H.nrncre. | .. i H // 1' W „ Tu Pßftggie*,|36to«7o. \V A\></P\X 7.* JJ IPL Sonyy-.F-utojiia. (X A>A/'lX\ / X AK2>f\ V - ~ - _ C— ette«. Spring K»d a , |’j . I ’ Surrey w Wugons. Send f ur lu - Au good M wll , tol f 24 Cuulm-a, Os *ll „. r ' '■■’'snr-r Pric-. with rnrta:u». w »». S ■iwunnv iu.oi uuourxivl,. , ; .. v ILKHART am> uaeaksb mil <■<( H b. rr. ,