The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 01, 1898, Image 7

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We Swln s The DOOr VTIZDEZR, AISrjD STILL WIDER OPEN CHE KANE STOCK Makes this great stere a Greater Store. It multiplies the gem-trM#ures in this house; it mag- I nifies and iliumins our claim, that this is the great bargain-apolis of North Georgia. IND now all ready -w 1 * 4 . The Kane stock is in; is marked down to cost and below cost, and you can buy an hundred ea gle’s worth, a dollars worth ora dime’s worth at or below cost. ... The Kane Stock is for sale and the Bass Stock is for sale—all at our store, 245 Broadway, at • - I * cost or below cost. Much of the goods away below cost. That superbfsalesman, Frank Kane, will be on hand to wait on his friends and the trade. Silk Selects, Wash Wonders. Winsome Woolens, Nobby Notions, ITatchless Millinery, Superior Shoes • ' • o - S lick salables, ' ' . IF YOU WANT GOODS CHEAP, GO TO BASSBROS.&CO ALBERIAM. —' ■ .11.. the Favoritism Shown Michigan Regiments. UDIE OR ALLEGHENY. Sick Being Hurried Away From. Montauk. York, Sept. I.—*here is no change in the program of the government as to getting all the volunteers out of Camp Wikolf just as fast as they can be sent »way. Tomorrow the Tliii ty t >r<l Miclijg iln w i]| ant | , fllir ty-fourth Micui-an will leave on Friday. Those too sick to goon the r °op trains or hospital trains ' -Ji ß Unou khed hpme just rs P“ yas their condition will anTl Ut ’. B . Jth tbe T hi V-th.rd . e *I J i rt y fourth Michican °® 9 On 60 days’ furloughs hencT 1)6 “ n9tei ‘ ed out 00 da y s small 6 k’ ner ‘J hospital is getting he I ? idlj ' <Uitei • h ; tlwe are , ISW docrft 6Ver y h° Jr » the number is Were iiT 8,1 hr<?e hundi ' e<l sick •nd fr* 1 011 ° Ut ,0 hospital X :r'r dt » «»• >— koeoii.1 110 ' “ uow ‘ divieioo Bon M U " d ° r Colnin ““d »t Sur- “ •• Son.- ft.™ t r ,l,>d ,Or N ’ w '’o k, 4 . h ‘ iCk W ‘" be l'““Bfur >«ln te”'- The k " d Choes X U^? 08 ’’ to “ k '® n>»™ T '« sderuoon to New Lou voftn, A ’° ae ex P l »aaUoo of the many deaths on the A’legheny, it is said that the Ninth Massa chusetts regiment took along more of its sick than any other and that men who really ought to have been left behind were taken on the ships, as they and their comrads pre "erred they should risk the voyage home than to remain for what seems to have been considered certain death in the hospitals about Santiago. Many of those who died dur ing the voyage had to be carried on board.* The trip was a slow one. ♦ The Allegheny was a cattle transport totally unfit for the work cut out for her. Her condi tion must have been bad before the troops were put on her and according to Dr. McGruder it was frightful before they arrived here. The Panther brought 106 men of whom fifteen were sick. The men on the Panther were in frirly good condition. While the room was limited there was no overcrowding. DOG SOUNDS FIRE ALARM Fknants In A Blazing House Sav • ed By His Barking. New York, Sept I.—The Bark-, ing of a St, Bernard dug gave an alarm of fire in the apartment house, No. 464 Amsterdam aveneue early this morning. It was beard bv a family who entered the hall, rang all the bells and whistled through the tubes, arousing the in mates . They broke tbe doors of a butch er shop open and dragged the dog out h?lf-su(located. The tenants came down in a hurry. Mis. Anna Lawrence, in her night clothing, and carrying a big valise. The loss was about 1600. TAPE WORMS ••A tape worm eighteen feet long at least came on the scene after my taking two CAS< ARETS. This lam sure has caused my ba.l health for the past three years. lam still taking Cascarets, tbe only cathartic worthy of notice by sensible people." Geo. W Bowles, Baird. Mass. CANDY CATHARTIC T * AOf MARK Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Ta Rte Good. Do ► Jood. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 50c ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Merllnc Remedy Cnatpaay, Ch lea go, Montreal. New York. sl3 SIA 7fii Ulf l Sold and guaranteed by all drug- U"O«u tn <’VH F Tobacco Habit. Annual Sales over6 ,OOO v OOO Boxes FOB BILIOUS AND.KEBVOUB DISORDERS . such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, GH.idincßs. Fulness after meals, Head tche. Dizziness, Drowsiness, Flushings of Heat. Lass of Appetite. Costlvencss. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIE! IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffered will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'B PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys- i tern and cure 8 lek Headache. For a Weak Stomach I Impaired Digestion i Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And have tbe LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine In the World. BUT*A FEW MORE DAYS , and everything remaining un sold wil be packt and shipt. Til then, Drugs, Patent Med- ■ icines,Stationary, Paints, Brush- * es, etc, go at and below cost, at Frank Wright’s Farmacy, at Morton’s old coaner opposit j Masonic Tempi. J Vtantklw Pa>ar«aM*»S n»- MMa«‘ *•** ' r SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condenaed Srhedale I. Effort July 0, 1898. STATIONS. * " fNa 10 Nu jl So 4 Lv Chattanooga 6.30 am 7.30 pm 10.10 pm Ar Dalton 7.51 am 8.42 pm 12.10 am Ar Rome 9.00 am 9.40 pm 1.44 am Ar Atlanta 11.40 am 11.50 pm s.oiarn Lv Atlanta 4.20 pm 11 55pm s.2uam Ar Macon 7. lupin 2 05am 8.20 am Ar Jesup 6.45 am 2.38 pm Ar Everett 7.25 am 3.25 pm Ar Jacksonville 9.40 am 9.25 pm Lv Jesup id.oiatn 6.56 pm Ar Jacksonville ...... I.oopm 10.15 pm Lv Everett ~7.30am "S.3opm Ar Brunswick 8.30 am 4.30 pm No. 10 carries Buhman Sleeping Car Chat tanooga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pulliran Sleeping Car and Day Coaches Chattanooga to Jacksonville and At lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 cardos Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. stations' _2_ No' 13 I Na~9 |~Ro. 7 £7v Atianta 4.200 m 4.00 pm! 7.50 am Ar Rome 6.30 am 6.25 pm 10.20 am Ar Dalton 7.22im! 7.34 pm 11.30 am A.r I 'haitanoo -a 8.40 mi 8.50 pm! I.oopm Lv C iattui.ooga 8.55 am! 9.10 pm! Ar Burgin Ar Lexington . 5.10 pm! 4.50 am Ar Louisville ... 7 sopm| 7.50 am Ar ('in. innatl 7.30 pm 7.30 am Lv Chattanooga..: 1.25 pm I. ,sam 125 pm Ar Nashville 6.55 pm 0.40am 1 6.55 pm No 13 carrie Cullman Sleeping Car Atlanta toChattanu ga and Chattano >_-a to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sloepin > Car Atlanta .0 Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville stations. | No. 6. | Na 12 I No. 1A tv Chattau <»xa 8.40 am i. 10am iO.OOpm Ar Knoxville IlhSim 405 am t. 10am ArMorrlst wn t 2!j>m 9.50 am 2.25atn Ar Hot -prings l,pin 11.46 am 4.00 um Ar Asheville 4.30|>ml 1.15 pm! 5.10 am Ar Salishury 6.4oprai 9.30 am As Greensboro 9.52 pm! 12.19 pm ■ ./Raleigh .... l.4ouMA23pm Ar Norfolk. 7 .'>o:inr' Ar Wa hington.... 6.42 am 9.35 pm Ar New York 12.43 pm 6.23 um No. 12 carries Pullman Drawing Ko an Sleep ing Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond 640 a.m also Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Norfolk No. 10 is solid train Chattinoo-a to Salis bury, with Pullman Sleeping Car Chutiuhoo-a to Salisbury aud Salisbury to New Verb with out'change. , STATIONS nj iSo r I No. 6 Lv Chattanooga s.aipml 8.40 am .Ar Knoxville 8.4.,pm 11.55 am Ar Morristown 2.15 am 1.23 pm Ar Bristol 7.00 am; 3.55 pm Ar Washington 7.40 am Ar New York ~. L2op<n No. 6 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta □oofta to Washln-.-t >n and Chaitan. oga to New York without change. No. 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Knoi <■lll# to Bri 101. STATIONS _ 7" ~ 15 Lv Rome 9.10 am Ar Anniston 11.21 am Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm .Ar Selma 3.55 pm Ar Meridian 7.30 pm Ar New Orleans 1030 am /Fjackaon 9.45 am Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar Shreveport 7.20 pm tNo! Mk Wjo. Up _ Ifflaf pNp 10 J-bOpm ISopm Lv Rome ar Asoam 8.35 am A 4opm 657 pm Ar God.den ar Aooam &3oa-n AOOprn 7.10 pm Ar Attalla. Jv A4sam '•roam t Dally exoapt Bunday. | Sunday only. F. S.GANNON.kIv.r. Ao n .Waaklngtaa, D.O. J. M. CULP. Trat. Mgr-. Waabiagtoa. D. O. W A. TURK, Q. P. 4L. WaakkaetM. D. C aA. BSMKWna, 4 ■a*dO>anisi>Mi— L'VER SALE! AND FEED STABLES. o.lll*l thi o i ill’s tlu fi 1395 tea-us, betcoiivey ' ances and mist pilita an 1 courteous driva-s The best stock of horses and mule-1 ju .sale oou stantly. 4 ■ ft rests with yo whether you continnr m r . e-killing tot acco habit removes the d< airt for tcbAct c with BMSK out nervous dUireSM expels A > tine, purities the blood, ■tores lost manhood. A boxes i»kw you Strong PjL'sold. 400,000 in health, and TO BA<’ from A iLJi four own drug<iF,t. who J ® ’ 'UcL for ÜB. Take it with aT ™ will, pad ‘ntly, persistenvly One » UF’~" >ox - asualjy caret, 3 bpxeß.t* W, Rnaranteed to cure. o« we refund m<> y I a* — r y M»»dv Ca. '’hi-arv N»w 2-°CENT STAMP! —————— an i Will send a tettaato any point in Uncle Sam's big / domain.) For this very jj reason, if you are sick, i sore or suffering, this very trifling outlay , I'-'-Xc \ ’jjduKEl May Save Your Ufa! write a plain letter, can t you? Well, it will take just two cents to carry it to tht “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famous specialists who form the staff of* that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came in per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do ing it every day. They now have patients in «di the adjoining States, sonic of them hundreds of miles away, aud their cures are simply won derful. CURES POSITIVE AND[nrFI CONSULTATION Fnttl In ewry Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club Foot, Hare Lip, Cross Eyes and other surgical cases, also in aV forms of bkm and Blood disorders,Rheuma* ttam. Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose Throat, I/ungs, Stomach or any vital organ, I.iver, Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak i uesses of either men or women, diseases of the sexual parts and every other bodily affliction that highly traiued socialists alone can deal with. Write freely It costs you nothing If we un dertake your case we shall send yot question blank for full particulars. If you* case is curable by human skill aud perfect science WE > ! SHALL CUWS IT. | That first 2-cent stamp may save your life. AU letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, | Washington Medical & Surgical 1 INSTITUTE. | ■O4-1 AtwteU BMjr., MlMta, <J» Witajw Western & .Atlantic R. R. (iuniHEIDS IN ; AND. » Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway ‘ ..TO.. CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS ST. LOUIS. PULLMAN RALACF BUFFET SLEEPMG OWS JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA .. TO .. NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. Local Sleepers between Atlanta and Chat- tanooga. ( heap Emigrant Rates to Arkansas and Texas. Excursion Tickets to California and Col- orado Resorts. for Maps, FoMers, Sleepvra Car Reaervatioa aaU any information ab.iut Batns, ScheOakis, ate-, write or apply to C. B. 5741 Ki R, X A. IHOMAS, . 'icket Agent, ticket Ageat, f tlaior ’teoot, No. 8 Kimball aooae, . ATLANTA GA. £. X. AYtk. ». t. tVMUMOSON, Ticket Agent. Ckattaaaoga, Rome, ba. Mae, 19$. ML MOWN, CHAS. t. HARMAN, traffic Maaoaer, Sea Haaa. AgL, * - . Ulama. tL I