The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 02, 1898, Image 2

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YSLLOW FEVER Spreads al Orwaod, Miss. New Cases Reported. QUARANTINE DECLARED And Heroic Etfoils Ad- pled to Stamp It Ou f « Jflckson, Mies., Sept. 2 —Ten new C'-s"s < f y< How fover hi p ip port>\l f. om Orwood. These eases have appeared since the re >o r t of the first in fection there and tire said to be oi a mild type. The official r port of In ptjciors Gr nt, Domi and H irais »n of- he M»<«;ssip’j« board and Inspect*” - GUI, of the L*>uisi «na b->:<rd of health on die fir«i 0i wood whs received today and unhesitatingly pro nounces the infection ye’-.w fever . M-- ndiar, Mi-<, Sept. 2. The * ate board -f health met Jackson »nd iss 'eri a > order stopping all passenger traffic on the line of the I ! ’ii).iis Central tkelwe i G<‘“'rid.i and Hollins Sp ing*. is 1 l‘tig Orwood. An order w'is “’so issued p-ohibi'- iig »nv more excursions being run by railroads until ail danger of Hii epidemic has passed. The following resolution w;-s pagspd : “Be it ordained by the execu tive committee of the stale beard of heahh that no soldier from foreign points infected With yellow fever will he allowed to enter the st.ite of Mississippi Without a health certificate showing t' at he has been in a non’iifected point for a per od of Un days last preceding, a> d no baggage, freight or expies* wi 1 re allowed from taid poin : * un less by act'd disiu •ecth'ii from the hospital sen ice.” It was lepo ted t » the bo’rd <»f b>'tdth that tlieie were su«- picot-N < ■•► s < ■ f< vw ;»i Water Val'ev "I be b-ve- < xpe 's w» i t loTnyii- ’s‘l ton -st ni; fit to invert-gate liie -us. cious irve at Ji -t p-i t.. Jimistm*. *<". S-‘ >i. 2 —A spec fi' -n A!•••'«:i ilo -he Post S'i F B mil, st.lie Imahh officer, i» - received the f >1! ,w m_ am f -om New O aigm d by E<i. rood Souchon, of liie Ima-d of health: • Four suspicious cases near 0 wood. LaFayei e county. k‘ ss. 11 've qu irat.ti.n d and saiit. mt dtcal inspectors. Will send- you c pr of inspection soon as received. “J vs place I i’ispscl-» on fr-n-w. N-il,.i >i« allotod to enter L-’nis's «. fuitn mu. he t bound £ » -.f I .il'av ■>!. e county '.o Cuffe - v lie, n Yr 'ubuni a ecu ty. •Health <e •ifi.uten ruu v<l iron, rll pas-flt ‘ o tt"8 com ’-g .oni po’uU between Her>.»i)ia>, I,'o‘ly S,-,i< gs and '■:. e tada 1 e gun o- »! i ver ciueeii g qu»r..rtine sta i-n* lihvh b- en noli, tied b; D . I’.lu it to n I.nit no ffo.n he i-jfeo h<l d dl;''vl>. Ati-lm. TnX Sept 2. —S ale Hetl’ii r Blent hs-: is-ue-l t<- all q. are • ! •blut i n 8 : lung ib<- W-x can b >rd o r»qu re het th cert finale- trom rnaffeet d porta « r all persons •<»-k t • to c une lo T >’•»-. Tl'S s dt-uned n • -riy nit • g i j r-p. r s f uni Mix co ihai tb>- vc 1 r. ~ 9 v - r J ir-t •-■•.). is no bett*- r- dv H r 'y eu Orc' d f’ <n> •» '•j< -n. ms ether oootinne fiiwai ObM, JI -3-To.b a tacl aW ; s«*«* coc 000 «r“»■ OWE OrurKUl »M t.r*> Take >t wikk BOAT SUpIK . lit’. Billie Tcwers Looses His Beat Mail's AND NAPTHA LAUNC/I ) Last Night Du. ng the Heavy Ra! .s i Z’idtLe day it .aiued . fcosvv rains «* reported t h ougb« i out the coiintv last night, and i i , buuiu pta.esd'd ly dam ’ _,e i ) crops. Toe E'nwob *ivf* . is on a buoui aid roue several . t; da; ng th“ heavy rains < f ia&t n gfrt. •he O otaiiHti a al-o took on t- o much I.- st iiigtii, n<>d canned Mr. t’l.lie T.iWera, lo loose !»•« boat holier and heaut’hjl !-■'».« n-iphtha launch. The boat hi.u 3 ib a floating one and »as ti u d to a I e about two hundred yards above th« I*. it 1). bridge, where the b thing 3uh> o* ’n bat’it-'g. The lih.v currwti broke tiie rope, and a» lbw t»o*-t was tied to the house, both floated d >»n .he river » short distance and w.-re «n-»k hv drift, wood. Bo I Worm in Co on. Aiueri -tts, G 1., S ‘pt. 2.—Far mt ”s in this section iv - e cousin erfddy alarmed over the appear ance of th i b »ll worms in eolto 1 fields and already vast injury has been sustained. S imples of bolls exhibited here today show they have been enli'e'y destroy ed with the exception of the gre n sh ill or covering. In tn.inv fields the yield will be cut off one half. I'iiis destruction of cotton is not confined to any particular locality, but appears general thr< ughout this section of the stale and will greatly de crease lhe y?eid of cotton. 'HIE CALIJ'TS M A u.i. Be 1/ n |.y Dos |Chri.oh In ITrsin. Paris, b >t 2. Carlists me iule/1 v-riug :<>b.»i row mo. oy. The P'elei.uer uileod personal V to ■d- dg-nuns if to rv mburse the •mders. C-iuii’ D« M.oHe made Job state niHtit i< c.mfeienc- ot Car ist ■ h'e’-' h’ I) s house. He d. cla-ed that w i D.m ', ..l<>sw.»e well iff hs >• ;r va e 1 e 1 lenum yet u go-at dea of ’no-iey i- peedeu lo put an . Di" into tile field. even for a etior 11 11 -. Ine C- tnit “Iso declared that l).m Chil<>h w- mo ‘■ad Iho army i i o - soi). a id he lias not ah licived in .‘av uof ! 1 son. Don Jam i e. Cancer Oi. the Breast. . Mr. A. R. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St., Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife paid no attention to a tmall lump which appeared in her breast, but it soon de veloped into a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment oi the best physicians, it continued to spread and grow rapidly, eating two ■ holes in hei breast. The doctors soon pronounced her incurable. A I /yj&CßkffiOk celebrated New York specialist then treat- V 1 h cr > but she con- tinned to grow worse ■EZ and when informed X*. both her aunt end grandmother had died from cancer he gave the case upas hopeless. • Urr Someone then re- **' commended S.S.S. I and though little hope remained, she begun it, and an improvement was no- 1 deed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared eutircly, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign oi > the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy* S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease. Our books 1 will be mailed free to any ad- V. ' W ® S 1 , : 2 H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., | r'** SIICCOHROI-S t.O J-A JU -5 ROME PHARMACY. J' TWi 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building., •L. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome I’bertu'icy and uro prepared to supply your want* in jjl,, the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our . 1 sui stock, is complete and of the very highest grade. Wo solicit a part'd your patronage and shall en- J* deavor to the best of our ability toplease you at all —times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. Fulllineof druggist’s sundries, toilet articles an ‘ such things as are usually carried in a first-class dru mt , ’ store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. a s fcaK K ~ S. M Stark, 2 1 • MBS 1 » LIDliiS AND GENTLEim TAM > g •h Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A e►« MM MO r-< MSI liHiiHiiUiHHiiliiiiiHUlE'fi ' NORRIS N. SMITH. § 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. | Plumbing and Tinning. 2 Engineers’ and machinists' 5 $ supplies. Stoves, ranges and © 5 tinware. Gas and electric fix- c y tures. INSURANCE gasoline 3 2 stoves. Water meters. 9 325 Broad st. Phone 32. © 2 ® sao©ou©»-xx :x xxd $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for $1 J. A. GAWJ 4 COMPANY , ARE WAITING < for everyone in Ronfie to conn in and see the magnificent stSc'k e/<| on men’s and boy’s clothing, SL bicycle and golf suits, is what , we are doing, but we are hus tling while we wait. We will { rW show you the finest stock ol —jj 7wm 111 clothing, made from the newest 1 styles and patterns in fabricks, perfect fitting and handsome, to he found in Georgia, and they . are above competition in values < for Ji he price. | • < S t The greatest line of negligee shirts 1 ever shown in Rome. 1 J. A. GAMMON & J ) Ours is the Most Complete I our wants from Department Nurse?; < in the U. 8. low rate*. We publish one of S&ZjFS PH*' the leading Seed, Plan* and Tree Catalogues issued, which will Be mailed free. Send for it now.H will 'rr eave yon money. Try na, can refer you to customers io every etale and territory TWBMSSwI' Af ~ . in the Union. 43 years of square dealing baa made ua patroue and tnendstar and •ear. Have hundreds of carloads ol FBUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PqiNTtl We tend by snail postpaid, Secda. Bulba, Plante. Roaea, Smail Trees, Etc. »ai fMrtu&n. eauafac'mn guaranteed; larger by eapreaa or heigh*. 44th year. »« g jgffLSL , ■»> THE * Hq* ^ gß :To Musical Peple of Rome • It is with pleasure that wo introduce to pur readers th r, of a new and complete stock of 0 ; '■' ™ 1® ’ AND! ? Small jyiusildall len ’ » • I A < * • A > J n the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street where we would be pleased to have yuu call and • examine our goods. V- The stock consists of some of the' best tn.ikea <i|t pianosand organs on the market t®i(y. tWe keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store—Something Romp has needed for ■ > a lo.ig time. Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud of 3 I We are determined to close 0 1 ;i< a■< 1 Bi .' •* the earliest possible date. SJMbBWSSI B * ; ‘ ‘ ' I 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Manager. v f J We keep on hand at all times a full stock of i Sheet Music; I ~~ - - - - ■ ' ~ , I lI UBM i RELIABILITY > Is a quality sbme newspapers have lost sight of in thm days ot ••y e iu«.” journalism. They care little for tnrtl > and a great deal for temporary sensation. | It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. 7' ’ The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—«fi the news—and tells the iruii’ about it. j I h is the only American newspaper outside New York city > that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and iti t own staff correspondents and artists at the front in botb hemispheres. z It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world Its war news service is unapproachably the best j Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: “We read the war news in the other papen» then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see bow much of it is true/' Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, *0 Madison street, Chicago. • : , ‘L IU . ' - , T Como, Wfe„ Hyannis, N«br, Jan. lU, 1898. 3 Jan.ll* .: 11 would not be , r re pard PBW without PI3O S CURE’FOR urWilt ALIfrstFAILS. SUMPTION U * SLJPiTON fat-itny best Cough thing. For a uad cine on the Mar* Cqugn or Cell it is ■ ••• beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs U REYNOLDS. J. jl WESTOV* “The Best Cough Medicine.” HAVE NO AGENTS ** bnl have told direct to the oon- I | J -ijil |\ turner for 25 year* at whole- L hKI ■ ’ - fl M •»)< Prwea, saving him the 1 dealer ep rnfito Ship any . W M J -her. tor eunun.ti'in A /yA S E».rylhing w.rr*ul«d / /VA Z J yj 11 IV 1 kj*- ‘iHwyi-’.-f v.hi,iM, f-- -AM 7/\\«4 M of H.rue». I— f ** 1111 //IW. io,Bnggi..,we u>wo. 11/I JIW BorrjT«.»sUU,kf2s C.rrii-\ X /wAJe t 7 * nnWM. Trat». X /LX \ y idUM ~ Jjte., Spring-Road and MilV Vffe- "" ************ tttaWuaH all ow nylt. .nd t—trnJG. U&KABT •■—!««« Am axiMBM sera C«. w. ■. pmats, • M VkaMMMMrW*'