The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 02, 1898, Image 4

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THf rniSIUB COIIM KHUBTLEROF ROM E 1»VO ROME COMMERCIAL EBtabllßtMMlf IHVft. •■ed "try evening, except Saturday. Sendav and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, \ * fditokanu manager. Offloe Wuk<r»xi Hl<>ck. Third Avenue R there, Col. Oyster! The flour-faced ballet g'rl Will nowLegin to stalk the boards. M! L - . Hogan? Hogan ? Wonder what relation he sustains to the Ho— g*n a ville postoffice affui'? When Toddy Roosevelt is mustered out then olger may “hope” to hear something drop, v Wanting her own way in ev erything doesn’t spoil a girl half so quickly as having her own way. fiercer the fight rages be tween Alger and Miles the more pleasure in it for the southern people. „ , Col. Allen D. Candler is marching on to that 100,030 Democratic majority next Octo- ( ber.—Cedartown S«andardi Though Joe Wheeler only weighs 80 pounds new, he is still ’ equal to a city pound full of < wild cats, when it come-, to a « •crap. , How would those officers who * • are trying to keep the private 1 •oldiers in service against their ’ frills, like to see their names in f print? * When Spain •lies down and ! •ays she has enough, there will ' be peace without a protocol or a commission, says the New Or leans Picayune. ’ ■-'1 A— -B < The treatment of the soldsers , has been and is criminal neg- < lect. All that now remains to be done is to find out the criminal. ] —Boston Traveler. < The New York World pays ( high and deserved tribute to , Miss Annie L • ‘a Wheeler, daughter of Gen. Joe Wheeler. She is as much of a heroine as ber father is a hero. Editor Frank Reynolds comes by to observe: “Rome has just I received a car-load of Baking » powder. 'You can’t keep Roirte down. She’ll rise if she b“- to take powder to do so.” Col. Ray’s charges against Lieutenant Colonel Reeves of the Georgia immune# w-erenotsus ’ tained by courtinartial at Santi ago. Reeves has been reinstated Ray is a cranje, says the Way cross Herald. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. rlt is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one con cern in the land who are not •fraid to be generous to the needy ami suffering. The pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given awa\ over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine ; and havi the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases Asthma, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and all dif •ases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by ’ it Call on Curry Arrington, drug gist, and get a trial bottle free Regular size 50c and sl. fever) bottle guaranieed or money re jßMuule'l. Ita> tor»l to tta Uom< SHtof pavtor tarar*. Aatato teeto atow H •aaaaaa- SMrS torta.r toaa Ms Htort««A . ■0I&H '-'f *akiHo , POWDER AbMlMtoty for* BOVM Kim VOWMa 00., MW vaaa. Col Candler declared in his Milledgeville speech that “free silver was not a cardinal doc trine of the democratic party.” What if he did? The people of G< orgia have overwhelmingly chosen him as democratic candi date for governor and it is wast ing words to discuss the matter. Let all good democrats come together atid elect “Uncle Allen” in October.—Dalton Citizen. Good. The Citizen taxes the correct view of the situation. The Citizen mnde an open,manly fight against Col. Candler in the primary, but being a good dem ocrat now falls into line and wields'its blade most fearlessly for the people’s chosen leader. The election of that grand old, commoner, Allen D. Candler, will inspire confidence in Geor gia and its resources. Let us all get ready for the greatest ad vancement along the line of in dustrial growth the state has ever known. Business is what we want, business .in politics, business employed in pushing the advantages of Georgia not spasmodically, not by fits and starts, but constantly, steadily end with an eye always set for t\« material development of the state, —Americus Times Recor der. Col. Hogan (the man who thinks he is running for govern or) save that he can plow as straight a furrow as Colonel Candler can. Well, that’s nothing, we have an oil bow legged colored woman in this county, 75 years old, who can beat Col. Candler running a straight corn row, but she, like Col. Hogan, lacks a devil of a sight of being qualified to be the governor of Georgia,—lrwinton Bulletin. ■. i * When congress meets there I will doubtless be an invotsga | tion of the war department. It will not be democratic affair, either, for the northern republi cans seem to be the madest of the whole lot who are indignant over the way the volunteer army has suffered in the various camps.—Albany Herald. Europe is soliciiouUy inquir ing, “Is this Uncle Sara now in our midst a relative of the late Col, Monroe?” Europe is bor rowing trouble. She should wait until the definite peace negotia tions are ended before complain ing. She may have cause for complaint then. She has none now.—Macon News. The statement that.only 2 per cent of Gen. Leejs corps is on the sick list is the best? possible testimonial of the efficiency of that gallant old warrior, and confirms the belief that he was the man to command the army ot invasion.—Americus Times Recorder. Henry is not a French name, and yet the late Col. Henry’s actions speak louder than words in convincing the. world that he waa French Ui 110. \<*r he r t of ius “honor.” Your Uncle Pigeon Rooster had to climb right up on Candi date Hogan’s own roosting pole to crow his first time. Your Uncle’s <1 ea l game.—Bainbridge Search Light. Congressional politics is warm ing up down in the Eleventh. What Col. Brantly will do to the mongrel leade- of the mongrel crew that opposes democracy, “will be i plenty.” The trouble the army had in taking care of the Spaniards on the field of battle is nothing compared to that of which the' war department has in taking care of the army.—Nashville American. Gen, Bradley T. Johnson in Speaking of the cordiality with which Admiral Schley was re ceived at the navy department the other day says: “Public opinion makes reputation, and Schley will receive his due.” Oom Paul Kruger, it i< said, has begun to assume a little more of the pomp and ceremo ny of a president, and for the past three months he has had a detail of seven troopers to escort him from one government build ing to another. ; Some of “the best citizens of Smithville, W. Va., turned and tarred six objectionable women of the neighborhood. It is pre sumed the worst cititzens of Smithville were busy running the Sund ty school.—Americus He ra.u. If the r.poit that Czar Nicho las, in his peace circular, has stolen War Lord William’s thunder is 1 rue,then Billy should do the Spencer Atkinson act — after Handsome Bob jumped in the mix, and go write a dissent ing opinion. A record price for old silver was established in London re cently by the sale of an Eliza bethan seal top silver spoon, weighing an ounce and a half, for slso—that is, for SIOO per ounce. Now listen for a howl from the goidbug press. 1" !' ■"■Wl - PITHY PRESS PARAGRAPHS >» The stars and stripes, let it be hoped, will continue to float over Manila for all time,— Cleveland Union, Rep. Uncle barn’s next big job will be getting those 11,800 Spanish prisoners home from Manila. — Philadelphia Ledger. “The Cubans do not know I <' ! - I*. ■■ yyi 00 ““ *“•* ,fca ‘ looh * <i a* - * - ■*” <><«toiloww~draft qtotoaoad Um •moatoertof •park; and life to a tut Stss- ThtMMMida as >aopl« W voting wagk ejing diaeuM «vtry wfeobr Ji rnlw of Mtitft and rraaon oafta to be reatond to h<«!<k and rtrati(to TV medicines they raealve from tM« doctor ac cordiag to ttfuUliea. Btot.o«yv«<i practice are mere fenpar.ry palltotiai; they do not reach dove drey ante to, vital otwaniaa where the spark of life Mm dormant wait tog to be awakened. in natuberleas easaa where every other remedy.absolutely fall. D». Haeoe's Medical Discovery braato" its strong vi- UlmtW power apoe tfce 'Umbering forces of life aadwakaiM toeci into active enetwy It aatekeasthe digeaMve and biood-makki and empowepi them to 'apply •nah rtob nourishment la all the esg'ni akd tto •tota, lakti ttoe heyt and laa«a with yi tality, deatrsying and secreting naturally ■nm the svtorm the bile-polaoaed dree* which lurk In toe circulatioa, thua building up new constitutional vigor aad activity “ I took a severe eoM which willed on my and Isotored InSeaasly. " wrtoe Mr Harrison Smith, es Gaprre'k gy "i tried several of our beat shwsnaaa. and they f>.« up all hope of my rvcdeeVy; they mid I had •tuurompyton .tad could not to. tuov. than a Aw ESV i '“‘•'raefto. Pierce a Golden “«dics) Dtocovcry and an> wend and weU to day 1 feel tatter than 1 have to fen yWrre." m EICHJLffiCE OF SIRUP OF MS to due not only to the or%iuality and aimplioity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it ia mannfaetdred by scientific processes known to the Caupobmia Fie Sraur , Co. only, and wtr wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Flys is manufactured by the California Fig Svbuf Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It ia . far in advance of all_.oWier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor .nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FBANCIBOe, CaL MCMTILLK. ’ *tW YORK. N. T. when they are well off,” says the Hartford Post. How should they. They never had the experi ence.—Boston Transcript. Americans are already com plaining that Porto Rico is too easy. It has no bitter frosts, no cyclones, no barren plains, no populists and no grasshoppers. —Chicago Times Herald. The girl he left behind him did not really appreciate the horrors of war until she read of the bugs and kisses with which \>ur soldiers are being received in Porto Rico. —New York Press. >. • Admiral Uervera is competent to give his fellow countrymen some reliable and interesting information concerning the Uni ted States, and .he talks like a man who proposes to do that very thing.—Washington Post. It is shrewdly suggested that the Spanish authorities should institute an investigation as to who is responsible for getting their country into the terrible trouble it has just gone through. A man named Weyler is sus pected,—Cincinnati Enquirer. • There’s a pretty big sprinkling of good looking girls all over this broad country who are ‘not sorry to hear of the mustering out. When the boys lay down their arms the girls will be ready to fold them.—Cincinnati Commercial Tribune • reelectionsofa bache lor, •th ■ * A fool is a fool and so are a good many other people. To like to be right is mascu line ; J>o like to be thought right is feminine. The only real reason why a girl refuses to marry a man is because he doesn’t ask her. Men will always know that women aren’t angels as long a; any of them have any sisters in their families. A girl’s affections that are governed by what mamma says, are like rubber—easily stretch ed. When a girl looks at a man as if she wanted him, it disgusts him ; when she looks at him as if she didn’t, it does, too. —New York Press. Secretary Alger, as the head of the department of war, will justly be held responsible by the people, unless impartial investi gation places the blame else where Chicago Daily News. HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT The government stands con demned when, notwithstanding it. has $2.50,000,000 cash balance in t »e treasury, its sick soldieis are kept alive mainly through the energy and assistance of private associations like the Red Cross and the initiative of indi. vidual citizens.—Springfield Re publican If only one half the authenti cated statements that are made were true there would be imper ative reason for prompt investi gation and the condign punish ment of those responsible for this shameful and cruel treat ment of men who imperiled their lives in their country’s service.—New York Herald. It is rather too much to ask the public to believe that all the quartermasters, commissaries and surgeons in the army are incapable, and only the incom parable Alger is without re proach. He exploits the honors of the position, and he cannot escape its responsibilities.—Bal timore American. Cases have been known in abundance where soldiers have been starving or dying for want of proper supplies which lay but a few miles away. The secretary admits that there may have been some “carelessness and negligence,’ 4 and in that admis sion he touched upon the chief cause for complaint against his department.—Boston Advertis er. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exorcise in the ipen air. Her form glows and ber face glows with its eauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of figs, manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Ce ..only • CUBANSdJNDER LkWTON. / —— Gomez Instructs Officers to lie-t port to American Commander. Santiago de Cuba Sep. 2—Gen eral Lawton, commanding the department of Santiago, received word today that the Caban leaders Cebrece, Lacret and Pedro Perez, have been ordered by General Maximo Gomez t? place themselves under Lawton’s command. Gen eral Lawton is gratified to have charge of the Cuban under these officers and believes that the ar rangements will expedite the dis banding of the Cuban forces. He has decided to employ Cubaa of ficers in important civil positions in the province of Santiago de Cuba. Left Yesterday. —The Gad sden base ball nine returned to their homes yesterday On account of the inclemency of the weather, i hey were Enable to play the s Tins of three games he-e . There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than al) other diseases put together, and until 'ho Hsf fpw yearn was eup po«ed to be incuri’ble. For a great many years d ctors pronounced ' a local diseas, and prescihed lo cal remedier and by constantly failing to cute with local treat nrfit, pronounced it incurable fecienc- has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, ai d there foie requires constituticnal treat meat. Hall’s Catarrh Cure manu factured by F. J. Cheney & Cc. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It is taken internally m doses from 10 ! drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di- F“Ctly on the blood and mucous Airfares of the system. They offer • one hurdred dollars for any case i fails to cur» send for circular! and testimonials Address, F J Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O, i Sold by Druggists. 75c Hall’ Family Pills ire the best, • THE MBN IN THB UiH "Ot cowardice n. » |„. k , r.tnoii.,o for ra .„ wlw ‘ ' t" deaire t „ « i out of the service, i H , w th war is over. Therw.are men in the rank. uh have left good positions and p rr ‘ .table business to .erve their L try, hut they did not enli.t garrison <l«ty in Spanish i. land 7 The government can eBB jI T g ’. men enough to garrison all th . we will take who haj Dothir.g.elsetoMo; or who J make no sacrifice in dou IJt nob duty for sl6^fmoiith ,T an outrage upon brave and.honon able those who to oJ;,’' out of the service are not mustetofi out simply because their are looking for soft snaps. ' M t£N WHO FACED THE GUNS Admiral Cirvera’s tribute t Q American chivalry is no; le.g cot- . dial than was that of Pedro L opw private of infantry. iq\ hi. f ar & well greeting to our army on b», half of 11,000 of his fellowprisoQ, ers. i In his official report on the bat, tie of the third of July the Spanish admiral devotes a paragraph to. euiogy of the American wh« “clothed our nakedness, and-iid|k ped their cheers lest they increase the sorrow of the conquered.” • Evidently, if the men who factup our guns should have a control ling voice in the matter the rela. tions between Spain and the Uni. ted Stages would soon become mors cordial than they have ever been in the history of the two nations. There seems to be no rest for the wicked or the good either in this world. As soon as we have routed.the Spaniards, we are called upon to route the Repub licans and the Pops.—Waycross Herald. Well, we reckon we knowhow to make that unholy alliance ' step Spanish 1 On its city news staff the At lanta Journal has a speculative spirit—with proper attention that reporter could command a good figure on the yellowest yellew in Gotham . EDI TORIAL COMMEN TS. A clause should have been in serted in the protocol depriving Sagasta of any bark talk privil-ges. —St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Surgeon General Sternberg used, a firstaid-to-tJie-woundbd bsndags on his official reputation.—Phil adelphia Record. As Governor of New Y< rk Rou»#- veP would be full of surpriSss.He’i a rough rider even when it come* to riding hobbies. —Philadelphia Times. There are also good •pnninge for American provisions in Cuba. For ; particulars call upon or addre** any insurgent able to wield a knife or fork.—Chicago Chronicle. Loyal Westerners are willing to ( suffer to a reasonable degree for the sake of the corn crop, but the bur den may become tooheav). Uaeu't the corn had a!l the heat it ie»Hv needs tfiis season? —Indianapbh* Journa 1 . • If Admiral Dewey will travel fr* m San Francisco td Washing ton by rail lie will confer u layer upon several million people who are exceedingly anxious to paint • wide crimson band across the coa tinent.— Omaha World-Herald- Some of the New Englander* who invested heavily in the great scheme for extracting' gold from eea water still believe that the process will mak > them rich. The gold brick dealer will call on tho*» guileless persons immediately Mail and Express. The Pullman twins are • preoi' ous pair. One of them has ~ow married a girl whom the other had jilted That comes about •• u »»r tp making reparation for blight® offections as it is possible to con*® without carrying out the origin* contract. —Albany Telegram-