The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 04, 1898, Image 2

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? LOC»I HAPPENINGS. t Miss Annie Harris is visiting friends in Dalton. Mr. J. A. Crumfort, of Dal ton, is in the city. Will Gunby has, . returned from Chattanooga. Mr. Will Rhudy a popular ex- Roman, i» in the city. Mr. Seab Da< is went down to Montgomery yesterday. Miss Eva Vose left yesterday for her home in Lawrenceville. Hon. Jake 0. Moore is spend ing a few days with his home folks. Miss Scottie Wiinbish has returned from a pleasant visit Uy Atlanta. Mr. Frank Woodrutfis spend ing a few days in the city with home folks. Miss Ollie Armstrong left yes* terday for Auburn, Ala., to en ter college. Mrs. John McClure left yes terday to spend several w’eeks with relatives in Lexington, Ky. Mrs. Eugene Richardson, of Chattanooga, is <th e guest of her sister, Mrs. Bryan in the Fifth ward. A handsome Trap, little used, for sale at a bargain. Apjily to G. W. Harper, at Lloyd Har per’s. Phillip Mullen and his charm ing sister, Miss Lula, left yes terday to spend several weeks in Cincinnati. / Mr. Liddell Brett, after spend ing several days in the city with relatives returned to Canada yesterday. Dr. Ed Marshal], of Cedar / town, is on a brief visit to his parents here, Dr. and Mrs. E B. Marshall. Mrs. W. W. Watters and her niece, Miss Allien Logan, re turned yesterday from a pleas ant visit to Gadsdfithe U p * oprings ye, mingle with his ,•»*s. Jessie Mclntosh, one of Chattanooga’s pretty and charming young ladies, is the guest of relatives in the city. Mr. Henry Graham has re turned from a trip to Rome, Atlanta, Piedmont and other points.—Anniston Hot Blast. Mr. Roberts, the East Rome ticket agent, has returned from Cedartown where he attended court,and is again at his post of duty. Mrs. James G. Stephens and little grandson, have returned io their home in Chicago, after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Dr. Kin caid. Miss Kate Perkins has return ed from Cave Spring accompa nied by Miss Lillie Montgomery of Cave Spring, and Miss Hen derson, of Talledega. Mrs, C. I. Graves, of Rome, who has been visiting her . daughter, Mrs. M. B. Welborn, went over to Binningham this morning.—Anniston Hot Blast Mrs. W. F. Freeman, after spending some time with the families of Mestrs. Jas. H. Camp and J. Ed Camp at Lexingston, returned to her home in Living ton, Ky., yesterday accompanied by Miss Pearl Camp who will attend college in that city Dr. S. R. Bilk and his v\ife anl children have returned from their vacation spent most delightfully in the mount tins of North Carolina. The doct »r sa s that he and his family e ij<»v d the trip immensely and that ;1] have been improved in bed th. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Frank L West, who ha s been, dangerously ill with typhoid, is slowly improving. School Opens.—Prof. P. J. King will open his school in the Wilkerson building in the morn ing. First Methodist —Rev. J. H. Sakes will preach morning and evening at the First Methodist church today. Second Presbyterian. -- Dr. Geo. T. Goetchina, will preach a* the Second Presbyterian church, th is afternoon at 4 o’clock. Conference Today.—After services at the First Methodist church this morning the third quarterly conference will be held. Very Quiet r—Everything is unusually quiet in police circles. No court has been held in sever al days and evil doers are get ting scarce- « Some Better.—Mr. John Harvey, who has been very ill with typhoid fever, is getting along nicely at his mothers home in North Rome. Many Thanks —Mr.W. Grimm through the Hustler-Commercial, iviShts to thank thoae who so kindly and liberally helped him in getting up the box to send the Third Georgia regiment at Griffn Prayer Circle. —The Young Men’s Prayer Circle will hold an interesting meeting at the First Baptist church this afternoon at 3-o’clock. All young men are cordially invited to be present. Go out and enjoy a good meet ing it will do you good. Heavy Rains.—The heavy rains of the past few days have badly swollen the rivers and creeks around Rome. Tn some places it was impossible to cross the fords. Numerous things have floated down the rivers; an old wash pot, also pumpkins bv the score. BqAi little nap— Ina yacht during the heavy rains Thursday night has not been able to find where the boat was s ink. The boat was made by Mr. Reuben Towers and was valued at S4OO 00. Delightful Picnic.—The Anniston Hot Blast says: A delightful picnic and dance was giv- n at Oxford Lake last night in honor of Miss Emmie Wright of Rome, who is the guest of Miss Carrie Smith. '1 he chape rones were Mis. I*. B. Brown and Mrs. 0, E. Smith. Brought to R< mk, —The re mains of Mrs. Elizabeth Cole, who died in Chattanooga Friday of dysentery, were brought to Rome yesterday -morning and interred,in the North Rome cemetery. She was 65 yea s es age at the time of her death and leaves one daughter to mourn her loss. Goks to Montamk-—Dr. Will Harbin, after spending several days in the city left yestsrday for Waco, Ga. Tuesday he will leave for Camp Wikofl, Montauk 4 Point,where he has been ordered by the government to report for duty. Dr. Harbin is one of Rome’s leading young physi oians and has recently been appointed assistant surgeon in the United States army. Wynn-Folsvm.—Friday Journal sass: “Dr. F. A. Wynn, a pro minent yom? physician of this citv, and Mias Mamie Lt*o;>a Folsom, daughter of the well known Jour nalist and writer, Mr. Montgomery M Folson, were married yeeter* day evening at 4 o’clock. It was a private marriage, with n'va f< w I fi i "ids present. Ihe jonng coop’e | will g> tn Rom fur n wb»l< and visit relatives,” IPWC § ism Ibis ; | WernU Sell New J I Bools wholesale« mcisi »»• J V FOR ASH. Second Hand | Books Reaper uhan the f || cheoest. Give me a call, t | H. A. SMITH, . | II THF OLD 'FLIABLE BOOK STORE. >• JH. P. WOTEN & BRO., S| Successors to ej ROME PHARMACY. W® have bught the entire stock of the Pharmacy and ar prepared to supply y° ul ~ the drug, ptescrifion and patent medicine . stock is complete nd of the very highest gra e. We solicit a prt of your patronage and shall -J* deavor to thobesbf our ability toplease j 25 times. We shoukbe pleased to have you call on us. 3! Full line of dnggist’s sundries, toilet art - ic^ B * such things as arejsually carried in a nrst-c a JW store. Cigars andtobacco. Come to see ui. Sf>i M-i § S. M. Stark, s am „ h' 2 S 3 .LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILO a £2 Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A ifev-’S “ riK£- K* tftX shiiliiHHHHHiiiHliiiS*’ $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for $, J. A. GAMiH fi COMPANY ARE WAITING foi everyone in Rome to come in and see the magnificent stock ’ on men’s and boy’s clothing, Ml flk bicycle and golf suits, is what weare doing, but we are hus tliig while we wait. We will shew you the finest stock of *ff" clotiing, made from the newest Btyl ' 3 and P atfcerus ia fabrickg, > perfet fitting and handsome, to be fa nd in Georgia, and they w*' are competition iQ valueWj price. t b The greatest line of negligee shirts ever shown in Rome. J. A. G AflMOft &CO To Musical Peple of Rome It is with pleasure we introduce to our readets the pric of a new and complete stock of MBS ANDI Small Miiasical Instromen ' n the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street where we would be pleased to have you call and I examine our goods. ( • The stock consists of some of the best makes pianosand organs on the market We J keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first- o class music store—Something Rome has needed or. I a long time. Give us a call and you will find a » music store that Romans may be proud of » ’ w e ar e determined to close o BICYCLES the earliest possible date.*. . E. 8.W1123W 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Manager. We keep on 1 at all times a full stock of iXieet Music: L-- I ■ RELIABILITY r is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of to then days of “yellow" journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests*upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth . about it. . ' '' i 1 | It is the only American newspaper outside New York city g... that has its own exclusive dispatch* boat service and Ma own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the worlds Its war news service is unapproachably the best Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: M We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.'* Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscription* r.««tv«4 , by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, Madison street, Chicago. Como, Wis., Ww.nnifl Mate Jo. 10,1898. , I would not be r pisfrt Cult for gZRwwwTF sumption ** SUMPTION for any thingy For a oad WIHCT cine on theaarkK tough or Co_J it is. W beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs 0. REYNOLDS. j ytßfflfM “The Best Cough Medicine.” __ - /, I z JK WE HAVE NO AGENTS -TTfl h*v. Mid direct to th. 000- I I | . I > f\ Wk tntßer foj JA ymtv M vbuUr . * I ItfS* ■' ■ rIA in •.'« p nc «. •»»,..n him th. vj AJHwnl- , W 1 growl II o«ln»)mth .--hti- uuy., I* ta |1 tor nla.Uon.' yC J Jfjk s4(l F\ nkL y’«*Tlh:i4r Wi>rrlu,l«l ,/ x 'll! Ik iLV** vehicle, X. AAI J)A rtylto of Harner, I—- f Il h // ' W T °p®> , a"*p">>»7o. v- T - rTnuwvTi ji J'S Zs X ArA/iX\7 X,'ZvlßVv ii Tr»w. X. \ )Qf \ y ■kn Sr wd Mat UMIT ( UUaU inUßUM*fu« *. B. PMATT. BW*. MUMMkWW - I