The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 04, 1898, Image 3

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A j, ~uu .3y * fc * ’ _ ~ • '" 1 T■■ ■ ■ ■!!■■■ „— I, » ler.-w I. >i ■ ”tfj? jr“iti f’SCHOOLNOTICE.'I h THE CORREG BOOK USES W InJ r> , • 111 irlfc „< * ®kf i .<* ■ ■ ■'■*’"•' rn fklb v x VB ■ k K •"* ■ < i. jjT lj y ■■l Are those issued DIRECT from the Public Schools InJ - A HP®* eck 111 At the request of Mr. Harry, Rawlins the Rome 111 s* B'S •* IBh i J» Pte • ij, public schools inserted the wholesale prices of books LrJ in their lists. i 1 l|j IB "W . * -Ife »'■' ||| ’ ; I his caused the prices on school books and school Op" fyi h supples to be lowered. f T InJ ||| - v We respectfully solicit your patronage, Ml HARRY RAWLINS&CO M £| 302 Broad street. Medical Building. fin i k a 6 THIRD REGIME Has Been Ordered Prom Grif fin tn Jacksonville. FEW OTHER REGIMENTS If Any, Will ba Mustered Out Just Now. Washington, S.,pt. 3.—The Third Georgia regiment, Col. handler, was today ordered to Jacksonville, Ha., and with the orders is u notification that practically no volunteers will be mustered out after this date. Peace is lin t yet assured and ' * c uiiditions just now are such *hat the department has chang— •d ds intentions, and instead of ■ustering out the volunteers, ** Was at hr it planned, before ®peace negotiations are set- it i 8 n ow determined to ee P the remaining of thevolun ranny, and it is quite large ▼•t, in force. , f . The appended bulletin was * SUe h by the w;lr department a y announcing the few addi *onal regime is ts to be mustered service. Adjutant General °rbin said ofiici,dly that in all ro a ility, few, jf other °I IS would be ordered relieved ° m duty at this time. M,Ss davis no r r Condition is Yet Critical And Strength is Exhausted. ««rrsg a?Mt R , 1 he cooditiou of Miss Win- nie Davis, daughter of Jefferson Davis, who has been seriously ill. here for some time, wis not improved this tore noon. Miss Davis passed a very un comfortable night and did not rest much. The intense heat is exhausting her strength. The , I* i 'J thermometer today registered 93 in the. shade. y p t! 1 'lTg*g» SCROFULA ; * . ■!' ■, It is .Foul Blood’s Advertise ment ■■ r But It is Soon Cured by Hood’s . Sarsaparilla. . ’ Yea, 'Scrojula, if •nytlJnif, may be called’ the advertiscnwit of foul blood. It ie lb» •courge of the world—offensive, painful, debilitating, stubborn and well nigh unendurable. Outward application# do not cure, they only jdrive the difficulty to naw quarters. Emollients may palliate, they cannot abolish the evil. There is but one auro way out, and that is to eliminate the taint from the blood. There is one remedy that can effect this, and it is the only one that, so far as wo know, has almost invariably succeeded — even where the system has been poisoned by long years of taint, and the ravages to be repaired are tremendous. That remedy la flood’s Sarsaparilla. Read this: “My daughter was afflicted with im ptira blood. There were running sores all over her body and they caused her much suffering. We tried medicines that wero recommended as blood purifiers, but could not see that they did any good. A friend told me about' Hood’s Sarsapa rilla and I began the girl thia med icine. The result was that she wgs per fectly-cured after taking a few bottiee. She has had no symptoms of scrofula sores since that time/’ MABtfflTA M. Smith, South Middleboro, Maas. Hood’s X Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Insist upon Hoqp’b; take no Hood’s Pills '..1. - .'..J 7 1—- the firm of Ca mp <fc O’Rea is this day (Aug. 27, 1898) dis solved. All parties indebted to >them will* not pay unkss both names, 8. D. Gamp and <l. M. O’Rear, signed to the bills. 08 H MURDER? '. ■ / . t A Wild Rumor io Pans Says Gol. Henri J’P - t DID HOT “ SUICIDE. ’ - ■ " . i' • '•4' V .Unusual Proceedings In Dis- posing of his Cells Contents ■ '- .. . ?• New York, Sept. 3 A dis patch to The Herald from Paris says ih , Among the many wild ru mors'flying about is one that seerrife toq incredible to merit did it not show the state of the public mind. Tins is a belief that Col, Hen ry siid not commit suicide. 'j'he Figaro says that when of police arrived at Mount Valerian he asked for Col. Henry’s valise and razor with which he Committed sui eide. He was told that they had both been sent to the ministry of war. This extraordinary proceed ing could not fail to be com mented upon here, where re spect for legal formality is car ried to such a superstitious ex tent that the ‘ people would leave a man hanging rather than cut him down before the arrival of the police. The'Eclair, referring to this matter, says: “This controversy has shown "us long ago to what depths certain individuals can descend, so we are not surpris ed to read that the suicide of Cob Henry was perhaps mur der.” {FRANK ELLI S DIES After a Bridf Illness at Camp Northern ♦ I’he sad announcement of the dsath of Private Frank Ellis, Co. B, Third Regiment Georgia Vol., in camp at Griffin, came over the wires yesterday after noon. • The remains will ariive in the city this morning* and will be taken in charge by his father’s family and probably buried today. Frank Ellis was a bright boy with genial ways and a sunny disposition. He was quire popu ’a.r with his associates. For quite a while he was an em ployee in the daily Hustler of Rome’s composing rooms.. It le supposed here that Ift died of fever, though he is said to have been sick for only a few days, Young Ellis is the fi r st of the Rome volunteers to fall a victim to disease. Peace to his memory. Let his ashes be buried with the soldier dead and his grave be kept green. jgi". 2"u "■-■■■■y SCHOOL BOOKS. • The Rome Public School books can he found at J. SAM VEAL’S, as usual and the prices are as low as anybody’s; don't be mislead Uy any impres sion to the contrary. I appreci ate your trade and will treat you all right. Bring in your old hoods to exchange as you have alwavs done. 1 am in the busi ness and.hope to stay, of course that all depends on my friends, and I hope they are not going to be misled. Respectfully, J. Sam Veal, THE BOOK SELLER. BICYC..E WRECK Norris Smith Got Pretty Badly Hurt Yesterday. Yesteiday afterno'n ah »ut 2:30 o'clock Mr. Norris Smith. s<m of Ciiy Clerk Hale* <1 Smith, hap p<med to quiet a painful and which came near being a serin- 8 acci dent. He wiß coming up Brood street on his wheel at a pretty lively rate when ba got in front of Greens livery stable, he met Paul Gip.’on, son of Dr. J P Gipson coming in an opp >si*e direction on hie wheel ea h turned to get out of the others way but unfortunately both turned the same way and be fore they could atop their wheels . they colided and Mr Sm th pub* I tamed several bad injuries about he head and co'lar bone. He was picked up unconscious and curried in Greens livery stable 1 where he was looked after by Dr. C. Hamil ton. Mr. Gipson only received a tew bruises, ' Both the young mens wheels were bad I)’ torn up. At last accounts Mr, Smith was resting as well as could be eX*- Dieted. ILLINOIS’ LAUNCHING- Washing! >n Sept. 3—President O cutt.of the Newport News Ship building Company, ha« notified the Navy Department that he would laumh the battle-ship Illinois at 11 a. m. on Tuesday, Oct. 4. It is understood that Gov ernor Tanner's daughter has ken chosen to name the battleship, and that a large delegation from Illinois will come East to witness the ceremony. PLEASANT AFF TR. The S. A S. Club Entertained By Misses Flemm ng. The MisBPB Flemming enter tained the S. A. S dab I**t Tues- day evening at their home in East Rome. Tin evening was. most highly Enjoyed by thow so fortunate ai tcr'be pre®eijt» Those present v r. Messrs Ben H de. Wilton Ilnrdy Joel Dean, Will Hoyt, f.ouis Wright. Colquitt' Tur in . Mtsses Juliet Howel 1 . Bom (Lnunon, Jamie Bowie, Lmiu Biss, Zula Adkins, Clart Johnson and Ora Best, of Ca’ ter-v lie . $3.80 Cincir.n -ti and return via 'Southern Railwav, September 3, 4. and ,stn. J. n Harrison. City Agent g- 1 w ■" 111 ——■ -—'r. ■* ONE 2-CENT ST.'/ Win send a letter to atiji point in Uncle Sam'kbig 4 domain.f For this very ) reason, if you are sick, I ! sore or suffering, this J i very tricing outlay ■ < May Saia Your W • i lif a I Here ’» just how ® Lllui it i*. You car, Y J .$ ™ write a plain letter can | will take just two -cents to caj "Washington Medical & Sorgi / Atlanta. CeorgV </nd And the famous specialist ” IBL k oA that Institute arc >ble U . '< treatment byjuail as well. if sou to the citv. This is no m ’ ing it every dnyy Thev v.g , all the adjoining States s<’nie of miles away, and their cut/ ) f A derful. ' *’'• CURES POSITIVE / COHSULTATIO' ’ e In every Deformity of / Hare Lip, Cross Eyes nJ >lO in all forms of 8k in aS ~xxi o tism. Sciatica. Calat r. «>/ th. •fe I yte Lungs, Stomach or any vital organ ’* . ney and Bladder troubles NeJ-' 1 * d J nesscs of either men or women. sexual parts and every other bev highly trained specialists an a. as A Write freely It costs • 4T “W dertake yqgr case we blank for- full |»itic> curable by human skill m SHALL CURE IT. *8 4 That st .etters sacredly prv ADDRESS, WashtagloC^. < KwwiJ