The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 04, 1898, Image 4

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Me Donald Sparks ■ W Cd. ON THE LOOKOUT • « ... <■ Constantly on the watch over the best markets, nailing every opportunity that will prosper the interest of our customers, is what keeps McDonald-Sparks-Stewart Co., so far ahead of the others. . I ‘ , ... " <.■; . t'J ’ " .. ‘ ' For instance, we’ve just made a fortunate purchase in Carpets, Rugs'and Mattings, and immediately share the profits with our cus'.omers as follows: , . ' ' -‘.i' Bussells carpet, mid i. line 1n I laid 55c M Genuine Smyrna Rugs, 4X7 feet $4.45 W * Brussels carpet, made, lined and laid 60c fl " “ “ 3X6 feet 285 x J Best drueselie carpet made, lined and laid 65c Y “ “ “ 21-2Xsfeet Axminster, Wilton’s, Velvets and Saxony car- /I “ “ “ 26X52 inches 1.65 W pets, we are offering at manufacturer’s prices. <V " W K • As we never indulge in “False Alarms” you will realize the wisdom of coming promptly if you wish to ru oy these extraordinary offerings. They are too good to last long. Find them on the first floor. F MCDONALD-SPARKS-STEWART Company 1 UNDERTAKERS, . EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS RIVERS BOOJW , The Raidfall Ualieard of For ■ The Season. —-4,. ______ THOUSANDS OF ACRES Os Corn and Cotton Submerged And Ruined. Never before in the history of this section has there been such a rainfall at this season of the year. And never before have the inhabitants of Rome and the surrounding country seen the rivers at this season in the condition they are in. The government guage on Fifth avenue showed the Oosta naula to be at 19 feet at 5 o’clock yesterday morning, according to Mr. Frank Bale. At 5 yesterday afternoon the, river had climbed to the 23 5 notch and with the rain coming down at an all-night-long-and half-of-next-day lick the outlook was ominous. Col. W. M. Towers, than whom no man in Rome knows more of the habits of the rivers of this section, says that the rainfall for the 24 hours prior to fi o’clock yesterday afternoon only 2 69in, for Romo Dr. S . iv.he same time, however, an l children Kesaca, up the Oosta from their vacation 5 70in. This ac delightfully in the heavy rise in the North Carolina. Tin. ih^tri 6 and h ' B f ? mi ‘stated to the the trip immensely an , , have been improved i ,al tbatul 1118 e just as heavy next 24 hours on the lowest I . itreet. This, in all probability, will not fall. The people, however, who reside in the low districts are feeling very while the farmers who have heavy crops on the bottom lands are gloomy over the outlook, know ing that only a rise of a few feet will inundate and destroy thous ands of dollars worth of grain and cotton. Hundreds of acres of corn and cotton are already under the murky waters and will be ruin ed. REBELS WIN BIG BATTLE. •W' " Chinese Government Troops Lost 3,000 Men. London, Sep),s.—A special dispatch from Shanghiai dated Wednesday, says: “Toe Chi nese government troops, it is reported, have been defeated in too pitched battles during the last ten days by the Kwang Si rebels, losing three thousand men. The rebels are said to number 10,00, and the provin cial forces are powerless against them. “A governor of high rank has been ordered a lead his troops in person and completely to sup* press the rebellion within a month under penalty of severe punish insnt. “An imperial edict, just issu ed, strongly censures the govern or of Kwang Si province for de ceiving the Emperor in July last by representing that the rebellion had been suppressed.” CABINET RESIGNS Lima, Peru, Sept. 3, via Gal veston, Texas—» he congress of Ecuador has ft u?p»*t.ded its sessions until it can obtain gov ernment protection. Conatq icnt ly the cabinet has resigned. iWkewuEyt, The discovery was made last week that a man who has drawn pay for five years for playing the bassoon in the Atchison (Kan.) municipal band could not play a note, and that be simply kept the instrument to hie mouth and made motions, The Kansas City Journal observes that “but for the blare of a discordant note now and again in the band at the State House one might feel assured that Gov ernor Leedy was practicing the same sort of deception.” o o o A late Scientific authority ns» serts that the female brain com* mencea to deteriorate at 30 years of age. while that of the male does not start to go *ill 40. Without stopping to ask what good ir ac nomplwled bv giving away thest stum ■icietn, since few of the sex urs said to ever reach 30. ‘here are, A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it, Anybody can try it who Lime Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles.We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bittera. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Faint ing Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegeta ble, a mild laxative, and restores he system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and*be con vinced that tljey are a miracle worker Every bottle guaranteed Only 50c a bottle at Curry Ar— ington drug ato re. psychological reasons that make the statement doubtful any way. As no woman, no matter the age she may confess to, ever neglects seeing that her hat is on straight, this shows her interest in a level bead, and that a level bead is synonymous with superior brain power goes without saying. o o o The appointmant last Monday of Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee, wife of a New York professor and daughter of Simon Newcomb, the astronomer, as an acting assistant surgeon of the army, is said to be the first case in the history of the American army of a woman's serving on the medical staff. The appointment entitles her to the uniform of a second lieutenant without designation of rank. While it is not probable that the Doctor will don the uniform, a strict interpretation or the rules would possibly compel het to do so. Throughout the wir Dr McGee has been in charge of the •*»lection »t the woman nurses, and t>f the 700 or more now in the field most iave passed musUr at her bands. Ob Q i While Commodore Scbley was nking Cervrer’n diet he kedt the men on his shift informed of what waa going on, Whan everything was distroyed or surrendered but the Colon, he dispatched orderlies to the |stoke holes and engine rooms saying. Now, toy a, it all depends on you. Everything is sunk except the Colon, and she ia trying to get away. W« don’t want her to, and everything depends on you.” . *0 0 0 The Rev. George R. Vaudewater, chaplain of what is left of the Seventy-first New York Regiment saya that while in Cuba before Santiago, the m«n were so hungry at times that they caught laud crabe and made sandwiches by putting them between two pieces of hard tack. Any one wbo cares to get a fair estimate of thia de gree of hunger can do so by look-i ing up the land crab in books on I the subject and learning its habits and me'hods of subsistence. The chaplain also says that of the men of the regiment fertv are dead five insane and 400 physical wrecks. o o o ie Curot, a young sales woman in a Parisian dry goods shop is declared by many to be the most beatatiful woman in the city, is at present the erase of the French capital. She personated the “Muse of Poetry” in crowning with laurel bust of Michelet, and was dis charged by her employers for her participation in that ceremony. A movement is on foot to furnish her with a shop of her own by pop ular subscription. o o o The confusing news reaches this country from Madrid via Washing ton that Admirad Cervera, instead of being court-martialed, as was first intended, is to be received with honor and that a flying squad ron of Spaniidi ships is being col lected "at Cadiz to go to meet the defended sailor at Southampton. England. There ia as yet no specu lation as to the cause of thie sudw d< n change in the determination ul li t Spanish Government. o o o Ou Mount Royal avenue, be tween Lanyale atfeet and Lafayette avenue, Baltimore, there been noticed a curious natural phenom enon this year in the shape of a second growth of leaves on a num ber of linden trees that shade the sidewalks. The first foliage with ered tell to the ground after a prolonged period ot dry weather, then came two or three weeks of heavy rains, and the trees were Boon tuick with a new growth of deep green leaves. On’y the you.ig er trees were thus rejuvenated. o o o The Arabs attach great impor tance to tho water supply of their communities, aud travelers say that where a rich American would bequeath money to founding a hospital or decorating a church, a rich Arab can think of no other 1 CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the. morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome « 1:00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 4 :15 a. m.; leave Rome 10 .35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. leave Rome 6 :25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. tn. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. u. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. in. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga 3 :10 p. in. arrive Rome 5 :3o p. m.; leave Chattanooga 10:10 P arrive Rome 1:44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains For further information C'‘H on C. Harrison, C. T. A. e-x-ji. i— —-s- "* channel for his charity tie construction ot a fountain which will assure him the ble J «ing< future gouorations. O O 0 Editor Triplett thinks it >epr ,,h * able that McKmley (l will advah<* Mark Hanna three or lour l» u1 ' bars. o o o “One of tbe lessons of the war, says the Detroit Free Press, *" that battleships should be fireproof. If Spain had built noU combustible boat* some of th®® would still be in service—iu United States navy ” EMPEROR KWANG SU ILL A Dispatch From Peking SaV s China’s Ruler la I'l- ♦ London, Sept. 3.—Emf* Kwang Su of China, accor to a dispatch from Peking Daily Mail, ia eeri'“ ill.