The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 06, 1898, Image 2

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FW>|W. RboUt $1,000,000 Io lie Dis tribUtert Io Sailirs * SfIitPSDN'SoHAREMOOO DtwayGotfOny About $lO,- 000, And Schley Less Nvu Ymk, Sept. 0 —At least $1,000,000 prize money will be distributed among American B’diors as a result of the war with Spain. More than one half of this sum will be paid in accordance with that section of law providing foi the payment of a bounty for persons on board vessels of war sunk in action. It is estimated that the aggre gate amount due the Asiatic fleet as a result of the destruction of the Spanish forces amounts to $181,500, which Congress will be asked to appropriate during the coming session. One twen tieth of this sum belongs to Rear Admiral Dewey as com mender-in-chief, and he will, therefore, be $9,375 richer than 1 e v as before the war. • • Ri ar Admiral Sampson ba* real zed a snug little fortune a* a result of the war As coin mander-in-chief of the North At lentic fleet, he wi'l get one twentieth of every prize tak *n ii North Atlantic wa’ers and one twentieth of the head money al lowed for the .vessels destroyed off Santiago and in Cuban purls. It is estimated that he will final ly receive about $40,000 as his share of the prize money. DEATH OF HOWARD Herald’s Man Rode in Tl« Charge of The Lancers. Lonch n, Sept. G. —Dispatches from Omdurman relate that the newspaper torrespundont, How aid, who was afterwards killed, rode in the gallant charge ol the 21st Lancers. These troops were scouting when limy saw in the bush, be tween six hundred and seven hundred dervishes. The Lancers charged the enemy and suddenly found themselves face to face with 2,000 swordsmen, being thus outnumberedat least four to one. '1 he dervishes were hidden from view in a hollow. The Lan cers charg< d through them, re fill med and charged back recov er their wounded, who were be ing savagely slaughtered. '1 he official list gives the num ber <>f British officers killed in the capture of Omdurman, as tw o. w hile thirteen were wound ed. Os the men, twenty thru* were killed and ninety nine were wounded. The loss sustained by the MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. Il is certainly gratifying t< the public to ki ow of one con cern in the land who are no i fraid to be generous to th needy and -i. Hi-ring. ’ The pr ’ printers of Dr. King’s New’ Di cowry for Consumption, Cong 1 ' and Colds, have given awa over ten million trial bottles o this great medicine ; and hav the satisfaction of knowing i has absolutely cured thousand of hopeless cases Asthma. Bron chilis. Hoar, eness and all di eases of the r l hmat Chest a d Lung> are surely cured by i Call o*4 Curry Arrington, dru_> gist, a trial bottle fre Regular stee 50c nnd 11. Ever botth guaY-jVeed or money ,i de..fu> UKSI- EES sh« Itaal Is the h.ateeat qrede bakln* powder kiKM-n. Aeutol tests show H 9»es eoo tbird hu Uwr thos My stbor brand. ftOM Wkw* POWDER Absalutoly Pur* ROYAL BAKING eOWOFS 00., N«W VOBK. wm: Officers, one killed, eight wounded ; men, twenty killed, 221 wounded. DESPEHATE STREET DUEL Bloody Encounter Takes Place at Morid ai,M Iss. Meiidian, Mbs., Sept. o. The most desperate street duel in the history of Meridian oc curred this morning between Jim Ginner, a notorious negro, and Akck Webb, his son-in-law. Bothemptiid two revolvers, Webb retreated into a jewelry store, followed by Finner still shooting. The daughter of Fin ner at tempted to kill the officers who went in to arrest the men. A fusilade passed between Fin her and daughter and Webband his daughters in the store. Webb was shot three times, fie will die. Finner was shot three time* before be was killed by Citizen Burgoss. Webb three months ago was shot by Finner, who waylaid him and this morning ended the tragedy. Webb married Finner’sdaughter and bad blood since existed. WHITE DECLINES. Louisianian Will Not Serve as a Peace Commissioner. Cleveland, O , Sept. 6.-•-Sec retary of State Day arrived in Cleveland this morning. To an Associated Press representative Secretary Day said that he in tended to band in his resigna tion on the 12th of this month. He said there was nothing new to be told about the peace commission, but gave it as his understanding that Justice White had decided not to serve as one of the commissioners. Regarding a published inter view witn ex-Secretary Sherman in Washington, in which the latter expressed some very radi cal views regarding the war with Spain, he declined to ptak. KHALIFA ESCAPES. Arab Carnal Squad Will Pursue Tho De rvish Leader. Cairo, Sept. 6 —Advicrs from Omdurman say that the Anglo- Egyptian cavalry, which wont in pursuit of the khalifa after the fall of Omdurman, abandon ed the pursuit about thirty miles beyond the citv. The horses were completely exhaust ed, having been ridden forty eight bouts, during fi'ieen o' which they had been engaged in lighting The khalifa h s gone to Kor dofan, to the sent Invest of Om durman. Gen. Kitchener has organized Arab camel >quads t follow him. Yesterdaytthe Brit ish and Egyptian forces, witl the sirdar, participated in ai imposing service in memory of Gei. Gordon • ctrerta with yen whether yoe cuuv«ttu<* wi«* ■lervr-kilMng loLavcv hwbit. ft thTUM Lt' H eiaoraa thedeairv tor ouiaerTOuadistreaa. fcA. Uno, puriAor wo blvod, i 1 i* ’ P* ’ stores lost 9 € 5 • Id beaita,« tj t u o* • • • ♦ ■ sndßa < •£***• A ■ vwu drufc - i Mil voueh fe.rns Tukrit ■ W wi ? c '*ti- ntiy , ,■ o . ton<l; box Si. U~U«dli -"’W, .'I • r fL <*•>4 la euit I INVESTIGATION 4sk r d For BySecretanii Os War Alger.. ORDER SEfIT OUT TODAY tn General Wheeler at Montauk Point Camp. Washington, Sept. <> —Secretary Alg'-r sent the following order to Montauk Point today: Washington, Sept. 5. 3 he Commanding General, Mon tauk Point, N. Y.: Thu World of about 28th ult, published a statement of the death of Pvt. Hugh Parrett of the Bth Infantry, in which it is charged that when he begged of Dr. to take him to the hospital the doctor nos tified him that the hospital was for sick men. and it is reported that Parrett died that night. This account is n-ji t me by Representa tive urosvenor of Ohio, who says there is gn at indignation i.i his c< mmuuity over the case, and if it is as reported, true there should be. I wish an inquiry instituted to find out about this matter and re port made understand one Stigf, Rich of same company or regiment is under arrest for having complained of this matter. I have h. ai<l much of the oeg'ectof thp n 0,., much of which no doubt is fie ition , if there is any found fl’ on for this statment, or if there ar». anv u n ill in the regulars in the i Lou’s that are not provided f *r. 1 wish to know the reason why at once: also the names of the officers in command of the regi ment Anri <■»<,,,»i.*ux in suchi" 0 3 . R. A. Alger. Secretary of War. BOY MURDERER, SUICIDE Greely, la., Sept. s.—John G. Cooksley, a boy, shot and kilhd Farmer Glover, with whom he lived, and then killed, himself after the house had been sur rounded by neighbors, who de manded admittance. EXPECTED DEFEAT Bofore The War Began The Ad miral Warned Spain. Annapolis. Sept.—G. Admiral Cervera has stated to a triend here t int b. fore hostilities began be tween his country and the United States he warned his countrymen th'd their ships con’d not stand up against the ships of the United States that torpedoboats, torpedo distroyers nor auy other kind of vessels would be if anv avail, and ■■■■■■ i .y-. ■ A. “ A T “ P®"* 4 Many women X seem to have been denied the precious gift of / ■-'ril* 1 motherhood be- Yb-jyl Pxvf caus * °f some -ft 1 weakened con- A, edition of the I ' /F' J special organ- V 8 m wh i c b Yv?' J /' naa kes mother X-il-ibir't possiblefi \ in the grei •wt majority <— ■fzr’ >(uK cases such v '' I ’* \ difficulty is r' () ~ > . 1 \ by any met incurable. In thousands of instance* . . Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, by restot ' 1 the natural, healthy condition of the.orjk ..., distinctly feminine has been the mear a ’ conferring upon childless women thecfpn inestimable blessing s 1 A Geoigia clergyman. Rev G H. Akrid tjjgv Pelham, Mitchell Co., Ga in a letter wr Dr Pierce, says: "We had been mart years without offspring, when my wifi menced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite I* tion. I then wrote to you for advice, a' instruction* were to give Golden Med; coviry alternately with the ' Favorite f tion This we did The result is rtttttj, mv wife to good health and a ten pouuQ. honor of the world-famed T»r Piercy named him Pierce. Favorite Preset certainly the medicine for invalid woij r TJte vast experience and shill y B , Pit tee has acquired during his th tc practice as chief consulting ph te the Invalids’ Hotel and Suiyica' w ' of Buffalo. NY.. has made his n.' ar( j and his medicines recognised < t hc remedies in every civilized co^t e( j globe. His great thr>usand-pagif e( ] book the “People’s Co«ntnon| c o f ical Adviser’’ has had the gr< f ree any medical work in any lang a „ er edition haa been published a j, bound copy will be seat to mer( aolutely without charge esainn. coat of mailing which is at ot o t \ l( Send these with your *i 3 tion World’s Dispensary Medio. ftaflale, NY, of if preferre v ' Tera heavier cloth-bound tmstipa A man or woman who n Doctoi tion suffers from slow PHinstina Pierce's Pleasant Pelleftle lax. tion One little ’’ Pelletm live, and two a mild caf cine dealers. that the Um dd Sta <-s would wip«« the Spauuh navy out ofi-x b-t C(. Wben'Aduii a! Davey d st toyed j the tipauisb i-quadrun under Ad. |m ml Monti i i Admiral Ci-rvera said, he wind bis gover .men . telling tin in that his turn w uld bo nt x . u But,’’added the admiral, •‘the pn’iticiniiH and (benrmv rub my c< u trv.” HEAT STOPS FACTOR ES A shut Dov n at Ettzabe? h 7CMJO Men Idle. Elizihcth, N. J.. Sept 6 —All •he factories along th< Sa co Is land Sound are closed to-day ow ing to the inteiißT heat, and near ly 700) men are in consequence thrown out of employment until next Tuesday’ when the factories will resum* if the heat moderates. Six cases of hept prostration were reported in the hosbital this'inorus « r r Court Fi ge meyer, of Fast Thirty-sixth street. New York who was prostrat dat Boynton Beach while batting may die, as may Richard Steens, of Elizabeth, who fell ovricnme by the heat in Jhe street yeiterday afternoon Three carpenters at work West field avenue were taken heme yes terday strickdi with the 1 eat. ■FT —— COL.. BRYAN’S REGIMENT W«ei.l Be Regained in The Ser vice For Some i Washington Sept. 6.—No re quest has been received at tho war department for the immediate muster out of Co Rayan's r-gs imem, the 31 Neba.-ka. It is also said that if such a requost was made it could nt be complied with, because the quota for Ne> braska to be metered out has been filled. PROF/ ANDREE ~ FsIJKXt) ED ON litrsoN’ l Bay. Winnipeg, R n., Sept. 6 —The Indians from/?® far North report that a strige man descended am >ng then recently from the clouds on t* shores of Hudson Bay. It is bieved to be Andree, the Arctic s>!orer. Mr. R Ramsay, of Atlan ta, is at t Armstrong. Annual ,es over 8,000,000 Boxes -•'or ur J s and nervous desorbers nieh a'V.J and Pain in the Stoma.-h, diddir .i nl'iess after meals. Head tche, ,nc88 » Arrowsiness. Flushiners :>f “f Appetite. Costivenrss. Btote 011 th ® Skin. C<dd Chills, Dis turbc ecl \ ■frightful Dreums and all Herv ,a ‘i -trembling Sensations. ’ tf IRST DOSE WILL give BELIE! IN , N IL? IrN t H TES ' Every sufferer wil nowledge them to bo jjONDERFUL MEDICINE. taken asdireet ed'iu .*, c l “*y restore Females to com phealth. They promptly remove . lotions or Irregularities of the si s cure sk-U Headache. For a ;ak Stomach mpaired Digestion Disordered Liver < MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And havo th<? largest sale anj Patent Medicine in the World, Stores. . LA DY GRA DU ATS )f the Rome Business College thoroughly prepared for wgraphic and office work ; V xll’A hmn/1 or. 1.. » ri V..VJ «I C tomia capable when " they go into business prac tice ; they re ceive hig h / coni in e n d a cions fro rr their employ ors as being fapable and experienced. Rome business College enjoys the largest enrollment of pupils it has had in its history. There >vill be thousands of vacancies this fa'l to fill. Young m n and ladies will do well to enter h«r and prepare for thorough com mercial work. H. 8. Shockley, Principal. 1 TIE EXCELLENCE OF SYtLT OF FIGS la d«e not only to th* originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with w hich it ia manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Big Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fiy Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in v raiding the worthless imitations manufactured by ot her par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and tiie satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of famdies, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all otfier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial ; effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cui. LOUISVILLE.’ • -'EW YORK. N.Y. ’ ( BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE • . J The best salve in the world for cuts, biusese sores, ulcers. <- > 7 ' o salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re- f quirbd. Is guaraateed to give " perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per p box. For sale by all Druggists-. b f SOUTHERN fWLWfIy. N’ Con tenKed Schertu elu Effect July fl, IS9H. Lv Cl>attuu«££ v, ‘ 14 No7~| G v n“me n I yole.i. ».,> il.i&tfa t LvVlaSu -jl'Meum ‘ WaS . V Macon 2 ;! m,n ’ 1 5 d VJeiup " 10p ' I! . 2 "T n ‘ s-»«m „ Kr Everett...; I e ( 2 f s pm 3 Ar Jacksonvliie J.; I ‘i’ wT i? r ’, Lv Everett... ~ . H>. ,p m No. 10 carries Puflnian S.'eepin- Car 'ci tan o:ja to Atla-ita. v.u < . ASX's; SS " SSft:. lanta to Brunswick. ' ai *' | No. 8 carries Pull:na" Sue.epin-, Car Cbat,. noogu to Atlanta. * " Cliattfl- a.?‘ 13 x ". ■' r Ar Home. 4 .. ;;; Vr Dalton ? il’l'' 1’ L','l"“ 10.-Marn *r Chattanooga.:": ” J'T'," ,'. 3 ';T‘ j*- 1 ■VC u.cmnuti^.. zx’pnU; .Han,,. ? T! ' £ss ij&lS toChattunu'.g'a a‘tfl oL'PielnnaUa.M I X ’ : 8. No. No. HL \rKkoxvil‘le’ : ’ a in‘?Vm s''’ 4 " 1 10 " t 'I’ n » UM.,rrist wn. £'-;“'n I.loam kr Salisbury.'. 4 *’ wn , ’■ 5j0, “ :1 Ar Greensboro.. I Arßalela), i “ A-pnblS.lOpni <r Norfolk. i Ar .i hintftou.... ’ *i ( .r--- Ar New York. -nomi a " l o d l l v l m U 7|io' Pu/lman ■reensbor.) to Norfolk Slee P ; ’>« Car wilh PulVni'VsU-pb, I '/? 0 ’ f:i , "nchan"? !i! “' c. n' w \r Knowing ! o >< ! Opm B.4<’iinn ir M<irri«t.wn | * j?P m J’.r It-i-,: j i y 1 «'-ni i.'J'pm tr '.v.i-> :,i .t<m I <-(NaiU| 3.55 pm lr New X'ork . J ! j 7+tun XT „ l.2opin ~ .<.'k Otuiaap ogu to Xew > . i’fu t.' BO’toL Slw P‘“* Our Knox. ‘ -vK.J. V! ‘ ..- V “ • lr Anu u>»> 0-lOain r tr 8,, 1,,' ' .~a ,11 -‘lam Ar -'uruu ", ■•• •' I' l <>'ipm Ar M'Yliiun.. j I l>m ' ' r bTijpr'uam ' '•*W *■' * r \ *>.yrtc ... j' *' J-'i' 1 I kr Sh^freport ■ " ’ J 1 I F> X',. • 7 - 9 *Pm ♦ 1 W INo io > Lv Rn rtn c , ' A i ijHi) 1 r un/t den’ ar 5 ! a,n B.3sujn I 7;pn Sffln £ * cxerjpr Sunday. j Sunday only " ' I kff rrrrv n „ W ,VV aShln D.a r M CLLP, Iraf. Mgr., Wa hlngtoa Da w A. TX.-mC o. P A „ D G tiuo, pmifle. 1,1 ‘ I ■tores ,ual nanaoud VT 1 g niikeu you strong Box,-, 1 In health, tu rg. K and nock on _ ML wk “ 1 'irvd Bur . book. MO TO liA C rFom t One J tP ßT »t«ie<itocvrri U L.‘;?. boM ' , <L f *. ———-——ji «?.S£LW: (MIDT H jritboat iar— >r*ncet>r**. ’ * PROffSSIONU Cinoi attorneys. J BRANHAM, Law office 900 K , s , rlrgt CHABAV UNDERWOOD Aitariiuy u Law, Rom.,. Crcporiiyir Law Onlir w J. NEEL res and the eraintcatlon cf laud titles offlee hl King building. Ronie.Ga, WALTER HARRI 3, Attorney , u law and J. P. Office OVBr r , Kane & Co. ’s. " LIPSCOMB WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gfflce in Armstrong bowl .riildiug, Rom®, U ( M E HILTEANTES, Attorney at law. OffieeKing Hiiihlins Rome, < a W. H ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, J SANT A. CRWF > I O at G “‘ Co, ‘«CtloM • Masonle Temple. Rome, Go.. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office 840 1-2. Broad. K Over Cantrell A Ow«u J. L. PENNINGTON. D.D S..M I). . BNTIBT-' .’ Office, 305 1-s BrWad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. C. HAMILTON, M Es Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. O ce 'phone No. 62. LI 3 o , Physician an I Surgeon, Office in Medlca building. Res,deuce, No. 403 West First st tflee 'phoNo rt . otM. ‘CRiTf’ Agricultural ’ J CUVUfcCB itelt rlfi DAHLONEGA, G~A. ‘ A. colleire education-in tho reach < t all. A.8.. i : nal and Burhiess Man’s conrsa*. oY,. a itivigoratingcli. n'iiol discipline; pocxi ni. raj and '“dieiccs. Ch. .-.peat lathe frno, ~ r! f>fco ’ ifl,r y produce; expense* or nrl rn', . r , a y V r ’ L ,a,<l 1,1 . ,i . o faiiiitic.s. Special license course tor teachers; full faculty of nine; all uuder the control Os the University. A college nreper .„,’- rv Co-education of sexes. Tlieinsti fo”n‘l3<J specially foreiudentsof limited means. Send for catalogue to the President. Jos. S. STKwaxr, A.M. Western & Atlantic R. R. <BAHIffgIOS LKE) AMI 1 Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway r 7. TO . . ) CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, I CHICAGO, MEMPHIS ST. LOUIS. PULLMAN PALACL BUFFLT SLLLPIN6 CU« JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA .. TO . * NASHVILLE and ST. LOUS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. local Sleepers between Atlanta and Chat 2. tanooga. (heap Emigrant Rates to AriiaMas and . . Texas. txcursioo Tickets to CaHforaia and €•*■ T or folders. Sloe—■ Car ■awarvatitM and »«y about Rata*, IchoauM, ato. *iite <at Apply !• '■ B r X *. mOMM, . T xket Ayent, iktol AMat. l <wor Oepot, No. S toatoaSuM. ATLANTA, OA. ; «-cinii<ujis ro. Rome, Va. (m. M. h«9WK mas. t. IMJtIM*, ft-Wk U. Fooo. Agt., ‘ AILANTA, C» f A