The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 06, 1898, Image 4

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BRILLIANT WORK Os The British Cavalry id Battle With Dervishes PERSUIT GIVEN UP A Camel Squad Follows Flee ing Leader Landon, September 6—The war office received thisevenu.g the fol lowing dispatch dated at Ouiilui tnau yeste'day from the sirdar, General Sir Herbert Kitchener: “This morning the British and Egyptian H igs were hoisted with due ceremony upon the walla of the Sferaya (the palace) in Kha - toum. “All the British wounded have left for 4b«diu in barges towed by steamers. I saw them before leav ing. They were all doing well and Were comfortable. “The cavilry sent in pursuit ol the khalifa were compelled to abandon the attempt,owing to the exhaustion of the horses, bpi 1 have ordered camel squads to con tinue the pursuit. The latest accounts of the cap* ture of Gmdurm n add but little to those received yesterday. All agree as to the brilliancy of the cavalry chaige of the Twenty-first Lancers. Tins was the great feature of the battle. Eveiy man who tell in ihe charge was immediately hacked to pieces by the fanatical dervis ies, yet the Lancers reiuriued us coolly as if on parade. Oi.ecorporal, covered with blood aud reeling in his saddle, was ordered t> fall wilt. He waved his bent lance and shouted: “Never!” When Lieutenant Grenfell was missed, L eutenant M mtrnorency, with a few comrades, made a most gallant attempt to recover the bjdv aud held the enemy at bay with revolvers. They secured the body acid then lo«t it again as the horse on which it was placed shied. Thete was another otemorable incidiut while MacDonald’s Black brigade was cautiously crossing the field alter ihe dervishes had br ikeu to dispatch the wounded Baggaras— un imperative duty owing to the custom of the Bag* garas to feign death and their deal • fetal How to the unweary en emy. The derv shea reformed and with ru-enlorcements made a des psiuts rush upon an Isolated camel corps, believing they had it. at their mercy, ihe corps retired steadily without confusion. , MacDonu.d’s brigade, assisted by tLe guubvu'H, came to the rescue and covered the retirement oi she camel corps by pouring volley after volley on the advan cing dervish.s, who, although thuii ranks were terribly thinned, con tinued their de.-qierute advance, M«iie dervish reserves swtq t down, the engage inert bee am Theie is in >re L'utar>h n. inis section <d the coun ry thin al. other diseases put together, ana until Ihe lust >ew years was sup posed to be incuiable. For a great many years d ctors pron. unceu it a iocai linens, and piescibed lo cal remedier and by constantly failing to cure with local treat ment, proi.ouuc d it i icurable bci.-nce has proven catarrh »o be a cons itulioiial diaea*', u. d ib< re fute requires cons i utn nal treat ment. 11. ill r Ca'arrli Cure manu factuisd by F. J, Cheney & V, . luted'i, Onio, is the oi.iy consfit lional cure on the' market. It L taken internally m doses from J(i drops to a iraspoonful. It acts di* rectiy on the blood and mucous SUitac.H of the gysi.-n , llia-% <*|l j out Lui du II 1.0 hlbf. i < hM . Mils to cure ue ,d h r cir.:uo.,f Mno tesiiiu nia s Address F J ‘ ni.NEi .<• Co , Toledo, O b dd by Dlilggis.r 7 )C Hull Family t’oiuu'u u. but, X F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. a 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. y * Plumbing and Tinning. | 2 Engineers’ and machinists* 3 <5 supplies. Stoves, rangesand f 5 tinware. Gas and electric fix- C s tures. INSURANCE gasoline | stoves. Water meters. | 9 12=: Broad st. Phone 32. • a •» 0 •’ • a « JottWWQQQ X X XXD jouxdooeooeooc n.. TL ■■ , 11 ■ ir'" "■■■■■ ■■ ■■■ -■■■ ! -K. HL" 1”? 1 -- L'VER /, SALE AND FEED STABLES. 0f1”i th i .»1 »li tth i 'iint Uiih, '•> > tv., v ancns aid nut pditn an I eonrte Ifi drivers The host stock of horses tnd ntiile-t <> • «»L co atantlyx Sk To the People of Rome. ' v ‘**' l ,P anil 1111150 that I have bought the Model ... Strain Linn Iry an 1 prop ho to rearrange and add to it yl/ so that you will h ive 111 your city a plant second tv none \l/ in the south. ... I have had years of nract cal exi re tence, the past \f/ Ciy fhr-e years of winch I hav* ■ iperated one of VF tip' -largest plan shi Tex m. \\ .th (he ears of experi* W 0 ~,e ' ** kV ’’ ttl, d aM 1 wi I I ny entire time and attention to the husiiies- 1 [ v l 'e ,1 po*i*ioil to guar* ante.' that an thing tuning to my iaun tiy « 111 be done /i\ h A trial will c vou tlct 1 can do all /|\ that I claim Sail in yotir bv 1II•.If it e ils to please /|\ jnC viv there will be u 1 charge St >p om ,g >■, or telephone yix Na. L>S, an I your hu 1 |lh will bi ratu t'l promptly. /ii H >pni4 t > r»s'iye aI ur shire of y.nir p itru mge, I um /A yours to plua Jj $ H- PARKIN $ W Proprietor Model Steam Laundry , » brink and general, but the enemy was soon completely routed. Dispatches from Omdurman re late that the newspaper correspon dent Howard, who was alterwaids killed, rode in the gallant charge of the Twenty-first Lancers. Th.'se troops Were bcouting when they saw in the bush between 600 700 dervishes. The lancers charged the ineiny and suddenly found 'hemselves faca to face with 2 000 1 swordsmen, being thus outnum ber at In at four to owe. The d r vishes were hidden from ; vtew in a hollow the lanoers charged through them reformed and charged back to recover the ; r wounded, who were being savagely slaughtered Tne official list given the num* her of British oflici ra killed tn th c ptiire es Omunnan as two. whi e thirteen were wounded, Os the m«t thirty-three were killed and ninet - nine ae.e wounded. Ihe loss sus* amed by the Egyptians va O - ticers, one killed, t ight wounded, m n twenty nil led 221 »ou .deci. LADIES FINE SAILOR'*. Go to Lanham & Sons and get one of those fine sailors they an selling so cheap They are ac t tally worth $1 00, $1 50, $2.00 and some evon more, yet th y ire selling choice for 50 cents. \ <Ofl tY LOT All KICAN-1 F >I«ED l’o VV vr< H Them Vkry C ej.y. Furt Worth Tex , f. s.—Cap- itn Hwrrv Polkinhorne, now at hmtiago with an immune regiment wi’ing home, say?: “Cubans are no account on earth Lhey are la/. ,1. y and cause more trouble in one d <y than the Span* • rds would in six months. They 1. k they *h< uld govern thi r ce and me angry becauce they don' t. We hive to watch v. y u. Ve they n. uu , .'j L },, biggest thiev.-s on earth, hard* heart (I and b ufal, There are 500 laborers and prisoners at wo:k street e’eaning The city has not bad a cleaning up for years and is filthy.” # He s<»ys the residents think they are much imposed upon by Geo, Wood’s order to e'ean up their pre* tnises aud keep them clean. He sky®; • “The so d era in their food do not fare of tin* b- st. The diet is limited to rations which are nut always palatably and extras are very high ” A CLEVER TRICK I’ Certainly looks like it, but there -s really no trick about it, Inyl cdy can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure hi uself right tway by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole s> stem, acts a« a stimulant to Lvtrand Kidney s, is a blood purdier and nerve tonic. It cures Co istioatiou, Headache, Faint ng Spells, Sleeplessness and ‘lelanclioly. It is purely vegeta »le, a mild laxative, and restmes ne s\sl»ni t> its natural vigor, ’’■y Electric Bitters andjbe con • ineed that they are a miracle vorker Every bottle guaranteed Only 50c a bottle at Curry Ai i gton drug atore. TAPE WORMS “A tape worm eighteen feet louts a: least catne on the scene after my taking tw< CASCAKETS. Thia lum sure has caused nr. bad health fur the past three years. lam stli taking Cuscurets. the only cathartic worthy oi notice by sensible people ” Geu. W Bowles, Baird, Muss K CATHARTIC TRAXJI MARK WKMatERtO Pleasant Pood. Merer Sicken. Weaken or Gripe Ilk 2..< .< ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... at«rM> r CaaaaaT. rbleaaa. Voatraal. Raw Tart. T| MftaTfl.RAß S lid and ennranteert by all cri IV VmU gists u> t'VME Tobacco Habit W comel 1 Ji !UT W 1 liiSri udi || KEA.SON -J si [TOGETHER | PI IT* DOW “Whi FOft TO fl FEW MINUfES. "10 ■7-11 li g You have bought ah*./ H ;j| /* | stoek of goods for thg fall .. ade, | | * ’ « an d of course yo j secured many I Bf-'ll choice bargains for your friends: ,gj B H [-j B now, here is where the P R I'm (j ROME DAILY HUSHER-SOMMERSIAL | f .J V J ■ Baa ’ llll ‘ lMr|l ' lMWßl gwiiwwwww.mnwiMjPMMgiTiwwß Ullin 1 1 px -| F M E come in and proposes to prove L'J te an invaluable friend, for just as B "jh 1 y° n are reading this so will the H I tnousands of people in the Rom 3 n R || / x H territc ry read your announce- p,■ Jp I I~J I rnen. in this pape x 1 ’ iS InIWWE. SEXSONiji I I FOR ACTION 11 1/ 9 hasnoav AhrnvED, |o| I' I / y ■ IJ I IA | - . ////// Jy I /vlj Siw. / | I I (Hill MPH w |M| .JILT? • R a ww □ r| 1 I j »i 1 » j f,* I r> 1’ ' ,r> ’ Ha (•