The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 07, 1898, Image 4

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f “SCHOOL NOTICE? I M THZ COOEsT BOOK OSTS . ' ,-ft kJ M K M Ji ‘ ' ; H ! H H ■ B 15l iwP UU Are those issued DIRECT from the Public Schools. |hJ 111 ! At the rsquest of £lr. Harry Rawlins the Rome ’• fU| ■ ■ public schools inserted the wholesale prices of books bßb * win 1 * n th e ’ r l ,s * s - lyh jUj J>4 This caused the prices on school books and school u gnH Enm supples to be lowered. . |Jj |U| 1 J We respectfully solicit your patronage, RM M HARRY RAWLINS&CO I an 302 Broad sireel. . -Medical Buildino. ImK ■ i ■- - "■■ —"—-u ' Kt I . Y '' * —*—'■■ ■ ——■ ——————’’w i THE FILIPPINOS Deciare in Favor of Rnnexa iion to United States. Tills VJi’is STOOD 18 TO 2 naßtdy of Twinty Leading Natives Called to Consult- Manila, Sept. 7.—At a meet ing yesterday of twenty leaders of the Filippinos of all sections called to discuss the policy ol these islands, eighteen of them were emphatically in favor of outright a inexation to the Unit ed States ami two were in favm of a republic. Th*- general natives opinion i> that it is best to adopt United States (Jons il Williams’ sugges tion and offer liberal induce ments to the independence fac tions to co-operate and to reward the services rendered. The United States cruiser Olympia and Kaieigh returned herefrom Hong Kong yester day. TORTURED BY ROBBERS Buhk A Man’s Feet In an At temp To Get Hi< Money. Sharon Sept. 7.—three .jijafUd r<>l>l>r*i s lifok<* into the res il«iu:n »»t James S B dweU, nt Nv-v Hain burg, M rcer county, lout evening an , i>!.ic tig a lighted lamp at h;s ls-et, ‘ri' <l t. i xt.ut money fiom him Bnl.vt'ii fi-tiH"' to divulg the Imh g p'.me ot Ins money ano tainted ir an the puin. After attempting with >ut suc cess, to force Bidwell’s wife to tell ihr men fl d Th- r is no? clew, to th ir identification. Bidwell is in a serJoiiß cundition SEP I E -IBER WEATHER The H«.t. Spiji, the Qause ■ r Sev en al Ik n Mul lohng IL»n Reading. £ The past •hr- e days have been record br. # uk era for September w-ath ir i i this section Many of the rolling mills and other iron industries wen compel led to -top operations on cc' tint of the heat, a Lumber ol the employes beii g prostrated• Las* night was on* of the hot «st this city has evrtr experienced he themomet r registering 85 de »ree» at rnidni ght. At A M. it vhh 85 and th** Immidity■. m st •ppresuv Yesterday thr u h<-rs«s iropped dead < p i:i- s r elf of Reading from th* elf.cis ■ f ti e bat. . WHEN YOU AR *1 I IKED Without extra ex rdun, lan guid, dull and listle-s, your blood is failing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and strength-giving properties they require. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and purify ing the blood. It will give you energy and vigor. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. (Jure indigos tien , biliousness. 25 ■ BAYARD IS IMPROVING Ex-Sk ketaky of State: Shows A Decided Chin.e De’h'itn, Mass., September 7 Ex-Seeietafy of i ayard picked u Miinew bhi rtslb-sr nivht,! but toward morning griw mu- ' comfortable. Mr.'* p-i-sed u ' com fortablt d y, bein'* fuHv eon-j Acioua ami taki nr rrm^'•!>>»»<.• nt. so that while his recovery is o >t yvt assured, it is considered probable. .- 1 ■ .1 iiii-jw—— I Beware of Imitations .1 uahetfemtire (/) i I * JOHN DUNCAN‘B SON 3, AGfNTg, WE# YOWK. I U- - - CIMF- 2-CENT STAMP! . ■■III I -I- ' Will send a letter to any point in Uncle Sam's big a domain.: For this very CvT- reason, if you are sick, jjalu sore or suffering, this .fr: very trifling outlay . .May Save Your liffl I Here’s just how Lllui it is. You can I ........ write a plain letter, can’t you? Well, it will take just two cents to carry it to the “Washington Medical &'Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famous specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came in per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do- *7— y - < '° y : The y now Have patients in j ah the adjoining States, some of them hundreda tlerlul' S away> a,| d t*heir cures are simply won** CURES positive ANDrnrrj CONSULTATION F Klll In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club Foot, ; v L'l’.v-X'S' Kyes and other surgical cases, also in al forms of Skin aud Blood disorders, Rheutna tism. Sciatica Cattarrh of the •Nose. Throat. St i O,l ‘r.\ h .°. r an y vital organ. Liver, Kid- " and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak- ! uesses ol either tneti or women, diseases of the F l’“7” ”. n “ vv ? r ?r other ’“W ‘fflictiou that ’ uzrbJ r a,n > 1 aloue can deal with. write freely. It costs -ou nothing If we un- I MmiL k< fnr PU » r w C ‘ W W ' shßll iend you <l u «*t>on 'nr-M > i‘” J P ; er''culars. If your case is r SHALL i -etU.”»«ki 2 ir P n riX mP may 9ave your life - AU L ADDRUSS, .Washington Medical &Surgoß INSTITUTE. I 500-1 Austell Atlanta, ua{)' HOME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, »Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to t2ie College for carrying them thriAigh a thorough commer cial eouise, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payidile after a position is secured. j The Cofiege procured 92 positions the past year. It supples schools and colleges I with compehent teachers of Pei' ■ maiiship -and principals of oxy- mOr l cial departments;, •rn*!* les sons in SSiox/lxLj Tully explained for io cents-in stamps; ie strongly endorsed by hundreds of business •and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography or Bookkeeping. Address all letters | to the Principal, H. S Shockley . Rome. Ga. — r w- —— ■■ ■ SCHOOL BOOKS. ■ The Rome Public School! iN'oks can be found at J. SAM ' A’EAL’S, as usijal aud the prices are as low as anybody’s;; don't be mislead by any impres-; sion to the contrary. I appreci-i ate your trade and will treat you ' all right. Bring in your old i boods to exchange as you have' .always done. I am in the busi-j ness aud hope to stay, of course that all depends on my friends, and I hope thev are not going ( 'to be misled. Respectfully, J. Sam Veal, THE BOOK SELLER. !! u PASTEUR FILTERS 1 : The onlv G-arm Proof Filter in the world. Makes water pure and ole ir for sale by The Hanson Supply Co ———■— 11 The Macon Telegraph and vTiie Griffin News could gratify , Itheirdesires, Your Uncle Allen I r would be elected—but by a re- Jduced majority. I RELIABILITI is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of Id th days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for tr and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD The success of THE RECORD rests'upon its reliabilitj It prints the news—all the news—and tells the tn about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York fl . that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service aid own staff correspondents and artists at the front in bi hemispheres. It is the best illustrated dailp newspaper in the world Its war news service is unapproachably the best. Says the Urbana (Ill.) Daily Courier: "We read the war news in the other paper then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD see how much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions «« by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECQKU Madison street, Chicago. Como, Wis., HyawiiSil Jan. 10,1898. t Jaß | I would not bo I re * r without P ISO’S jsi -m CDf ’ I, L,iS cure for con- scMiy] SUMPTION for ;inv M lk6t syrup, tum.* uoxi. u«>Fj jjggt muiill LLVix lUL cuiy ng )Q tlme _ bold by drujgUta. El „„ fhiH thing. For a bad ciiw/’i 1 Cough or Cold it is ■ I—T ■ havW beyond all others. 15 y earß, l Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J- WE I “The Best Cough MedicinJ NO but have told Aireet to tb« ooa- I x l\ Tk ,umw r At wholo- k • ■J \ IBm * <ie nc * - * I * lß U I dealer • profit*, ihip way-' tL J whore for eianuuaUoD. ;a® 1 nT* wiimutod. / XA I K H 8 rtylM »f Vehicle*. IM 7/\ M atylee es HtrnaM. k — J 11 \\ // \ llif t °p “«««>••. |36 to S7O. VX YDrZI ■X. J| // Ji jIW Surrey*, |SO t 01125. X . PhMteni, Tr&pfl, W a<on- / W him, NpriM lM bl i Milk rilhr( rjJ« Me. H. Mwrvoy BarnuM. Frtee, |M M. Wagono. ten 4 for large, frw ?to.«*Sorrr.* A* •—< m Ml* tw US. •< *ll OU nyl.* *l»4*. Mir*. —J F ILKHART ‘JASMUawn AXU MAMKM« M>U CO. W. B. PHATT. »«'»• * . «