The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 08, 1898, Image 2

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P.RSONiL M.NTION. Mr. a!»x II ♦miltoii is up from • Ema furn ee t< d »y. Mr. E. D. Burts of C ilir™ n». is in ths city t»I ly. «SS3 II m Iso »i » Will f’lii h«y »i*< •• yesterday in L nd.i’e . Mr. F. A Guild, of Atlanta, is at the Nt w (’eiitrul Mr. Charley Patters..n, of Cartersville, is here today. Hr. J. if Atwater, of Chatta noog’i, is at the Armstrong. S.jtiire Fillmore Johnson, of • up the Etowah, is here today. Mr. William McWilliams is now one of the popular clerks at Fahy’s. • Hr. C. A McDaniel, of Allan ta, is among the visitors at the Armstrong. Mr, Rosser Thomas, of Adairs Ville, was in the city yesterday afternoon. Mr. Luke McDonald ha* re turned from a business trip to eastern markets. Mrs. Luke McDonald is home after a pleasant visit to friends at Chattanooga. The many friends of Mr. R. W. Childress are glad to see him out again after an illness of several days. Mrs. W.H. Buskin has gone to Spring Garden, having l>e- o Called there by the illness «»f he. relative, Dr, Race While. Mr. W. H. Overbv, a popular representative of the Atlanta < uiistitution, i„ in the city today and is stopping at the Central Mrs Fa.k< Morton, who has been vi tting Mrs. Fannie Crans for several weeks, has returned to her home in Rome.—Athens I Banner Mrs. Thomas Fahy nss c turned from Indiana. Mrs Fain entered her sous, Joseph ami ( Willie, at Noire Dame Uuiver gity while away. Prof. Wright, of the Georgia School of the Deaf and Duyab, at Cave Spring, is visiting th» State Normal School for a few days.—Athens Banner. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank West are delighted to know that Mrs. West is now safely convalescent, after having been critically ill for some lime. “Finest coffees ever brougb to Rome” is the verdict of al who try those sold by Lloyd & Harper. Nothing better for tin price can be produced anywhere Mr. Will Harbour and his ere ter, Miss Josie Harbour, ol Rome, are spending the week ai the home of Mr. L. D. Arm strong at O istanaula, —Calhoun Times. The firm of Camp & O’Reai is this day (Aug. 27, 1898; dis solved. All parlies indebted t< them will not pay unhss hot names, S. D. Camp and J. M O’Rear, are signed to the bills. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying ti the public to know of one con cern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy ami suffering. The pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery f >rConsumption,Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases Asthma, Bron chiiis. Hoarseness and all dis- Mk oases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Curry Arrington, drug gist, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and sl. Every bottle guaranteed or money je denfu’d Tb« feral !• p«wfev feeww. Actoal tMU it «•» •••- tMrS fawlfer '*“■ ••r etkar braat ffflM ■ POWDER Absolutely Pure ROVAI BAKING POWDER CO., HEW VORK. Sam J nws Meeting —93c to Car ers.’ille end return via W. A A. R R «i • . ts on sale daily ‘ Sept. 11 to lb tn limited 19th trains leave Rome 9:30 a tn 4 .25 p tn. Capt. N II B iss «f Lavender, is smiling over the arrival of a or-imldaughter at the home of his daughter in Houston county. Mrs. Bass left yesterday after noon to visit the new baby. Handsome box writing pa per and envelopes to match, onlv 5c box at Lloyd & liar pers. Also ft large and beautiful line of pencil and ink tablets at marvelously low prices and la test designs. Miss Minnie Langford of At lanta, who has been quite ill, is convalescent and her mmy friends hopa soon to see her fully recovered. Miss Lmgford i< th® g ie-,t of her pretty con in. ■I iss Flo S •*!v, battle Dmdukman ><enkal Kitchener Pursuing The Fleeing Devi.-he j . London Sept 8 —The British war office has received a dispatch uom General Herbert Ki chemr. c iminai.der of the An ,’’o-Egvptian forces, dated Orndur DOttU on Munday la‘t faying that hi camels, were dispatched- after tip fugitive Khalifa Abdullah that uorning. The general added that he dervish 1-ader was reported to >» m «vmg with such speed that of nis wives had been drop ped along >he road following hi n. Th i aidar s iys: “Officers bav • been counting the -lervieh bodies on the field, and re port the total number of dead found as about 10.800 From the lumbers of wounded who have •riwled to :he river and town, it is es-imat-'l that 16 000 were bounded. B -aid > the above, be tween 300 and 400 dervishes were billed in Omuurinan when the own was taken. “I have as prisoners b* tween 3,- K) and 4,OCX) fighting men.” UNG DISMISSED iREAT BrITANN’s DEMANDS CoM plied With By China, Peking, Sept 8 —Li Hung Cfinng ias been dismissed from power, It is presumed this was done in iccordance with the demv*d vttich it was rum >rel, the British oinister her •, Sir ClaUiL M Me fouald, was instructed to m .ke n account of the alleged general ) irtiality of th- great Chinaman " Russia, culminating in Grant Britain being deprived of the con tact for •’eking-II uik ,w riil road y giving the Russo-Chiue bank ; iuancial con'r >1 n! the mad. I VERMONT DEM OCT ATS GA;N • Ik-ult Os The Electi n a Sur ► ri-e To Th >: Republicans. White Rivnr Juncti m, Vi., Sip i.—The result of yesterday's hien iial election in Vermont show uany surpri s, -be republic* mtj having fa'leu off quite mate ially imm fnir v are ago, where a the ps tv managers had expect f would <qual if not exceed the of 1894 The democrats hive iot only n>adn a ga n for governor, but have elected thirty-three re preseotativos in 179 towns heard from at uoon today, while only eleven wera se . t t' e last year. LOG 141 HAPPENINGS. Will Dince .Tonight,- Mies Grinnell ha* i-*n«d invitations to a<h nnii g<l sure'tn he given by > r >»t th.' P rk pjvillioti tonigh'. Those invit d anticipate a P II .11)1 eveil’ng <» me t ■ Fl. iMDA. Mr. Geo. W H rp r. jinior member of th* fi hi <> Lloyd & Harper, aecom puni d by his wife, le-fi last night •• r Di.t.mia Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Harper will be away for several weeks, perhaps for the winter. Daytonia is a delightful health resort and is patronized very largely the year round. Ba f ball Saturday. —On Sat' urday afternoon, Fate willing end the weather p rmitting, the “Is No« s” will wipe up the earth of the Exp sition park diamond, with the ancient “Has Beens.” Ths game «ill doubtless be very larg ly attended as tbe last times these nines contested, the grand stand was bombarded with fun. Go and Register.—Remem ber that if you vote in this falls’ tit e election you must go to the tax collector’s office and have your name registered be fore the night of September 16. On that date the books close. Less than 2000 citizens have qualifi >d as voters up to this time. New S da Gerker. —Mr. F D [’parson, of Atlanta, arrived this morning and is now holiing down the h indßome soda fount of the Cm r,-Arrington Co., and catering to »n»» throng of patrons who ,ia h r at that pop uar orner Mr. Pearson comes highlv rec and will soon b i n nd •• nns With every body. Enti.ktainw La-t Night.— v| is-i Nsely entertained quiet a number <4 her friends last night, at the Neely’s hospitable home in the Fifth ward, iu houor of Miss Maud Smith, of Atlanta. Miss Smith once lived in Rome and her very ‘‘fflUl’rff are enjoying, renewing p lit a quaintauci.B. ol Books Fur County Schools. On the 17th inst., the committee of Floyd county teachers, ap pointed to look into the school books and make recommenda tions as to the best to be adopted into the county schools, wll meet with the board of educetion.They will discuss the question togeth er, and on the 27th the board will meet again and make its selections. Jiißtic Court.—Justic Walter Harris and E. P. Treadaway ar« down a most interesting term of Justic -sourt ia the city court room.! he dockets are lengthv and the prospects are that the A daring' bal r— looi.i-t some Z- tiiues tumble? ne.itly two hun dr e d Leet >Jy I through the aii /// 1 -'T'* 1 ’ ‘ *M>*CjaSr j hanging on to a parachute un- 7|!w *4* til it opens li —x _ "aEI •Ol well.” he " * says, “It usual- X '*— —-l 'At - ly opens in >3w time.” Some- times it doesn’t open and he is doomed This seems foolhardy but no VI more so than the sick man who says, “O, I guess I’ll get well all right 1 ” Disease is no guessing matter. If it isn’t stop ped it keeps on getting worse. Many a man be J gins with dyspepsia or “liver complaint,” and jr gradually loses strength and vitality until before he knows it his lungs are attacked and he finds hithself In consumption The parachute doesn’t open Tiie only real safety for a man whose strength is failing from any cause what ever i< to renew tbe sources of vitality at their fountain head The best agency for this purpose is the wonderful "Golden Medical Discovery" originated by Dr. R V Pierce, chief consulting physician of th« Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute of Bufalo, N. ,T . This ” Discovery "goes di rectly to the aid of the enfeebled digestive forces and enables them to make health* nourishing blood, thereby building up solid muscular strength and active nerve force and energy. The absolutelv marvelous things it does for sick people is shown hv the experience of Mr Prank A Starts, of Fayetteville. Fayette Co Texas who writes: ■lt afiords me pleasure t<i I testify to the remarkable curative power of Dr 1 Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I wai I severely affikted with trouble in mv lungs- I spitting up blood, and was so weak I Ms unable I to continue my work I tried several remediei I which gave me no relief, and I had commenced I to think there was no hope tor inc Dr Pierce r I Golden Medical Discovery was recommended tc g me. so I tried it and began to improve at <mce, I and was soon able to resume work. I oousidci I it a wonderful medicine.” I Dr Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Ad- • viser sent for si one cent stamps to covet mailing os/y. Cloth bindiKg u stamps Address Dr R. V. Pierce, Bu&lo, N. V. work will extend well *nto next week . Geo. Wilson’s Minstrel*. — Manager J B. Nevin is of the opinion that the theatrical season for Rome will open on the night of Sept. 21, with George Wil son’s famous miisstrels on the boards. George Wilson has a habit of opening the season for Ibune He always puts on a splendid show and has never Irtikd to play to an audience quite as large as it -is ap preciative. Manager Nevin has not booked quite so many at tractions, as heretofore, up to this date. He has however, ex ercised much discression and proposes to give Romans only the best that can be secured. PAINFULLY INJURED Mrs. Jane Vandiver, Mother Os Mrs. J. P. M Byrd. Mrs- J P M. Byrd left, over the Sou'hern this afternoon for Alexi«, A'a., having been called there by a message which stated that her mother Mrs. Jane A an diver, had been painfully injured. The message gave no details more than that a heavy gate had fallen on her crushing her very b id r / Vandiver is one of the Ofpwn, most hospitable and b gloved women in Cherokee a y, Ala. She is more than f core years of but until t|y nfortunate accident was its »p.y, and vigorous as most w’omen a fi ftv. WHEN YOU ARE TIRED Without extra exertion, lan guid, cfull and listless, your blood is failing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and strength giving properties they require. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and purify ing the blood. It will give you energy and vigor. Hoocr s Pjh s are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indiges tion , biliousness. 25. BRIDGE DISASTER. • Revife© List of Killed And In jured By The Accident, Cornwall, Ont., September 8 R vised lists of the killed and in juri'd in yustarday’s bridge dieftster «how that fifteen men were killed md sixteen injured. - REGULARS FOR CUBA Washington, September 8 —At the war department it is said the troop? which will garrison Cuba pending the establishment of some permanent form of government there will be principally regu'are. The regiments, however, have not yet been eelect-d. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY fake Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. All druggists refund l 'he money if it fails to cure. 25c. Ihe genuine has L B. Q on ••ach tablet. Annual Sales over 0,000,003 LoxSs t’OB BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS inch as Wind and Pain in the Stomach. Giddiness. Fairness after nmuls, Head iehe. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushinus of Heat, Luss of Appetite, Costivenoss, Blotches on the Skin, Old Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and nil Nervous and Trembling Sensations THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIE] IN TWENTY MINUTER Every suilore, will acknowledge them to l>o A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. !i T*. F.< II A M m PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly r-store Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem mid cure Mick lieadMclie. Fur a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE < *ny Patent Medlelur in the World. 35c. At ail Drue Stores, THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As tbe genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satis’., .ion which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all oilier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. IOCISVILI K. ' *KW YORK. N. Y. BIJ CKLEN ’S A R NIC A* SAL V E • The best salve in the world for cuts, biusese sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quirej. Is guaranteed to give perfi-ct satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. . SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Coßilenw<l Schedule iu Effect July 6, INHS. STATIONS. \ T »• 10 I No. 14 N:>: 1 Lv Chatta loogu .cSOiitn’ 7. o< m lO.lUpm Ar Daltun 1 7.sUmi 8. 'o I'.’. 10am Kr Borne k.amun 9.40 pm 1 Hara Ar Atlanta 11 4 >ani I'.Oji ni s.Olam Lv Atlanta 4 .’Onm; 1 ■> pm 5. -Oam Hr Macon 7.1C t mi Z i arn S. .’onm 4r Jesup Isam 2.38 pm Ar Everett 7.2bam 1.25 pm .Ar Jacksonville 9.40 nm •. ,spm Lv Jesup lo.oiam >pm Lv’retT ■‘.”7. J. L 1 L s ?™ Ar Brunswick . .. 8 3i>am! IJOpiB No. 10 co-vies I’uknuu Sleeping Car Cbat lan to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Hulliran Sleeping Car and Day 'oaehesClia taiootfa to Jacksonville and At lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 curries I’ullma’'Sleeping Car Chutta -lOOKU to Atlanta. ~SI aT'iTTs ' ' ' No. 13 I Nq~l j NoT" Lv Atlanta 4.2Gam! 4.oopm' 7.50 am Ar Rome ’>.3ouin: o.27>|>in'lo.2Vum Ar Dalton 7 22tm 7.34pmil 1.30 am Ar Chattanooga | 1 B.7>opn. I.oopm Lv Chattai.ooija ....... j, w.iopmi Ar Burgin 4 2! pn> I Ar Lexington j 5. lOpin 4..toamL iii ii” Ar Louisville j 7 50pm| 7.s‘iam Ar Cinciiumti . '.’r.ii »nm ’ i.v Chattanooga j U.’.mm I 15;.m _ l”2snrn Ar Nashville . | ko.i.ia (i loam 6.55 pm No 13 Carrie. I’Ulhmm .'•h eping <ar Atlanta oChattuno ga mu ( ~o . -a to Cin 'inaati. No i) carrlc- Pullman Sm -.mi ■ ."ar Atlanta o Cincinnati an i Chattanooga to L-.misville. £Fy£.'L2!?. l x No. 11 Lvi'hatla . oa.. | B.liam' •' lOnin ib-iOnm Ar lyioxvi'.le [11.55am 8.0 . : >rn i.ioani ArMorrist wn 1.21 pm B..>o.trn 2.27.arn Yr Hot Springs a upm U.4Buni| 4.00 um • r 4.3jpiu' l.)spm| s.loura Ar.ulis'miv 6. iopm 9.:«)ain A-r 10-eenm,0r°................ u..S!ptu 12.10 pm "!r "ii‘- ' r , ‘-' In J.23pm Ar \Va liimzton.... .. 1T7.7.7 Jll H7ia 'ospm •r N’ w ‘i2 13pm No. I 2 Carrie . I‘ullui vi Driiwi-.e ..o mSleep >g ’ ar Chattanooga to N w York via Asho z'.lle and Salisbury to Iti -hm md. arriving Rich nind 6.40 p.m. also Pullman Sleeping Car ee iisbino to Norfolk No IB Is solid train Chfittanovrv to Salls nir v with L’ulhn ci Sl(‘iq)in / Car Chattanooga o S dishiny and Salisbury to New York with »ut’i han“<!. _ • , S '|-A i-'<’_xs. 7No. 4 I N.JTT .v ( ha t.t i nooga fkWpm B.loam .r Knoxville 8. 1 ,pm 11.5.5 am \r n (st ,wn ■>. i.satn l.Xiptn vr vv 1 ')" . ' 7 -* Wau >j 3.55 pm i \r Wa.ihmgton . . I 74>i m Y'-ri< ....JUpS No. 6. curries Pullman Sleeping Gar Cb'attn (ooga t . vVasliinrt m and Cliattan oga to New t'.: k without change. No. I carries Pullman Sleeping Gar Knox zilietoßri tol. . STATIONS. __ ' 15- Ar Birmingham ................’.‘.W i(i.6op X n y Meridian 7.30 ;m Ar Ne« or’., anv lU.3oum y 9.45 am Ar t K ksburg 11.35uni Ar Shreveport. ■- ' l 7.»pm ’N” l f >lJ_Na_«| +No. 16 IJNo. 10 2.00 pm 4-sopm.Lv Home ... xr B.soam!’B.3Sani M'lpm 6.57 pm Ar Gadsden, ar 6.00 am 6.80 am 6.00 pm 7.10 pm Ar Attalla. ly! 5.45 am; uWam t Daily except Sunday. $ Sunday only.~ F. S. GANNON. 3dv. p. AG. m.. Waxhtngtoa, D.Q. J. M. CULP, Traf. Mgr., Washlngtoa D Q W. A. TURK. G. P A.. Waxhln<ton, D. a G A. BENBCOT3R, > w-*. t rests w'fh yo w ether you continue *„h“ xvr ze-killinz tot,tri o habit. \O-l Q-liar JizCZl renoive- the dean t-t.,r tobac< t r ith < W iMmE out nervous distress , 4xpelbiiico- -•‘'W iv tine, purities ‘.he blood, re-Jggfl *JW ’Le>ns(i •tores lost in ' *oid 400,000 ~ w 41 1U BP* yojr own druggist, who I W V ' ucl * f °ruß. Tate it with tk w * will,pathrntly, persistently One *.WI >tt> •*/ usually cures. 3 boxes. M 5. na L ant< 7‘!. toc,,r ‘• werrfunom<>.y P-JiiglMssdyCX. 'Ueage Mantraol. H.w I.r£ ISffißifei I lu 48 honrw Ooiiorrhoen I and disclia r#r* 1 rowi th“ /, >■ « n W) IncoDVfMH'ncr, x 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNEYS. J sranham, Law onioe, *lO Kist Fine Btroot, CHAS tV. UNDER A/QOD it I. w, R linij . Cn.poiai"ii I nn Onltr "VV J. JNIBSHiL Attorney ftt law. Will practice In allocun. .special atwnuon given to LL and the examination cf. bind title* office iu King building, Rome. Qa. WALTER HARRiy, Attorney at law and.l. P. Office over F j Kune & Co. ’s. LIPSCOMB .Sc WILLI NOH AM Commercial Lawyers. Gffice lu Armstrong hotel building, Rome, q, M 13 B 3 CJ I3 A. FT BLS, Attorney at law. OfflceKing Bnlldinc Rome,. a. W H JEN MIS, Attorney at Law Wul tn all comu Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga J. SANTA. CRWF ) t J Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections . specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Ko. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office 24C 1-2 Broad. > Over Cantrell A Owen J. L PENNINGTON. D .l) S.,M D. . ENTIBT- Office. 305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. O. H AMJII-.rON, M D Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. O. co ’phone No. 63. Lu F> ti Y /L Jt 3 □. M D . Physician an t S irgeou, Office In Medlca building Residence, No. 403 West First st ffice ’phoNo rt . 2240fr-M_j A sfa E Agricultural 0 tiJJUJ College ft M* l * Building. 7—— 7-77' _J DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education hi tbe rc. ch < f A .8., U.S., formal and * Business Man’s courses. Good laboratories; healthful, hivigorntin^cii' mite; military di^cipme; p/od nn»ral and religions influences. Cln ajiest board in the State; abund i ncc of country produettjexpenses from $7.5 10 $l5O a year; board in dormitories or private fanuli s. Special licciu •* c-» .r^efor teachers; full faculty of nine; all undet the control of tiie University. A college prepar atory cl asn. Co-education of sexes. Theinsti tuti'. n fvUiidcd si«c:a!ly for students nf limited means. Send for catalog. eto the President. Jos. S. Stewart, A.M. yiooifffl Western & .Atlantic R. R. (BATTLEFIELDS LINE) AND - ■■ Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway r ■-'x . . TO . . J CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, • CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS ax ST. LOUIS. PULLMAN PALACE BUFFET SLLLPING CARS JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA . . TO . . NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHAMJf. Local Sleepers between Atlanta and Chat tanooga. Cheap Emigrant Rates to Arkansas and Texas. Excursion Tickets to California and Col orado Resorts. For Maps, Folders, Slee/vg Car Reservation and any information abuut Rates, ScheOutes, write or apply to , C tt. WALKER, J. A. THOMAS, 1 >ket Agent, Ticket Agent. / Onio* Depot, No. 8 Kiavba.: noose. ATLANTA, GA. C aYLR, j. L. LDMONDSON, ’.A., ticket Agent. Chattanooga, Rome, Ua. tena. •OS. M. BROWN. CHAS. t. HARMAN. Traffic Manager, Gen ?aaa- AgL. s . AFtyiTA. f.V ___«