The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 08, 1898, Image 4

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IM mnEMOHEO E HU ST LE ROF ROM E Kslabllxhed, IHVO. 'HE RCM& COMMERCIAL EutablUbed. lIW.>. »v»d every evening, except .Saturday. Sandav aud weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. EDITORAND MANAGER. Olu Wilujrsin Block, Third Avenue Aguinaldo, the insurgent chief, is a Japanese. 'I here are no impediment* across the Etowah by a dam site All Georgia volunteers look alike to the war department— and they all stay. Now let Czar Nicholas adopt the Salvation Ariny as the na tonal Hower of Russia. The overflow of the Ogeechee spread out for two miles each side of the river, says the Way cross Herald. Dr. Nicholas Seifn is camping on the trail of the war depart ment,sand the great and only Alger'now dreams of him as Old Nick Sin. No, lane, dear, it is not al! right to call the returning Sm tiajjo veterans dogs of war, ins because they have been u: th embarking hu-iness. A south Georgia paper says that the d mi iges caused by the recent storm in siuthirn Geor gia are now estimated at $ 1,000, 000 S.tuth Georgia has escaped lightly. r~~ ~ The Sdvalioti Array will fi id a giod opening in Spain just now, only it will have ,o furnish its own drums, as Uncle Sam has captured ab rat all that Spain owned. “We hear ve*ry little opp >sl tion to Hon. Allen D. Candler in north Georgia, and if all parts of the state were as strong for him as this section is, his ma jority woul 1 probably roach the 100,000 mark,” says rhe Jasper Herald. Allen D. Candler is the most popular man whoh is ever made the race for governor <>f Georgia He will be elected by a m ij irity of over fifty thousand. Whil- Candler has been preceded in the executive chair by some able men, he is easily the peer of any of them. Walton News. One of the charges against Riche’s immunes is that they failed to salute the negro officers when they met them. Another charge is that the ofli :ers of the regiment had been heard to ad dress each other by their gi'en names, and not by their sur names, and the rank indicated by shoulders! raps Such disre gard for military order and dis ciplinecalls for prompt punitory action by the war department.— New Orleans States. One of the most singular of railway accidents was that near Genoa, by which a dozen lives were recently lost. The Glori tunnel, in which it occurred, i very long, and so foul that the windows are shut, leaving the passengers to keep alive on what air is already in ths car. But the engineers have no such support, and the accident was caused by the fact that all the drivers and firemen on the three engines needed to h ml the train Up the heavy grade of the tun nel w re asphyxiated. The train consequent!v s'ipped back an ! plunged int • a pas-enger train at the botto n >f the incline. TUNESOF THE TIMES. Chicago i* in the thro-8 of a great contest The issue jr between “coon music” and the clmsics. Up to the hour of going to press tie indie.lions wele tint the tilting strains of the dinky ballads won d win out while the thunderous dia pasons of Wagner would have to do its ru'.hful having at Beyruth “R sy O’Gradv” is in th) asce- - •fancy and the overture from Faust is wearmgcour'plas’er. The Lohengrin “Swan Song” has h *en drowned by the roar of the “Wa bash, Far Away ” Chicago has a band of her own just a# the hi,tor 3 purveyor of ' arren's blacking “kep* a p >et of his own .” Park Commi«.ioner Duntot. takes the posithion that if the cm u io foot 'he bills end i rue people are to be pri maril y coni | ddered. then the people ought to] have the kind of music they want —even to the extent of “I Want Dem Present* Back,” or that other stirring air, “You Ain’t 8a Warm.” He says th it 5,000 perspiring and umtpplau ling people nut through one of tho*e high flown, classic al fresco concerts the other evening and prayed for real iive minis, and by the sacred name of the city treasury, they shall have it! He is going to stpp the salary of tpe music auxiliary until it rend <r» the tunes of the times rather than ■he ponderosity of other timis . “Music fur the is thn dog:n. I'he whole country ha> b-n> me i t’-r-'Hted hi the contest and we a vt*ii with unxi-ty he fi ia> re mit.— Amin a H raid. .■ 1 'j . .j . POLITICAL POINTS N GEOR- GIA Pelham Home: Col. Hogan its one of'he populist atributes. llis whiskers are immense. Americus II ;rald : From all over the state comes the cry for the secret ball >t-i;i vxeorgia. Will the legislators give it to us? Darien Gazette: Chatham county should give Allen D. Candler 5.000 majority. Ill) and it ’em, democrats of good old Chatham. Decatur Democrat: Editor Ben Millikin of Jessup, is the populist candidate for comptrol ler general, but Ben will do no Millikin from the public udder this year. Tifton G izette: Oar old friend, Ben Millikin, who for twelve years has been unable to suc cessfully run a six column news paper, but whom the p ipulists think competent to hold down the state comptroller’s job, was over in Worth speech-making last week. The Memphis Scimitar B*ys that an officer of the regular army, writing from Santiago to Memphi* friend tuliy confirms th* stories of Cuban unworthiness. He says: “Don’t talk to a U lited Stat-iH s tidier of the valor of the insurgent mob, uulesa yon want a row. The Cubans followed our men and 'not ed their packs, which hid b en laid asid* whi'e the tn n were fighting Nobody rv-r saw one of them at the front where there any fighting, so far as I have been able to learn. We haven’t heard th last of the Cubans. I predict that in less than eig iteen months th* United States tr tops will be firing on tlimi.’' The cendemi’hrti of these b eased patriots is not a note uttered here ar.d there. It is a chorus. FIGHTING joe wheeler Gen. Lee should get Gen. Wheeler’s attachment for a self operating campaign, to use in race for the Virginia sena i torship.—Galveston Nows. Old Joe Wheeler climbed trees in Cuba, hut the Obion (Ala,) d< rnocrats cay his opponents are hunting tail timber. It •Chester IL raid. Joe Wheeler is not only a good lighter, but an amiably inan. 11 is tributes to‘Roosevelt, ) the nerv ms Seventy firtt, and evn t• t n »' Idy Shafter, wore handsome and magnanimous.— Savannah Press. Gen. Joe Wheeler has full au thority to provide for every want of the men in Camp Wikoff. We suppose the president knew just what he was doing when he turned Wheeler among the boys. —Dallas News. Joe Wheeler is not goit.g to run for the senate. There be no opposition toJohn T. Morgan, who, despite his false position on annexation, has one of the [strongest intellects in this broad lan I.—Nashville American. • “Fighting Joe” Wheeler has little hope of being kissed as often as was the youne and handsome Hobson, but m aybe he is just as well pleased with the prospect of a unanimous re turn to the house of representa tives.—Louisville Post. “Piesident McKinley,” says a London paper, “has taken ad vantage oi the line hot weather to get his Hay in.” Quite a mistake. The weather had nothing to do with it. He simtdy took advantage of an •‘off Day.”—New York Sun. Tkte inarticulate baby talk of “g > • ” and “ooo” is said to be the language used by Adam and Eve u> paradise.—Exchange. SUPPOSED TO BE VERY FUNNY. “ Whatthat noise?” “ Those Boston girls have gone ti quoting Emerson again. ’’Chica go World. “Pa!” said little Willie, pro p mud ng his IG.h question, “Well.” no’ son?” “Pa.” how’d the man who named the first h cycle know it was a bicy cle?”— Pittsburg Bulletin. Mrs. Wa lace—•“ Sakes alive Man- - J • -' nd potatoes together?” Mandy—’’.Wks it easier. De hardness hi'es out of de taters into de a ; gs, an’ de sof’ness biles out’n de aigs into de taters.” —Detroit News-Tribune. Her Little Brother -“Set down in the parlor Sis'll he here as soon as she gits through givm' her face a swipe with th« powder raw.” Mr. Simp rling—“And what did she say when you told h>r I was here?” Her Little Bro'her —She said she knew whi-n the window came down on her thumb Monday, that this was goin’ to he an unlucky we 'k f irh ‘r. —’’Utevelan I Leader . Poisoneti by Ivy Wat in a Dreadful Condition Happened to io ad About a Swi'.r Caso Fotlov/ed the Other Mar.'s Example and Was Cured. The following incident in given b Charles Morris, general jobber,s2 l.<i in ton Avenue, North Cambridge. Ma- ■ ‘•Several years ago 1 became poi-oi by ivy. I tried many* medicines, spem; * large sum of money without obiaii a particle o’ "ood. My ebildr n ■ also afflicted with the same di were all constantsufferers wit it i.'.a itching sensation, and it seemed as if I should tear myself to piece.-. 1 pickr up a paper in which 1 found printed >■ testimonial from a man in Vermont wh«. had been similarly afflicted and had taken Hood’sHursaparilla with benefit. 1 bought a bottle, which we took and it did • Me and My Children so much good I purchased another supply. We continued taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla until we used five bottles and I can safely say that neither myself nor children have any signs of the poison. It has en tirely left us and we are perfectly cured. We give the whole credit to Hood’s Sarsa parilla. Before resorting to this medicine I was reduced in weight, but now I weigh 175 [Kiunds. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has not only done much good but has been the means of saving me a great deal of money. 1 would not be without it in my house and I heartily recommend It to all who are afflicted, f have writ ten this statement for publication, of my own will, as ! want others to knoW what Hood’s Sarsaparilla ism done for tn." Cuaulks Morris. H Ikiltc »rv the only pilh to take *with Hood'sSarsapiwiUa El PE PHOTOmPUS . » • THE SUMMFR HAS PASSED AND GONE IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAY! AND HAYE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! '■ YOU « L ' ’ I KNOW | Km tv? g THE !);■- y'Din( I |3 |g IS WAV J URN OUT. KJ | YOU ARE | M M E PH J S RfcJ . . OWUXUNCE. S i s fa i I j. w, kandcaster. - J S 3 $