The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 08, 1898, Image 8

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FURNITURE ff ” ' # GnriTl V redv ced nninrfi iiLh ILI ~~ Z. iHuLu In order to ni ,:e room for our Fall Stock we are offering anything in •our I M ‘ LOW-DOWN--FOH CASHMONEY! • J ALL GOODS NEW AND UP-TO-DATE BUT MUST BE SOLD OUT OCAEtT I *" . * ■ We need the money. We need the floor-room—so call at once for BARGAINS in: I BED-ROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, CHIFFONIERS, DINING TABLES, CENTER TABLES I WARD-ROBES, HAT RACKS, SIDE BOARDS, ROCKERS, MATTINGS, LACE CURTAINS,! HALL CURTAINS, RUGS, PICTURES, EASELS. SCREENS. BABY CARRIAGES, & & I Rnimv niRVEvw ■ Oar Undertaking Ddp?rtm©nt is IM evey oartio»Rr, OaJls promptly di/ or night. I Day 'Phone No- 9. . Nigut ’p iloa ° No- 182 I ."<3 riiH Indianapolis Sentinel ven tur. b remark that it is. perhaps, not without significance, that th* happiest heat governed people in E'ir >pn- the Swiss—have n very limited territory, stay cl .sel\ at home and mu d tiieir own busi nessv ery strick ly. o o o The Democratic rally in this citv on September 15:h, will be urn which will do youi h >art good. Out people will turn out en ma-se t< hear the principles of Deinocracx expounded by Allen 1). Candler. F. ,G. dußigmm and other part) leaders, —Albany Herald, 000 1' jni le Z la is * xp« cted to de live h series ot lectures in this ci.tintn shortly. The’er is no! definite ly arranged, some hesitancy hav iug tie< ndu • uppar itll vto a qn»s ti«»o as to whether the vuitun w old pi' . Sine.- he new d ve'lop HOW’S Tins? We oiler One Hundred Dol lars Howard lor any case o (’aliirrh that, cannot be cured by Hall’s Oat a rrh Cure F. I CIJEN'EY it Co , Toledo, O We, the undersigned, havt known I l ' J Clienev for the la l.i tears. and believe him to hr financially able to carry out am obligation made by their fi-rn West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo. O. Walding, Khrian <t Marvin Wh desale |)| ll ggi-ts, I'oledo. 0 Hall’s Catarrh Cure is take internally, acting directly up<» the blood and mucous surface of the system. Testimonials sent freo Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the Lest. n-mtß in tne Dreyfuscase however -ill act as an advertiement ■nances of lose have been greatly educed, and the coming of r«*at French n <Ve ist is regarded s almost a certainty. 000 • The Amer cm soldiers has al eady proved hia mettle and if b< mmplaine now of mglect the fact at her shows that he isn’t a foo ven if he was brave t> the poin • f reckleßßueßß. —Dallas (T.xas) News. 000 Victor Smith 8 iys h • hinks that Nelson Morris, born in Germany, sorrowed h e name from a man ir Connecticut, for whom he hauled harcoal at ssa month and board. Morris is now rated at $30,(00,000. I is firm does annually a bueim sr >t $100,000,000. Hie original nano vas something like Rothe ilihei mer. 000 f The Ma-ou County Citizen pul • i hes the following, which I think fier yi n have read you will agr>> vith m»* is pretty go .<1 scrap boo naterial. lia a toast to “Ol< Dory.” Th>* Cttix ih says: “At a champagne supper t •me captains of the navies < Eng'and, Russia, Turke ’, Fran md America, a toast by each o.i n bon >r o'' Ih • fig h • defend* vas called f>r and the fol owin ire In toasts i/iven: “ I’he Russian said . II re is t tie ’ ars and sis s th it|bave iievei been torn d >wn.* ’’ “ The Turk said. II re is i noon of Turkey, « hose w ngs hav iev-r been clipped.* ” “The Frenchman said: 'Her* i* to the cck of France. whog. feathers were never pu’led ’ ” “The American said : ‘Here i to the stars and stripes of Am-rici vhich have nev r known defeat “I’he E iglishtnan concluded ollows. ‘II-re is to ihe rampant roaring lion of Gr at Bri’ai , th has torn down the stars and ba* of Russia, who clipped the win. of the moons of Turkey, who ptil ed the tea'h-rs from »b« -nc.k < Frmce, ami ran like h -i lr,o the stars and stripes of the United States of Am rica I' ” 000 The Philadelphia Record thus tomments upon the verdict of the •our -martial in the case of Dr. Duncan. “ The yerdict »f the court-martial sentencing Dr. Dun tan, of the Twenty-second Kan sas Regimen*, to five years’ im prisonment for desecrating the grave of a Confederate so’dier on (he Bull Run batthfisld will meet with unquestioning approval The ghoulish ferocity of mind that coul.l lead to the commission of such an offense is hardly compat ble with sanity, yet there was no tvidence of insanity. The man vas n mere monster. ’’ The R cords’comments are al 'ight if the terms ot sentence hid mly been five but when 'doh a monster only gets suspen sion from ranks tor two months 'U half pay, as punishment for uch a heinous offense then the lecord should trail its guns on the ouit martial. I’O OLE\NSE THE SYSTEM. Eff ■ tn »lly vet gently, when tostive or billions, or 'when the »lo ><l is impure or slauggisti, to lermanently overcome liauituAl constipation, to awaken the kidneys an liver to a healthy ciivny without irritating or veakeniirg them to di-pel head iches, colds, oi fever, use Syrup •f Figs. Manufactured by the Jaliforni'* FitrSvitinC 'IGOK MANY PRISONERS I’he Remnant Ok The Khalifa’s Follow Has Surrendered. Loudon. S-'pl B.—The War Office •as tin fopoving dispatch rom Gen. Ki chem r, dated Sat irday evening The remnant of the Kh ilifa’s orces has suriendered and I have •ow a very larte number of prsio i r- on my hanh. Our cuvalryaiut gunboats are still chabuingihe Kh tlih tic Ji chiefs, who with only about 140 fig iting men are apparently mak- ■ ing for Korderfan. FELL INTO A DITCA. Montezuma, Ga,, Sept. B.—Last night Mr. L W. Gardner left home on his way to prayer meeting and stepped iu’o a ditch cut for drain age purpose across a street, re ce ving a painful and troublesome bruise ot the ribs immediately over the heart. He is resting well aid brea'hing almost natu ally n >w. He ha- many friends here • who hope for a speedy recovery. THE COOSA IS HIGH. [ Center, Ala , September 8 —The Coosa river is now over eighteen f. et high here and great damage is being don * to crops. Thousands of acres of cotton and corn are under six teet. of water. " - ■ 1— ——- ' ■■ ■ Cancer Os the Breast. Mr. A. fl. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St., Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife paid no attention to a small lump which appeared in her breast, but it soon de veloped into a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment oi the best physicians, it continued to spread and grow rapidly, eating two ! holes in her breast. The doctor? as oon pronounced her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat ed her, but she con tinued to grow worse and when informed that both her aunt and grandmother had died from cancer he gave the case up as hopeless. bomeone then re commended S.S.S. and though little hope remained, she begun it, and an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign of the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy* S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable') is a real blood remedy, and never faili to cure fancer, Eczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease. wiH U l>e b m a O iled free to any ad- WJ Wj dress. Swift Specific Co., fegS Ml Atlanta G*. Ww | 1 AWHOLEGLTTB jffil Ca ’t g fl fletl i - Running 1 SI Time 1 iJtfji H rtt> . fl t-aAap COnvrv '/-.mV, |{*Qy ' a ::*• s I carry a ful I and complete line of jewelry, I'lclic I ding Diamonds ll Iril = My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- H ’7 s | er more complete. | WEDDINI PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. | . J. K Williafmson J — — - ~ ■— — —" 1 * ® FOR STY 11 ,] ] < (RT and for a jolly good time with family or friends, there is noth ino like an open surry for either Winter or Summer. Our stock ll of styli-h carriages is unriv tiled mid our spider pine*.m-, run - bouts, buggies, ti aps, emus, wag onettes, canopy top, or open stir- , reys, are lifht, easy, comforta ble and beautiful in construe— tion, trimmings and finish We K also repair and oy. rhaul vehicles; also carry a big l"’ e ■ harness and lap robes. The Rome Buggy C>, ■ street,Rome Ga. Sattkrpibld & Williams, Agents. I CANDY g HJ X* ® CATHARTIC J g CURE constipation I 10c J 25c 50c DRIXXyW