The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 09, 1898, Image 2

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PERSONAL MENTION. ••“ ■ 1 F.tncy new home-made sjruq at Lloyd 4 II ■ rpers. ‘ fit’s goi d to ©st, vim'll find it-ttl L'o\ d|& Harper’s." Mr. Sam Hur in wil* prob* y visit Pirlo Rico in about tbirtv du ys. Mr. Rufus Bl kc one of Rome’' popular and efficient mail ear tiers is q lite sick. Mrs Maude Allgood King, wh • h is h’J'i q i t ■ si k, is bet t r—Trion N ws. • Best graham H >ur ev r brought to Rmne at Lloyd A Harpers’, and they’ll sell yen any amount, from 10c up. Co*. Harper Hanjitton, came up from Rome last Manday n ght, on a visit to his brother Preside J A, S. Hamilton. —Trion News. Mis. Cundell and Master Ar thur, after a pleasant visit to relatives in Virginia, are, ex pected to arrive home this eve ning. The Tenth regiment, colored immunes, in which Rome has a company of negroes, has been ordered from Augusta to Lex ingtou, Ky. Surgeant Dick M»dd< x aft?i spendn g 'he time of his furlough m ist p easin’l v with bis fa' hor's family, has returned to his com mind at. HuntsViile, Ala. “Finest ever brough t> Rome’' is the verdict, of n*l who trv tlu se so d by Lloyd A Harper. Nothing better for tin price can Im produce.l anvwhere T ie Sum in r ille News says : ‘Te Ch dtau ogi, R >ni i and S •uiiiern officials have given up the project of building a branch road Irom Lyerly through the fruit farm district to Menlo. Handsome box writing pa per and envelopes to match, only 5c box at Ll< yd & Har pers. Also a large and beautiful line of |>encil and ink tablets at marvelously low prices and la test designs. Mr. R. \V. Smith, who has been spending several weeks at Livingston, in Floyd county, where he was engaged in build ing a house for Mr. E. Matthews on his farm where the house was burned a while b ick, return ed home last week, having fin isfied the work. The new build ing has nine rooms and Mr Matthews intends to in tike it his homS some day and raise cattle. —Cartersville Courant. The firm of Camp & O’Rear is this day (Aug. 27, 1898) dis solved. All parlies indebted to them will not pay unless both names, S. D. Camp and J. M O’Rear, are signed to the bills. HAPPY ON THE WAY. Invitations have been issu d t> the marriage ot Mr. Joseph E. Wardlaw, es Rome, and Miss K la Collins, which will occur at th* home of the laitei’s mother, Mrs. Eliz ibeth Co Ens, in t is city, on 'lhuiaday the loth inst.—-Carters villh Cour>*nt. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one con cern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy ami suffering The pro prietors <>f Dr. King’s New Dis jeoverv for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ien million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the salisfa< iion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases Asthma, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and all dif fuses of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it Call on Curry Arrington, drug gist, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and sl. Every bottle guaranteed or money je deiif.ud The Royal tti« bigheat gra4a baklwg pawAar |u>e*a. Actaal teats show il gaaa ooo tblrd fertbor than aay other bread. fW isi &<|HO POWDER Absolutely Pur® ROYAL BAKING FOWOER CO., NEW YORK. SOUTHERN WILL BUILD ItsowaT ales Into the City f L hdttanooga. Tim Chattanooga News is ail thority for the following: “From a reliable source it is learned that the S rntbern railway offi cials, after carefully studying the survey made a short time ago between Stevenson an 1 Chattanoo a, have decidtd Io build the much talked of exten sion. It is said that they will begin pu ting material upon the ground as soon as they get the soldiers off their hands and that as soon as possib'e Jiey will commence active work. The construction of the extension, however, will prove an immense job and it will be many months before the Southern can bring its Memphis trains to Chatta aooga on its own tracks.” WHEN YOU ARS 11 RED Without i xtra exertion, lan {tiid, dull and listless, your blood is failing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and strength giving .roperties they require. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and purify ing the blood. It will give you •ntrgy and vigor. Hood’s Pills are easy to t ike, easy to operate. Cure indiges tion , biliousness. 25. Governor Taylor’s Condition. Cattanooga, deiin., Sept. 9 —A cloie friend of Gov. Taylor, who has just returned from a v fit to the governor'at Johnson City, states positively that the governor’s health is so very pre carious that he will not return to Nashville during his term of office. He does not receive busi ness communications of any character and writes none. arrp Ager Teserfed Washington, Sept. 9 —Today the Third Virginia, the last reg iment in Camp Alger, depart) d for Richmond Va., where it will be mustered out. The wagon train, conveying the baggage and supplies of the Second divi -ion started for Middl&tnwn and the officers of the division staff' leave tonight. HORSE SWAPPERS IN COURT vVaycross., Ga , Sept 9 —A uni q h Clises was br> light up for tria y sterday in .lustic High-ni tts’s <5 urt. One negro sued h s fellow in in for cheating and *w ndlii v Ea hors*- swap. The sworn tasli ii nv of severa 1 witnesses was that the full market value of the o hoi see togeth r whs only - (5. The case was <li < nisT'-d . 'll* • *-gr<>H4 did o grumb eat the d»*‘ 1 lie in the p ice of hors 11 s'). SUPPOSED I O B 'LO -' f j a nimh Ga , Bpptem , 'Pr 9 he set, o **r J* hn H. Piatt, Captain Ives, from Nev Y rv, h und for Brunswick, is *ii j O'fcd to have be n lost in -cut storm It *s reported (arts of a v* as 1 on v.hi-h the anie pninted canoe ashore on 1 Tyhee island as- days >ig>, I LOC'i HAPPENINGS. I’re-hyibrian Pkaykk Meeting —Ttipr<- wt.B a prayer meeting s I'i-H-Htthe First Presbyterian cl.ui. h th'-* afternoon at 430 o clock. Th s was the regular Friday nf(. moon prayer meeeting and was well attended. G<>< n Things to Eat.—Fancy n w mackerel, the best new gra nam fl >ur,new homemade syrup, s mH hams, new comb honey; 10: lb, crisp celery, egg plants, t utter I o.tnf, fat bananas, fancy c k- s, new imported t-a dii e , and hundreds of other good things at Lloyd & Harper’s. G<.ing to San Francisco.— l hades M. Seay who is at pres ent in Philadelphia will leave there next Monday for San Fran cisco. He and Miss Beatrice Morelanl have scored a great success m their clever little skit “A Game of Golf,” They have played in the principal eastern cities. Go and Register.—Remem ber that if you vote in this falls’ tit o election you must gG to the tax collector’s office and have your name registered be fore the night of September 16 On that date the books close L *ss than 2000 citizens have qualified as voters up to this time. o Tax Rate Fixed—ln their their meeting yesterday after noon, (he countv commissioners tix'<l the tax rate for the year lowering in from $1 25 last year t - $1 1 | for this year. This re m. is retty light, though it is mu much as some other coun ties in Georgia assess. Perhaps another veur the rale may be still further reduced. Died Yesterday Afternoon. —A fter a painful attack of fever, and much suffering, the end came yesterday afternoon and the spirit of Miss Mabie Allee, (laughter of Officer and Mrs. Sexton Morris, took its flight into the Great Beyond. The fun eral occurred this afternoon at 4 o’clock from the Third Meth odist church, Rev. C. M. Ver nell conducting the services. The pallbeartfrs were Harry Johnson, John Harris, Joe McConnell, ( harles Farris, Henry Wright and Robert Westwater. j BRIDGE DISASTER. Revised List of Killed And In jured By Ihe Accident. Cornwall, Out., September 8 R ViSid lists of the killed and in jured in yestardfty’s bridge disaster show 'hat fifteen men w-re killed and e Xteen injured Iv'P’ J < and often added to this thv digestive func. tions are out of order; these two condition/ cause nearlv all the headaches from whicT women suffer. There are two great remedies specially adapted to these ailments invented by tig? chief consulting physician of the famoty Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute of . Buffalo. N. Y„ Dr. R V. Pierce His world-renowned “Favorite Preacriptioa’* is the most successful medicine ever known for the cure of distinctly fetniaiae ailments and his “Golden Medical Discov er* is th- one supremely effective cure for digestive difficulties. taken in conjunction they cotupleUly rejuvenate the nervous system of weak and debilitated women; giving health, strength and capacity to the nerve-centers; renewed power to the blood-making glands and energetic force to the entire body. A lady living in Coshoctou Co., Ohio. Mrl W T Stanton, of Blissfield writes: " I had finale weakness very bad for nearly three years Had dragging down pains in and'above my hips and such dreadful pains in the back and top of mv head I just as though soineon. was lifting me by tne hair) Had no ambition, would try to work a few days then would have to lie in bed fora long time No tongue can express th. ssfferhw 1 endured. I had much palti at monthly pe riods I doctored most of the Wmr with as good a physician as there is in the stale, but had n> ease ouly when I was quiet and off sm feet anl then I had name or less pain in uiy heart Whet I began taking Dr Pierce’s medicines I waighel in pounds, and was very pale and weak I tool twelve tiottles of the Favorite Prescription aud seven of the ’Golden Medical Discovery ,N >w I feel like a diffi-reut person Have a« Pain in my head, can do all iuv work for self; li nbatid one child: am gaining iu flesh 1 te.-l it is through Goil's mercy and your wonder fu: medicines that I am cured Where constipated conditions exist Dr. Pierce's mild and agreeable ’’ Peasant Pel' lets” should be occasionally used in con I nectiun with the “Prescription.” GRIGSBY'S ROUGH RIDERS Celebrate The r “Musts’ Out’ With Indian Dance. Chattanooga,Tenn., Sept. 9. —Grigsby’s' Rough Riders, the boys from the far West, who were mustered out today, cele brated the event last night by I timing 300 of the benches in Camp Thomas, and around the blaze they had a regular Wild j West Indian war dance. The scene was a wierd one, and the boys seemed to have been thoroughly in the spirit of the celebration. They were one of the most orderly and well behaved regi ments at the park, but some ap prihension is felt tor what they mq ht do after being paid off and released from military restraint. On this account a company of the Sixth United States volun teer infantry is camped in the city as a provost guard to assist the poliee in preserving order. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DA Y • Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L B. Q on each tablet. PAINFULLY INJURED Mrs. Jane Vandiver, Mother Os Mrs. J. P. M Byrd. Mrs J P. M. Byrd left over the Sou'hern (his afternoon for Alexie, Ala., having been galled there by a message which stated i tba her mother Mrs. Jane Van diver, had been painfully injured. The mes age gave no details more than that a heavy gate had fallen on her crushing her very badly. (rk will extend well ; nto next week . Annual Sales 0ver6,000.000 Boxes t'OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS 3uch as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Siddiness, Fulness after meals, Head iche, Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat. L»ss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on tho Skin, Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEI IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffers will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. UHECIIAM'Iii PILLS, taken as direct ed. will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure wick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MC.H; WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have tbs LARGEST SALE as any Patent Medicine in the Warld. 25c. at all Drug Stores. What IW achea naaa." ’ The dreadful headaches which women suffer mean nineteen time! out of twenty that th£re it more trouble than headache. There is prob ably some un healthy condi tion of the del icate organism of womanhood PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY' . By virtue of an order of the 'c urt )f ordinary of raid county will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in October 1898 it the court hous** in said count y between the legal hours of sale the following real estate situated iu ’’loyd county, Ga., town AI) t at land lying and being in the »aid Floyd county, Ga., and being 110 acres of land lot No. 87 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of snid county. Also land lor No, 33 iu the 23rd district and 3rd sec* lion of Floyd county Ca., and containing 166 acres more or les«, less 2 Acres sold to G. W. II nsou. Also 21 acres off of land lot No. 36 in said district and section and being in the Northwest, corner of said let, the whole containing 300 acres more or less, Al*o W acree off ol the South side ot lo* No. 4. in said district and section of Floyd county, Ga. A'so on** house and lot No 23 in block “C” ot the Fourth ward of.the city of Rome (renting on av nue “C” one hun-* dred t»et and running back same width 200 feet known as Dr C S. Harris’ late residence. The sale will continue from day to day be tween the same hours until all of said property is sold . Terms cash. J. W. C. Harris; I Administrator of Dr,<l. S. Har-' ria, deceased. TIE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FKiS la (Im® not only to th® originality and •linplieity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fid Syrup Co. only, ami we wish to impress upon all the importance of purci using the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par • tiea. The high standing oft..»- Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. withtLo medi cal profession, and the sat.siaetion which the genuine Syrup of Figs has givayito millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all otjref laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. •AN FHANOISUU. U«L IOUMVILLK. ’ * KW YORK, N. Y. BIJCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, biusese sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay re quire!. Is guaranteed to give I erfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all Druggists. SOUTHERN RAILWAY, (•■l.uiril Svh.dal. (» July U, ISMS. " STATIONS. No. lb j~N0.~14 Koi i Lv Chaliaiiuogu ti.Sou.nii 7..i ptnlO. 10pm Ar Dal'oq, f.slam ! 8,-i'pm 12. Ar Rome H.Ouuin! «.4opwi| 1.44 am \r Atlanta II 40iun li.Mi mj 'Oiiun Lv Atlanta 4.29 pm .15. pm s.2*lam 4r Macon , 2 Js:iru s soatn Ar Jesup ,45am; 2.38 pm Ar Everett 7.25 am! 1.25 pm Ar Jackson* llle 9.40.iml u.gopm Lv Jesup fo.Ulam 6 56pm Ar Jacksonville ... l.oopm 10. 15pm Lv Everett ~ 7. Ilham LLOpm Ar Brunswick ... 8 Mini| 4.30 pm No. 10 carriefTputlman Sleeping Car ChaV lam.oga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pullu an Sleeping Car ami Day Coaches Cha lanooga ’o Jacksonville and At lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 curries I'ulliua-* Sleeping Cur Chatta aoogu to Atlanta. ~ sy-tiioxsT ~ FNo.’isTNo o|No f Lv Atlanta 42 l '.»iml 40-hnn 7.50 am Ar Rome 6.3»um *l.2r>pm 10 20am Ar Dalton 7 .22uUi; 7.31 pm H.Aiam Ar 8.40 ni B.s*pn. l.Oopm Lv Chattanooga i*. lupin Ar Burgin 4.29 pm 1 Ar Lexington 5.10 pm 4.50 am Ar Louisville 7 sopm 7 slain Ar jjlncinnat 1 .■~ . . | >.3opm 7.3uam ~ ~ Lv Chattanooga.... ’ !.2‘>pm f 15;.n: ~i 2f;.ni Ar Nashville . I 6 55pm i ‘a m 6.53 pm No. 73 carrle Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattan.* <g.i and Cliattano > • t to Clnniii rati. No. V carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta o Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. STATION N. .»l : No. 12 I No. 18. Lv I'huttu i Ar Knoxville 1155 am b 1. mam Ar Morris! wn 1.21 pm 9.50 am 2.25 am Ar Hot Springs 3 14pm 11.16 am 4.00 am Ar Asheville 4,3 >pm 1.15 pm xlOani Ar 5 alistmry I Asoptn V .ioam Ar *li eensi.oro I 9,52 pm 12.10 pm Ar Kalr.igl, I i.t-Dm 3.23 pm Ar N .rfolk * T.MKltal Ar W t liim-10ii.,,. | I 6 12am 9..Gpm Ar N w_York. . ... 1._.. *l2 t.tpmi 6.23 am No. .2 carries Pullman Drawl ig z,o im Sleep ing <'ar Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond 6.40 am. also Pullman Sleeping Cur pieensboro to Norfolk No 16 is solid train Cliattano ><ra to Salis bury. with Pullm/n Sleeplu - Car C-i ittunoo-a •to Stlismiry and Salisbury to N w York with out change. stations. I ~ , j No. 4 No. if Lv Chattanooga I 5. <>pm s. loam Ar Kn0xvi11e................ 8 l >pm 11.55 am Ar Morristown 2.15 am 1.2 <pm Ar Bristol .. 7.00 am 3*.dspm Ar Washington I 7.4iiam Ar New York. ; ..... t .J l.ijlpin No. 6. carries Pullman Sleeping Car Cliatta nooga t > Washington md Chattau oga to New Yr.: k without change So. 4 c.arries Pullman Sleeping Car Knox ville to Brl 101. «a 1 n>Ns~ “ ~^j o i.< Lv Rome Sjdam Ar Anniston lt.2luia Ar Birm'.ugham 141.00 pm Ar Selma 3.55 pm Ar Meridian. 7.30 pm Ar New Dr man- 10.30 am Ar Jackson. 9 45am Ar Vlckrhurg ..’ lL3sam Ar Shreveport. 7.20 pm ♦ No. 15 , |No7l> I fNo7I« i|No. 10_ iuipm A.Sbpm'.Lv Rome ... arl.soam| 8.15 am Hipm 6.57 pm Ar Clad den. ar A.OOnm! A3 >am Jl.uupmj_7.lopm Ar Attalla. Ivi 5.45 am «.roam ♦ Dally except Sunday. | Sunday only7~ r. S. GANNON, 3dv v. * OM, Washing tea. D.Q J. M CULP. Traf. Mgr.. WaehingU* D. Q. W A. TURK, G. P A.. Washlagto*. D a aA- uENBcoraA.» «.» e ne.t<U nn T. n . Itrevta w‘th yo v ether you continue iirrre-killo.a i 0,.... > habit. 1 r«ni<>T«» the <l**airr f< r tohac4 < W rFWffr™ out uvr»DUB <ii»i ien expels l Hue, purifies ‘,be blood,* W W. ItorrM lost nanhood. J ou “ ron « P#-*aold 400,000 iu health, W , e » ear, d KJ and A Y JI /our own druggist who oucb for us Take it with W »H, patiently, persistently One V fl. asually cures, 3 boxes. '< fuerameed to cure, oi we re'una nioH y Baaed/Ca.. <*iaa«e. Beatreal. Vew T.pfc In 48 huura (lonorrhoen. and discourses iroin '\| urluarv uiuuns urrealed I 11, U -einnl Rfdv4 epeulou, y’““*y] without iacauveaiearse. PMfKSIMiI WBi ATTORNEYS. J. BR.A.NH A.M, Law Office, 200 K<«t Fl rat B tlMt CHAS W. UNDERA'QOD Artnrnay at Law, Home* Crcporaion Law Onlyr "W J. ’NHJH3L, Attorney at law. \Viii practice tn all. Purt . Special attention given to commercui i.- and the exainicatlon < t land titles. U MW office In Klug building. Route, Ga WALTER HA RRI S Attorney at law and J. p. office over f j Kaue&Co.’B. LIPHOOMR Ac WILLINUHAM Commercial Lawyera. Gffice In Armttro ig It it«| building, Rm u ,, M B EUQANrx3 t Atternev at law. ■•ffiorKing Buthllua "W it. ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all coutti Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga J. SANTA. CR.'WF’ > t j Attorney at law. Rome, Ga. Collection* . specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome. Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 240 1 8 Bn a I. # Over Cantrell A Ow«u J. L PENNINGTON. D D S.,M D. EN T IST' Office. 3(15 1-3 Broad street. Over Hauke Ffir niture Co. PHYSICIANS. O- HA-MILTO IST Ld D Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone No. tin. Li E 3 f{ t I J M D , Physician all Surgeon, Office lu Medlca building, ft'sidcnce, No. 403 West First st ffice ’phoNo U . ??ov? r Iff f<?7 Aockultural !UJl 1 College it jR m*wßuilo»*6. Hin 1 ' ~»3 ■ _J DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education in the reach of all. A 8., 8.5., Normal and Jhisitiess courses. Good laboratories; hea.thful, invigorating 1 clb ni'ite; military discipline; pood nvral and religious influences. Ch« ap< , -t board in the State; abun d n<:; of country produce; expenses from $75 to $l5O a year; board in dormitories or private families. Special l icep course tor teachers; full faculty <‘f nine; a«l under the control of the University. A ecollege prepar atory class. Co-education of sexes. The insti tution founded specially for students of hmited means. Send for catalogue to pie/’ranUeuU Jos. S. Stuwaki, A.M. - ,—■ i ■■- - —— -'■? Western & Atlantic R. R. (BAllliritlOS UK) ANO Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway 1 .'". TO . CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, ' CHICAGO, MEMPHIS ST. LOUIS. PULLMAN PALACE BDFEEI' SLEEPING CA«S JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA .. TO .. NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. Local Sleepers between Atlanta and (Mt tanooga. f - Cheap Emigrant Rates to Arkansas Excursion Tickets to California and (•>• orado Resorts. for Maps, folders, Car wny information about Rates. MheOuhs, write or apply to A B. V. ALkIK, J. A. TOOMAS, ’ kket Agent, / Dnio, Oepot, No. 8 lumba.l Boa A RANT A, GA. G X. AYEK, J. L tOMONOSON. ticket Agent. Ikaltaaooys Rome, ba. „ ATLANTA, GA. - —.—