The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 09, 1898, Image 6

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THE HUSILLR-GOSmtSCIA E HU STLEROF ROM E KrtabiiKtii'd, IHUn. ’HE ROME COMMERCIAL EslUbliehed. IMW’>. nir every evening, except Saturday. Sandav and weekly. PHIL (J. BYRD, EDITORANO MANAGER ome Wilkarsiu Blink, ftnr.l Aveuue Kitci euer khiptured Khar toum. Kitchener’s a khracker jack. Like Joe Wheeler, the mercu ry is coming down oi.t o the trees. • « Fall draweth nigh and broken glans are being replaced with grea| panes. Andree’s press agents are again claiming space in the newspapers. Gen Pando is a thrifty son of Mars He has returned to S t ain with 12,000,000 francs. Vitality does not seem to be an accomplishment imparted b\ our military hospitality. —————— ■ —■■ The season for lhe sere and yell.ow having arrived, the da}s of lhe beor-becue aie numbered. 'lli< short-haired married .nm is certain to wear his hair as long as the longest—if not long er. If the Czar’s peace n »te hail Come to hanck last January, Spain would be the winner to day. Whenever you hear a man blowing his own born you may know he's blowing in a horn of plenty. r—" Sir Herbert Kitchener is 50 years of age, and, like Dewey, when at home, lives like a prince. Z ji ■ i i Dreyfus may be liberated without a trial. We could part with Secretary Alger on lhe same terms, The foreign born population of New York city is about 885,- 000. Germans lead with Irish next in numbers. Col. John Jacob Astor wants to go to congress. When he gets there his colleagues will ask him : “How much?” The “” (light and warm) brand of overcoats is quite comfortable the early hours of these mornings. A nation mourns with bravo old Joe Wheeler as that grizzled hero of two wars stands by th bier of his drowned son. The undertakers of Chicago have organized a political club. They will probably begin their public career by indorsing the War Department. “Mr. Gladstone was true to • his record up to the last,” says th i New York Herald. “Even his will is an oration of (wo thousand words.” The Americanization of the Philippines is already well un der way. Manila dock laborers have gone on a strike and Agui naldo is trying to sell the water works. A New Jersey girl tried to kiss Admiral Sampson. Those Jersey girls can generally • be counted on to be the right thing i i the wrong place, iemark-> the St L uis Globe Democrat. Gen. Z'lr’indpn, tlia 'now French War Mimsler, who belli h’s present office from Jan. 19, 1795, to Nov. 1, of that year,has a long end honorable military if cord At i lie outbreak of the Franco German war he was a captain, from which position lie rapidly rose. During tlie seige of Metz he was made a Cheval or of the Legion of Honor. He be came Grand Officer ol the Le gion of Hotio on March 9, 18(i6. Jules Verne, the indefatigable French Author, has achiev'd he probable un'upi ) feat of hav ing written six more books than the number of years he has lived. I’« ih ps Miss Braddon among English writers, with lifty-five novels to her name in thirty-seven years, most nearly approaches this marvelous rec ord of industry. In view of the facts that three men have been shot in the Adi rondacks in mistake for deer thus far this year, and that twelve were shot last season, it has been proposed that the hunters shall wear costumes ol such color that a man, though a populist, may not m .k a such fa tal mistakes. A new planet has been discov ered, the orbit of which overlaps that of Man, Ihe new twink er shoul I be called Alger, after the star of a War Department which overlaps and threatens toeclips*- our martial glory.—St Louis ({“public Nothing has been heard from the sick man of Europe about disarming. He can muster near ly a million arm d Moslem des peradoes, and has no idea of peaceably accepting either dis armament or dismemberment. Queen Victoria abominates war and loves peace. But this did not prevent her from sending a telegram bf congratulation and thanks to the Sirdar when she heard he had killed 12,000 Der vishes with his trusty Maxims. The Kochester Post Express fears that the Powers will treat the Czar’s peace proposal as the fishes treated the sermon which was preached to them by St. Anthony : The s Ttnon*now ended. Each timed and deseen led ; The pikes went on stealing. The eels went on eeling, Much delighted were they But preferred the old way. The latest rural typographical error created a stir in Missouri, where an editor described the return of the^ 11 bottle-scarred” veterans. Sir Horatio Herbert Kitchei er is a Dewey sort of fighter, judg ing from the completeness with which he cooked the Khabfa’s goose. “Beware of the city fellow when be pops” will soon be the muring lay of “Old Bob VVhit“,” to the children of his foather. Irate Parent—“Trll that young Softleigh that he must c. his visits here. I forbid him the house.” Daughter “But papa, he doesn’t want the house ; it’s me that he’s after.” —Chicago News. “Do you think the money question will ctr any figure in the political campaign this faD?” “Well, rather. The candidate who doesn’t shell Out freely may as well quit running right now.” —Chicago News. r I “I wonder if that tale of the tortoise and the hare was so’” remarked the garrulous boarder. “Naw,” saicLthe Cheerful Idiot; “just sort of a mo< k turtle ami false hare story ” —lndian ipolis Journal. ‘ EJWIHOU KNOW - I Inhilnuii Praulice, Bill Nec iss:nj lii Hie Dotldan I ' TFIRCj.I ROUB MINDED - n ||. . ... - I never Forget To Kill-There fore They Are Slain. i. I.u- London, Sept. 9. -There were no wounded M ahdists left after the battle of Omdurman. Cruel and I bloodthirsty as it may seem, the I wounded almost without excep i ti vn, were massacred by the British land Egyptian soldiers. Massacred is a hard word to use, but it is the only one fitting. Om durinan was not the first battle where this has been dona. Since Gordon’s death it has been the custom, because, as they say, a wounded fanatic is more dangers ous than a well one. Somany British officers and sur geons have In en killed or wound ed while pissing over battlefield of the Soudan, trying to help tht suffering Mahdists, that mercy and pity have g ; ven way to necessary cruelty. This killing of the wounded has been practiced with silent con nivance of the British Govern ment, but kept from the public. Hi* many wounded Dervishes Were put to death after the battle of Omdurman will never b“ k miwri. Only one London newspaper makes ine'tion <»( the slugbter, throu o .i a leading editor asked about it merely sfe-ugged his shon ders and said. .“Certainly, it is true. They al ways do it in ihe Soudan for safe ty, but wa shall say nothing about it in onr columns. ” 'lhe Loudon Standard guardedly tells or the slaughter as follows. ' “Some of the Sirdar’s Soudanese were cautuusly makiug theii* way fidd of battle, their duty being <ne which, however hateful it may seem to theoretical humanitarians, warfare against the savage followers of the Khal ifa makes imperative. There is no need to dw 11 on such is enough to say, as everyone with experieu ce of fighting in the Sou dan knows too well, a wounded Baggaru may often be a more dan gerous foe than a Baggara without a scratch on uiin. Concealing his ng my and feigning di ath he can still deal a fatal blow at his un weary enemy. ’’ This is why there is no mention of wounded among the Dervishes in the Sirdar’s report. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cures Perr».an mtly Cures Scrofula, which in one of the wor.-l if dictions of the human race, h comes from impure blood. Eczema, *a most offensive and uuc.onifor able affection of lhe skiu, u! due to impure blood. Salt Rheum., a torment to the Ucah, a dia tigurcmeul to the body, and t drn n on the system, also dot to .itiated blood. Pimples, which so dis£gurc the skin, and the human face divine anything but a thing of beautjF, bat which are Nature’s adver tisement of foul blood. Catarrh, which very nflen comes from a e chronic affection of the circula tion, is a constant offense to one’s self and all hia friends. *?heuiTrtatism, which all ..;i!horities now attri bute to various acidities in the blo.-.f,, which this great blood purifier of the age, Hood’s Sar sapariiia, corrects. ■ood’ii Sarsaparilla bl drnir-. t,. »i; six f Of p re '"•’’l “"b ‘ I 1h.0.l a < L<mHl. f . /< L’ > 4 ‘ ■' in,i I Sv* WW w 'fF w Jv w-w- ||»E 'I | I?f QTQGRWiS ; * THE SUMMFR HAS A * PASSED AND GONE 5 zy THE NEXT PRETY DAY! > * AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! i * hTOXT b; fr 13 ra 1; 11 KNOW tgS • ■ * fe * E-THE GLJIXj OF WRli y * mJ m * WTURN OUT. E 9 * nJ M * B === ~ n * IS*. YOUAHE i' 3 At M■t t r M ’ ffi A I! at pa R"I u" * bH H * I INVITED | E W . > J *H i i * P £l. ®. Landeaster. I I f'S ■ z