The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 09, 1898, Image 8

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PUBLIC SALE OK VALUABLE LAND • KORGIA FLoYV COUNTY. By virtue of an order nt tin- Court oi ordinary of said county. Will be su'd at public ouiciy, on the first Tuesday in October 1898, at the court house in -aid county, between the legal h ure of aa'ethe following real es ae. Ml naled in Floyd county towit,—All ihut tract or parcel oi land situat' d, lying and being in the 22nd Dis trict and Bid Section of Floyd county Georg a and kDown us parte of lots niinibers [l.9] thir y-nine. [ 7”] sever Iy ami |7o | seventy five town, —A strip oil tlo- N rth end and serous lot numberl7s]*-* veiny five just [lo] ten chain'B Wide, making [4o] tvrty acres, a'so a strip oil the North end of lot No [7o] seventy extending Iroin the East line of the lot to the road bed of the North and South railro d, just [ 10] ten chums wide, making twelve aud twenty-t wo one hun dredths [122- | acies, also .inolhei atrip oil said lot number |7’ ] sev enty. West of said raili' u<i anil North of ibe following described line, beginning ata point on tie Eastsideol ihe railroad thirteen and fi ty one hundredths [18,59] chains tioin the South line of tin lot theace S'nth [39] tliiriy-niin degrees Wes’, five ana thirty-six one hundredths [5 36] chains to a crook in the South side of tin ditch, thence South eighty-oia degrees [Bl] West on the South side of tue ouch to the ooundarx hue of lot number t hirty nine [39] making foriy-six and eighteen oia hundredth [4G 18]acns Also all of lot number thirty nine [9] which lies W est of the crest oi the mountain, making according to a survey made by J. zV. Arnold c- untv surveyor, fifty-one and six ty one hundndths [sl G't] aerns 'lite whole tract Coiiialiiiog oin hundred and fifty | 150] acr. s ii Said county pf Floyd anil sta’e O' Georgia. Term, of sale id »li« ab.’ve described 15(1 < ies of lam’ cash. Also at the same time and place h.l of Inn I IHimbei [23l] two hundred and ihirty-mie li the 23rd Dis net. and 3r i Sec'ion of original y Cherokt - county Ga Said lot containing one hundred and sixty [ IGO J acres,more or less. Terms of sale <f the above lb scrib ed IGO acres SSOO 00 c <sh and bn • auce in one and tw • years, will, interest at tight per cunt per a" num until paid. Aho at the same time and place one undiv dud one ha t mt-re it ii the following land towi ; -Lyinj. and being in the Coosa Division ot the city of Rome Georgia and known as lot? numbers [7o] sev enty, [7l] ssventy-ouH [72] seven ty-tw'j, [73) seventy-three, [74] seventy-tour and part o| lot num ber [7s] seventy fiv. ; lots Fronting <•11 Ga- street thirty feet more ci less and running back same width to the Oostanaula river, also em bracing so much of a tractioi of lots as is on said river «nd bounded on the North by Thin avenue and running up Tnird ave nue to back ot lot on which tin brick mill known as the J. F- Mc- Clure mill is situa'ed, and thesic along tne line of these lots in a Southwest direction to the line o’ lot number seventy-five [7s] thm along said ’ot lo the O>s annul.- river to the beginning corner o Third avenue, being situated ii F oyd county Georgia Terms o • ale of the above described cit' property to be paid ns follow ; oi or before Jannaiy Ist 1899. B 1. Hughs, Adm m-trator of T. F. Howell, de .eased. YOUNG LADY GRA DU Os the Horn ) Business Collegt are thoroughly prepared so stenographic and office work ; they are I'oun 1 capable when they go into iGiSi business eijaMMjflbap tice ; they re- *" ceive high g Comm e n d a- (ions fro ii the ir .employ - era as being capable and experienced. Rome business College enjoys the larg st enrollment of pupils it has had in its history. '1 here will be thousands of vancancies this fah to fill. Young in ti ai d ladies will d > well to enter here and prepare lor thorough cotn menial work. II S HiOCKLE', Prine j al. Successful Physicians. We heartily recommend Or. Hathaway 4 Co. 22SJ 8 Broad St.. Atlaifr., G.i. per wetly reliable and remarkably Xiccawhil in ths tnsatment of chronic diseasesof men and women Ibuy eure when others fail. Oar rend we if ii> •seed of medical help should certainly a rite these eminent doctors and you will receive a free «nd expert opinion of your case by return mail Without coet. nr smj Kb OCTOB B 1898. iEORGHA Fl. >Yl> COUNTY Will be sold before the court house dooi in the city of R huh, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, mi the first 1 ii"»ib<y in October 1898 the following described property to Wit: Twenty acres of land on the North side of lot No. 51 in the 24th do-tiict and 3 d section of Fioyd county. Ga- ,20 acres ex tending entirely across the North aide of aid lot, and being all cleared. Levied on by virtue of a fi In issued in in Floyd Superior court in fivm of N> ncy B. Barnett et ill agam-i .1 i" •» M. B rnelt, administrator of WJliam J Bar net., deceased and James M. Bar nett, Individually, a« the property of James M. Barnett. Also at the min" time and place fractional parts of lots of land number 219, and 214 in the whole 50 to GO acred on the Southeast of Cedar Creek of the aforesaid state and county and in the 4'h district and 3rd section, it being the prop erty described in this mortgage fi fa issued Iroin Floyd Superior court in favor of S. E. Smith, ag inst M. F. and A . J. Kinard, as lhe property of the defendants Also at the same time and place one upright piano, levied on by virtue of iwj fi fas issued from F oyd city court, One in favor ol L. Lytle and the o her in favor of Geo. Byrd, holder both against T. B . Higginbotham, as the proper ty of the defendant. Also at the same time and place he South half <jf lot number 45. ii the < o» r ' aii ami Chisloin ad<’i -1111 to the . ity of Rome, fronting •n lent on Gibson street and run ning back Iff) feet. Levied on by virtue of a justice court fi fa is sued from the J/istice court of tbs 919i.h distric’, G. M. in favor of J. W. Coker & Co., against C. W, Borders, as the property of the defendant. Levy made by W. M. Byars, L, C. • Also at the same time and place two acres more or lees, of land in the Southeast coinerof land lo'. numher 818 in the 23rd district and 3rd seuti >n of Flcyd county, Ga., being apart of a tract ot eleven acres conveyed bv George 4, Black, Sr . to Jack C. Biake, being the propertv whereon Win. Daniel, the defendant in ri fa, now r. sides, and lavied on as his prop -rty, written notice *£iven Wm Dani-4. the defendant residing on said land, as required by law. ropertv pointed by plaintiff in fi >a Le ied on hv virtue of Justice jourt fi fa issued from the Justice court of the 919th district G. M. n favor ol John M. Vandiver, vs Wm. Daniel, as the property of the defendant. Levy made by W. VI. Byars, L. C. Also at the same time and place he life estate of A J McCrary in he North half of lot of hud No. 231 in the 24th district and 3rd section of Floyd county, Ga., said half lot containing eighty acres. Levied on by virtue of a justice ;ourt fi fa issued from the 919th district G. M. in favor of W. C. Hammond vs E i McCrary and A. I. McCrary, as the property ot the detenda Also at the same time and place lot in the t< wn of East Rome s’loyd county. Ga., b-ginniug at a joint at a junction of Oak and Maple str iet«. thence running North with the line of said Mapb ■•tr et 72 1 2 feet to a point, ’hence at right angle* West 130 ft to a stak . thence a right angle# South 72 1 2 feet to Oak street aud hence w th Oik street East. 130fi Ito the be'inning. Levied on by virtue of two tax fi <a«, one isaueil . by V. T. Sanford, tax cull ctor so the year 1897, ti e other issued bv John J. Black, former tax collec tor, for the year 1893 and both igninst Mr?. M E Nelson, a# *l.e property of the defendant, ©old at the risk of W.H Ennis, bidder st former sale. A so at th i same time and plac" 11 that tract, or parcel of land, situated, lying and b-i ig in tin Etowah division of the city of lomeGa., beginning at the in er ection of Broad and East Bound ary streets and running thence along Broad street 155 feet and tour aud three quarter inches,and , ruuni g th> nee back at right an gles to Bioaa street same width t< the right of way ot the Rome rail road being known a? the Western half of ihe property known as ths I’rimnp lot. Levied on hv vir’u i <f a tax fi fa issued by J. D Moo»e, former tux collector, for 1895 rigan St Mrs John C Print ip, as the property*of the defe d uit. Also at. the san» rt time »,nd r!»ci I land lot i 67 in ti.* 22ud To Musical Peple of Rome • • ' If is wilh pleasure that we introduce to our readers the pri< of a new and complete stock of m, 1» • AND] Small Musical Instrumen I»' • * n the new Moseley building, 327 BroaS street where we would be pleased to have you call and examine our goods. The stock consists of some of thef best makes ojt pianos and organs on the market •diy. We keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store—Something R >me has needed for a lo.ig time. Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud of We are determined to close o -BICYCGEiS the earliest possible date. • IE. EJTOBBI® 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Manager. -XXX XX .V X-'X?"X X<X XX xcx 5 - We keep on ha d at all times a full stock of Sheet Music District and 3rd Section of Floyd county Ga., containing 160 acres more or le-s. Levied on by virtue of a justice court fi fa issued from the Justice c<surt of the 1075th District G. M. of Po k county Ga in favor of J.L. Camp, aurviving partner of Camp Glovar& Co., vs. Thos. H. Booz, as the property of the defendant. Levy made by W. M. Byars L- C. J P. McConnell. Sheriff. Slsrills Tai wlu MOMr 1898. GEORGIA,FL->YD COUNTY, Will be sola before the court hona-i door in the city of Rome F.jyd county Ga., between the leg 1 hour! of sale on the IstTues day i<i October 1898 the follow ing described property bv v ; tuo , of state sod county tax fi fa» is sued by th* Lx collector of FLyd county Ga.. and against the fol lowing named defendants. L >t« or par :e's of city lots in the Coo.a Division ot the city of Rome. Floyd county Ga.. towit. — The store house and !• t on the Northwest side of B oad street, being part of ci y lot- Nea, 2 and 3 in r.l e said Coosa Di ision,front ing on Broad street 28 feet ami •■xrending hack one hundred f«H more or leas ind hounded on on* side hy rhe property of A B S Moseley and on the other bv ih Nsvitj opera h ua*», said property now occtiped hy the Hanson Sup ply Co L-vied on bv vir ue of a tax fi ta L»u d by V T. Sanford, tax colle'Sor. in favor of state and county lui t-x 1897. agains’ J, H Rhodes, adn imatrator of the ea tate of M. C. Rhodes, as the property ot the defendant. Also al the sama tima and place that tract or parcel of ’and towit. th <t p«rt ol lot in the 23rd district and B.u section ot Floyd county Ga,, bemg part of lot No, 323, containing 10 acres, commencing at a stake Northwest corner and thence running due East 273 yards, thence S > ith 19Q yards to a stake, thence W -st io t stake 264 yards thence North 170 vards to a stake Levied on by virtue of tax fi fas issued by John J. Bfack, former tax collector, in ftfvor ot the state and county ft r' tax 1889. 1890 aud 1891 againet William Dani-4, as the property cf the detendan . Als a‘, th i -ame time and , lace lo»a of land Nos 1061 and 1062 in the 3rd district and 4th section of Floyd county Ga., the property of the defendant, each lot contain ing 40 acres, more or les#. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by John J. Black, former tax col lector, for tax 1891 in favor of Samuel Funkhouser administra tor of J . J. B ack, d-ceased trans feree, vs, Chubb, as the property of the defendant. Alsu at the same time and place all thgt tract or parcel of land ly ing m the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga , and in West Rome, described as fol lows, Ccm.uencing at a pine tree at the Northwest corner of said lor and running thence North 198 feet to an iron stake, thence East 216 feet, thence North 198 feet and thence West 216 feet to beginning point,being part of land lot Nu2ol, containing one acre more or less and now occupied by W. W. Han ley. levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by J. J, Black former tax collector for lax 1892, in favor of W. J. Neel, transferee, against Eliza E Buice, as the property of the defendant. » Also at the same t m<-ai d place a'l that tract or parcel of land known and dessnbed as ths part of l*nd lot N». 316 ; n the 23 d district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga., and designated as lot No 24,in the Hix Survey of the Gooley farm. A p'at of said sur vey recorded in the clerk’s office book “X’’ of deeds, page 66.Levi<d >u by virtue of a tax fi is issued by V . T Sanford, T. C., for bx due 1897, in favor of M. N. West <t Co., transferee, vs D. C- Camp bell, as the property of the defend ant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff.* TAPE WORMS ••A tape worm eighteen feet long at leust came on the acene after tin tukiug two I.’ASUAUKTS. This I am suie has caused my t>ad health, for the paat three years. lam still '.aking Ca.carets, the only cathartic worthy of aoiica by sensible people " O*o. W, Baird, Mass CANDY V CATHARTIC T**Ot MAUK eSOMTSMO Pleasant Palasahle. Potent. Taste G««x) no 'jixxl. Never Slckee. Weaken, or Grt|ie (fc-.lic.3Ut ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... itrrhwr *t I— »!»'■ (Mt-vr. Wwt-wl. k— Ywk. VW if A.TA.RAP So ’ < * avsirentrsMl hy attorer- .dJ'IU'DAv gists to Cl MaUt PUBLIC I Hill ill I I We will Sell New I Books wholesale I I PRICES] I 1 FOR CASH. Second Hand I | Books cheaper uhan the I' cheapest. Give me.a call, | i H. A. SMITH, | | THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. | SH. P. WOOTEN & BRO., i] -■'** Successors to . ROME PHARMACY. jl 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. We have bought the entire st vk of the Rome <■ Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent mi. Heine line. Our stock is complete and of the very h‘ ’•Gw-t grade. Sm We solicit a part of your pa* - > i.i and shill eu deavor to the best of our ab'lity to please you nt al. times. W.) should be pleased t > iiave you call on us Full 1 ie of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles an tS such tilings as are usually cifrried in a first-class dru JW store Cigars and tobacco. • < 1 one to se j us. yfl wmwWMW MM wi I « S. Al. Stark,. ; *♦4 S like; isMOiT..Ei i xn , v , u ■ ; 3»4 )• *25 Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A- ; • i # r W 4 r - ’’.S'. -—-*■ $1.25 and $152 s'lirG J. A. GAIW.f 4 COM ARE WAITING -for everyone in Rome t” in and see the magnili^ lll ' on men’s and boy s c '"' bicycle and golf suits, is doing, "but w« 111 e tiing while we wait. show you the liuest sl ISI clothing, made from the ne styles and patterns in perfect fitting and bands' l )e f° u, id eor y* H ’ aU a v a arg above competition i* l price. The greatest line of negligee 11 ever shown i i Rome. J. A. GAnMON&O