The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 13, 1898, Image 5

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FBRMITUREIT t EBE ATLY RE prr CEP Mirs In order to m ke room for our Fall Stock we are offerin g anything in our s: LOW DOWN--FOR CASHM’ONEY! •» • % ♦ * ALL GOODS NEW AND UP-TO-DATE BUT MUST BE SOLD OUT OCAEfT We need the money.’We need the floor-room—so call at once for BARGAINS in: BED-ROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, CHIFFONIERS, DINING TABLES, CENTER TABLES, WARD-ROBES, HAT RACKS, SIDE BOARDS, ROCKERS, MATTINGS, LACE CURTAINS, HALL CURTAINS, RUGS, PICTURES, EASELS, SCREENS, BABY CARRIAGES, & & I RHUDY HARVEY'C Our Undertaking Department is complete il erey partiowUir. Calls promptly attended day or night. Day ’Phone No« 9. . . Night ’Phone No- 182 OF <■ l ohßSu^Sli —— - • There’s alu iking fitness in the fact that the transport wirch brought Miles home is name! the Obdam—though the name, it should be noted, is pronounced in two syllables, not three. o o o No man has become truly great until people will listen with inter est to him when he imparts infor mation about himself. o o o It is estimated that the three states of North Dakota, and Min nesota will this year produce sur plus staple commodities which will bring them not less than $180,000,* bOd this would be a per capita production of |B2. o o o Il it is impossible to get him °ut ol the cabinet in any other "ay. there might be some slight in transferrii g Secretary of ar Alger to the Ui ind States HOW’S THIS? We oiler One II mid re I Do’- lirrs Reward f>r any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo* 0. the undersigned, have bn°wn F. J, Cheney for the last h* years, and believe him*to be financially able to carry out any °bligation made by their Grin. W est & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. W aiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken mternally, acting directly upon •i" blood and mucous surfaces <>t the system. Testimonials sent leo ' 1 rice 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Fill ß ar( f the best. senate. He is, as has been amply demonstrated of late, not exactly a desirable official associate even for himself, but if the senate can work no improvement in him, it is consoling to know that he will not injure the senate. o o o Heaped up money—more than was wanted—the people of the United States poured into the Fed eral Treasury to carry on the war. But our troops are coming home from the West Indies ragged and unpaid. The paymaster seem to have been quite as inefficient as the quartermasters. o o o The Philadelphia Ledger re -11 ariS that if Spain tries her procrastinating policy in the Peace Commission, she is likely to find that the initials U. S. will stand for Unconditional Surrender. 000 When a man gets so he can, while walking along the street in broad daylight, avoid meeting the reproachful eyes of an approach ing creditor, by staring straight ahead instead of rubberneckingaat nothing on the top of the build ing across the way, he has master ed the art of being a Napoleon of Feenauce. 000 Secretarv Alg<r is said to have been led to make a personal inves tigation into the treatment of in valid soldiers because Mrs. John A. Logan gave him a piece of her mind after visiting Montauk Point If this be true, I suggest that Sister Logan be granted absolu tion for her share of responsibility for the existence of young Johnny Logan. 000 Colonel William Astor Chanler is being considered by the New- York democrats as a good man to “run” against Roosevelt for gov ernor. His chief claima to distinc tion are teat he is related to the Astor family and was for a time the husband of Amelie Rives, who writes novels that have to be kept on ice. 000 The good that Miss He len Gould TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. Effectually yet gently, when J costive or billions, or when the blood is impure or slauggish, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them to dispel head aches, colds, or fever, use Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by rhe .California Fig Syrup C _ has lately done with a few of the many dollars out of which old Jay euchered the American people is enough to make the most cynical of us wish that when she marries she will get a decent young Amer ican instead of some two-for-five nobleman. —1 - - .1 JP g PERSONAL FACTS ABOUT THE GIRL QUEEN. Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria Queen of the Netherlands, born August 1880, daughter of the late King William 111, and of his second wife, Queen Em ma. She is the only unmarried Queen in Europe, and a great catch for young Princes. She rules over the most pros perous and contented nation in Europe. She receives 1,000,000 guilders t$400,000) a year from the Dutch nation, and has an immense private fortune. Her possessions in the East and West Indies include 780,000 square miles, and contain 34,- 000,000 people. She is good looking, amiable and accomplished. She is a perfect Dutch house wife, and loves domesticity. She wants to find a Prince with whom she can fall in love. FACTS ABOUT RICH MEN. Sam Jones says that this is the greatest country on the face of the earth for a young man. A. T. Stewart taught school at twenty one; Cornelius Vander bilt didn’t have two shirts when he started his ferry ; Jay Gould peddled rat traps in New York; Elihu Burrit’s wife taught him his letters after he was mar ried ; Leland Stanford’s father was set adrift without a cent at nineteen ; Carnegie worked in Pittsburg for a dollar a day forty years ago; Abraham Lincoln mauled rails on an Illinois farm. This country is all rignt if you want to be a man. If you don’t you can find lots of company. ' Cancer 01 the Breast. Mr. A. H- Crausby, of 158 Kerr St., Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife paid no attention to a small lump which appeared in her breast, but it soon de veloped into a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment of the best physicians, it continued to spread and grow rapidly, eating two holes in hei breast. The doctors soon pronounced her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat- Vk kV ed ber, but she con “ ■£/ tinued to grow worse xrL and when informed . th * both her aunt I®**, and grandmother had died from cancer he gave the case up as .1 hopeless. Itt' fir Someone then re- »p " commended S.S.S. and though little hope remained, she begun it, and an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign 01 the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable} fa a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease. Our books will be mailed free to any ad dress. Swift ( k'w Specific. Co., Atlanta Ga. PASTEUR FILTERS? The only Germ Proof Filter in the world. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply Co ■• ■ ■ *•** ’’.l; i.* ’•' • tit •-?•-! ........ L f 8 .t y-e g i-tsl »v t I J A WHOLE CLUB | 4,ME COT 3 Ca M ' Make W -X B Mt . * Time bl ■ ' T. \ ifll SOPVRIOHT. (CJ, * • I carry a full and complete line of jewelry, inclu ding Diamonds ■SB My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- A. i.-n Ber more complete. WEDDING PRESENTS A'SPEGIALTY. j(| J. K Williamson g ■ '■ * FOR STY 11 >]] < <LT . and for a jolly good time with family or friends, there is noth p inn like an open surry for either / Winter or Summer. Our stock ** of stylish carriages is unrivalled *ir’ and our spider phaetons, runa- [ bouts, buggies, traps, carts, wag- . onettes, canopy top, or open sur- if reys, are lipht, easy, comforta- ble and beautiful in construe- ,I tion, trimmings and finish We also repair and overhaul vehicles; also carry a big line 'o harness and lap robes, The Romi' Buggy Co, 509-511 Broad street,Rome Ga, Satterfield & Williams, Agents. CANDY w CATHARTIC CONSTIPATION 106 all 25c 56c DRUGGISTS