The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 16, 1898, Image 6

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THE IIUSTLER-COMMERCIA ehustlerqfrome Established, IHOO. "'HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. IS'.K>. sued every evening, except Saturday. Saudav and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Olßee Wilkerson Block, Third Avenue Queen Lil and Don Carlos have been lost in the shufile. Judge Maddox lias no opposi tion—at least none to tpeak of. 1 '■ I Everybody who koniplained of the heat is now kicking—with a kold. The House of Hapsburg has in herited more than its fair share of hard luck. —j* • Col Paly du Clam and Li Hung Chang are now looking for situations. Spalding county mobs are planting rapists just as fast as the crop ripens. If this annexation fever keeps up. Uncle Sam should raise the price of admission, Did you register this forenoon? If you did not. why, get a move on, for the books close tonight. In the bank of England there are silver bars that have lain untouched for two hundred years. Messrs. Dewey, Schley and Wheeler, the leading fighters of the war, are not talking for publication. An Alabama farmer put cro ton oil in his melon patch and broke up a camp meeting, says Editor Rainey. The Vice President has had hie name in the paper twice since the war began. Who is the vice pres ident now —his name has slipped us. Shattered islands continue to throw off the Spanish yoke from day to day. Our troubles will begin when these stray islands come whining to be taken in out of the wet. Germany has more electric street railways than any other European country. Next in or der come France, England, Italy, Switzerland, Spain and Belgium. Says the Buchanan Banner- Messenger : In John W. Mad dox the Seventh congressional district not only has a man to be proud of, but a man the peo ple ARE TRULY pi’Oud of. General Nhlsou A. Miles has one find-class requisite for a good soldier. He has backbone and he is not afraid to stand up in his boots and say just what be thinks and means.—Boston Traveler. The Dreyfus case has got to a point where the shame of France will be renewed. There bound to he an unpleasant stirring up of this matter whether the case is re opened or not. —Cincinnati En quirer . Sam Jones says we are afraid today of the world, the devil and the democratic party.” And again : “If there is one live, vig orous Holy Ghost church in America it has been kept out of my sight.” Having heard “oflijial” testi mony from Alger, Hanna,Boynton and other high amhorities that the War Department is all right, we t>hall now get al the private opinion of the men in the rank*. They held the sack. ALGER’S FIRST WAR RECORD In S'ptember, 1861, —Colonel' Algor and his regiment were in the I Shenandoah valley, taking part in.' Sheridan's great campaign against Jubal Early. About the first of the monthColouel Alger inplied for ten day’s leave of absence. The application was disapproved and returned by his division com mander. Gen. Wesley Merritt, be cause of the active operations then in progress, Upon the re urn of his application fur leave disapproved. Colonel Alger left his regiment and went to Washington wi hjut leave. There he procured a detail on court marcial duty in that city. This fact was reported to Gpu . Merritt, who reported it in turn to Gen. Sheridan, who brought the matter to the attention of the war department, recommending that Colonel Alger be dishonorably dis charged for being absent without leave. In conquenceof that recom mendation from Philip Sheridan. Colonel Russell A. Alger was diss charged from the service on Sept. 20, 1864. The incident terminated his military career. After the war was ever he procured in some way the brevet of brgadier general and ma jor general of volunteers. —New Y’ork Sun.” An exchange says : “When a woman tells her oldest daughter to mind the baby and the oldest daughter goes oil and leaves the work to a younger sister, who tells a younger brother he mutt do it, who finally goes oil and leaves the baby with a dog. who is to blame that the baby isn’t cared for?” Several able contemporaries have tackled the question with the result that so far the concen sus of opinion puts the blame on the dog. Thinking of the immense multitudes who are Hocking to haar Sam Jones leads us to ob serve that Sam Jones is a won derful man whatever the secret of his power. He has lost jione of his magnetism over the. peo ple of his own town and sur rounding country—the place where he himself was drunkest, lowest and most reckless before he embraced religion. The Bibb county tax rate has been fixed at sl4 on SI,OOO. This, when added to the city tax rate of $12.50 mak?s a total tax of $26.50 on each SI,OOO worth of property in Macon. The citizens of Rome pay only $22 50 for state and county and for city tax. Rome and old Floyd are alright. Information reaches Rome that the Dwight Cotton Mills at Alabama City between Gads den and Attalla on the R. & D. R. R. will double its plant. This same manner of report is out about the Massachusetts mills at Bindale, but it’s rather late in the season for such extensive building operations to begin. Major Joe Blance and Robert Dougherty, two former leading populists of North Georgia, are now making speeches, advising their friends to let populism go, many of whom are taking their advice.—Buchanan B a n ne r Messenger. -"■'V .'2 If the Peace Conference is pro louged indefinitely there may be no Cubans left to celebrate their independence. Until the Spaniards evacuated the island the insurgents cannot coms to town, and they are dying rapidly on a debilitating diet of mangoes d hanone. ji i i 1 Ignatious Donnelly, the ac knowledged leader of populism, tits the description which old Commodore Vanderbilt once applied to his son-in-law, “More kinds of ad— f— than any man ‘ living.”—-Columbus Sun. i for FUTURE REFERENCE ] Say, Aguinaldo, You little measly Malay moke, What’s the matter with you’ Don’t you know enough To know That when you don’t see Freedom, Inalienable rights, Th® American Eagle, Ihe Foifrth of July, The Star Spangled Banner, And the Palladium of your lib erties, All you’ve got to do is to ask for them? Are you a natural born chump Or did you catch it from the Spaniards? You ain’t bigger Than a piece of soap After a day’s washing, But, by gravy, you Seem to think You’ve a bigger man Than Uncle Sam. You ought to be shrink, Young fellow’; And if you do I’t Demalayize yourself At an early date, And catch on To your golden glorious oppor tunities, Somethihg’s going to happen to you Like a Himalaya Sitting down kerswot On a gnat. If you ain’t A yellow dog You’ll take in your sign And scatter Some Red, White and Blue Disinfectant Over yourself. What yoy need, Aggie, Is cizilizing. And goldarn Your yaller percoon skin, We’ll civilize you Dead or alive. You’d better Fall into the Procession of progress And go marching on to glory, Before you fall Into a hole in the ground, Understand? That’s us— U. S. —W. J. L. in New York Suu . The following from the McDade Tex.. Keystone would indicate that the war is not entirely over yet: “The editor of this paper wants it distinctly understoo' that he is running it, if there is anyone who has anything to say about its appearance, quality, editor, or anything else pertaining to it, let him with the backbone of a man call on us about it.” Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cures Permanently Cures Scrofula, which is one of the worst af flictions of the human race, and oonws from impure blood. Eczema, a most offensive and uncomfort able affection of the skin, aUc due to impure blood. Salt Rheum, a torment to the flesh, a die flgureinent to the body, and a drain on the system, also due to vitiated blood. Pimples, which so disfigure the skin, and make the human face divine anything but a thing of beauty, but which are Nature’s adver tisement of foul blood. Catarrh, which very often comes from ■ chronic affection of the circula tion, is a constant offense tc •one’s self and all his friends. Rheumatism, which all authorities now attri bute tc various aciauies in the blood, which this grea.; blood purifier of the age, Hood’s Sar saparilla, corrects. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is sold by al! druggists. $1; six for S 5. Pre pared only by C. 1. Hood XCo Lowell. Mass. i a.-.“ the best after-dinner u pills, aid digestion. 25c. I" I"™ I ' « MM■■■Hill ■■ Illi I I ■ I > —WM ->J»- • •». $ ' * PIPE i g PHOTOGRAMS | » - * THE SUMMER HAS g * PASSED AND GONE * IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAY g * AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! g I g YOU X tS I IKNOW Em I t® Ab wo * m w pl #1 SB ’ I * | TUB J OF AVDiyK | ’ Ufc Mg I * i OUT. 1 1| * r 5 hi * K — — I rn I YOU ARE ! I ImBDUU! * m I * W THIHI | T1 | I K 8 T 111 111 IF TT I f i AIII s I »S < I *R3 W I £ 1 CiXU-IXtONCE. S I ife H I B » J. W. kandeaster. I ' EM Ul **«****«» . 11