The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 18, 1898, Image 2

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VERY IMPOSING Will be The Ceremonies al Myrtle Jill by WOODMEN OF THE WORLD At 4 O'clock This Afternoon Everybody Invited. At 4 o’clock this afternoon, most impressively beautiful as well as intensely interesting ceremonies, by the \\ oodtnen g of the World, will be conducted at the unveiling of monument?, over the graves ot J A. Leoige ami C. A. Gammon. Mr. A. H. Cun lell, C. C. re quests the Hustler-Commercial to notify the Woodmen of the World, of Rome command, to meet at their hall this afternoon at 3 o’ckck sharp. From the hall, headed by the band, the Rome W oodmen will march to Curry’s coiner, where they will meet the Anniston delegation of \\ oodmen. The two delegations will then march to the cemetery and will all participate in the beautiful unveiling ceremonies . A quartett of Rome’s best voices will render beautiful and appropriate songs. Judge W. M. Henry the scholarly jurist, will deliver the address at the unveiling of the George m ment. The address at the unveiling of the Gammon monvment will be made by an Anniston orator. All Romans who knew J. A. George and Charles Gammon loved them, and it will be a’sad sweet pleasure for them to par ticipate in the impressive cere monies at the unveilings today. MADMAN IN ENGINE CAB Started the Train, but was Over powered After a Fight Cleveland, 0., Sept. 19.—A large man jumped aboard a Lit tle Miami freight engine near Alpha, 0. , last evening, swung himself into the cab, put on all steam and started the train at a furious rate. The engineer and fireman grappled with the fellow, and found him to be a raving mani ac. lie fought, but was finally overpowered. lie was pushed from the cab and made his es cape. Bottled Up! Whether in the form of pill powdei or liquid, the doctor’s prescription foi blood diseases is always the same— mercury or potash. These drugs bottle up the poison and dry it up in the system, but they als> dry up the marrow In the bones at the same time. The suppleness and elasticity of the Joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains of rheumatism. The form gradually bends, the bones ache, while decrepitude and helplessness prema turely take possession of the body, and it is but a short step to a pair o! crutches. Then comes falling o! the hair and decay of the bohes,—a con iition truly horrible. Contagious Blood IVFRCIfRVr Poison the curse MfttßCUff rl c f mankind—is the most horrible of all d diseases, and has al- ~ ways baffled the j doctors Their pot HlßJfZzf !' ; ish and mercury i A '- U Dottie upthe poison, •! but it always breaks ■ff ’AUESUk b forth • /■.in attack •< * soui -' delicate JjlcAS??’’? ' i-X* fj organ, frequently ■■MllYlf I®-’ jit the mouth and j \ i, j d Nir at, tilling then: .■ I eating sores. HjVHI !14 I£ ‘r! S.S.S., is the only BW| |c ' || known cure for tin* ~ disease. It is guar anteed purely vege table, and one thousand dollars reward is offered for proof to the contrary. It never fails to cure Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Kczema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other disease of the blood. If you have a blood disease, take a remedy which will not injure you. Beware of mercury; don’t do violence to your system. Don’t get bottled up I Our books sent free to any addresa 6wift Specific C o Atlanta. Ga. Ibe Royal is ths highest grade baking ponder know u. Actant teats show it goes ene ttoird farther than any other brand. w POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL RAKING POWDFR CO., NEW YORK. WAS Jt ST A BOY, But He Carried a I i»tol And Used It on A Man. Ducktow j. Tenn., Sept. 17. —A serious difficulty occurred at Is abella last night between Henry Stuart and Lee Hyatt. It is re ported that Stuart struck cue of Hyatt’s littie sisters and Hyatt told him not to do that again. Stuart thereupon struck Hyatt with au ax handle, and Hyatt drew his pistol and fired three shots at Stuart. Ono shot took ef* feet, passing through Stuart’s thigh Hyatt is a mere boy, being about 15 years of age. His father and mother are dead, and he is supporting his brothers and sisters Smart is 30 years of age. WR E A KING REVE NG E Outrage By a Lower Class Os Natives In Porto Rico. San Juan, Porto Rico, Sept, 17. —More depredation are reported to have occurred m the neighbor hood of Utuado. Several Span ah haciendas and cafeteles have been burned and two Spanish planters killed . These outrages are attrib uted to the lower classes of the natives, actuated by a spirit of re venge, and alawless gang of brig ands which has been operating near Cialee . The Spanish planters fear for their lives and are extremely anxious that the Americans should cbtain control in order to afford them protection, as the United States is powerless now to preserve order in places within Spanish fnes. Upon petition of practically ai' of the residents of Utuado, Gen. Henry has displaced the old al cade and appointed Senor Ramiars Martinas, who has inaugurated an American regime and has held an election for all municipal offices. J ■ RHM MAY -‘DISCIPLINE” TEXANS They Refused Their Pay From A Colored Paymastr. Washington, Sept 17. —Paymas* ter Gen. Stanton has turned over to the President all the papers re lating to the recent unpleasant ness growing out of the refusal of a Texas regiment to receive pay from Maj. Lynch because he is colored. The President has taken no de finite action beyond expressing ap proval of Gen . Stanton’s course in sending a sharp dispatch the to commanding paymaster of that de partment siateing in effect that as Maj. Lynch had been regularly commissioned by the President as an army paymaster, the troops must take their pay from him or else go without pay. Thus the matter stands, with i the papers before the President. There is the possibility that a new question may arise on the point of insubordination in refusing to receive pay from paymasters re gularly commissioned to make payments. LADIES FINE SAILORS. Go to Lanham & Sons and get one of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap. They are ac tually worth SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and some even more, yet they are selling choice for 50 cents. THE SQUADRON * For Hie North Atlantic is Reorganised. THE FLEET REDUCED From 100 Vessels to 32. Names of Ships Retained. Washington, Sept. 17.—Sec retary Long yesterday issued an important order reorganizing the North Atlantic squadron. The fleet is reduced from a force of about 100 vessels to 32, the remainder being detached ready for disposition in the future. The four vessels of the Mor gan line, the Prairie, Yosemite, Yankee and Dixie, with the auxiliary cruisers Badger and Panther, are ordered to be laid up in reserve at League Island. The fleet as reorganized will consist of the Indiana, Massa chusetts, Texas New York, Brooklyn, Amphaitrite,Puritan, Miantonomoh, Terror, Cincin nati, Montgomery Newark, San Francisco, Detroit Marblehead, Mayflower, New Orleans, Ban croft, Marietta, Topeka, Castine, Nashville, Wilmington,'Machias, Princeton, Fern, Wasp, Hist, Resolute, Potomac, Scorpion, Alvaredo. OFFICIAL REPORT Os Secrerary Shorter College Alumnae Association. The Alumnae Association of Shorter College held a meeting on Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Berta Maddox. The meeting was an enthusiastic one, many plans for the winter being discussed. The following officers were chosen to serve un til Sept. 1899 : President, Miss Berta Maddoxjlst vice president, Mias Bettie Ledbetter; 2nd vice president, Miss Loulie West; corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. B. S. Moseley; treasurer, Miss Rosa Montgomery ; record ing secretary, Miss Clara Rhodes. On the first Monday afternoon of each month a social meeting will be held at the home of some member of the association. Bach alumnae will be invited to these meetings. It is expected that these meetings will assume lit erary aspect in time, but at present they will be merely so cial. The first of these meetings will be held with Miss Rhodes on October the third. Mrs. Beulah S. Moseley was appointed a delegate to the Georgia Federation of Woman’s Clubs, to convene at Columbus in October. The Association is to be congratulated upon its choice. It is hoped that in less than two weeks a young lady may be placed in Shorter College through the efforts of the Alum nae. Miss Ledbetter and Miss Schirmir, appointed to see about this scholarship, will-make a re port at a meeting to be held Monday afternoon Sept. 19, at 4 o’clock at the home of Mrs. J, B. Sullivan on Second avenue. It is to be hoped that there will be a full attendance. The treas urer requests that each member bring her annual dues at this time. Clara Lawton Rhodes, Rec. Sec’y. Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Echols Col. S. P. Maddox and family will chaperone a large party, which is going down to Cartersville. Sun day. to hear Rev. Sam P. Jones’ sermon.—Dalton Argus. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Bob Yancey is visiting friends in Atlanta. Miss Mary Lou Ware has returned to Shorter College. Miss Blanche Jetton has en tered Shorter College again this year. Squire Cicero Hammond, Armuchen, was in the city yts- Mr. Bolling Sullivan left yes terday to re-enter the University of Georgia at Athens. Mrs. V. T. Sanfora and Mr. Will Sanford went down to a At lanta yesterday forenoon. g£Mr. F. D. M. Stracham, agent for the Johnson Blue Line Co., is in the city on business. Miss Beulah McLendon, of East Rome, is visiting relatives in Atlanta and East Point. Mr. G. D. McCall, who has been visiting Dr. McCall will return to his home in Atlanta today. New crop cocoanuts, nice peaches, grapes, pears, quinces and other select fruits received daily at Lloyd’s. Fresh new’ cocoanuts 5c each, at Lloyd's. Also, new mackerel, pigsfeet, new’ oatmeal and other new goods daily. Mr. John Glover, the clever clerk for Heard & Bass will go over to Cartersville to Sam Jones’ meetings this forenoon. Mis* Dora Winggard, of Round Mountain, who has been visiting her brother in East Rome, left for her home yester day. Mr. Clifton Landsdell has ac cepted a position with Messrs. Dyer & Daniel and will be pleased to have his friends call and see him. Mr. Sam Hardin goes so San tiago the first of October. His many Rome friends wish him a prosperous and pleasant visit, and a safe return. Mr. Leonard has returned from a pleasant visit to friends in Cartersville. Rome has no mare promising young business man than Leonard Todd. Mrs. W. A, McGhee and little daughter. Juliette, has returned from a visit of several weeks to heelers Springs. The little girl is no t enjoying good health. Mrs. C. J. Ledbetter returned Monday from Rome, where she has been at the bedside of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. E. L. Led better, —Cedartown Standard Miss Carry Lee, of Rockmart, a pretty and charming young lady who has been visiting Mrs. Janies Mjtchebl, on Second ave nue, will return tp her home this forenoon. Rev. J. H. Lakes, presiding elder of Rome district, was in the city yesterday to conduct the third quarterly conference of the year Cedartown Methodist church. —Cedartown Standard The firm of Camp & O’Rear is this day (Aug. 27, 1898) dis solved. All parties indebted to them will not pay unless both names, S. D. Camp and J. M. O’Rear, are signed to tl}e bills. Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME GAS CO. Col. I. E. Shumate, the c iur teous gentleman, learned lawyer and profound student, left yesterday afternoon for Dalton, after spending several days here looking after railroad interests in the city court. hS. MULLIfIM. The Famous Fleshy Moon shineress. DIED ON HER MOUNTAIN. 4 Ran a Still. Openly And Defied All Officers. Knoxvill, Tenn., Sept. 17. News has just reached here th at Mahala Mullins, the famous fat woman on Hancock county, died day before yesterday. Mrs. Mullins weighed 500 pounds and lived on the top of a mountain, where she conduct ed a “still” in defiance of law. The officers were unable to ap prehend her on account of her size, there being no way to get herdown the mountain side. Mrs. Mullins whs one of the tribe of “Me’ungeent” whose origin has been a mystery to ethnological students for many years. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Comlenteil Schedule in Effect Julj 8, 1898. stations?* I No Ti) i X 0714 ""Ro. i Lv Chattanooga.. .... 8.30 am 7.B,>pm 10.10 pm At Dalton 7.51 am 8.42 pm 12.10 am Ar Rome 9.00 am 9.40 pm 1.44 am At Atlanta 11.loam| 1 i.sopm 5 OJam Lv Atlanta 4.20 pm 1155 pm 5.20 am Ar Macon 7.10 pm 3 05am 8.20 am Ar Jesup 8.45 am 2.38 pm Ar Everett 7.25 am 3.25 pm Ar Jacksonville 9.40dm 9.96 pm tv Jesup 10.01 am 8.56 pm Ar Jacksonville 100 pm 10.15 pm Lv Everett*. 7.30 am 8.30 pm Ar Brunswick 8.30 am 4.30 pm No. 10 carries Puhmau Sleeping Car Chat tanooga to Atlanta. No. 14 curries Pulln an Sleeping Car and Day Coaches Cha 1 tanooga •« Jacksonville and At lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. ‘STATIONS. T yro.' 13 No. 9j No 7* Lv Atlanta 4.20 am 4.00 pm 7.50 am Ar Rome 6.30 am 0.25 pm 10.20 am Ar Dalton 722 am ?.34pm 11.30 am Ar Chattanooga 8.40 am 8.50 pm I.oopm Lv Chattanooga 8.5.5 am 9.10 pm Ar Burgtn 4.29 pm Ar Lexington 5.10 pm 1 4.50 am Ar Louisville 7 50pm* 7.50 am Ar Cincinnati 7 "7.30 pm T3oam Lv Chattanooga 1.23 pm I 115 am 125 pm Ar Nashville , 6.55pm' 6.40 am 0.55 pm No. 13 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattanooga and Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. STATIONS. N<., (t j No. 12 , No. 1A Lv Chattanooga 8.40 am 4.loam' 10. JOpm Ar Knoxville 1155 am 8.05 am I.loam Ar Morristown 1.23 pm, 9.50am 1 2.25 am Ar Hot Springs 3 13pm 11.48 am 4.00 am Ar Asheville 4.35 pm 1.15 pm 5.10 am Ar Salisbury 6.40 pm 9.30 am Ar Greensboro. 9.52 pm 12.10 pm Ar Raleigh 1.40 am 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk... .„ ... ........ 7.50 am Ar Wa hington 6.42 am T3spm Ar New York l-’.43pni 6.23 am No. 12 carries Pullman Drawing Ito inTSieep ing Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond 6.40 a.m. also Pullman Sleeping Cay Greensboro to Norfolk No. 16 is solid train Chattanooga to Salis bury, with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. a , , . ... Lv Chatt.inOuga ... .... .... julOpml 8.40 am Ar Knoxville. 8.15 pm 11.55 am Ar M< rristown I 2.15 am; 1.21 pm Ar Bristol 7.00 am 3.55 pm Ar Wadjinu'ton j 7.4i,am "am-. 1 Wnm No. 6. carries Pullman Sleeping Car Ch'atta noogaLi Was dri.-t n and C'.iattaa.-ogu to New Yc; k a ithout change. No. 4 cWjes Pullma;. Sleeping Car Knox ville to Bri tr>l. ~ STATIONS?"" 15* Rome 7.7 797 foam Ar An uis ton . ~, x ........ 1121 iim Ar Birmingham Htoopm Ar Meridian 7.30 pm Ar New Orleans 10.30arn F 77777. Tsnani Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar 7.20 pm t_No. ISjjNo. $ | -No. 1« JNjHo 2.00 pm 4.SbpmXv Rome iSOani‘B.3sam A4opm 6.57pm,Ar <Ud-de.p,. B.ooam, 6.30 am B.oopm 7.lopm!Ar Attalla- Ivl 5.45ata 'kwam t Dally except Sunday. $ Suudayo»ly7~ F. S.QANNON.B4v.p. .Waah'.ngtoa, ha J. M CULP. Tra|. Washlagto*. D. a W A. TURK. Q- P A-. Wa.bUgto*. D. a Q A. BENSOOTOR, a A..Ohattaa»o«a T.m SEA K j T T Asi co K tS AI - Main BuitOiNG. w iSFiiE Hi I H HiilrfHrT a DAHLONEGA, GA. A . college education in the reach of all. A.8., 8.5., Normal and Business Mau’s courses. Good laboratories; healthful, invigorating cli mate; military discipline; pwxi moral and religious influences. Cheapest board in the State; abundance of country produce; expenses front 575 tq >ISQ 4 year; board in dormitories or private families. Special license course for teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the control of the University. A college prepar atory class. Co-education of sexes. The insti tution founded sjaecially for students of limited means. Send for catalogue to the President. Jos. S, SfswASi, A.M. WHEN YOU ARE TIRED Without extra exertion ] ftn guid, dull and listless Wood i» failing t osu |y y muscle, and other organ, \ vtabzing and stre ngt h. g i vi „‘ properties they require. ft* Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and <ng the blood. It will eneigy and vigor. Hood’s Pill, are easy to take easy to operate. Cure indite.’- i4n , biliousness. 25. YOUNG LADY GRADU Os the Rome Business College are thoroughly prepared f or stenographic and office Work . they are found capable when < I r ’Pv-Wrp they go into business prac tice ; they re ceive high comm e n d a tions from; their employ-' ers as being capable and experienced. Rome business College enjoys the largest enrollment of pupils it has had in its history. There will be thousands of vancanciee this fall to fill. Young men and ladies will do well to enter here and prepare for thorough com mercial work. H. S. Shockley, Prine] i il. “ A TAX NOTICE. The last half of tax for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of fice at the city hall and settle. Sept. 16th 1898. Halstkd Smith, Clerk Council. PASTEUR FILTERS T h.e only Germ Proof Filter in the world. Makes water pure and cletr for sale by The Hanson Supply Co mraiiiL uns ATTORNEYS. J. Law Offiee 200, »ast| Firstreet;St, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artornay at Law, Ro 9 1 Croporaion Law Onlyr "W J. UEJHHJ Attorney at law. Will practice in all ocurtt. Special attention given to commercial lav and the examination es land titles. Ofiiae in King building. Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB .Sc WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gfllee in Armstrong hotel building, Rome, da M B EUBANKS, Attorney at law. OfflceKing Building. Rome, Ga. W H ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all coati* Office, Masoaue Temple, Rome, Ga, J. SANTA. CRWF > R □ Attorney at law, Rome. Qa- Collections k specialty. _ Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MORES V RIGHT. HAKI’ER HAMILTON WRIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office:No. 14 Postoffice Buildiog DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 340 1-3 Broad. W Over Cantrell 4 Owou _ * J. L. PENNINGTON. D.D S.,M A . RNTieT’i Office. 305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks F“ r mture Co. - PHYSICIANS. ■ . O HAMILTON, D Physician and Surgeon Office, Building Rome, Ga. Ofl.ce ►phone No- L,. F». HAMMON3, M D” Physician and Surgeon. Office in building. Residenoe, No. vre -* ftlce *phoNo» (5 .