The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 19, 1898, Image 2

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VERY IMPOSING Were The Unueiling Cere monies Yesterday. NEARLY 3,000 PEOPLE Wore Present- Addresses by Judge Henry and Dr. Bale The unveiling ceremonies at Myrtle Hill on yesterday were all that was predicted for them. The Rome Woodmen of the World and a delegation of the Woodmen of the World oi An niston, marched over to the cemetery at 8 :45 yesterday af ternoon and jhere found nearly three thousand Romans assem bled to witness the unveiling ceremony. The address at the unveiling of the elegant monument over the grave of the lamented Junius A. George was delived by that gifted and scholarly orator, Judge W. M. Henry and was beautifully tender and sweetly comforting to the multitude. For every’ man, woman and child in the vast crowd loved and reyered the memory of Junius George. Judge Henry faced an impressive occasion, and rose to its require ments. acquitting himself most flatteringly, and pleasing his admirers and friends on every side. At the unveiling ceremony over the C. A. Gammon tomb, Mr. John W. Bale made the ad dress. Tho Rome Woodmen had been informed by the Anniston Woodmen that an Anniston ora tor would deliver the unveiling address. The Anniston delega tion, however, failed to keep its promise and so, after tne Wood men arrived at the cemetery, Mr. Bale was called upon to deliver this address. He responded and spoke as one inspired, completely sur prising his friends and captivat ing the entire audience, 'ilie ad dress was, perhaps, the most beautifully worded and elo quently delivered of any im promptu address ever delivered on Myrtle Hill. The quartett made up of the splendid voices of B. F. Clark, B. F. Barker, Harry Patton and Ordinary John P. Davis, render ed some very pleasing and ap propriate songs. The only feature of the pro gram in which any disappoint- Bottled Up! Whether in the form of pill powdei nr liquid, the doctor’s prescription fol blood diseases is always the same— mercury or potash. These drugs bottle op the poison and dry it up in the •ystem, but they also dry up the marrow In the bones at the same time. The suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack mg pains of rheumatism. The form gradually bends, the bones ache, while decrepitude and helplessness prema turely take possession of the body, and it is but a short step to a pair oi crutches. Then comes falling oi the hair and decay of the bones, —a’ con lition truly horrible. fePQTASHi yiERCURy/ wmvjl it table, and one thousand dollars reward is offered for proof to the contrary. H never fails to cure Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other disease of the bF d. If you have a blood disease, remedy which will not injure you. of mercury; don’t do violence system. Don’t get bottled up! ooks sent free to any addxes* >sc Co 7 Atlanta. Ga. Contagious Blood Poison—the curse of mankind—is the most horrible of al) diseases, and has al ways baffled the I doctors Their pot ash and mercurj bottle up the poison i but it always break? i forth again attack i ing some delicate j organ, frequently | the month and throat, filling there with eating sores. S.S.S., is the only I known cure for this | disease. It is guar anteed purely vege Tba Royal •• Uw grade baking powater kaowi. Actual teats show it goes eno third furtbar than any other broad. pm POWDER Absolutely P»re »r>V*L BAKING BOWBER CO., NEW YORK. ment was caused was the ab sence of the Ro ne band. It seems that the leader, Mr. Ford, now a resident of Cartersville, had telephoned the committee that he would come—and didn’t The Woodmen of the World is a very strong order in the city. After yesterday’s exercises they are destined to become much stronger. SULTAN COMPLIES Ottoman r J roofs In Canjh Wili Be Withdrawn. Candi , Crete, Sept. 19. The sultan has ordered Djevad Pasha, the military catninander in Crete, to accede to the demand of the British admiral, Gerard Henry Noel, for disarmament, thus com plying with the whole ultima'um of the admiral A British military detachment today occupied the entrance to the fort and it is ru mored that the Ottoman ‘roops will be withdrawn and a British force will occupy the town. Among the prisoners already handed over to Admiral Noel are two who are credited with being ring-leaders in the attack on the British camp. LADIES FINE SAILORS. Go to Lanham & Sons and get one of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap. They are ac tually worth SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and some even more, yet they are selling choice for 50 cents. CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening, rhe schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1:00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 4 -.15 a. m.; leave Rome 10 .35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p, m. ■ leave Rome 6 :25 a. in. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. in. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga 3:10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. m. ; leave Chattanooga 10:10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. ni. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. With Capt. Evan Howell cn the investigating board, the ccuntry will hear the truth as it can be obtained, when the re port is filed. Evan Howell knows all about camp life and campaigning, having been one of the bravest leaders in the Confederacy. Ho is not’even an amateur in the whitewash busi ness, being a total stranger to the tricks of that trade. The Rome H UsTLER-Comnercial con gratulates the common people of America upon Evan P. Howell’s appointment to the board us in vestigation. FRIBRS MUST GO Says The Archbishop Os Tha Philippines POINTS OUT THE WAY Os De’ivorancs, Annexationists Have 71 Majority. Manila, Sept. 19. —In an inter-, view here with him by the corres pondent of the Associated Press Archbishop Dozil, of the Philip pines island, said: “I earnestly hope the islands will not remain, Spanish, because the rebels are now so strong that such a course would inevitably cause appalling bloodshed. The re couquest of the natives is impossi ble unti’ after years of the most cruel war-fare.” He also expressed the hope that the islands would not become ab solutely independent, because it was certain that dissensions would o ccur which would result in mces saut strife and a lapse into bar barism and the natural indolence of the tropical sace. The only hope, archbishop declared, was that a strong western power inters vene now. Delay was dangerous because the people are intoxicated, vainglorious and restless. He said it was undeniable that the religious orders must go, be cause the whole people had deter mined to abolish them now that they were able to render t ieir re tention impossible. He laid the chief blame upon the Dominicans, Augustiuans and Franciscan re colets the richest orders, and next upon the Benedictines and Caupch in which are of less importance. Che Jesuits Archbishop Dozal says are comparatively b’atneless. He added that the rival orders quar rel among themselves, intrigue, act unworthily and slander their opponents, thus increasing their general disfavor. The annexationsits have a ma jority of 71 in the national bly but the discusion of the sub ject has not been finished. SHOT SON FOR GAME Father Has Already Killed Two In S.nME Manner. Saratoga, N. Y ,Sopt. 19.—Fred Picknet. a guide, while hunting near the yesterday, mistook his younger son Philip for big game in the woods and shot him dead. Picknet killed another son by a similar mistake last yea r. vrvuen ■<• VX 2-°CENT STAMP! Will send a letter to any l>oint in Uncle Sain’s big q domain.| For this very reason, if you are sick, J sore or suffering, this very trifling outlay wl' 'Y I z May Save Your HY W- I ifn I Here’s just how Lllu I 't *s. You can ' •”»"»» write a plain letter, can't you? Well, it will take just two cents to qarry it to the “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famous specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came in per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do ing it every day. They now have patients in all the adjoining States, some of them hundrcdf of miles away, and their cures are simply won derful. CURES POSITIVE AND Fn F F 1 CONSULTATION Ffl 111 In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs, Club Foot, Hare Lip, Cross Eyes anti other surgical cases, also in all forms of Skiu and Blood disorders,Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose. Throat, Lungs, Stomach or any vital organ, Liver Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak nesses es either men or women diseases of the sexual parts and every other bodily affliction that highly trained specialists alone can deal with. Write freely It costs you nothing If we un dertake your case we shall send yov question blank for full particulars. If you.- case is curable by human skill and perfect science WE SHALL CURE IT. That first 2-ueut Mapin may save your life. All letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE, Coo-1 Austell Bldg., Atlanta. <m PERSONAL MENTION. Fine cotton weather. Mr. Ragan Wunpee, of Cedar town, is in the city. Mr. Alex White, of Vans Val ley, was in the city today. Mrs. M. L. Hine is quite sick at her home on Fourth avenue. Miss Florence Mooney is very sick at her home cq Fourth ave nue Two nice cottages for rent, well located. Apply to Lloyd & Co. Miss Nell McAfee has gone to Anniston on a several weeks’ visit. Mr. J. A. Mathis, a prosper ous farmer of Livingston district is in the city today. Mr.G. W. White, of Chatta nooga, spent Sunday in the city a guest of the New Central. New crop Tetley’s tea direct from New York City. No old stock on hand. Lloyd & Co. Mr. Ben M- Webb, of Cleve land, Tenn., spent yesterday in the city a guest of the Arm strong. Messers. J. H. Castlebury and 11. Olden’ two of Anniston’s prominent citizens, were here yesterday. Mr. A. G. Grenley, a promi nent Englishman, whose home is at Liverpool, is in the city for a few days. 'ljMiss Hellen Eastman, one of Rome’s prettiest young ladies, went to Chattanooga yesterday to visit friends. Fres'< new’ cocoanuts 5c each, at Lloyd's. Also, new mackerel, pigsfeet, new oatmeal and other new goods daily. New crop cocoanuts, nice peaches, grapes, pears, quiuces and other select fruits received daily at Lloyd’s. Mr. Willie Hoyt, the talented son of Dr. W. D. Hoyt, left Sat urday for the State University, where he will matriculate. Among the Atlantians who spent Sunday in the Hill City were R. O. Montgomery, Jere R. Taylor and M. L. Carroll. Mr. Will Smith, of Anniston, after spending several days in Rome, his former home, left this morning for his present abiding place. Miss Grace Harper, one of Cave Sring’s prettiest daugh ters, is in the city a guest of her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. McDonald, Miss Louise Jones, who for some weeks has been a guest of Miss Epsv Dupree, in the Fifth ward, left yesterday forenoon for I her home in Cedartown. Dr. J. G.Dykes of North Rome, cneof Floyd's pioneer citizens and a veteran dentist, is critically ill. Dr. Dykes has a host of friends who wili offer prayers in his be half asking for his recovery. The firm of Camp & O’Rear is this day (Aug. 27, 1898) dis solved. All parties indebted to them will not pay unless both names, S. I). Camp and J. M. O’Rear, are signed to the bills. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Jervis went up to Mr. Jervis’ father’s home near Calhoun yesterday forenoon. Mrs, Jervis will re main in the country several days, Mr. Jervis returned last night and is at home at Jervis et Wrights’—as of old. Mr, and Mrs. John George c une up from Atlanta Saturday afternoon to be present at the unveiling ceremony , conducted yesterday afternoon by the Woodmen of the World, of the monument over the grave of their departed brother, the late lamented Junius A. George. Coke chopper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME GAS CO. AGAINST JOSH JOHNSON Immune Captains Displeased With His Santiago Stories. Santiago de Cuba, Sept. 19. — 3.30 p. m—Yesterday charges were preferred by Captain Miller, of rhe Second immune regiment, and Captain Shelley, of the Fifth itnmunes, against Sergeant. Josh W. Johnßon, of tho Third regi ment, for alleged maligning and libeling the officers and soldiers of their respective regiments in an article published in The Atlanta Constitution on August 2d. ~ < NFLICT NEAR CANDIA Athens, Sept. 17.—1 tis ru mored that a conflict between insurgents and Turkish troops has occurred near Caudia. According to the report some Christians were killed and a number wounded. SOUTHERN RAlLlffly. Con letKt‘4 Schedule in Effect July rt. ISHB. iNo io yp. T 4 ~ No? 8 Lv Chiitta iuic-.i 7.:>-n>ni la'lOpm Nr Dalton • 7.51 am 8.42 pm I'.’.lOam Ar >,. V.Otiam v.-lopin 1.41 am Ar A'Uinta 11.40 am li.Wpm *>.o.)am Atlanta 4.20 pm 11.5 ,pm 5.20 am \r Macon.. . 7.10 pm 2 05am 8.20 am Ar Jesup.... 45am 2.38 pm Ar Everett 7.25 am 3.25 pm Ar Jiv.-ksoin lUe 1... ... 9.4onni 9.25 pm LvJe5up............... 77777777 w.oiam Ar Jacksonville... .... . . I.oopm 10.15 pm LvF/eiett Y 3.lam Unpin Ar Brunswick 8.30 am 4.30 pm No. 10 carries Puhtnau Sleeping Car Chat ani oga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pullman Sleeping Car and Day Coaches Cha ta >a *o Jacksonville and AV lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 curries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. STATIONS. Xo. 13 Xo. .1 Xo 7~ Lv Atlanta 4.Slain' 4.00 pm 7.5,him Ar Rome 6.3pami 6.25 pm lO.JOnm Ar Dalton 7.-.‘2>'m 7 34mn 11.3O::in Ar Chattanooga 8.40.. tn 8 sopn. I.OOptr Lv Chattanooga I 9. 10pm! Ar Burgin Ar Lexington 5. to.un 4.50aml Ar Louisville 750 pm 7.50 am! £ - - - - - - - .. ... Ar Cincinnati 7.30 pm 7.3i'am 1 . . . Lv Chattanooga 1.25 pm! 1.15 am 125 nm Ar Nashville . ~~~ 6.55 pm Il'r.iin! 6.56 pm No |!< carries I’ullmun Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattanooga an 1 Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta -o Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. STATIONS. X 6 j Xo. It Xo. !fl. . Lv Chattan >Ogu 8 Dam 4.10 am sot JOpm Ar Knoxville 1155 am B.osanr I.loam Ar Morristown I.23pmj 9.soam' 2.25 am Ar Hot Springs 3 13pm 11.46aml 4.00 am Ar Asheville.. 4.35 pm; I.lopml 5.10 am Ar Salisbury 6.40 pm 9.30 nm Ar Greensboro ».52pm 12.10 pm Ar Raleigh l.iiiaml S.23ptr Ar Norf.>llt. 7.50 am Ar Wa hington.....' ...| , 6.l.’am 9.35 pm No. iFcarriesPnllmau Drawing fto itn Sleep ing <'ar Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond tf.4o a.m. also Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Norfolk. No 16 Is ;o'.ld train Chattan »ra to Salis bury, with P.i i m l -; ■ ori ■C >r (•■iat tanoo -a to S tlisbury and Salisbury to New York wi,.li mit < hangc. KT l Noj 4 X i 3 Lv ' ’hattonoo r p.n » 4t am Ar KiioavlUo .! 8 Dpm.U.’Aarc Ar Mrrrl-' v.n t... 2.laaui| 1.2 pin Ar Bristol I ! 7 illam 3.55 pm At Wa.dl'm.ton. ... ! :7.40am Ar New 5 rk ~.1. . i ' I.2iipm No. 6. carries Pullman ■;'.rmliii’CarCh'U,ta iiiMTit.i to Wu eiiii.'ii'ii a.-.d Cliai.ian oaa to New Zc;k with nit ehang ■. Ko. 4 ea-i i.-s Pulnpai, Car Knox- ville to Bri 101. HTATKiNS. _ ~N° LL Lv Rome Ar Anniston 11.21 am Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm Ar Selma 3.5.5 pm Ar Meridian 7.30 pm Ar New Orleans 10.1-.tiam Ar Jackson 9.45 am Ar Vicksburg 113.5 am Ar Shreveport. 7.29 pm ♦No 15 N > V "isl IfNo.’lO 2.00 pm 4.sopmlCv Rome ... ar 8..50aml 8.3.5 am 5.40 pm, 6.s7pniiAr Gad den. ar 6.00 am 6.3'am 6.00 pm 7.loprn Ar lv: 5 45am.‘isoam + Daily except Sunday. $ Sunday only. F. S. GANNON, 3d v.p. ZS G.M., Washington, D.C. J. M. CULP, Traf. Mgr., Washing tea D. Q W A. TURK, G. P. A., Washington, D C. fl A HEN&COT2U4, A « V. A..Ohatt*Eoo«.Tan# '’GEORGIA Ma,i< Building. wr ' w J rw j I DAHLONEGA, GAj 1 A college education in the reach < ( all. A.B. 8.5., Normal arid Business Mail’s courses Good laboratories; bppPJiful, invigorating- ell ni ite; military discipline; good moral an< religipiv; bihuences. Cheapest board in th; abund. nee of con utry produce; expense from $75 to $l5O a year; board in dormitorie or private faiuilii s. Special license course so teachers; fall faculty of nine, all under th control of the University. A college prepar atory class. Co-education of gexes. The insti tutioii founded specially for students of limiter means. Bend for catalogue to the President Jos. S. Stewart, A.M. WHEN YAR D Without extra exertion, lan. guid, dull and listless, y Ollr blood is failing to supply to your muscles and other organs H le vitalizing and strength-giving prbperties they require. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching and purify, ing the blood. It will give y OU energy and vigor. Hood’s Pills are easy to take easy to operate. Cure indigo®, ion , biliousness. 25. YOUNG LADY GRADU Os the Rome Business College are thoroughly prepared for stenographic and office work • they are found capable when they go into business prac tice ; they re ceive high comm enda lions fro ,r their employ- ’ ers as being © capable and experienced. Rome business College enjoys the largest eurolliri n- of pupils it has had in its history. There will be thousands of vancancies this fall to fill. Young men and ladies will do well to enter here and prepare for thorough com mercial work. 11. S. Shockley, Princj ial, TAX NOTICE, The last half of tax for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of fice at the city hall and settle. Sept. 16th 1898. Halsted Smith, Clerk Council. PASTEUR FILTERS only Garm iPrcoi Filter in the tvorld. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply Co pimmi mu ATTORNEYS. J. BRAN HAM, Law office 200, East, Firstreet;Bt, i ■ ii ■ —— - .i, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artornay at Law, So a' Crcporaion Law Only t 'W. J. NEHILu Attorney i.t law. Will practice in all eettrt". Special attention given to comtneioial law and the examication of land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ua. — - ~ 'WALTER. HARRIS Attorney at law audJ. P. O*e» over F. JL Kane & Co.'4, LIPBCO.MH da WILLI NOH AM Commercial Lawyers. 1 Gfflce in Armstrong hotel buildinst, Rojbio, S* M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. OfficeKing Muildiag, Rome, La. r W if ENKIS, attorney at Law. Will Practice iu all ooivitu Office, Masonw Temple, ivaue, Ga. T SANTA OR.'WF' R > Attorney at law, Rome, Q&. Collection.® a ipecialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go, HOSES V RIGHT. HARPER HAMILTON WRIGHT A HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 14 Postoffice Building DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S.» Ifflce 240 1-2 Broad. * Over Cantrell A Owen J. L PENNINGTON, D.D S.,M D. . WN'l'lST office. 305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hunks Fur mure Co. PHYSICIANS. C MAMILuTON. Mi D ’hysician and Surgeon Office, Medical luildlng Rome, Ga. Ofl ce ‘phone No. M- Li. B. HA. NC O >3. D ’’ Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medlca. luildlng. Residence, No. 4(H Went FireVst dice ’phoNo. 5 •