The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 19, 1898, Image 7

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L>VER< , - sale and eeed stables. Offeri th' pi»’i’ 51 ' dint tain,, bitco.ivav juices and in ’st polite and courteous drivers The best stock of horses and mules on sale co gtantly. : —= £©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©o©d2 G F HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. 2 1 the HANSON SUPPLY CO. | G Plumbing and Tinning. 2 a Engineers’ and machinists' 2 5 supplies. Stoves, rangesand • 2 tinware. Gas and electric fix- g 2 tures. INSURANCE gasoline x a stoves. Water meters. 2 1 325 Broad st. Phone 32. • To Musical Pepie of Rome It is with pleasure that we introduce to our readers the prk of a new and complete stock of mil iHE AXDE Small Musical tastrumen n the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street where we would bo pleased to have you call and examine our goods. The stock consists of some of the best mikes o|i pianos and organs on the market today. We keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store —Something Rome has needed for a long time. Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud of We are determined to close 0 - BICYGREfej the earliest possible date. S. -K/mdncß' 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Manager. -X X \ \ \ \. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X~X We keep on ha>d at all times a full stock of Sheet Music JVScSS Como, Wls., Hyannis, Nebr, Jan. 10, iB9B. Jan. 2,1898- I would not be I regard PISO’S Without PISO’S CURE FOR CON- ?.R. RR for C " N - SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any H’-Sgjg'gagSSSg thing. For a bad cine on the market, Cough or Cell it is having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mi's C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER “The Best Cough '.Medicine.” HAVE NO AGENTS but harve sold direct to the 00 n- I |\ ybk Miner for 25 years at whole- L fcf n AW *' fWt lj7\ mJo pnoea. saving him the X ■ fl J—MHI''J dealer’s profits. I / X XX yLj /g J where for examination. X. \ i A \ Everything warranted. /. *xX ■ u •ft • IlLr jA VI 11 118 styles of Vehidee, v\ \l I ANMI 55 styles of Harness. I —'ikTjclglMQrV \ 1.. JLUyiPyWM. I If \I ks Top Bugles, JB6 to f7Q. vTAt » JJ/< /J J "Lt to I’A5. Carna- V/ \j 7> \ W •X* X Phaeton a Trape, Wagnra- \ S We. TT a„ M . ettes. Spring-ltoa/i and Milk I ’ "RoL".*" I '.? , Pr ‘”’.»l«. oo . «>(•>■ Send for Inga, ft-. N0.«0690r,.y. Pri«.wHhcwUiaßtam>». W **' t*t»Rgu. of »n our MfTe.., ™«d render.. HO. Axwdu.ell.r.rJ* ttaMART ANU UAUAKbS CO. W K. PJUTT, Ben'y, ELKUAKT. ISO. LOCJI HAPPENINGS. Is Recovering . —The many friends of his parents wi'l be pleased to learn that Master Horace Byars, in the Fifth ward is rapidly recovering from a severe attack of illness. Sunday In Rome. —Private Jack McCarty of Co B, Third Georgia, came up from Camp Northern yesterday forenoon and apent the day in the city with his brother Mr. McCarty says he thinks his regiment will bo ordered to Flori da bool to join General Lee’s Camp. Goes To Birmingham.— Mias Abbie Webb left this afternoon for Birmingham wh«re she goes to take charge of the cloak department of the big stores of the firm of Love.-, man & Joseph Loeb. Miss Webb is easily one the hading young businesswomen of Georgia orAla bama. It’s a Fact.—Lloyd & Ce., receive more new goods than any other three grocers in Rome, and always ahead of any others. Just arrived, new crop macaroni 10c package, Genuine New York cream cheese, new codfish (fancy middles), newly cured hams 10c lb, fat bananas 10c dozen, new bulk olivas cheap, etc. Board of Registrars.—Messrs. C. W. Underwood, G. W. Fleet wood and W. B. Trout, the three citizens who constitute the Board of Registrars of Floyd county, will meet at ths court house tomorrow and proceed with the duties of their office in the review and re vision of the registration lists for the October state elections. Returns to Camp.—First Lieut. Howard Jack, of Co, H. Second Georgia, who has been at home in Rome on a ten days furlough, left this morning to join the colors with his command in camp at Huntsville, Ala. Lieut. Jack hopes to be mustered out of service by October lot. He says since he has found no chance will be offered for fighting he prefurs a drum mer’s life on the road to a soldiers life in camp. Has Moved Into Rome. —Mr. Berry Brocah of the firm of Broach & Trammell, contracting builders, has moved from North Rime into the Geo. Trammell brick cottage located on the strip of land that lay between North Rome and Rome and which by recent act of the legislature has been annexed to the city of Rome. Mr. Broach is a deputy on the ticket of Mr, Ed Camp, the next sheriff of the county. He is a splendid citizen and Rome welcomes him into her borders. Recorders Court. —Recorder’s court only confiummed about five minutes of Judge Eubank’s time this morning. A white tramp was given one hour in which to leave town, and in less than fifteen min utes he had departed these coasts. Two colored citizens were fined $1 each for violating the bog ordi nance, and were ordered to remove the swine. A colored sister named Alice Reason was fined $3 sos “kussin” outen all reason. She will probably join Dick Dempsy’s grass cutteas on the street gang. Off To Catoosa. —Capt. and Mrs, A. B. S Moseley left this morning for a visit to Catoosa Springs, Capt Moseley has been in poor health for some months and the trip to Catoosa will doubtless improve him very much, Mrs Moseley, the talented editress of the Rome Georgian, richly deserv es the outing sbe will enjoy at Catoosa, The fate of the Georg ; «n is alright as it has been left to the tender menee of foreman Bink Turner and reversed talented lady contribu-tous of its columms, A Wife Beater. —In city court this morning Judge Har ris asked that all prisoners who were going to demand indict ments, to stand up. Will Wells, white, aged 22, of Turner’s Bend, rose. Wells was locked up a few days ago on a warrant sworn [out by his wife’s father, Mr. R. W„ Philips, charging wife- beating. His Honor, Judge Har ris made some inquiries into the case, assesedd a bond at $75 and dismissed all witnesses. Rome’s FiAst Volunteers.— From a 1 that can be gathered, it now looks as if Rome’s first volunteers, the soldier boys who went out with Capt. J. B. Nevin and are now in the Second Geor gia, will arrive home the latter part of the week and will be mustered cut. Rome will give them a a royal welcome. Said to be Diphtheria.— North Romans say that Dr. Hoyt pronounces the illness of the little child of Mr. an I Mrs. Lud Fisher as a well developed case of diphtheria. There are many children in the city suffer ing with severe colds and threat troubles, hut cases of diphtheria are very, very rare; Hying ru mors to the contrary. New Floor Needed.—The fire laddies ot No. 1, and the Hooks, are complaining about the old floor in their engine house, and say that they need a n«w one and noed it bad—and need it right now. There is lome complaint of people resid ing near the engine house aboi t a broken sewer and the foul oders which it emits. Many People Went. —Many Romans took advantage of the reduced rates offered by the W. &A. road and went over to i Cartersville to hear Rev. Sam. P. Jones preach yesterday, j Nearly all of them returned to the city last night, a few re maining over with relatives or friends in Cartersville. All of them report having enjoyed the day very much. Ordinance of Baptist.—At the First Baptist church last night, after a powerful sermon by Dr. R. B. Headden. the ordi nance of Baptism was adminis tered to five candidates. These 1 were a few of the many who professed religion during the series of protracted meetings held recently by Dr. Headden I in the First Baptist church. | Peculiar Shaped Eggs.—Dr. ; P. L. Turnley, the pioneer up town druggist showed the Hus tler-Commercial reporter this morning. One of the eggs is as large as a very large marble and is almost perfectly round. The ocher is the shape of a sweet po tato. Dr. Turnley says they were , laid by the same hen. He had them boiled so that he could preserve them and now has them on exhibition in his store. Officer Dobbins llere. Officer W, S. Dobbins, of the Atlanta police force, is here at tending court, a witness in the Frank Mitchell case. It will bo remembered that Frank Mitch ell, col, stole a fine overcoat in Rome. A description of that coat was sent to Atlanta and was read to the force. That same day Officer Dobbins saw the coat and interviewed the wearer. Mitchell was a strange negro to the offi cer. He said he had bought the coat in Washington, D. C., and asked the officer to go with him to the station house and cempare his coat with the descriptions there. Dobbins did not arrest the negro. As they were walking along the negro suddenly wound the coat over Dobbins’ head and as he broke to run exclaimed, “Damn, you, take the coat!” Mitchell got away, but Dobbins had seen him speak to another negro. Dobbins hunted up this negro and securing Mitchell’s name, telegraphed it to Rome. Floyd officers located him iii Chattanooga and arrested him . He will be tried before Judge Harris. \ I PUBLIC i nil MB 5 I We will Sell New j I Books wholesale I I PRICES! I ! M | FOR CASH. Second Hand g Books cheaper uhan the B cheapest, (live me a call, J ' H. A. SMITH, I THF OLO RFLIAI.LIi BOOK STORE. *III, P. & BRO., S Successors to SF* £ ROME PHARMACY. sw ; JU 30‘J Broad st. —New Clark Building. jS We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescriptiou and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. Jfl We solicit a part of your patronage anil shall en deavor to the best of our ability to please-you at a v times. Wo should be pleased to have you call on u Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a ‘V, such things as are usually carried in a first-class dr tn store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to seo us. iS 3 * g S. M Stark, a g LUIE! MB GWIW IM S SSm Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A\ egg S3' ” ® £ ►♦■J $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for St J. A. GAMM S COMPANY WAITING . for everyone in Rome to come in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, bicycle <ayd golf suits, is what 11 we are doing, but we are hus- ‘ while we wait. Wo will S show you the finest stock of ‘ '’ ■ ’ ’ '1 £ clothing, made from the newest st y^ es an< l Patterns in fabricks, ' perfect fitting and handsome, to b e f° un d i n Georgia, and they * are above competition in values for’the price. • ** The greatest line of nsgligee . 1 • ever shown in Pome. j J, A. GAHMON &CO