The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 20, 1898, Image 2

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UHGLE 808 HOLMES Had a flog Case Before JOdge Treadaway. PLEAD HIS OWN CASE And Skedaddled Out of Paying The Cost. Perhaps ouo of the most unique characters in Rome is “Uncle” Bob Holmes, the color ed doctor, stone-mason, philoso pher and attorney-advocate. “Uncle” Bob gets into the courts occasionally and invaria bly pleads his own cases. As a general thing he wins them, too. Uncle Bob is anything before he is a fool. It so happened that “Uncle” Bob sold a hog to another negro ami the other negro violated the contract, slaughtered his porker and riled “Uncle” Bob to the warrant-swearing degree. The case came to trial before Justice E. P. Treadaway. “Un cle” Bob’s defendant employed Hon. W. J. Neel. In the trial it developed that “Uncle” Bob had sold the hog for $2, the buyer to pay “Uncle” Bob ten cents per week interest until the $2 were paid. Mr. Neel stated, in reviewing the evidence, chat “Uncle” Bob had collected* ten cents a week for 28 weeks. Taat this would more than pay the principle and legal interest on the same and that “Uncle” Bob should not only pay the cost in the case,but should be made to shell-out the difference in the interest. Bob rose to reply. As he did so he cast a futive glance at the office door and shullled around to that side of the room, all the time talking earnestly. He said : “Yo Honerr, Mister Neel has made a purty good speech is dis hog case, Mister Neel is a powerful nice man. But, yer Honerr,” by this time Bob had sidled around and crawfished near to the door, “I say yer Homier, if yew ’grees wid Mr. Neel bout Old] Bob havin’ ter pay de costs in dis case, why,” and he bowed deep ly backou: the door and as he refugeed called back —“Why dis nigger is non compus comati bus.” Judgement reserved. Bottled Up! Whether in the form of pill powdei or liquid, the doctor’s prescription fol blood diseases is always the same— mercury or potash. These drugs bottle up the poison and dry it up in the system, but they als > dry up the marrow in the bones at the same time. The suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack eng pains of rheumatism. The form gradually bends, the bones ache, while decrepitude and helplessness prema turely take possession of the body, and it is but a short step to a pair ol crutches. Then comes falling ot the hair and decay of the boats,—aeon litioii truly horrible. fepOTASHI? Contagious Blood IWFRCiiDvf Poison—the curs? °f mankind—is th< ’'ft'**"’: most horrible of al) jp 51 ‘ diseases, and has al ways baffled th< Hs doctors Their pot ar,d mercury ttMpjSk i| bottle up the poison, W i but it always breaks M? forth again attack ing some delicaU ! wfeSG organ, frequently ■M IV f I Jsiil tooutb and i k1 ts * roa b filling them IW tl ‘ 1 i "’kb eating sores. IM i 3 ’4 if • I S.S.S., is the only tB ; 12 ' td i«i V I known cure for this JI! disease. It is guar- _,_ianteed purely vege table, and one thousand dollars reward is offered for proof to the contrary. It never fails to cure Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other disease of tht blood. If you have a blood disease, take a remedy which will not injure you. Beware of mercury; don’t do violenct io your system. Don’t get bottled up) Our books sent free to any acldres* 6witl Specific Co „ Atlanta. Ga. i j Use Reyal •• Urn blqhaat grade hokiag, pMsStav Acieal tesla skew H |mims third fartbsr than aar ether hrapd. RIB [©J POWDER Absolutely Pure MOYAL BAKING POWOER 80., NIW YBRK. SUFFERING FOR WATER. London,’ Sept. 20.—While Germany has been visited with a storm wave, and bail has wrought havoc in sections of that country, England still suf fers from drought, and is parch ed and yellow all over the South ern counties. The cry for water has become serious, and East London is still the victim of an actual wa ter famine. Birmingham also is threatened, and all through England the municipal bodies are appealing to the people to use water sparingly. oT. LOUIS. MO. AND RETURN On account of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (colored,) St. Louis, Mo., October 4-10, 1898 the Southern railway will sell round trip tickets at the very low rate of $16.85, 'tickets on sale October 2, 8 and 4th with final limit returning October 13th, 1898. See that your ticket reades via the Southern railway. Finest trains quickest time. J. N. Hakrtbon, C, T. A. PHqNNY GRAFTS. Our hearts go out to the poor, remarked the observer of men and things, largely because our hearts can go out without getting our feet wet.—Detroit Journal. “And may I —may I ask your father’s consent, dear Mies Jane?” “Pop's gone to war, but that don’t make no difference—you’d have to ask maw anyway.”—Cleve land Plair/Dealer. “He—And she gave’me one of these sweet little curls she wears. Now will you believe she loves me?” She —“Oh, she must Those curls cost her $1,78 each,” —Cincinnati Enquirer LADIES FINE SAILORS, Go to Lanham & Sons and get one of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap. They are ac tually worth SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and some even more, yet they are selling choice for 50 cents. CHEAP RATES. The Southern R'y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. I'he schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1:00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 4 :15 a. m.; leave Rome 10 .35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m. • leave Rome 6 :25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. in. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga 3:10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. in. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on alf trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. I LOCH HAPPENINGS. Topp Will Spen’ 10 Mos.— Tom Topp a “kullud koon” who was charged with wearing a masked battery, entered a plea of guilty before Judge Harris in city court this morning and was sentemed to 10 months in the chaingang. Bran New Eatab —New pigsfeet, new fat mackerel, new crop syrup, new cream cheese, best yet graham Hour, new crop oatmeal 10c package, fat bana nas, fancy butter, Delaware grapes, pears quinces, fruits,etc. All these and more too, at Lloyd & Harpers’. Revival Meetings.—Rev. O. P. Gilbert, who is conducting a series of revival meetings at the Second Baptist church is meet ing with marked success. Two services are held daily, to which everybody is cordially invited. Church on Fifth avenue in Fourth ward. A Seven Pound Boy.—Mr, and Mrs. Will Chidsey are about the happiest young father and mother sh seven states. A 7-lb *r. • son is the new arrival and, of course, he has already become the pet of the household. Mr. and Mrs. Chidsey are boarding with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sam Veal, on Tower Hill. It’s a Fact.—Lloyd & Co., receive more new goods than any other three grocers in Rome, and always ahead of any others. Just arrived, new crop macaroni 10c package, Genuine New York cream cheese, new codfish (fancy middles), newly cured hams 10c lb, fat bananas 10c dozen, new bulk olivas cheap, etc. 10 Months for Stealing.—, In city court this forenoon the Jury convicted Henry Ellis on a charge of larceny, and Judge Harris sentenced that “coon” to 10 months m the county gang. Solicitor Mose Wright drew a graphic word-painting of Ellis’ victim, who, when he rose on Sunday morning after Ellis had paid his nocturnal visit, had to array himself in a pair of low cut shoes and a sickly smile, the only garments left of his ward robe. Capt. J. B. F. Lumpkin was appointed to defend Ellis and made a hard, if ineffectual, fight to clear his client. Good Things to Eat.—Fancy new mackerel, the best new gra ham Hour,new homemade syrup, small ham's, new comb honey 10c lb, crisp celery, egg plants, butter beans, fat bananas, fancy 2-CENT STAMP! Will Hnd a letter to any point in Uncle Sam's big domain.| For this very „ reason, if you are sick, m&q •ore or suffering, this very trifling outlay . May Save Your Life! "TSS vr.yyww write a plain letter, will tok? just two gents tg carry it to “WisliUgtw Medical Myrglcal Institute, Atlanta, Ceorgli,” And the famous specialists who form the stall of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came in per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do ing >t every day. They now have patients in all the adjoining States, some of them hundred! of miles away, and their cures are simply won* ’*MW" FREE! In every Deformity of bpiae or Limbs, Club Foot Hare Cross Hyes ana other aurgical cases, also in al! forms of Skin and Blood disorders, Rheuma* tisrn, Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose. Throat, Lungs. Stomach or any vital organ, Liver, Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak nesses of either men or women, diseases of the sexual parts and every other bodily affliction that highly trained specialists alone can deal with. Write freely It costs you nothing If we un dertake yppr case we shall send yoc question blank for fpfl particulars. If your case to SHALL That first 2-cent stamp may save your life. All KiUrs saeredlv private. addreas. Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE. |OO-i Austell Bldg., A Hunts Ctai cakes, new imported sardines, and hundreds of other good things at Lloyd & Harper’s. Off to Oxford.— Messrs Glovt r McGhee. Guy Smith and Marshall Scott Jett yesterdty afternoon to enter Emory college at Oxford. These tlire<? bright Rome boys are certain to make their mark at old Emory. A Shorter Graduate Dies. —A message received in the city last night stales th it Miss Ada Smith, of Canter Ala.,a fair young woman of about 19 years of age. after a li Dgering and painful illness had quietlr passed away. While in Shorter college, in this city she made many warm friends who will deeply mourn lies loss. Daughters Os Confederacy.— The Daughters of Confederacy will pleas respond to a call meeting on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock at t he residence of Mrs. H. A. Smith. All the ladies that have □ t paid their dues for this year u ill p'ease be ready on Tuisday, >s we are compelled to have funds for the coming convention. Kate Perkins. Rec. Sec’y. Board of Registrars.—The Floyd county board of registrars, composed of Mr. W. P. Trout, M. Geu. W. Fleetwood and Col. C. W. Underwood mst at the court house this morin ng and at once began the duties of reviewing and revising the registration lisle for the October elections. The board is composed of three of Floyd’e nest citizens and will address its eels to its duties earnestly impar tially and conscientiously. Frank Mitchell Convicted, — Frank Mitchell the negro who stold Mr. H G. Smith’s fine over coat, an account of which appear* ed in yesterday’s Rome Hustler- Comm rcial was tried yesterday afternoon and convicted by the Ju||’ in Judge Harris’ court AHfcchell was sentenced to eight months in the county chaiugaug. He is a dudish looking negro, and when convicted wept bitterly. Mitchall was represented by Will Barnett the colored lawyer of the Rome bar, Barnett made a hard fight for the vindication of his client. Ooke cheaper than Coal* Can be use d in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Olean and economical. For further particulars see ROME G-AS CO. flWw Western & Atlantic R, R, UMHUfWIOk LH) AW .ii WK Nashville, Chattanooga & $t- Louis Railway f ~~~~x . . TO . . J CHATTANOOGA, nashviuje, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS LOUIS. ULLMAN PAL ACL BUFFET SLFIPtMs (AM JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA . . TO . . . NASHVILLE and ST. LOUS. THHOIXiN WITHOUT CttW: M>cal Sleepers je tween * Hits* it aad ChaA tanooga. tieap Emigrant Rates to Arkaaaaa Nd Texas. veursion Tickets to California and CaA orado Resorts. > or Maps, folders, SleeCar BaservatiMana .ht inforaiation ab Hit Raias, ScheiMM. Mw. .rile or apply to r H V Uktll, 4.4. IMAMS. -OS. M BROUA. UMS. (. IMRMUk Traffic .'••aaTAjl, ' D, A* R. MEETING Highly Enjoyed. Oificers Elec tion In October. On Thursday the 15th the D. A. R. met with Mrs. Adkins ou up per Broad street. Mrs. Nevin bsii.g out of the city, Mrs. Eastman, the vice re* gent presided. The minutes being read by Mrs Rowell and approved, and the re gular business being transacted. Mrs. Eastman announced that the nominations fer iiiesrs fur the next ensuing year was next iu or der. Mine Spu I lock suggested an entire change of officers except the regent who had only been in one year on last election. There were several nominations made. The election will not take place before Oct. 11. Business being over. Mrs. Pat ton sang several selections to the delight of all who heard her. Mrs Plumb, of Augusta whose wonderful musical gift is we 1 known charmed all w! o he rd h r with an artistic rendering of a study in her own composition. • DMightiful refreshments wre served by Mrs. Adkins asHs'ed by her charming d .ughter, Miss Haz el. After a very pleasant afternoon the D. A. R. adjourned to meet with Mrs. Grace Byard on Oct 11. RftlLWfly. CasJaassd »«k.4sls la BPsat Joly B, IWt. »rATioss. f No~u>~TSLr~u~pTo~| Choliuiioob'a AlOum f.Mptn'ld 10pm Ar Daltun f.tlwn 8 -Upm Mi. 10am Ar Items u.miun l ILSOpur I Mum Ar Atlanta ILSUain li.SOpm, lOJsm Lt AUpula AtOpcn It &3pin B.MO IrMtcou T. lOpki 2 05uiii HlUam Ar Jesup ASftani 2 3Spm Ar Kvsrctt 7 25acn 12»pm Ar Jacksonrma 8. Warn ».»pm LOeaup t'Mpa Ar JscksoavQle.., LOOpa t»ltpm LT fcreratt T iWam T fcpm y Brunswiok A»Qam »SOjm No. W corries PuKtnuu Slaspln< Car Okas- Mno«aa co Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pull Mas Sleeplaf CAr end Day Beaches Chattanooga la Jacksoartile and Ase lease to Brunswick. No. 8 carries PuUmaa Sleeping Oar Chatta asoga to Atlanta. hinon 1 ~pfo. ti iXo, arU Ct Atlanu. Ttflern' iUpm F.Mam Az Rome 480 am. Alfipui W.liOeis Ar Dalton 1 S2am T Mprn lI Buam Ar Cbaltaaoogal4oam 8 Nijim 100 pm U* Chattanooga... A Mam' B.u>pm, Ar Burgin4®pm: Ar Lejlngum...,, 5.10 pm ASoum 1 Ar Coulsvtlle .. ..■■■■■, T sOpm T SOam LFClpclnnatt ...... ~l. Kipm!Tidam| Ct Chattanooga "t 88pm I l.TAam 125 pm Ar Noahvtlle ■ Afopm 440atn 455 pm No. II oarrie- Pullman Sleeping Cur Atlanta loChattanooga and Chatianauga to Cincinnati. No. V carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta io Cincinnati and Chatianooga io iLoulariiie. ~~ STATjaRR. No. 4 1 No. 18 No. 14 Lt Ar Ki»oxvtlls 11 Warn EOfiam I.loam Ar Morristown.. Imp>o l.aoum xtssm Ar Hot Springs 3 13pm U.46um AOuein Ar Asheville 415 pm l.lßpra AlOum Ar Salisbury AtOptn ».80am Ar Greenubora, W.s2pm 12.10 pm Ar Raleigh 1.40 am 123 pm Ar Norfolk..,.|, 7.50 am Ar Wu hlngtou,,,, '.'ZT,, 1 .. TQam TSSpm Ar New York. 12 43pm 423un> No, H oarrtos Pullman Drawing no-mTSfeop ing Car Chattanooga to New York Tie Ashe rille and Salisbury lo Riohtuond. arriving Rich mond 640 am also Pullman Sleeping ('as Greensboro lo Norfolk. No IS is soil 1 train Chattanooga to Salls, bury, with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga io Salisbury ami Salisbury to N;w York with out chhnge. tv rhattuneoga .. J.'JOpmTToal Ar ILboivllle ltM , M-pm 11.55'.t Ar Jjerri-l wu * 15am! ’-pt U Rrist.,l ........ t.UUam ILtApi Ar WushlnvtaH 1,4. al Ar Now Y»y|j...,. ...... 1.... .. 1 1 jupt N<v A. oiM'ri** BaJlmau Slecpln. Car unalta luxrtu A, WaCilngt xi and Chcta-i oga Vj No, YA.** **lu*out change.' viUa ti, UH 'to* Pu ' m “‘ Slee Pia» Car Kuoa ■TATI.-gj, ,j Cv Some ....,," '..- ..‘t: ■ ». iom Ar ILSlna Ar RlrmingbM* lo.oopt t IS®.;'.::-;;:::: f r -I- ■■ fitter Ar Vlcktbwa .... ~,..... Il.tten Ar Ihwiwyv-...,•.•'••• _•■•■•.•.•••. T.sops t iiwp Sunday. j Bwaday enly. F.B. GANNON.fcJv.». UC 1- M GULP. T»M VwMMtX a a W. A TV»<.a r- A.. VuMAfWA n. a a 4. 4 MA ‘fwf AWICW.TWIM. DUIl] COLLtGB , K-.&MAM4A „ A allege education iq tte w a of all. A.8.. JJtrj Normal jfiumtiesa Mau's courses, flood laboratories 1. fcealtMul, invigorating vW W?3 e _: wmrr discipiln*; rood moral and ieltrious Qh«aj W ,t twrd fa Ow PW e Lal>ufidanc« of Ott««Wx pralwe iHPMWi Win 17$ l« fllfl n Wjd in <w-wiwri»« <U- frtvaw fail, («». • bpb. <a| iW4«»* cuorvo for WPbPfsiJaU ,MHIU «J Miiwi »»» “ u < l « »&« WnWl ttf IM Pnlv»f»itf. a college pref Mi r xla««. Co-educati >■ of aexes. The ineti tatlon bounded apeciall for atadenta of limited muai. Send for cata logae to tha President. if. 8. Stbwakt, 4.M«. 1 WHEN YAR Without extra exertion ] an guid, dull and listless, ’ Vo , ’ blood is failing to supply toy 0(lr muscles and other organs ' u, vitalizing and atrength-giyj,'* properties they require. H 00(1 5 Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by enriching andpurif. ing the blood. It will gj Te ’ energy and vigor. Hood’s Pills are e;.sy to take easy to operate. Cure indig e8 ’ i»n , biliousness. 25. -I— ■ ■ - YOUNG LADY GRA ) J Os the Rome Business College are thoroughly prepared fo r stenographic and office WO rk' they are found capable wheu they go into r business tice ; they re- p . ceive high 1 comm end a tions from their employ ers as being capable and experienced. Rome business College enjoys the largest enrollmi n of pupils it has had in its history. There will be thousands of vancancieu this fall to fill. Young men and ladies will do well to enter here and prepare for thorough com mercial work. H. S. Shockley, Princj i il. TAX NOTICE. The last half of tax for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of fice at the city hall and settle. Sept. 16th 1898. Halsted Smith, Clerk Council. PASTEUR FILTERS The only G-arm Proof Filter in the world. Makes water pure and cleir for sale by The Hanson Supply Co PMiFssimr cuds ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office 200, Kase, First CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Ar torn ay al Law, Ro a* Croporaion Law italyr y 'W. J. NEJECL 40 Attorney at law Will practice in all ocnrtr. p. Special alieulioti given to eonnuercial i» w m and the axamieatlnn cf land titles. >n. office in King building. Rome, Ga. tn tn ~ 4. WALTER HARRIS lW Attorney at law and J. P. Olßce over F. J i. Kane A Co.'s. HPBGOMU de WILLINGHAH JO m Couuuerclal Lawyers. 2 GMce in Armstrong batel building, Itoiav, G» ™ - £ M B EUBANKS, ™ Attorney at law. OtHceKing BuildiaiJ. " Rome, b». * - >xt —— ’ t* WH.ENNIS, _ Attorney at La*. Will Practice in all eoal» a tidboe, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, * J. SANTA OR.'WF > * 5 Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collection* • specialty. r l\>uipl«« Rome. Go. MGREB * RIGHT. HARPER HAMILl 011 WKIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office:No. 14 Postoffice Buildi°B ■WU 1 J1.J.01. I Hl "' DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D.D.5.. Office34o 1-8 Broad. * Over Cantrell *o* bD J. L. PENNINGTON. D .D 5.. M.»• . ENTIBT', I oaiiv*. 3P6 1-8 Broad street. Oves Hanks F“ r j niture Co. I j- Q. HAMILTON. M D d Physician and Surgeon Office, M "’’ * Building Rome, Ga. OK.ce ’pitoae ««• « - e lu B HAMM3NJ M i- Physician and Surgeon, Office in ***• I II building. Residence,, No- 4®i West j l ’ ffice ’pboNOvd » j