The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 20, 1898, Image 3

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THE IIUSTLER-COMMERGIA .. " ~ i E HUSTLEROFROM E 6 Established, 18U0. ii... I C •”HE ROME COMMERCIAL L Established, 18U5. r— ( sued every evening, except Saturday. . Sandav and weekly. - ' i PHIL G. BYRD, idhok and manager. Office Wilkerson Block, Third Avenue France is not spraining her eye-sight in searching for Count Esterhazy. Kaiser Willie has gone to Palestine to lay the cornerstone of a church. England may have rights in Candia, but she has no reason to be indis-Crete. Broad shoulders may stop the hair falling out, but they are not a guarantee against baldness. The fellow who leaves no stone unturned has be«n the rounds with the crank of the grind-stone When Hobson returns to America he will have to sur r< und himself with a body guard of Jacks-the Kisser. The Augusta Herald asks, seriously : “Can a church mem ber handle dispensary liquor?” They don’t in Rome —they don’t have to. One yard of cloth makes a full dress suit in the Philippines for either sex. In fact, the styles on the islands are quite similar to those on the beach at Coney Is land. Dictator Aguinaldo has with drawn from Manila’s suburbs shouting “Long live the Ameri cans.” This exhibition of good will may also insure the Filipi nos a long lease of life. “Admiral Dewey is obliged to ask his own government for an additional cruiser and battle ship,” says the Detroit Free Press, “as the protocol has shut off his source of supply.” Appearently President Mc- Kinley made two serious mis takes with regard to Alger— first,in allowing him to be born, and next, in making him Sec retary of War. Memphis Seim itar. Capt. James G. Blaine has been ordered dropped from the volunteer service. Capt. Blaine was too swift for Uncle Sam, and he had to go despite the fact that he is a son of the late James G. Blaine.—Americus Recorder. John Sherman has not been asked to make any speeches in Ohio this fall. McKinley’s hench men, Hanna and Grosvenor, are running the campaign for the republicans and fear that tl.e old man might say a few words about Algerism. The Bepublicans in the Sixth congressional district of Tennes see have nominated J. C. Napier, a negro, tor congress. The Sixth is the most populous and wealth iest district in the state, com prising the city of Nashville and surrounding counties. The botanical world is inter ested in a novel flower which has been found in the Isthmus of Teliauntepee, and which is red when the sun is upon it, white in the morning and blue in the evening. If it could onlj be grown in this country, what an ideal national flower this Ifcj. would make! The Chicp,j» M postoffice is toj have a new permanent employe in the person of a physician at a salary of SI7OO pep year. He will be stationed at the main ollice for the purpose of examin ing employes who report them selves as being sick ; and it is expected that he will make a large saving to the government in salaries, as some of the Em ployes report themselves as be ing incapacitated when they are able to perform their duties. On the other hand, the employes of the postoffice may be spared severe cases of illness by receiv ingprompt treatment. The young lady who gained fame by kissing Lieut. Hobson has returned to St. Louis with her mother from the Eastern resorts. The return, according to her friends, was made earlier than had been intended because of the disagreeable results of the notoriety which she unwittingly secured by her impulsive admi ration of the naval hero. She should be forgiven. The kissed girl is not wholly lost. Whatever may be the wisest solution of the Philippine prob lem, it is certain that Americans of all parties are unit' dly oppos od to a joint protectorate with Germany or any other Power for the administration of the lesser islands of the archipelago. DEVIOUS DEFINITIONS Essay—A paragraph padded with words, Centurion —A cyclist who makes a century run. Experience—The comb a man acquires after he loses his hair. Heirloom—The trousers that are handed down from father to son. Quiet —About the hardest thing for a woman to keep in this world. Adversity—The only scale that gives the correct weight of our friends. Brave—The man who will stand within twenty feet of any thing a woman throws at. Salon—Said to be a union of intellect and fashion. An addi tional “o,” however, knocks that definition silly. BRIGHT CULLINGS As a corn-dodger the careful dancer takes the cake. It’s surprising how easy it is to get something you don’t want. The first settier in a new ter- One Large Scar Is All That Remains of Great Scrofula Sores Neighbors Could Not Sear to Loot Upon Her—A Grand, Complete Cure by Hood’s Sarsaparilla After Others Failed. “I was taken with neuralgia in my head and eyes. Not long after this, a scrofula sore appeared on my left check extending from my upper lip to my eye Other sores came on raj- neck and on my right arm and one jf my limbs. They were very troublesome and painful and soon became great running sores. My face looked so bad that some of my neighbors could not bear to look at me 1 and advised me to wear a bandage, but I feared this would irritate tho sor« and make it worse. So I Could Not Hide the Sores. My niece, who was familiar with a case similar to mine, which had been cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, urged me to try it. Finally I was persuaded to do so, and in a short time I saw it was helping me. The sores began to heal and the neu ralgia in my head was better. In a few months the sores on my arms and limbs all healed; those on my neck gradually df-appoared and now they are all gone. I have never had any symptom of scrofula since. One large sear on my right arm is ’I the sign that remains of my terrible iliiction. The neuralgia is alsocursd.” u-.. J. M. Hatch, Etna, New Hampshire. Sarsa- Mwu parilla ■ -lie bcit-in the One True Blood Purifier. , food’s Pills P lll '* take 1 with Hood s barsapurtiUt TO SLEEP IN RICHMOND The Remains of The Dailgh ter of The Confederacy TO BE ENTERRED FRIDAY. Flags at Half Mast And Mourn ing Badges Hung. Richmond, Va., Sept. 20. The funeral of Miss Davis will occur here Friday. The hour has not been fixed. The services will be held in St. Paul’s Epis copal church, of which President Davis was a member, and the interment will take place in the Davis square, in Hollywood cemetery. The Confederate Veterans’ camps of this city will attend in uniform. An effort will be made to have the Second regiment, which arrives here tomorrow, to attend the funeral, in addition to tiie three companies of the First regiment, which are sta tioned here. The camps of this city have adonted resolutions of sympathy and the flag on the Confederate Soldiers’ home was lowered to half mast and will be kept thus until after the funeral. A telegram from the manage ment of the Louisiana room in the Confederate Museum was received directing that the en trance to the chamber be draped in white and crape. ritory may be the last to settle his bills. Ministers who rehearse their sermons, practice what they preach. The husband ceases to talk shop when his wife begins to talk shopping. A fly is not very tall, yet it stands over six feet without shoes or stockings. A laboring bee produces hon ey; a belaboring is often produc tive of a black eye. Lockj iw as a punishment for people who listen at keyhole 9 would be the proper thing. It is said that truth lies at 1 the bottom of a well. Perhaps that’s why the lawyer pumps . the witness. A fish diet may net strength en the brain, but a little fishing trip often tends to invigorate I the imagination. The look of intelligence as sumed by the young lawyer as he tackles his first case is apt to cause the presiding judge to lose confidence in himself. Hon. W. R. Rankin, of Gor don county, who was the last populist candidate for congress in the seventh district, has taken the stump for the democratic , ticket.—Lawrenceville Herald. Journalism is not yet dead in Georgia. Hear this from the Blue Ridge Record : “If the little dishrag down the way will devote its time and what little talent it has to getting news instead of perusing other dirty little sheets in search of some thing mean to say about us, it might be more readable.” Since Mr. Hanna was caught in the act of purchasing his sen atorial seat no serious charge has been made against him. , Happy Mr. Hanna!—Atlanta ’Constitution. * WE * * gPHOTOGP4PHS I 7R 8 THE SUMMER HAS 8 * PASSED AND GONE * * IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAY | I AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! | It »El YOU HI IE i * II KNOWS* |b H ■ OSI |g w g I *S3 TJI EGLjI' mo? g * Si * H 'UETURNOUT. S 3 I YOU AKE I COMIALLTp j INVITED ! S R W W H # I ra PstOMCE., p * > ■ B ■ E £ 8 0 iJ. kandeaster. |3 * * 0 S 3 * ********************