The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 20, 1898, Image 6

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RBOUT $40,000,000 To be Expended by an Amer ican Syndicate, Sililding fl RAILROAD IN CHINA. Road 900 Miles Long Provinc es 300.000.000 People, New York, Sept. 20 —Regard ing the proposed new railroad to be constructed bv an Atneii can syndicate from Jliiuk'jw t“ Hong Kong, China, a distance of 900 miles, ex-Senator Calvin 8. Brice says : “The American syndicate be lievts that it has fair data foi estimating pretty closely the cost of the work. It has now on hand on the propeity apart of of its engineering forces ; is sending as rapidly' as it can be equipped a corps ol engineers and other officials, who will make the survey, beginning at Hanxow and extending to the city of Canton, and thence to Hong Kong, and beginning at the Southern end and coming North, making an independent line for the purpose cf securing as good location and grades, and as favorable a construction a# possible. 1 hat work, it is esti mated, will consume six months and will probably' furnish us a basis for making further cal s upon the syndicate. “The character of the syndi cate may best be shown by a glance at the list of names. There are in it seven represen tatives of the Vanderbilt inter ests and three of the Standard Oil Company, John D Rocke feller, William Rockefeller and the president of one of our larg est banks; also presidents of several of our large trust com panies; Levi P. Morton, Geo. T. Bliss and the officials of the Carnegie Steel Company. The new Federal company will prob ably also take an interest in the syndicate. The contract of the syndicate is absolute, and subject to no slips or casualties, as the whole ground work has been done, and money to a large amount expended, and will be expended. As fast as more mon ey is needed it will be paid in. “The cost of the road is esti mated at a minimum of £-1,000,- 000 and a maximum of £8,000,- 000 pounds or from about $20,- 000,000 to $40,000,000. Our best opinion is that it will cost between $30,000,000 to $40,000,- 000, according to the standard adopted and the amount of ex tra expenditure required. The syndicate will undoubtedly con trol the road for a period of four or five years, during which it is subject to negotiations which may change its character. The provinces through which the road will pass are the most populous in China, having a population of 300,000,000. Two ot the provinces through which it passes have a population greater than that of the United States.” | la addition to the information given by Mr. Brice, it miy be mentionel that the American railway' will, by having its northern terminal at Hankow, create a direct line from Peking to Hong Kong by means of the new road which is to be built by Belgian. France capital, and con cerning which so much has been said in connection with the recent Anglo Russian troubles in China It will be remembered ■ that the charge was made that Russia was furnishing all tbei money sos the road and wa using the Belgians simply ps a tigu rehead. 'l'ho road runs through what is called the English sphere of It was also hinted yesterday by chose in close touch with the affairs of the American syndicate that it was not im probable that the latter might own the proposed road from Tien-Tsin to Hankow in the end. ST LO'JIS, MO. AND RETURN On account of the Grand United Order of Old Fellow." (eu’ored,) St- Louis, Mo., October 4-10, 1898 the Southern railway will sell round trip tickets at tl « very low rale of $16.85. lickels on sale October 2, 3 and 4th with final limit returning October 13th, 1898. that your ticket readea via the Southern railway. Finest trains quickest time. J. N. Harr:som, C. T. A. PHfINNY GRAFTS. Our h“arte go out »o the poor remarked the observer of men and things, largely because our hearts can go out without getting cur feet wet.— Detroit Journal. “And may I—n ay I tsk your father’s consent, dear Miss Jane?' “Pop's gone to war, but that d'm’t make no difference —you’d have to ask maw anyway.”—Cleve land Plain Dealer. “Ht —And she gavejtne one of these sweet little curls she wears Now will you believe she loves me?” She—“Oh, she must Those curls cost her $1,78 each,” —Cincinnati Enquirer Little mary was discovered om day by her mother, vigorously ap olying the oil can to the kitteiT' mouth. On bting reproved she re plied. “Why, mamma, kitty squeaks so awfu ly when I pull her tail,”—Tit-Bits, Smith—-“ Great time we had at the club last night, ah?” Jones—“ You bet! Did you get home all right?” Sm th—“No; I was arrested be fore I got there, and spent the night in a stationhouse.” Jones —“Lucky dog! I reached home. —Life.” Mrs. Hoyle,— “What was that you were talking in your sleep last night about standing pat? Isn’t that something about card play ing?” Mr. Hoyle—“ Standing Pat? Oh I no. Pat is our office boy, and I was talking ab< ut not being able tn stand his impudence much lon ger” THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FKiS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific process*? known to the Califurkia fia Sun* Co. only, and we wish to impresa upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As th* genuiue Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthies* imitations manufactured by other par ties, The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Si'Rup Co. with the medi cal profession, and flip satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all otjier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor effects, pUs«>C rppiember the name of the Company ~■ CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SAN FRANCISCO, O|»L iol’wville. - vkit youg, y. J fn -I H Mwunw <io»n»rrhoea x*—Xl Mflfl b y Hidnl JliilH upwtiieii. VitltOUC liICAWV*XI ’ r ror v '■ 'VCzJI£ u <-t.Ui . .Q »i ( An exchange Ventures the opin ion th:»t Hobson would not give one Arnold, kiss for 15 of the Schley department clerk kisses. 000 According to a New York cor respondent Admiral Dewey owes to Theodore Roosevelt his assign ment to the Eastern squadron. The admiral himself is quoted as authority for this statement. o o o The late Admiral Kirkland’s opinion ol newspaper men was summed up while he Iwas in Sun Francisco in this way; “If you are caught taking pictures anywhere in ihe t avy yard you’ll be am sl ed, hut I suppose you’ll take them anyhow,” 000 A strai ge cage of hereditary suicide is recorded by Plot. Brouardel. A French f irmer liv ing near Etampes hanged himself He left seven s< nsahd four (laugh ers, ten of whom committed ‘ * suicide after ’they had married ind most cf theit childien also took their own Hyes, 000 They could not possibly be a whi-er ci’y than Cadiz unless it were built of snow. As you near tWd'coast you see in front of you a white mass which appears to be floating upon the water, just as you are, o o o The hat wh ch Maj-Gen. M heel er will probably wear in his cam paigning is one which he has worn for the past fifteen years It is a soft black bat which, when he takes it off, he generally puts io Lis p< cket. 000 Few people are aware that Priuce Bismarck was of Jewish decent. He derived his Jewish blood from his mother, whose father—Anis tasius Von Menken, one of the bureaucrats of Frederick the Great—was.of Hebrew parentage, 000 The marquis of Normandy has converted his ancestral English home into a school for boys, him self taking the petition of princip al. He charges $2.Q00 each for bis pupils, among whom are a number of yourg peers and other heirs to British titles. 'o » o The oldest living railroid con ductor is Edward Miller, who is still in active service on the West chester division of the Pennsylva nia railroad, H J was born «n 1824, and has been punching tickets in the “presence of passengers” tor fifty-one years. 000 A return ot the number of deaths from starvation in London in 1897 was issued the other day. The East End furnished the largest number of cases: the northeastern district coming second. ‘ The figures re spectively were 13 and 10 cases, out of a total of 4 L 000 A doctor states that tight, nn ventilatde hats are one of the shies causes of baldness. 000 There are close upon 2,000 000 married couples in France' who have no chiidran and as many more with only one child 000 The rate at which Zulus can travel in an emergency is astonish ing. Some will cover as much as fifty miles in six hours. Eight miles an hour is an or linary pace. 000 The prosfeute of tile hop crop in England this year are repnr'ed as very gloomv, aid it is es'lniatod ♦hat the yield will be only about me-half that 'f hs r year. Says the Merriwether Vindi cator ; Let the talk about “cardi nal” matters and other such stuff cease and everybody go along and vote for Candler for governor. Thai’s our ticket.” tw COME- I l('I •MM IM I I If]| ■iK ■ ■ ■>l ■ ‘ Hflß | I ■ ■ fl ||[)| REASON JI HMnnrwtjtifl I |HI FOB JUST , a . FEW MINUTES. |( : ] I - Li /x II |j l/J » You have bought a h=i, y Mil 1/ . M stock of goods for the fall trade, if II l-JB arci o^course y° u secured many Bl I Sf Choice bargains for your friends; fij 1 j|l -j H now. here wish ere the Bf-iB ROME OMIT HUSTIER-CQMMEBCUI |rJ H rx g come in and proposes to prove h t"J || an'invaluable friend, for just a,s R - I KJk ■ yon are reading this so will the’'! Jkl B ' k ■ ■f- ] I r l"J K tnousands of people in the Rome ■fx Kg territory read our announc-- , ; g , . B I'J B n<L * n th |!i paper, fe If‘l I 1 m 111 FOR ACTimO““l} 1 1J MH AS NOW A I H i(V KT), J |' 1 fl V" J fl , j w |r.)| //</// fl m |f v | 'MS A . Jrh I r i nmp I? i i ;; Ij/J X fc-; E.:' O fifl jM • ; '■ fIW Mr fIH ■ Is&gf fl x. j j 1 z~ —x z —\ ✓* —"v vy fl • 7a) . M