The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 22, 1898, Image 4

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THE IIWIMMKIICII ehustlerofrome Established, ISVO. -HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established, nued every evening, except Saturday. Saudav and w eekly. PHIL G. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER Offloe Wilkerson Block. Third Avenue September was 21 yesterday. Poison wont go down with Aguinaldo. The September shower bears an August dampness. Every man who is registered is not a thoroughbred. All oil trains in this country are run on Stan lard time. If some men lost their selfes teem they would go dead broke. The New York World now wants the war taxes mustered out. When undertakers meet they naturally rehearse grave sub jects. The average kid wears a suit for damage, with the accent on the J It takes the drunkard in his normal condition to enjoy life to the full. Six days make one week —and the seventh makes him strong —a gain. The straw hat has departed, and the summer cars are on their last wheels. The stay late young man is never an easy goer, to the mind of the bright girl. The Indianapolis News wants to make a match between Hob son and Miss Helen Gould. The suppression of the liquor traffic is to be submitted to the voters of Canada on September 29. The true woman always pre fers to pare with her choice rather than to become a voter herself. Politeness is alright—but young man, you had better Keep out ot court with your civ il actions. It is said that when a girl’s tongue is an arrow and she has a quiver in her voice, she soon finds a beau. Unless the press censor gets hold of Miles’ report it will make mighty interesting read ing.—America? Herald. Even old Vesuvius belches forth with flame and hot ashes on the trail of the Czar’s peace disarmament proposition. A wheel-barrow, like the mawn lower, may be a good thing, but the average man ob jects to pushing it along. ■■ The departure of live more regiments and two big battle ships for Manila indicates that our government takes Germany? professions of love and friend ship with a big lot of salt. —Al bany Herald. Little Chile proposes to in crease her army to one hundred thousand men, well armed and equipped. It is evident that Chile does not propose to yield to Argeutenia and Bolivia in the dispute matter. * - - >— n>.„ w* .1 i—i. •fighiinß bob’s” First ■ :Ffort Capt. “Fighting Bob” Evans, of the lowa, was invited to speak at a recent . meeting in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., held in aid of the fund for the sick and wounded soldiers at Camp Wik off. The captain said he had never made a speech before, but his maiden effort was one which should stir up our government to a fuller sense of its defenders and the employment of better methods and practices in their behalf. Capt. Evans said that while glad to do his share in further ing all humane and patriotic measures he could not help but express regrets that such relief meetings were necessary. “Any government,” he said, “that is worth fighting for must help the brave men who left their families, which is really the hardest part of it—much harder than to go out and face Spanish bullets, which is the easiest part of it. Probably in the years to come, if this nation has learned its lesson or will ever learn it, such meetings will disappear.” The death of Miss Winnie Davis, “Daughter of the Con federacy,” will be sincerely re gretted not only in the South, but throughout the country. She was a woman of high purpose, and much beloVed. Marked abil ity, inherited from her distin guished father, was shown in her recent literary ventures; and but for her untimely death large success would have come to her in her chosen line of endeavor In tneir thoughts upon the rude snapping of this stem that held a flower,' people will reflect that in her brief lifetime she saw the strife of sections stilled and a great nation reunited in spirit as in name.—Philadelphia Rec ord. Olga Nethersole declares that she “feels intensely in colors.” Red always means to her pas sionate love, hatred, vengeance or any emotion in yfciich the blood is active. She wears pink when she has to play scenes of tender mood, and gray in por traying a character of neutral temperament. In red and yellow Olga would feel like a bull fight er. “Brigadier Bill” disappointed all Romans in order toplay even with Congressman Maddox He had the Rome company sent on lo Atlanta and placed in camp for several days,when the gallant boys might have camped at home with loved ones. “Briga dier Bill” is more “popular” in Rome now than ever before. The Macon Telegraph con gratulates the country that Capt. Evan P. Howell is on the commission to investigate the war. This is another new de parture. —Waycross Herald. Let Capt. Howell beware of the Greeks when they come bearing gifts. r It is reported that the Span iards at San Juan are throwing their arms in tbe ocean. They seem to have located Spain’s new armory 7 The chrysanthemum will soon have said goodbye to the last rose of summer and will be in the midst of the feet ball season. Coke cheaper than Coal* Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME G-AS CO. : TW . One of the mod tragic tragedies I think I have re ad of in days and days comes over the wires from New York. As a black crook*, streightened its a daisy.— As a black-cook streigh its a dazsr. 000 • But here is the story told under a New York date line and in Yan kee style: 000 “Miss Celia Purdy, colored, weight 280, is suffering from a severe compression received last night at her home on Forty-first Street. Mies Purdy was hanging new curtains.and to facilitate their adjustment, stepped on the door sill of the dumb-waiter shaft. Miss Purdy just fits the dumb-waiter shaft at the second loor, but near the bottom the shaft narrows. Miss Purdy’s downward progress stop ped between the floors, and she began to scream. Neighbors rushed in and learned of her plight. 000 “In a Purdy fix, ant she?” “Too intimate with the dumb waiter!” “Celia dumb-waiter.”— “Coon in a hollow.” “Coon on the hollow !” “African maid-in fits here!” “Maiden —h —even—go for the police.” “Oh, I fancy 1 can hear a thous and remarks made by that sympa thetic gathering of solicitone neigh bors. But the news dispatdh does not 1 ave tie',Celia where it found her—the news dispatches aever do—its a habit with them. 000 Theee neighbors were not there to see a poor dumb-waiter choked, not th*y, the news dispatch says, of the rescue: 000 “One went out for lard to grease the ways, and those who remained poured buckets of water on Miss Purdy and told her to “scrimp” herself. Then the police were sent for. They examined the blockade and old Miss Purdy to hurry up and get out. Then they threatened to arrest her for using profane language. ” 000 “Meanwhile a practical neighbor attached ropes to the lady’s lower extremities and drew her to the oottom. Here another obstacle was encountered. The aperture was too small to allow Miss Purdy to issue into the ki'chen. The police found an ax in the cellar and cut away the woodwork around the dumb waiter door. Then Miss Purdy was hauled out and taken to the hos pita 1 .” 000 “Aint that pathetic? And her an orphan too—or worse—for nothing is said about her mama being on deck with her sympathy and advice. 000 Grocers charge 1 cent a pound for salt, druggists call it chloride of sodium and tax you 50 cents per ounce yet we are told there is nothing in a name. 000 Liberty does not do all of the world’s enlightning. The export of mineral oils in the past fiscal year reached the unprecedented total of 1,034.269,676 gallons. At last we are a billion gallon as well as a billion dollar country. 000 The white letter boxes are ar tistic in themselves, and with tbe red boxes for the Fire Department and the blue for the police they help to make the highways a symphony of the national colors. — Philadelphia Record. 000 Recently published statistics shojv that there are 240,6u8 public school houses in tbe United States. The average attendance of pupils is 14,465,370. These figures give some idea of the greatness of our country, and they indicate that the public schools are waging an active warfare against ignorance all ever tbe United States. I S| * WK * W gg * THE SUMMER HAS i * PASSED AND GONE g t IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAY j * AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! * L YOU ’l l S K Si * S w iii * t KNOW | i S • # I« b'xJ bra IB gg / y Bl if * S THECLjm OF WlfK I * S TURUOm. I 1 *w_ E I *|w YOU ARE 11 iponmLLYp I INVITED i * -Sw Sr I S SWNCE. g * *S E * *id iJ. kandeaster. S 8