The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 23, 1898, Image 6

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OFFICIAL TICKET For The Democrats of Floyd Coilnlg. READ IF CAREFULLY And When You go to The Polls Vote it Straight- Hon. F. G. dußignon, chair man for the democratic state executive committee ot Georgia sends the following official ticket to the Hustler-Commercial, For county officers, the Hus tler-Commercial has filled in names of the nominees of 1* loyd county, making the full official democratic ticket for state and county. THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Official Ballot as prepared by the State Committee. Governor : Allen D. Candler. Secretary of State . Philip Cook. Comptroller General: William A. Wright. State Treasurer: William J. Speer. Attorney General : Joseph M. Terrell. Commissioner of Agriculture O. B. Stevens. State School Commissioner: G. R. Glenn. Prison Commissioner.- Joseph S. Turnrr. Chief Justice of Supreme Court: f 4 J. Simmons. Associate Justice of Court for Full Term of Six Years : William 11. Fish. Associate Justice of Supreme Court for Unexpired Term of Two Years: Henry T. Lewis. Senator for the 42nd Senatorial District: R. T. Fouche. Representative in the House of Representatives : W.C. Bryan. JJ. L. Johnson. R. A. Denny. QQSf For ratification of the amend ment of uaragrapli 2 of section 3 artcle 6 of the constitution (for election of judges of superior courts by the people.) the ratification of amendment of paragraph 2 of flection 3, article 6 of the con stitution (against of judges of superior courts by the people.) For ratification of amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3, article 6 of the constitution (for election of judges of superior courts by the people.) Against ratification .of the amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3, artcle 6 of the consti tution (against election of judges of superior courts by the people.) For ratification of amendment of paragraph 1 of section 11 of article 6 of the constitution (for election of solicitors general by the people.) Against ratification of amend ment o f paragraph 1 of section 11 of artcle 6 of the constitution (against election of solictors general by the people.) Clerk of Superior Court: I). W. Simmons, Sheriff: Ed. Camp. Receiver of Tax Returns: JJ. N. Crozier. Tax Collector : V. T. Sanford. County Trensurei: J. B Hill. County Surveyor: J. T. Moore. i Coroner: PECULIAR POISONS generated 15 the HUMAN BODYi The Result of Imperfect Di gestion. Eyery living thing, plant o rnimal, contains within itself the germs of certain decay and death. In the human body these germs of disease and death (called by scientists Ptomaines) are usually the result of imper fect digestion of food ; the result of indigestion or dyspepsia. The stomach, from abuse, weakness, does not | romptly and thoroughly digest the food. The result is a heavy sodden mass which ferments (the first process of decay) poisoning the blood, making it thin, weak,and lacking in red corpuscles ; poi soning the brain causing head aches and pain in the eyes. Bad digestion irritates the heart, causing palpitation and finally bringing on disease of this very important organ. indigestion poisons the kidneys, causing Bright’s dis ease and diabetes. And this is so because every nerve depends upon the storn ach alone for nourishment and renewal, and weak digestion showsitself not only in loss of appetite and flesh, but in weak nerves and muddy complexion. The great English scientist, Auxley, said the best start in life is a sound stomach. Weak stomachs fail to digest food properly, because they lack the proper quantity of digestive ac ids (lactic and hydrochloric) and peptogenic products ; the most sensible remedy in all cases of indigestion, is to take after each meal one or’ two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, because they supply in a pleasant, harmless form all the elements that weak stomachs lack. The regular use of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets will cure ev er} 7 form of stomach trouble ex cept cancer of the stomach. They increase flesh, insure pure blood, strong nerves, a bright eye and clear complex ion, because all these result only from wholesome food w’ell di gested. Nearly all druggists sell Stu art’s Dyspepsia Tablets at 50cts full sized package or by mail by enclosing price to Stuart Co., Marsha 1, Mich., but ask your druggist first. A little book on stomach dis eases mailed free. Address Stu art Co., Marshal, Mich. Poisoned by Ivy Was in a Dreadful Condition Happened to Road About a Similar Case—Followed the Other Man’s Example and Was Cured. The following inciclput is given bj Charles Morris, general jobber, 52 Lexing ton Avenue, North Cambridge, Mass.: “Several years ago I became poisoned by ivy. I tried many medicines, spending • large sum of money without obtaining a particle of good. My children were also afflicted with the same disease. We were all constant sufferers with an awful itching sensation, and it seemed as if I should tear myself to pieces. I picked up a paper in which I found printed a testimonial from a man in Vermont who had been similarly afflicted and had taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla with benefit. 1 bought • bottle, which we took and it did Me and My Children so much good I purchased another supply. We continued taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla until we used five bottles and I can safely say that neither myself nor children have any signs of the poison. It has en tirely left us and we are perfectly cured. We give the whole credit to Hood’s Sarsa parilla. Before resorting to this medicine was reduced in weight, but now I veigh 175 pounds. Hood’s Sarsaparilla as not only done much good but has oen the means of saving me a great deal ! money. I would not be without it i my bouse and I heartily recommend to all who are afflicted. I have writ n this statement for publication, of my • < will us 1 zant others to know what ‘ tood’s Sarsaparilla » u.b done for ns.” Charles Morris. Pili* !4r, ‘ 1,1,1 only pilb to tako U noil's Sarsaparilla NAVAL SENSATION Has Been Haised by the Or egon's Chaplain. IS TOO SICK FOR TRIAL. «■ - What ho Sajd About Granny Sampson, et al. Denver, Col. Sept. 22.—Chap lain J. P. Mclntyre, of the bat tleship Oregon, has been strick en with nervous prostration, and the physician who is attending him says that he may be confin ed to his bed for some time. It is probable that the court martial which has been ordered to convene in Denver next week for the trial of Chaplain Mclntyre on the charge of hav ing unfairly criticised the action of Admiral Sampson and Capt. Evans in the Santiago naval battle will be obliged to post pone proceedings for several weeks on account of the chap lain’s illness. Mr. Mclntyre says he has not been officially notified of lhe nature of the charges against him or of the date of his trial, and this has Seemed to worry him consider ably. He is staying at the house of Attorney Thomas J. Dunn, a friend in this city. THE FACTS GIVEN OUT. Washington, Sept. 22.—The attention of Judge Advocate General Lemly being directed to the complaint of Chaplain Mc- Intyre that he had not been in formed of the charges upon which he is to be tried by court martial at Denver on the 26th instant, the officer very prompt ly furnished the papers in the case for publication. The chaplain is to be tried upon three charges, all growing out of a lecture delivered by him in thj Trinity Methodist Epis. copal church, Denver, Col., on August Bth last referring to the battle of July 3rd. The first charge is “scandal ous conduct tending to the de struction of good morals.’’There are three specifications under this charge, in brief that he re ferred to Adm’ral Sampson as reporting himself within four miles of the Colon when she struck her colors in order to get his share of prize money. Second, he charged that on the chase after the Colon the Oregon met the lowa going to the rear, and that “Fighting Bob’’ took the lowa to the rear and kept her there ’during the battle. Third, that. Eastern made ships failed to come up to ex pectations because the builders received their orders through political pull and “did not care how they cheat< d the govern ment.” The second charge is “conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline.” .It recites the three specifications of the first charge with an additional one based on the chaplain’s “public and conterautuous” reference to Capt. Evans as “Fighting Bob.” The third charge is “conduct unbecoming an officer of the navy” and recites the same pecifications. TO CURE A COLD [N ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q, on each tablet. 'h oome- LET US REASON I IIOIETEJS I PP* I I FOR JUST A FEW MINUTES. I *’•*» S' | You have bought a h? ivy ■ g stock of goods for the fall trade, « | and of course you secured many i | choice bargains for your friends; B I now, here wish ere the a I mMt DAILY HBSna-COMMERCW I 3 come in and proposes to prove 0 “ an invaluable friend, for just as I | yon are reading thissowill the g g tnousands of people in the Rome I g territory read your announce- ■ I nt in this paper I I T VA'A SENSON I FOR ACTION I I HAS NOW ARRIVED, I rv bi■ ■■ ini H!■—ll imiii inn rir it in — TTH - ■ Itw A. 11 i E ■ i