The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 23, 1898, Image 7

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f-- -|. -■ ~ ' r— ——— - ■ Tfl ■■'■«*■ -._ ■_ ***’■■ *«•' t' Ij ' A I ’ fl nnlft. Vnnrl/a Vu* Hulu uPuIKS ulChui . w W THE LOOKOUT \ Constantly on the watch over the best markets, nailing even opportunity that will prosper the interest our customers, is what keeps McDonalckSparks-stev\ art Co., so far ahead of the others. For instance, we’ve just made a fortunate purchase in Carpets Rugs and Mattings, and immediately are the profits with our customers as follows:-- ***£ -'V'.Jr' **“* **%< *’*’7 "J? ?*5? «*•£. Bussells carpet, made, lined 11 i I lid 55c Genuine Smyrna Rugs, 4X7 feet $4.45 Sj? /Iw BrussUlscarpet, made, lined and laid 60c ! V “ “ “ 3X6 feet 2-85 Best Brueselis carpet, made, lined and laid 65c ; “ “ “ 2 1-2X5 feet 2.10 W Axminster, Wilton’s, Velvets and Saxony car- p “ “ 26X52 inches W pets, we are offering at manufacturer’s prices.. As we never indulge in “False Alarms” you will realize the wisdom of coming promptly if you wish to see these extraordinary offerings. They are too good to last long. Find them on the first floor. MCDONALD-SPARKS-STEWART Company 1 UNDERTAKERS, ' . EMBALHERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS I LOCH HAPPENINGS. ■Tr Roman Honored.—Mr. J. ■. Adamson has resigned his ■sition as secretary of the Cher ■e* Club and Dr. E. B. Mar- Hall has been elected to fill the jeancy.—Cedartown Standard. Ih'.'T Bird Shooting—Messrs. Ab •an, Julius Simpson and A. ■nipbell drove to the country ■s morning carrying bird-dogs Id breechloaders. They went to ■ster out a few companies of Bob Whites. ” ■Bass & Simpson.—This big Beery concern will move its •ck from the lower floor of the ■ Bass Bros. & Co’s., stand ■° their new and elegant gro- Bj home in their new building I West First street, tomorrow. Biarke, The Tailor Mr. S. ■ Starke the popular tailor is ■ " °P en ,or orders and ready for ■ H "’ P9B * n liiw new business home door to Wooten’s drug store | the Clark building. Mr. Starko | a 9 l ) b i udid line of new season |ods and invites you to call and f him and them. |A Popular R OMAN ._ Dr< vVill I ar i' l1 b who is now a surgeon I I nited States army, camo, I bunday from Fort Snelling and F B P»a <1 a few week’s vacation I o home of his father in the r , r y. 9x pects soon to be or- F U t( ’ Su ihvan’s Island. — Cal* p’u* 1 limes, T HK Fpwoeth League.—At [ Cm 1 t(), ’this afternoon and , c,n ■* to 11 this evening the Methodist church will en nat that church. A de 9‘tful program will be put on all who accept the cordial nation to call will be most entertained. T» ICK Rider.—Thie 1 non Herald says “Thoru rl9 < rying to t*«ch his Ind i° i eaP f ehceß and ditches 01‘tnb trees. He gives it one lesson a week when he is abl \ The last one was not verv successful In trying to leap the deep ditch in th* old field the jump was al right but Harper says the fool thing don’t know how to land. He is nursing his bruises with a very good grace. A Delightful Reception.—The reception given by Miss Flo Seay last evening in honor of her beautiful guest. Miss Mat'ock, proved a most delightful social event. No prettier or more cultured young ’ady dwells in the Hill City than Miss Flo Seay. Those who attended, and there was quiet a crush, were most royally enter tained . New Law’ Firm.—Messrs. John P. Cheney and W. T. Kel ly, the two young attorneys who have located in Rome, have ta ken offices in the Masonic Tem ple, and from that line old build ing will swing their shingle. Rome extends the glad-hand and a, hear ty welcome to these brainey young men. It’s a Fact.—Lloyd & Co. receive more new goods than any other three grocers in Rome, and always ahead of any others. .Just arrived, new crop macaroni . 10c package, Genuine Now York cream cheese, new codfish (fancy middles), newly cured hams 10c lb, fat bananas 10c dozen, new bulk olives cheap, etc. Trion Factory Directors. — Yesterday the directors and stock holders of Trion Manufacturing Company held a meeting in their office here. Among those present besides tho local shares represent ed were:T. W. Lee, of Chickamau ga. E W. Marsh, Atlanta, J. W. Cavinder, Chattanooga, Thompson Hiles, Rome, J. S. Cleghorn, Sum. merville, and S. S. Lawrence Meulo.—Trion Herald. Honorable Discharge.—Mr. M. Hunter Harris has received an honorable discharge from Co. F, Ist Georgia Infantry, and arrived home from camp at Knoxville, Tenn., Sunday even ing. His discharge is with a high cumplir.iem from his commanding officer. - His many Cedartown friends are ’lad to have him bom.—Cedar town Standard German Tonight.—Quit, a pretty germ: n will 5e danced at the Armstrong tonight. ’’ ne pro moters had hoped to turn the occasion into a military lop, but as the °oldier boys o'Co. H, Second Georgia,are still encamp ed in the jungles about Atlant , the dance will have to proceed without them. I Announce,—To the public that I have secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with the Garrow famous caudy kitchen in Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind oi fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongats, etc. AU we ask is a trial. We can please you A. M. AnTogholi, next door to Curry's drug score Sam Jones Here. —Mi. Sam Jones, the big farmer and geni al gentleman from Chattooga county, was in Rome today. Mr. Jones says that in,his section of the country in addition to the heavy rains that have fallen high winds prevailed, and as a result great damage has bem done to growing crops. Especi ally is this true of corn and sorghum cane. But despite these disasters old Chattoog, will have a big surplus to sell and her farmers will remain in con dition to read the riot act to all credit men and money lenders- The firm of Camp & O’Rear is this day (Aug. 27, j 98) dis solved. All parties indebted to them will not pay unless both names, S. D. Camp and J. M O’Rear, are signed to the bills. personal mention. I . “Mixed Pickles.” ■ “Mixed Pickles” tonight. “Mixed Pickles” at Nevin’s. “Mixed Pickles” at Nevin’s tonight, ‘•‘Mixed Pickles” at Nevin’s opera house tonight. Mr. W. IL Wyatt, of Atlanta, is here today. Mr. W. S. Wilson, oi Albany, spent the day in the city. I * ■ Fancy New York apples and Baltimore sweets at Lloyds. Mi -. ; r. B. Kyle, of Gadsden, was at the Arm .trang hotel to day. Two nice cottages fur rent, well located Apply to Lloyd & Co. Miss Annie PruieL is -xpected home Satm Jay from W. phy, V C. —Dalto i 'itizeu. Dr. I'. P. Garling on v. ai here from ’Rome ovet Simua' —Ct i dartown Stundaru. First Eastern apples o the i season just received at Lloyds, ' some from Canada. Mis, IL H. Smith of Atlanta, ■is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Gam ‘ mon, ou Th Ad Ave.‘ Cu t ■ J. D. Kirkpatrick re turned last night from a quid I business trio to Atlanta. k'or choii cuts of finest fresh Ime its to he had on the market call on Moore <t "Reese. Mr. Henry Woods left this I morning on a business trip and will be absent several days. Moore & Reese now offfer the trade the v< ry limst fresh meats I to be had on the market. - . ' - •• New crop Tetley's tea direct j from New York City. No old stock on hand. Lloyd <fc Co. Miss Octavia Smith returned to Shorter College at Rome last Monday.—Cartersville Conrant. Mrs. C. T. Jervis, of Rome, is visiting the family of Col. J- A. Jervis near town. —Calhoun Times. kaacy bleached Celery, new Cranberries, delicious table Butter and other good things at Lloyd's. Mr. Ab Dean, one of the clev erest and most substantial young business men in the state, - has returned from > trip to Selma. Mr. Frank Moore oi Atlanta, who ha:, been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Wright will return home tomorrow. I New crop cocoanuts, nice peaches, grapes, pears, quinces and other select fruit > received daily at Lloyd’s. Miss Hazel Adkins left today 1 for Best’s Station where she ■goes to attend a house party I given by« Peso. Mrs. Maud Allgood King | passed through the city yester t day afternoon from Summerville | en route to Atlanta. • Editor L J. Burns, of the I Trion Herald, was here yester day, Editor Burns is giving ; Trion a warm paper, Mr. S. B. Bennett, the clever i master of trains Southern I • Railway, with headquarters in /Atlanta, is here today. Mrs. Harry Rawlins, of Rome, returned home Monday after being a few days with her rela tives here.—Courant American. Mr. H. J. Galt and n, Harry, came over from Rome Sunday and spent the day with his family.—Cartersyille Cou rant. • Mr. Victor Smith, of Rome, has been spending several days in the city, guest of Mr. G. 11. Aubrey and family.—Courant American. Mr. Willard Pemberton Simpson who remained in the city last night to attend Miss Flo Seay’s recep tion will go down to Atlanta thin afternoon.. Mr. John Cheney, one of the most successful young attorneys at the Marietta bar, has moved to Rome and will grow up with the Hill City. Mr. Hines M. Smith,of Rome, was in tho city Sunday and Monday, visiting his father, Maj. Charles H. Smith. — Car tersville Courant. Mrs. 3 . It. Garlington with her bright little n, Julius Algernon Peek, is hero from Koine vieitmg her father, Capt. J. A. Pe«k.— Cedartown Standard. B, I. Hughes, cashier of the First National bank of Rome and one of the cleverest mon in Geor gia, was in town Tuesday on busi ness.— Calhoun Times. Miss Lula Mullin and M'*. Phillip Mullin came over from Rome Sunday. The former ro m.iined on a visit to Misses Lei la and Annie Hall.—Courant American. Mr. George Harris, of Rome, is visiting his grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. C. 11. Harris. He leaves in a few days to enter the Technological School in Atlanta. —Cedartown Standard. Miss Addie Braden, one of Rome’s pretty girls is spending the weak with her brother, H. T. Braden of this place, Miss Addie, □as many friends here who’are de lighted at her visit. —Trion Her ald . PASTEUR FILTERS The only G-erm Prcot Filter in the world. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply Co