The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 25, 1898, Image 2

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OFIFGIRL TICKET For Tile Democrats of Floyd Coiloty. READ IF CAREFULLY And When You go to The Polls Vote it Straight- Hon. F. G. dußignon, chair man for the democratic state executive committee of sends the following official ticket to the Hustler-Commercial, For county officers, the Hus tler-Commercial has filled in names of the nominees of Floyd county, making the full official democratic ticket for state and county. THS DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Official Ballot as prepared by the State Committee. Governor: Allen D. Candler. Secretary of State . Philip Cook. Comptroller General : William A. Wright. State Treasurer : William J. Speer. Attorney General : Joseph M. Terrell. Commissioner of Agriculture O. B. Stevens. State School Commissioner: G. R. Glenn. Prison Commissioner .- Joseph S. Turner. Chief Justice of Supreme Court: Thomas J. Simmons. Associate Justice of Court for •Full Term of Six Years : William H. Fish. Associate Justice of Supreme Court for Unexpired Term of Two Years: Henry T. Lewis. Senator for the 42nd Senatorial District: R. T. Fouche. Representative in the House of Representatives: W.C. Bryan. J. L. Johnson. R. A. Denny. For ratification of the amend ment of uaragraph 2 of section 3 artcle 6 of the constitution (for election of judges of superior courts by the people.) the ratification of amendment of paragraph 2 of section 3, article 6 of the con stitution (against election! of judges of superior courts by the people.) For ratification of amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3, article 6 of the constitution (for election of judges of superior courts by the people.) Against ratification of the amendment of paragraph 3 of section S, artcle 6 of the consti tution (against election of judges of superior courts by the people.) For ratification of amendment of paragraph 1 of section 11 of article 6 of the constitution (for election of solicitors general by the people.) Against ratification of amend ment of paragraph 1 of section 11 of artcle 6 of the constitution (against election of solictors general by the people.) Clerk ot Superior Court: D. W. Simmons, Sheriff: Ed. Camp. Receiver of Tax Returns : J. N. Crozier. Tax Collector : V. T. Sanford. County Treasurer: J. B. Hill. B County Surveyor: J. T. Moore. Coroner: * F. H. SCHLAFBACH. ROMANS RESPOND Nearly $2,000 Subscribed by Her Citizens. ONE MORE EFFORT Wi'l bo Made to Secure The Funds Needed. That Romans want an army camp of from 5,000 to 10,000 troops located here for the winter is clearly emphasized by the success which is crowning the efforts of the committee of gen tlemen named to canvass for funds with which to fix up the camp grounds should the war department accept Rome’s splendid offer. The committee was out a por tion of Friday and again on yesterday and while the mem bers made a close canvass there were quite a number of citizens who could not be seen. But for all that, more than $1 100 was subscribed. This speaks well for the city and it also shows that the com mittee appointed v. as made up of the right kind of men to “get there.” The gentlemen on this com mittee are Hessrs. S. S. King, John D. Moore, J. A, Glover, 11. B. Parks, Ike May, D. W. Curry, S. B. Norton, J. M. Van diver, W. J. Griffin and W. M. Gammon. The committee will meet again tomorrow forenoon and make one more united effort to pull the amount up to the figure needed. The plotting of the grounds for the camp is being rapidly put in shape and in a few r days Rome’s bid for the camp will be ready to file. If Rome gets a square deal she is certain to land the big army camp. LEAN E Cl BA. Peremporv Order to the Spanish Government. Washington, D. C. Sept. 25. — The United States Government has sent a peremptory message to the Cuban Military Evacuation Commission that it will not be satisfied with any further delay in the evacuation of Cuba It is a virtual demand for Spain to re move her troops from the island immediately. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cures Permanently Cures Scrofula, which is one of the worst af flictions of t he human r ice, anc comes from impure blood. Eczema, a most offensive an 1 uncomfort able affection of the skin, alsi due to impure blood. Salt Rheum, a torment to the flesh, a dis flgurement to the body, and t. drain on the system, also due to vitiated bicod. Pimples, which so disfigure the skin, and make the human face divine anythin;; but a tiling of beauty, but which are Nature’s adver tisement of foul blood. Catarrh, which very often comes from a chronic affection of the circula tion, is a constant offense to one’s self and all ids friends, Rheumatism, which all authorities now attri bute tc various acidities in the bleed, v.h!< h this greaj blood j. vifu r of the age, Ilood’s Sar saparilla, corrects. Jocd’s Sarsaparilla i.f s',ld bj dra,; , "ts. st; six ior $5. Pre pared only by i . 1. Hood ii. Co.. Lowell, Mass. i ’ Illite arc the best after-dinner f.idUl a I jjjs pj.k aifi digestioh, ‘OC. WILL GERMANY 3e Fool Enough To Mix In This ifless? A REPORT CIRCULATED That The “War Lord” Will Arm The Fillpnios. San Francisco, Sept. 24, —The Post yesterday publishes a sensa tional story to the effect that Ger many is planning to send numer ous trading vessels to the Philip pine Island and will arm 150 000 Filipinos, besides furnishing Krupp guns and artillery fcr field use. The islanders, the Post alleges, will be thoroughly drilled by Gar man officers, and by Febuary Aguinaldo will be prepared to make an onslat ght on the Ameri can forces. According to the Post. German agents have made a report to their government that it will be impos sible for the United States to land more than 50 000 men in the Phil ippines before Aguinaldo is ready to make his coup. According totheJGerman corres pondent from whom the Post story comes. America’s only hope of avoiding trouble with Aguinal do is so disarm the insurgents. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L B. Q. on each tablet. THE DOGS OF WAR Argentina’s Army Being M« bli z ed, Chile’s Navy Prepared. London, Sept. 24.—A cablegram from Buenos Ayres received here is to the effect that Chile and Ar gentina have agreed to submit the boundary dispute to arbitration aid the agreement has been sign e I. London, Sept. 24 —Dispatches from Buenos Ayres, Argentina, and Valpariso, Chile, indicate that the two countries are again on the verge of war. The Argentina Congres* yester day sanctioned the immediate mobilization of an army of 50,000 men, and also, authorized a call for an additional army of 60,000. The Argentina Government ’8 also strengthening its financial condi tion. Custom duties have been in creased and Congress has authori zed the sale or lease ot the nation al railroads. Chile is not behindhand in her war preparations. A special Cabi net Council has been held to dis cuss the present condition of the Chilean Navy. The war should be declared. Argentina’s contention far par tial arbiration is regarded in Chile as a mere pretext to gain time to complete its preparations for war. NO NEWS FROM KITCHENER London Satisfied Egypt’s Flag is Floating Over Fashoda. London, Sept, 24.—Inquiries made at the British foreign office today show’ that no news has been received there from Fash oda, and that nothing has been received in the shape of news Gen. Sir Herbert Kitchener since he left Omdurman. News from the British com mander is momentarily expect ed, however, and it will doubt less be in the nature of guesses made, namely, that the Egyp tian flag is now flying over Fashoda. CD! Hl A I weakneaa aaally curad hy 9“ IN AU pr MIW Narva FUataaw come- LET US REASON OGEIHER FOR JUST fl FEW MINUTES. I- * I | You have bought ah- uy | stock of goods for the fall trade, | j and of course you secured many e choice bargains for your friends: I I now, here wish ere the I ROME DAILY HUSTLEI-COMMERCIAt - I come in and proposes to prove ■ an invaluable friend, for just as ’ yon are reading this so will the | | thousands of people in the Rome I s territory read 5 our announce- I nt in this paper FOR AC r ION HA&NOW ARRIVED, I V//'////'' I I O I OAk di ddi dm 1 MCE