The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 25, 1898, Image 6

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S MftRK TWAIN’S FORTUNE 2 | AND PAIGE MACHINE. | !•••«« ••••••••• New York, Sept. 24. Mai velously ingenious and perfect, ’ from a mechanical standpoint; worthless commercially. the costliest machine ever built will stand in a Cornell University labratory as a monument to Mark Twain’s vanished fortune. Tho original Paige typesetting machine, constructed and re constructed at a cost of $2,000,- 000, has just been presented to the New York State University by P. T. Dodge, president of the Mergenthaler Linotype Co., of this city, who recently bought the Paige patents. The machine was not purchas ed by Mr. Dodge because of any commercial value as a whole,but because of possible future val ue of the various parts. There are 19,000 parts to this wonder ful piece of mechanism, all con troled by a keyboard. A study of these parts and the different problems in engineering that they have overcome will be in valuable to students in the me chanical courses at Cornell Uni versity. This product of years of study by a great inventor and the en tire fortune of America’s hu morist, notwsthstanding its per-, feet could never be J successfully manufactured aud sold on the market. The cost of building was too great and the obstacles in the way of replacing broken parts of the intricate mechanism too formidable to make possible a ready sale of the machine. James W. Paige was a New York inventor, who went to Connecticut 20 years ago to build a typesetting machine which he had planned. Mr. Paige’s skill in inducing capitalists to invest money in his invention was al most as great as his mechanical ingenuity. The Farnham Type setting Machine Co., was just beginning to erect its plant at Hartford when Paige moved to that city from Bridgeport, in 1888. The inventor had some trou ble the first few years after he arrived in Hartford. Between 1898 and 1891, however, he gathered in more than $250,000 of local money. The machine he produced in those years was greatly altered after he took it to Chicago. It was in Chicago that Mr. Paige did his most re markable financiering. He interested Mark Twain in his project, and the writer did not cease dropping money in the scheme until all of his $190,- 000 was gone. The humorist afterward came to refer to his venture as his “little diversion.” Judge William Ham merely, counsel for Mr. Paige, also took considerable stock. The invent or was in no hurry to take out patents. In this he showed great shrewdness. When one set of investorshad grown tired of the venture he show’ed his inventions to pros pective stockholders, said they were not patented yet and, be ing struck by Paige’s wonderful ingenuity, they usually came in. Paige exhibited his machine at the World's Fair. A New York Firm, Ward, Frink & Knevals, were his backers at that time. They organized in Chicago the Paige Compositor Typesetting Companv, and then entered iuto a contract with the Webster Manufacturing Compa ny of Chicago. The Webster Company was the manufacturer of elevator machinery, but not of fine ma chines, such as the Paige ma chine, and did not have the necessary facilities. But they agreed to put up a building and equip it for the purpose. This absorbed $750,000 of their capital. Paige usually took good care of himself. At one time while the Webster Co., was contributing he was receiv ing SIO,OOO a month. After the Webster Company was almost bankrupt they retired from the enterprise. It was through Mark Twain, who still had hopes of recover ing some of his money from the machine, that Henry Rodgers of this city came into the new company. They started in to make 50 inabilities and secured the castings for them. Then they concluded to build 10, and finally came down to one, which was at last complet ed and set up in the Times- Herald office in Chicago. It ea sily set up type at the rate of 8,- 500 ems an hour. While the machine would set, justify and distribute matter, its owners saw that others of the same design could not be built for sale. Finally the Mergen thaler Company bought the ma chine and the patents for about $20,000. It is said that had Mark Twain invested his $190,- 000 in the Merganthaler Com pany at the time he put it in the Paige project, he would now have had a controlling interest in that company, which would have meant an income of more than one million dollars a year. The machine occupies a floor space of 114 feet by 3| feet, and its highest point is G 4 feet from the floor. The weight is a little less than 5 ,500 pounds, and it runs without perceptible vibra tion. Paipe made a fortune out of the machine, but did not keep his money. THE REBEL FORCE Prepares To Seize Southern Philippine Islands. Manila, Sept, 24.—The Philipi nos are rapidly seizing tho south ern islands of the group, The in surgent steamer Abbey has arriv>- ed off the west coast to take a large force of rebels to the southern is land These troops are well armed and propose to attack the Spanish gar risons . The British gunboat Ram bler has been ordered to Cebu, owing to the alarming reports. It is also reported that Raleigh and Baltimore will proceed there. Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes US&W FOB BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS sueh Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Giddiness. Fulness after meals. Head ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costfveness. Blotches on the Skin, Cold Chills. Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffem will acknowledge them to !.» A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM’M PILLS, taken as direct ed. willquickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Mck Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE i>f any Patent Medicine in the World. 26a. at all Drug Stores. Wanted—An Idea •otect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. • rite JOHN WEUPEHBURN « (JO., Patent Attor yt, Washington, D C., for their si.Buu prlct efts? AU'r it t.wu biuelral Ui’entUms vaaiaA P ECULIAR OPISO N S OBNKRATED IN THE HUMAN BODY. The Result of Imperfect Di gestion. Eyery living thing, plant ' or animal, contains within itself the germs of certain decay and death. In the human body these germs of disease and death (called by scientists Ptomaines) are usually the result of imper fect digestion of food ; the result of indigestion or dyspepsia. Die stomach, from abuse, weakness, does not promptly and thoroughly digest the food . The result is a heavy sodden mass which ferments (the first process of decay) poisoning the blood, making it thin, weak,and lacking in red corpuscles ; poi soning the brain causing* head aches and pain in the eyes. Bad digestion irritates the heart, causing palpitation and finally bringing on disease of this very important organ. Poor indigestion poisons the kidneys, causing Bright’s dis ease aud diabetes. And this is so because every nerve depends upon the stom ach alone for nourishment and renewal, and weak digestion showsitself not only in loss of appetite and flesh, but in weak nerves and muddy complexion. The great English scientist, Auxley, said the best start in life is a sound stomach. W< ak stomachs fail to digest food properly, because they lack the proper quantity of digestive ac ids (lactic and hydrochloric) and peptogenic products; the most sensible remedy in all cases of indigestion, is to take after each meal one or two of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets, because they supply in a pleasant, harmless form all the elements that weak stomachs lack. The regular use of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets will cure ev ery form of stomach trouble ex* cept cancer of the stomach. They increase flesh, insure pure blood, strong nerves, a bright eye and clear complex ion, because all these result only from wholesome food well di gested. Nearly all druggists sell Stu art’s Dyspepsia Tablets at 50cts full sized package or by mail by enclosing price to Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., but ask your druggist first. A little book on stomach dis eases mailed free. Address Stu art Co., Marshal, Mich. 2-CENT STAMP! Will send a letter to any point in Uncle Sain’s big / domain.l For this very a fii reason, if you are sick, fe,jj k sore or suffering, this very trifling outlay > t May Save Your life! Here’s just how Lllui 't >B. You can —y"” write a plain letter, can’t you? Well, it will take just two cents to carry it to tht “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia,” Aud the famous specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if yon came in per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do ing ’t every day. They now have patients in all the adjoining States, some of them hundreds of miles away, aud their cures are simply won* derful. CURES POSITIVE ANDrnrri CONSULTATION F 0111 In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club Foot, Hare Urey Eyes ana other surgical cases, also in all forms of Skin and Blood disorders, Rheuma- • tism, Sciatica. Catarrh of the Nose, Throat, Lungs, Stomach or any vital organ, Liver, Kid ney and Bladder troubles. Nervous Weak nesses of either men or women, diseases of the P ar . ts aI1( i every other txxlilv affliction that highly trained specialists alone can deal with. Write freely. It costs you nothing If we un dertake your case we shall send you question blank for full particular*. If your case is SMALL b CIJRE P erfect science Wt; That first 2-cent stamp may save your life. All letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE, JOO-1 Austell Bldg.. Atlant*. Ua EIDE PHOTOGP4PHS THE SUMMER HAS PASSED AND GONE IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAY AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! ■x !YOU b KNOW • ' •! I thecljis op Work i a p TURNOUT. | I W YOU ARE I iCDRDIALLY INVITED Is # I Eg TflF W M Hi J. W-. kandeaster. £ J * kvT