The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 25, 1898, Image 7

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company h. of Second Georgia Will Re main in Atlanta UjlflL MUSTERED OUT &ay3 First Sergeant* Bob Gwaltney. First Sergeant Bob Gwaltney of Co. H. Second Georgia Vol unteers, arrived in the city last night from the camp at Pied mont Park, Atlanta. Mr. Gwaltney at once became the center of a circle of admit ing triends, and while he re mained on the street he was kept constantly answering ques tions. Sergeant Gwaltney says the Second Goorgia is splendidly located m Atlanta, though Cora prny H, would much prefer to be encamped at Rome. He thinks that the Rome company will be kept in camp in Atlanta until mustered out or furloughed—say for ten days or two weeks longer. B>b Gwaltney is said to be the most popular orde dy ser geant in the Second Georgia, His friends in Rome can readily understand why. A L'! '"T SPANISH HOLD 7 PORTS , R pott They Had Been Driven From Luzon Premature.fiS Manila, Sept. 24 —The report that the last Spanish garrison in the island of Luzon had sur rendered is premature. The Spaniards still hold seven sea ports in Albay province, the principal hemp district. The disturbances haye already resulted in a diminution of the output cf Albay hemp by 250,- 000 bales, compared with last year’s figures. Further fighting seems imminent, and unless peace is concluded the shortage will be doubled. • « ■ ICT WHEN YOU ARE TIRED. Without extra exertiou, languid, dull and listless, your blood is failing to supply to your mu scles and other organs the vitalizing and strength-giving properties they require. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling enriching and purifying the blood. It will give you energy and vigor. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, * aß y to operate. Cure indigestion biliousness. 25c. READY TO INVESTIGATE. COMMIS ion To LooK JjjTO War ObpahimeNT Is COMPLETE. Washington, Sept 24.—The P rt sident told hie visitors today that the commission to investigate th- conduct of the war department a d been completed and would Co -ikist of nine members as first announced. He has not announced the full Several of the m«m- Hie Commission, including fell ‘ Granville M. Dodg-», who Wl| l probably be chairman of it, •frived in the city today, prepara or r to attending the preliminary ®“" ! tnig to be held at the vVhite **cuss tomorrow RUSSIAN DEFI, AND Seized Along Proposed British Railroad ' ancouver, B. C.. Sept. 24- p Wli h as been received from New of the high-handed pro* lll gs ot the Russians to chick ®ate the British and secure con r°l of Eastern China. The Rus * aro gabbing up the land ' lne proposed •“Btiah Railroad. LOC4I HAPPENINGS. Leaves Tomorrow.— Mr. Al Burney, one of the cleaverest arc most succfcsslul shoe drummers in the State will leave tomorrow' for a tour that w ill cover four or five weeks. Al Burney is a hustlei from taw and shoes are his favor ite. Just Like A Girl.—Many girls pass a forty-dollai boy with a fifteen-c“iit suit with out notice and smile bewitchingly to a fifteen-cent boy clad in a for ty-dollar suit. The cash balance of that girl seems to be on the credit side.—Sweetwater Telephone. May Go To Cartersvill.— Messre. Walter Cothran and Wal ter Griffin, of Howell Cotton Company at Rome, were in the city Wednesday. It is Drobable that Mr Griffin will locate in Car tersville during the present cotton seasen.—Cartersville News. Starke, The Tailor - Mr. S. M. Starke the popular tailor is now open for orders and ready for business in his new business home next door to Wooten’s drug store in the Clark building. Mr. Starke has a splendid line of new season goods and invites you to call and see him and them. A Young Seamstress.—Miss Bessie Barrels, the bright little daughter of Mrs. Martha Bar rels, has just finished a quilt of twenty-seven squares, the old fashioned “Nine Patch.” Little Miss Bessie is only six years of age ; the work would be a credit to a girl of ten. Clever Daltonian. — Mr. Frank Reynolds, the brilliant editor of Dalton’s splendid week ly, the Citizen, was in Rome for a few hours yesterday. Mr. Rey nolds came down to mix with the natives and renew old ac quaintances. He says Dalton is doing lots of building and stacks of business these days. “The White Front.”—Messrs. W. H. Coker A Co. in their new and elegant business home in Shorter Block, on Lower Broad, re port business as being in splendid shape The fall season, so far as the “White Front” is concerned, has already arrived. But then, Coker & Co. are always busy, and will continue to do a rushing bus iness as long as people are hungry for bargains. It’s a Fact.—Lloyd & Co. receive more new goods than any other three grocers in Rome, and always ahead of any others. Just arrived, new crop macaroni 10c package, Genuine New York cream cheese, new codfish (fancy middles), newly cured hams 10c lb, fat bananas 10c dozen, new' bulk olives cheap, etc. I Announce.—To the public that I have secured the services ot William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two yean with the Garrow famous candy kitchen in Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongats, etc. All we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, next door to Curry’s drug store ‘‘Quarantined.” —A letter received in the city yesterday by his mother, announces that Mr. John L. Seay, tne Hustler-Com mercial reporter who has been in San Francisco for the past Kuonth visiting his father, hao arrived at New Orleans on his return trip. The letter stated that he was a quarantine yictim and would probably have to re main in New Orleans until frost. Second Baptist Revival. The Second Baptist church is passing through a revival sea son. The pastor, Rev. O. P. Gil bert, has been conducting a series of meetings, two each day, during the past week. Inese meetings have grown in interest from the very outset, until now OREYFUS IS LOST, Government Will Scarcely Grant New Trial COMMISSION SPLITS And Leaves The Matter for the Cabinet Tomorrow. Paris. Sept. 24 —lt was offi cially announced this afternoon that the civil commission which has been examining the docu ments in the Dreyfus case, with the view of reporting to the government on the advisability ff reopening it, is equally divid ed for and against revision, and the government considers that this division gives it full liberty of action and also the responsi bility. Therefore the go vernment has decided to wait until Monday, when a full cabinet meeting will be held and a decision will be arrived at. the showers of grace are most copious in the.r downpour. The meetings will be continued dur ing the present week at 3 each afternoon and 7:30 each even ing. The services at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. today wiil be most interesting. AH cordially invit ed. Listen for Lanham & Sons. — Listen for the announcement of the grand opening of Lanham & Son’s big Broad street stores. Tens of thousands of dollars worth of splendidly bought new goods and the prettiest lines of stylish millinery ever displayed in a Southern city. Everything is being rushed and the an nouncement for the grand open ing will be published in a few days, Finished Moving.—B ass Bros. , & Co. , finished moving their big stack from the old stand of F. J. Kane <fc Co., in the Noble Building yosterday after noon, and are now at home in their spledid new building near the J. K. Williamson jewelry store. The interior of the new store room is having the finish ing touches put on and in a few days everything will be as bright as a new silver dollar and as neat as a pin. Lookout for the announcement of Bass Bros & Co. A Heavy Sentence. —After being “hung-up” for quite a while she city court jury in the case of the State vs. E. R. Min hinnett, brought in a verdict of guilty late yesterday afternoon. Mr. Minhinnett, who operates a distillery near Cave Spring, was charged with selling whiskey without license. Judge Harris sentenced him to pay a fine of S4OO and all costs or to serve 12 months in the chain gang. Mr. Minhinnett’s attorneys prompt ly served notice of an appeal for a new trial. After a Deserter —Sergeant George of Co. B, Third Georgia arrived in the city from Camp Northern yesterday morning and returned last night carrying with him Private Elijah W. Sisk who is charged with deser tion. Sisk is of a good family and lives at Floyd Springs. He was arrested a few days ago by Sheriff McConnll upon an order from Col. Candler. Sisk does not realize the serious nature of the charge. His friends hope that upon investigation be will escape with a light sentence as there are many circumstances in his favor. BOLD BANDITS Hold dp on Express Train in The West. DYfIftMPED THE SAFE. Booty Was as Small as Tho? Deed Was Daring. Kaneas*City, Mo., Sept. 24. Ihe Colorado and Coffeyville express train on the Missouri Pacific railroad, which left Kansas City at 9 :15 o’clock last night, was held up by robbers near Leeds, a suburban station, about 6 miles out from the Union depot. The locomotive and baggage car were detached from the train and taken down the track toward Dodson, after which the robbers shattered the Pacific Express company’s car with dynamite. At midnight it is not known what the robbers secured. Offi cials of the express company state that the safe contained lit tle treasure, as the messenger carried nothing destined for points beyond Coffeyville, Kas- COM’ODORE WATSON SAILS Washington, Sept. 24.—The Navy Department has been in formed by Capt. Goodrich, of the Newark, at Guantanamo, that Commodore Watson sailed yesterday from that place for New York, turning over the command of the naval ships on the station to Capt. Goodrich. The Capt. skvs that i.he Span ish cruiser Maria Teresa, on which the wreckers are work ing, did not come off yesterday, as was expected, but that she surely will be raised successful ly- .BROKE HER ARM. Enthusiasm of a Lover’s Meet ing With his Sweetheart. New York, Sept. 24.—Louis Democo, the “strong man” of his native village in Italy, ar rived here a few days ago. One of the pleasantest surprises was his unexpected meeting with his sweetheart, MaryGeheni. The young man grasped her hand and shook it with such fervor as to break her arm above the wrist. He was arrested and fined. Too • Much Knife ! The use of the surgeon’s knife is be coming so general, resulting fatally in such a large number of cases, as to •ccasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpole, of Walsntown, South Dakota, writes; “About three years ago, there came under my left eye a little blotch about the size of a small pea. fit grew rapidly,and f shooting pains ran I in every direction. I became alarmed and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it can- KWtacer, and said that it be cut out. This I would not i.J consent to, having little faith in the Indiscriminate uee of the knife. Read ing of the many cures made by S. S. 8., I determined to give that medicine a trial, and ad ter I had taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and began to discharge- This after awhile eeased, leaving a small scab, which finally dropped Off, and only a healthy little scar remained to mark the place where the destroyerhad held full sway. A Real Blood Remedy. Cancer i* in the blood and it is folly boexpect an operation tocure it. S.S.S. [guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real remedy for every d isease of t he bl ood. Books mailed free address Swift Spe cific Co., Atlanta, WOgr WF PERSONAL MEN . Two nice cottages for rent, well located. Apply to Lloyd & Co. Mrs. Ella Walker, of East Rome is visiting friends of Cave Spring. For prescriptions correctly compounded, while you wait, call at Wooten’s. Miss Annie Pruden is expected home Saturday from Murphy, N. C.—Dalton Citizen. For choice cuts of finest fresh meats to be had on the market call on Moore & Reese. Moore & Reese now offfer the trade the very iinist fresh meats ta be had on the market. New crop 'Tetley’s tea direc from New York City. No old stock on hand. Lloyd & Co. Recorder M. B. Eubanks went up to Plainville yesterday on important legal business . Go to Wooten’s drug store in the Lew Clark building for care fully compounded prescriptions. Mr. A. B Eubanks, a | opu lar yeung man from Cave Spring, spent yesterday in the city. Fancy bleached Celery, new Cranberries, delicious table Butter and other good things at Lloyd’s. Mr. T. 11. Booze, of Cedar town, was in the city shaking hands with his many friends yesterday. Miss Rebecca Wofford will go to to Rome next week on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Harry Rawlins Cartersville News. Mrs. John Waid and son from near Rome are visiting the fami lies of Mr. Nat Dunahoo and Mr. W. L. Goodwin. —Cartersville News. Mrs. T. R. Garlir.gton with her bright little son, Julius Algernon Peek, is here from Rome visituig her father, Capt. J. A. Peek. — Cedartown Standard. B. I. Hughes, cashier of the First National bank of Rome and one of the cleverest men in Geor gia, was in town Tuesday on busi ness.— Calhoun Times. Mrs. Charles T. Jervis,after a delightful week spent at the hospitable home of her father in-law, near Calhoun, arrived home yesterday afternoon. The firm of Camp & O’Rear is this day (Aug. 27, 1898) dis solved. All parties indebted to them will not pay unless both namts, S. D. Camp and J. M. O’Rear, are signed to the bills. Miss Addie Braden, one of Rome’s pretty girls is spending the week with her brother, H. T. Braden of this place, Miss Addie, has many friends here who are de lighted at her visit. —Trion Her ald . Editor Shropshire, the other half of “the twins,” who-e facile sabers make the columns of the Coosa River News scinti late, paid the Rome Hustler- Comjnercial a pleasant call yes terday. A Proud Young Papa.— Without a doubt, Mr. J. Edward Dean, the popular and success ful young lawyer, is the proud est as well as the happiest citizen in the city today. Mr. Dean will watch the quotations of the par egoric market with great inter est. The young arrival is a beautiful boy and will soon be junior member in his father’s law firm. FOR LICKING A DOG New York,24. —Matthew Sul livan, having kicked Actor Wil liam Silbor’s dog at Second avenue and Twenty-third street 1 todav,was hit on the head with a pitcher by Silbor, when the two had boarded a car, and will die, GOUTY GUI ran The Female Physician Ki/r --dered Miss Gill. : - •4 DISMEMBERED THE GOOY And Placed the Grewsome Pieoos In a Mill Pond. Bridgeport, Conn , Sept. 24. —Supt. of Police Birmingham has issued a statement in which he announces the complete un raveling of the Yellow Mill pond murder mystery. The superintendent says Dr. Nancy Guilford caused the death of Emma Gill by a crimi nal operation, asserts that the body was dismembered in a bath tub at the Guilford house, and names Harry Oxley as an accomplice to the extent of be ing iesponsible for the condi tion of the girl and consenting to a criminal operation. Coke oliepper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME G-AS CO. DIAMOND CARNIVAL. To be Held in Macon, October 11th —14th 1898. On account of the Diamond Jubilee Carnival to be held a at Macon, Ga., October 11 th—l4th 1898, the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets from all points on its line between Merid ian, Birmingham, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Morristown and in termediate points to Macon, Ga, and return at one fare forth e round trip. Tickets will be sold October 10, 11, 12 and 13th with a final limit O tober 15th to return, while from points within a radius of 150 miles in the states of Alabama and Georgia, tickets will be sold at something less than one fare for the round trip, on October 11th 12th and 13th, with final limit to return October 14th. There will be many attrac tions in Macon on this occasion, and those taking advantage of these reduced rates cannot fail to enjoy themselves. For further information call on Southern Railway Ticket Agent. CHAT EROM OVER THE SEA. The now Italian cruiser Puglia has been launched at Taranto. The French Government denies that it will send re-enforcements to Maj. Marchand, at Fashoda, on Nile. Colomnia has severed all rela tions with Italy bjeause of the latter’s alleged arbitrary action in the Cerrutti affair. A lone robber held up tl.ft man ager in the Victoria Bank at Penn hurst, Aiis'ralia, and robbed the place of S3OOO. A large Bank at Hamburg, Ger many is said to 000 in consquence of advances made on forged secu ies' Chile gives Argentina five days in which to accept unrestricted arbitration of the bcundary dis pute, but the latter’s President says there will be no war. Five foreign sailors and one Ger man engaged in a seriaus mutiny o i board the German war ships Christine, in the bar i Knob Japan. They will be court-marti aled,