The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 26, 1898, Image 4

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10,000 RUSSIAN Soldiers Offered by Tire Czar to China ▼HE EMPEROR'S BROTHER Condemned, But Protected by English. Hot Times in China London, Sept. 26.—A special dispatch from Shanghai says that Kang Yu Wei, the emper or’s brother, has been arrested in Peking and condemned to death. The dispatch also states that Sir Claude MacDonald, the British minister, gaye instruc tions that Kang Yu Wei should be protected from arrest. The British consulate holds his baggage and documents re ferring to state secrets. The Russians are incensed at the lat ter fact, and it is reported that Russia has offered the dowager empress the services of 10,000 troops from Port Arthur to keep order in Peking if necessary. It is stated that the British fleet in Chinese waters has been divided between Taku and Shan Haik Wan under orders to inter* cept Russian transports in tbe event of an effort to land troops. The Times’ Shanghai corres pondent telegraphs : “On the arrival of Kang Yu Wei at We Hung he was placed for safety on board the steamer Ballarat, which sails for Hong Kong tomorrow. In the course of an interview yesterday he in formed me that he left Peking on Tuesday in compliance with a secret message from the em peror warning him of his dan ger and urging him to obtain assistance from those interested in the country’s welfare. He further stated that recent events were entirely due to the action of the Manhu party, headed by the dowager empress and Viceroy Yung Ti, and in cluding all the high Manhu offi cials. The latter were displeased by the emperor’s leaning toward the reform party, and decided to rectore the regency of the dowager. “The dowager empress’ party is bound by an understanding with the Russians whereby the latter, in consideration of the support of the Russian interests, undertake to preserve Manchu ria as the seat of th# dynasty and to maintain Manchurian rule in China. “In pursuance of this compact the gradual substitution of Man cinis in all high offices and mili tary commands began last year under the direction cf the dow ager, thus creating sources of friction with the emperor, whose dethronement was frequently threatened. The present move ment is entirely Manchu as op posed to Chinese. “The influence of Li Hung Chang is now subordinate to thatof Yung Tu and is likely to decrease. “The Emperor’s health is ex cellent, and his capacity for work and eagerness for progress are remarkable. His majesty is convinced, however, that it will be impossible to overcome the opposition without the assist ance of England, which he en deavored to obtain for his recent progressive measures. “Kang Yu Wei urges that Englant now has an opportuni ty to intervene and restore the emperor to his throne, by doing which, he asserts, she will earn the gratitude of the Chinese people. He also observes .that unless protection is afforded to the victims o f the coup dfitat, it will be impossible henceforth for any native official to support British interests. ” The Daily Telegraph’s Hong Kong correspondent, wiring Sunday, says: “Although there is ndpositive confirmation, all the evidence tends to the conviction that the emperor is dead. A private dis patch says he died Sept. 21, di rectly he issued the edict giving the dowager the regency. No body doubts that Yang and Chang Yen Hoon, who was minisier at Washington in 1895, are both innocent of tbe charge of poisoning the emperor. ’’ LADIES FINEISAILORS. Go to Lanham & Sons and get one of those fine sailors they are selling so cheap. They are ac tually worth SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and some even more, yet they are selling choiqe for 50 cents. Horse doctors and kid sur geons have played the “Old Harry’’ with the United States Volunteer soldiers. 24ENT STAMP! Will send a letter to any J*** - point in Uncle Sam's big 4 domain.| For this very reason, if you are sick, sore or suffering, this very trifling outlay ~ May Save Your lif A I Here's just how LllU I is- V°u can write a plain letter, can’t you? Well, it will take just two cents to carry it to tl« “Washingioß Medical & Surgical Institute. Atlanta, Cwrgia,” And the famous specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came in per to the city. This is no mistake. They are do g it every <lay. They now have patients in all the adjoining States, of them hundredl of miles away, and their cures tire simply won* derfiil. CURES PKTVE AND r n r r I CONS'.L.ATION t Hlll In ever- forniity of Spine or Limbs, Club Foot, Hare ' , Cross Eyes and other surgical cases, also in al forms of Bkin and Blood disorders,Rheuma tism. Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose. Throat, Lungs, Stomach or any vital organ, Liver, Kid nay and _ Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak nesses of either m< n or women, diseases of the sexual pai ts and every other bodily affliction that highly trained specialists alone can deal with. Write freely It costs yon nothing If we un dertake your case we shall send you question blank for full particulars. If your case is curable bv human skill and perfect science WE SHALL CURB IT. That first 2-cent stamp may save your life. All letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE. 500-1 Austell Bldg., Atlanta. (la Western & Atlantic R. R. (SAITLCnriDS Lusty AMD » Mashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway TO . . ") CHATLANOOGA, x NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS W ST. LOUIS. UULLMAN PAI ace buffet sleeping cam JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA . .10 . . NASHVILLE and ST. I OILS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. local Sleepers between Atlanta and Chat- tancoga. Cheap Emigrant r.ales io Arkansas and Texaa. Excursion iit keis to California and Col orado Resorts. lor Maps, folders, Sleays-rg Car Reservation and any information ab iui. Ra*«s, Stbeouies, etc., write or apply to r. B. V ALKfR, J. A.’HOMAS, » Ticket Agont, 'kketArsnt, r*- Umov Depot, No. 8 klmba.l House, ATLANTA GA. C. /WR, .J. L. EDMONDSON, ’.A., I .eke t Acent. Ch.itte .moga, Rome, uc. lerwi ,9S. M. CROWN, c;; .s. S. KARMAN. Traffic Manager, Cei ‘?ass. AflL. v Al LANTA, f.L GETS ULTIMATUM ' A- ' ■ Powers Wearti of Tifrkish Tomfoolishness . UNO HAVE DETERMINED To Pacify Crate If They Must Force The Dardanelis Rome, Sept. 26 —Within twen ty-four hours Great Britain, Rus sia, France and Italy will append their signatures to an agreement for the pacification of the Island of Crete, including a plan for coer cion of the sultan into subm’ssion. The scheme has for some time been drafted, but its enforcement was delayed to invite the partici pation of Germany, which country declined. At the beginning of this week the four powers will send an ultima tum to the Sultan of Turkey sum moning him to accept the project and informing him that unless he does so measures will be taken to enforce his compli’nce, The pow era have irrevocably decided to settle the Cretan questljn immedi ately, and will not hesitate to ,end their fleets to the Dardanel les and beyond if necessary. ARGENTINA READY FOR WAR’ Boundary Dispute With Chili May Be Submitted. Buenos Ayres, Sept. 26. —An agreement between Chili and Ar- i gentina to submit the boundary | dispute between the two ccuutries to arbitration has been signed The senate has sanc’ioned the mobilization of 50,000 troops, as voted by tbe Chamber. PASTEUR FILTERS The onh G-erm ; Proof Filter in the I' world. Makes water pure and cletr for ' sale by The Hanson : Supply Co I SOUTHERN OA RAILWAY.' Coadenaed Schedala la Effect July 6, ISOS. STA~TIown. I No. lO~No.~id"j~lf6~~l Lv Chattanooga........ 6.30 am l.sipm 10.10 pm Vr Dalton T.ftlum M2pmi V- lOaip Er Rome DOOftm 9.40 pm 1 .MM tr Atlanta 11.-|oarn 11.50 pm, 5.00 am r ,v Atlanta 4.20 pm 1| s'-pm| 5.20 an» 1 Xr Macon 7.10 pm 2.05 am! 8.20 am ' kr Jesup «. 45am -3.38 pm 1 \r Everett 7.25 am 3.25 pm ■ w Jacksonville ........ 9. -Warn! 8.25 pm ■' .v Jesup 7.7 William 4.56 pm '' Vr Jacksonville... 2 loooin.lo.lspm I , wv F rerott T.iloain IjOpm 1 i kr Brunswick -- --n 8.30 am i 4.30 pm . No. 10 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chat- I -•nuoga to Atlanta. j * No. 14 curries Pullu an Sleeping Car and Day loaches Cha la louga “*» Jacksonville and At- I anta to Brunswick. No. 8 earl lag I’qlllD#’ Sleeping Car Chatta <oogu to Atlanta Si a rrbNg? [ No. 13 | Na 6 I No. f” Lv Admit* 4.Boam' LOOpmjtMtam ’ Ar Rome 6.3oaiD ,4.25 pm 10.20 um , tr Dalton 7.22 am 7.34|Mn41.30am Ar Chattanooga 8.40 am 8.50pm 1 I.oopm ’ '.v Chattanooga 8.55 am 9.10 pm \r Burdin .... 4.29 pm , Xr Lexington 5.10 pm 4.50 am , \r Louisville 750 pm 7.soam' ~ ’ Ar 1 'inclnuatf • v Chattanooga. K . T7 t.Qftpm I.lsam'TsSpm • Xr Nashville . 6,55 pm 8 4<mm 6.xxpm t No. 13 carrle Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta | - xj Chattanooga an 1 Chattanooga to Cincinnati, a No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta , o Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. s STATIONS. Nv. rt. i No. 12 1 No. t£ * Lr Chattanooga 8.40 am! 4.ioam"io ftpm « kr Knoxville 1155 am 8.05 am 1. loam « tr Morrist >Wn 1.21 pm 9.souin 2.25 am e kr Hot Springs 3 13pm! 11.4 flam 4.00 am K \r AshevtHe 4.35 pm 1.15 pm 5.10-ain , tr Salisbury 6.40 pm 9.30:.m « Art;reonsboro. 9.5.’pm 12.10 pm m Arßaleigl. 1.40 am; s.23pm g Ar Norfolk 7 ..Oarpl . , Ar Wa h1ngt0n......... ...... 6.42aml 0.85 pm • AT New York 1 12.43pni[ 4.23 am No. 12 carries Pullman Drawing Ko >m Sleeps ■ Ing Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe- ! vllle and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich- • .nond 640 a m nisi; Pullman Sleeping Car 2 'Jrecnsboro to Norfolk. < No 16 is solid train Chattanooga to Salts, bury, with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattauoox'a 'o Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. ■ stations. ~ No. 4 No. T J Lv Chattanooga 5.00 pm 78.40 am 2 Ar Knoxville. ~,, B.4>pm 11.55 am Ar Morrist .wn 2 15am 1.23 pm ' Ar Bristol 7.00 am 3.55 pm 2 Ar Washington 7.40 am 5 Ar New York ... 1.20 pm ■ No. 6. ourries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta aooga bi Washinrt >q and Chattan. og* tb New 4 York without change. > No 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Knox- v rille to Brl tol. « stations! ~ *■■” 1 yto7iy * Lv Rome 4. iuam > Ar Anniston I 11.21 am I Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm I Ar Selma 355 pm ! Ar Meridian 7.30 pm « Ar New Orleans 10.30 am Ar Jackson . - ,7„ .. ... . ’,T“, j-45»m 2 Ar Vicksburg H.3sam Ar Shreveport.......... 7.20 pm 5 tNo. 15 i (No. 4 I |tKa, 18~ffio. 10 2 ‘2.oopm 4.50 pm J,v Rome ar 8.50 em 8 35am 4 4.40 pm 6.57 pm Ar Gwd-den. ar B.ooam ABi’um s J.QUpm; 7. lopmiAr Atkalla. Jvi 5.46»m| »xoa,a « ♦ Dally except Sunday. | Sunday only. 2 r. S. GANNON, 3d VP. * U.M., WaehlngMa. D.Q « J. M CULP. Traf M«r., WesblngUra D. a 3 w a TURK. G. Jf. WaeklactM. D. G I <i Ga. BEN SCOT aa,» •.KA.XABMMMn.Traa 1 *w#w**«**#im***#*w« Mir |FT 11? £ « I I * THE SUMMER HAS * * PASSED AND GONE | * IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETI DAY | * AND HAVE YODR NEGATIVE MADE! * * I ||YOTT g| H. 3 ' ■ B 5 saKNOWp / /Hl | g TH EBLJIS3 07 'WOljlf M * B » WI Ifc' 0 E * B M g gm K Igw YOU ARE y COSDUUI i INVITED * K w w g « pi wi *B I * % H J. ®. kandeaster- S * ri [/ji £ ™L ■_ ' "±j.l Iftff S