The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 27, 1898, Image 4

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rHEJUSTLER-COMMtRCI* ehustlerofrome I Established, I*9o. ROME COMMERCIAL Established. - tiaed every evening, except Saturday. Sandav and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. Offic* Wilkerson Block. Third Avenue Gen. Miles will not use his bath tub to make whitewash in. The most shocking thing in trusts is the recent electrical combine. It is the duty of every Demo crat to go to the polls and vote the straight party ticket. John Sherman, poor fellow, is too busy practicing his cough ing just now to go out and play with tho Ohio McKissonites. The main business of the American end of the Paris Peace Commission seems to be to ar range for foreclosure on the the Philippines. Concerning this talk of Jama ica becoming a part of the Un ion pronounced expansionists say its rum is better than its company. —Albany Herald. The Porto Rican evacuation commissioners hate nearly played the game out, while the Cuban commissioners are just commencing to shuttle the cards. If the typhoid germlet had turned out to be as harmless as the torpedo boatlet, Sternberg’s fly suspects would never have been enabled to figure in the role of great discoverers. The Illinois woman who was divorced and married within 20 minutes doesn’t believe in wast ing between nuptial knots' Her grass-widowhood was too short to be photographed. The Anglo-maniacs on this side can quit walking stiff-leg ged. Wales’ knee cap has be come suple enough for him to bend it without pain whenever he attends family prayers. The Spanish papers are filling the space made available by the censored news and editorials to enlighten their readers on the many good remedies for mos quito bites, on cooking receipts snd on toothache ern es. Alger says he has nothing to conceal. Perhaps he has already concealed it, but the chances are that the investigating com mittee will bring it from its hiding place.—Americus Her old. The Vidalia Star says Allen D. Candler will feceive 99 out of every 100 votes cast in Mont gomery county. Is there anoth er county in Georgia that can make such a splendid showing for Democracy? In order to be any service to the people, legislators should have knowledge as well as in tegrity. An honest, though ig nogant, man is almost as great a stumbling block as a smart rascal.—A mericus Recorder. A Texas Rough Rider made an honest confession in New ork the other day. He says that being a natural born gam bler, and having confidence in his abilities in that line, he joined Roosevelt's regiment in the hope of “getting a whack” at some of the * ‘howlin’ swells of New York,’” who had joined the troopers. “Did you gei you’ whach?” he was asked. “ Yep.” I ••How did it pan out? ’ “'Well,’ replied the Texan, “I’m busted, and guess I’ll have to walk home.” k ■. Now that this is all over, women war correspondents who were in the campaign of Santia go are beginning to be heard from for the first time. Miss Anna Northend Benjamin, a Southern girl, is the latest of these, and she is going to lecture about her experiences to various women’s clubs throughout the New England and Middle States. She was actively in the cam paign, and to judge from the difficulties she surmounted in getting to the front her silence while there—or, at least, her anonymity—was due to a fear that she might be sent away. One of the innumerable spe cial dispatches now coming from Manila is to the effect that Agumaldo is only holding out to be bought. It is not credible, however, that he is looking to the Americans for a purchaser, as he knows then pretty well by this time and realizes that they are too shrewd to buy any thing that will not stay bought. He ought to suggest a lease, with quarterly payment. Ras Makonnen, who com manded the Abyssinian army that thrashed the existence out of the Italian army severa’ months ago, is with Captain Marchand at Fashoda. If Sir Herbert Kitchener concludes to mix matters with the Frenchman Ras will find nothing noodish or macaronish about the Britisher. He will certainly find before the daggoes that he is not monkey ing with an organ crank. If the London Diily Mail is correct in its announcement that the Rothschilds will loan Spain four or fiv million pounds on the security of the Almaden quicksilver minov soon as peace is concluded, the rumored determination of Weyler and many others like him who ha u e fastened at the public crib, to leave their native land and live elsewhere, will probably be re considered. The improvidence of the aver age American beggar is shown by the fact that when Tori, a well known Italian professional mendicant, died last year there were found hidden away in his rooms bank books, securities and gold and silver amounting col lectively to the value of upwards of 2,000,000 francs, or $400,000. j; a marvel how V men will risk their ’ agyjy lives by sheer neglect. • ~ They sleep away entirely ' M $ oblivious of the danger ’ creeping upon them. Men I, :<aj> can hardly be made to re / alise that a little sput tering spark of disease 17k \Ak which might be stamp- A sLXatLJkA c d out * n an instant • Smay mean death if it 'sLi^Ji s allowed to keep on. J Dyspepsia, con- i’} / RAVTT AA sitpation and Ek/ la?, I liver complaint f \ \ se cm like trifling -7 T i \ \ matters but they -Ji 111 \ \ W *U eventually *•' nl '/ ' \ \ wreck the con- ■ ». _ < s t i t ut i o n as , surely as a ' spark will blow up a keg of V- > 'L>..powder. X-, »• If your health is not strong , S and vigorous it is a simple C|/ x and sensible thing to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief con ( suiting physician to the In valids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. ¥.. and obtain from him and his staff of eminent specialists, without charge, professional advice which will enable you to put your constitution on a solid basis of health and strength forth with. before these ailments have a chance to reduce you to a physical wreck. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is acknowledged as the most wonderful med icine ever devised for those diseases which are caused by imperfect action of the liver and digestive organs. Mr. F. M Robinett of Xenophon, Haneock Co . Tenn . says in a letter to Dr Pierce: “ I can heartily recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovers' for indigestion and torpid liver. I tried different doctors with but little result I could scarcely eat anything—it would put me in such dreadful distress in my stomach. I had a dull aching pain in my stomach, and continual hurting tadmui my shoulders, bad taste in my mouth, tongue coaled brown, had faint spells with a tired worn-out feeling I took eleven bottles of * Golden Medical Discovery ' and re ceived great benefit. lam now able to work. If it had not been for this wonderful remedy I be- Jieve I would not be living today.” The most difficult diseases to cure are those which are aggravated by constipation. In such cases Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be taken in conjunction with the “Discovery" They never gripe, Allgood dealer* sell them. Ike Bayal to ttea hl® beet gra4« SaUag paefa kaaa a. Actaal teata ekaw It gaaa aaa ttM toolbar thaa ear atkar Dill |OY4| &AKIHO POWDER Abeolutoly nir* Mtu FOWMX M., MW va*K. Gov. Pingree has been nomi nated on a platform which in dorses Alger’s administration of the War Department as being efficient and without guile. “Ping” will have to repudiate that bug, or it will destroy his political potato patch before the campaign is over. After all the glorification the English have been heaping up on Sir Herbert Kitchener for his wonderful military achieve ments it turns out that he was born and bread in Ireland. The Irish played that same trick on the English about Gen. Wolse ley and the Duke of Wellington. If all the Democrats will take time to go to the polls and vote the straight party ticket on Oc tober sth, we will return a Dem ocratic majority of which the county may well be proud. Do not be apathetic in this matter, it takes but a few minutes of your time and you owe it to the party. Ig Donnelly and Whait Bark er are both early political birds with dreamy appetites. They expect to catch numerous worms during the two years they are running at the head of the Mid dle-of-tbe-Road ticket. Ig and Whart will have succeeded in storing awav a vm». iiedhunger by the time the 1000 election rolls around. Giovanni Segantini, the fa mous Italian painter, whose “At the Barrier” created such a stir and sold for $20,000, began life as a swine herder. At the age of 7 he set out to walk to France, but was persuaded by some peas ants he met to go with them. He tended their swine till he was 15 years old, when he work ed hie way to Milan. He studied at night and worked by day. Now he is at the head of the modern painters of Italy, if not of the world. APHORISMS. Doubt whom you will, but never doubt yourself.— A good intention clothes itself with power.—Emerson. The more we study the more we discover our ignorance,— Shelley. Doing good is the only certain ly happy action in a man’s life, Sir Philip Sidney. Blessings ever wait on vir tuous deeds, and though a late, a sure reward succeeds.—Con greve. True dignity is never gained by place and never lost when honors are withdrawn.—Mas singer. In character, in manners, in style, in all things, the supreme t is simplicity.—Long fellow. The best manner of avenging ourselves is by not resembling him whom has injured us.— Jane Porter. If there is any person to whom you feel dislike, that is the per »on of whom you ought never to speak. —Cecil, ' We never enjoy perfect happi ness ; our most fortunate suc cesses are mingled with sadness ; some anxieties always perplex the reality of our satisfaction Corneille. BELOVED IN BOTH SEC TIONS “Winnie” Davis was beloved of all southerners, as a woman peculiarly representing their region, its civilization and its culture. But she was not less beloved by all those who had the privilege of knowing her at the north, where her name had come to represent the restoration the good will, the truly, national feeling which in this new war of ours has found so fitttng an expression in the fighting of southerner and northerner side by side—in the heroic touching of elbows between men born under the palmetto and men born under the j ins.—New York World. PHUNNY GRAPHS. He—l wouldn’t cry, dear. She —You don’t know what you would do if you had a new $3 handkerchief.—Boston Trans cript. She—“ You know you married me for ray beauty.” He—“Of course I did, but I had no idea you would turn out to be so dis agreeably intelligent.”—Cincin nati Enquirer. “Pa, what are the dogs of war?” “Well, you mother’s fine poodle and that mongrel pup next door.”—Detroit Free Press ‘Pa,” said Tommy, “what is an interested observer?” “That,” replied the patriotic parent, “is what Spain will be at the Paris peace conference.” —Philadelphia North American.] Doctor—That’s a bad razor cut in yoqr head Rastus. Why don’t you profit by this lesson and keep out of bad company? Rastus—Ah would doctah, but Ah ain’t got no| money toe git er divorce.—Life, “What did your wife say to you when you got home from I the club ot such an unearthly hour this morning?’' “Oh, ask me something easy?” ‘What would you call some thing easy?” “Well, yoi might ask me what she faihd to say.” Chi- cago Evening Post. Small Boy 'looking up from I history)—“Papa, the union sol diers were pad sl3 a month. Seems to me Hat’s awful small when a congreisman is paid sl3 a day. Why ail’t soldiers paid as much as a congressman?” my son, do not fix their ovn salaries.”— P New York Weejly, Mrs. Hayrick*—lt says here in the paper, Silk, that this war has served to br|g the people of our country tjoaer together. Do you think tilde’s any truth in it? Mr. Hayricks-IYes. When I looked into the pHor last night, Lieut. Stripling ad our Annie were setting a gofi deal closer I together than I tier seen ’em afore he wi nt awi. Horse Dealer-AVel], John, how about that hde I sold you? Was he quiet enolh? Undertaker—Mil, sir, he did give us a little troble at first. We put him in onetf the mourn, coaches, you knodand parties don’t like to be ®ok up in their grief. But 4ve put him in the hearse nk and we haven’t heard anylmplaint s: far —Household \>ds. • ITEMS OF INTEREST. There are about 350 female blacksmiths in Great Britain. The output of the coal mines of Wyoming is double this year what it was last. The Congregationalists have one minister to every 114 mem bers of their churches. The longest span of telegraph wire in the world is in India, over the river Kistna. It is over 6,000 feet in length. Col Robert G. Ingersol is said to receive more invitations to deliver funeral orations than any clergyman in the country. Li Hung Chang has appoint ed two Chinese women to be delegates to the international congress of women n*xt year in London. A rose bush bearing blossoms of five different colors was one of the principal attractions at Belfast, Me., flower garden this summer. Annual Sales overo,ooo,ooo Boxes FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS »uch a* Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Giddiness. Fulness after meals, Head ache. Dizzinoss, Drowsiness, Flushings of Heat, Lwss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferei will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BKKCIIAM’S PII.UB, taken as direct ed. will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure sick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine in the World, 25a. at all Drug Stores. YOUNG LADY GRADUATES Os the Rome Business College are thoroughly prepared for stenographic and office work; they are found capable when they go into business prac tice; they re ceive high I comm enda- ’ tions from! their employ- 1 ers as being capable and experienced. Rome business College enjoys the largest enrollment of pupils it has had in its history. There will be thousands of vancancies this fall to fill. Young men and ladies will do well to enter here land prepare for thorough com mercial work. H. S. Shockley, Princpial. LM>tJ."gL2 _ »_ SPAIN’S GRE ATEST NEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Garcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had cans- ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, ah'pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies th blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Curry, Arring on, druggists. TAX NOTICE, The last half of tax for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of fice at the city hall and settle. Sept. 16th 1898. j Halsted Smith, Clerk Council. < HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dol lars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenev for the last 15 years, and believe him to be financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Beware of Imitations ‘CfUCY Amwv* VOML ST LOUIS. MO. AND RETURN On account of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellow* (colored,) St. Louis, Mo., October 4-10, 1898, the Southern railway will «wll round trip tickets at the very low rate of $16.85, 'lickets on sal* October 2, 8 and 4th with tin al limit returning October 18tb, 1898. See that your ticket reade* via the Southern railway. Finest traiua quickest time. J. N. Hakr:bor, C, T. A. The Indianapolis News wants t.i make a match between Hob son and Miss Helen Gould. PWISSMII ClfiDS ATTORNEYS. J. BRA.NHAM, Law Office 200, Bast First ♦ CHAS W. UNDERWOOD A rtornay at Law, Ro •' Crnporaion Law Only, W. J. NB3KL. Attorney at law. Will practice fn all oca ria. Special attentiou given to commercial law and the examlcatlon ct laud titles, office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.'s. LIPSCOMB IWILLINOMAM Commercial Lawyers. Office in Armstrong hotel building, Rome. «a M. B EUBANKS, Attorney at law. OflieeKlng Buildiag. Rome, ua. w H. ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all coarta Office, Masonic Temple. Rome, Ga. J SANTA CR.WFO * D Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Colleettoiui * specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSES V RIGHT. HARPKR HAMII.TOM WRIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 14 I’ostoffice Building DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S.„ Office 340 1-3 Broad. * Over Cantrell A Owe* J. L. PENNINGTON. D.D S..M.D. . KNTIST-i Office, 305 1-g Broad street. Over Hank* *“ ur ■ i lure Co. PHYSICIANS? O HAMILTON, M D- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. Off ce ‘phone No. M. L» F HAMMONO. M- D- , Physician and Surgeon, .Office In Medina. 1 building. Residence, No. 408 West FlnVek •9 ’phoNo. 6 . » j