The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 27, 1898, Image 6

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OFIFGIAL TICKET For The Democrats of Floyd County. READ IF CAREFULLY And When You go to The Polls Vote it Straight- Hon. F. G. dußignon, chair man for tile democratic state executive committee of Georgia tends the following official ticket to the Hustler-Commercial, For county officers, the Hus tler-Commercial has filled in names of the nominees of Floyd county, making the lull official democratic ticket for state and county. THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Official Ballot as prepared by the State Committee. Governor: Allen D. Candler. Secretary of State . Philip Cook. Comptroller General : William A. Wright. State Treasurer : William J. Speer. Attorney General: Joseph M. Terrell. Commissioner of Agriculture O. B. Stevens. State School Commissioner: G. R. Glenn. Prison Commissioner .- Joseph S. Turner. Chief Justice of Supreme Court: Thomas J. Simmons. Associate Justice of Court for * Full Term of Six Years : William 11. Fish. Associate Justice of Supreme Court for Unexpired Term of Two Years: Henry T. Lewis. Senator for the 42nd Senatorial District: R. T. Fouche. Representative in the House of Representatives : W. C. Bryan. ‘J. L. Johnson. 11. A. Denny. For ratification of the amend ment of uaragraph 2 of section 3 artcle 6 of the constitution (for election of judges of superior courts by the people.) ■Against the ratification of amendment of paragraph 2 of section 3, article 6 of the con stitution (against election} of judges of superior courts by the people.) For ratification of amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3, article 6 of the constitution (for election of judges of superior courts by the people.) Against ratification of the amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3, artcle 6 of the consti tution (against election of judges of superior courts by the people.) For ratification of amendment - • of paragraph 1 of section 11 of article 6 of the constitution (for election of solicitors general by the people.) Against ratification of amend ment of paragraph 1 of section 11 of artcle 6 of the constitution (against election of solictors general by the people.) Clerk of Superior Court: D. W. Simmons, Sheriff: Ed. Camp. Receiver of Tax Returns: J. N. Crozier. Tax Collector : V. T. Sanford. County Treasurer: J. B. Hill. County Surveyor: J.T. Moore. Coroner: F. H. Schlapbach. RMS HEGIJYIEMT rias Lost Twenty-eight Men While in Cuba. CAVALRY FOR ALA3AJUA. Five Regiments Ordered From Camp Wikoff. Guantanamo, Cuba, Sept, 26. —Two deaths from yellow fever, one from pneumonia and twen ty-five believed to have been caused from malaria, are report ed to have occurred since Aug., 20th, among Col. Ray’s troops of the Third Volunteers, num bering 640 now here, lhe con dition of the troops is improv ing. Yesterday the meu were given fresh meat, a number of head of cattle having been purchased by Col. Ray at $75 each, Gen. Parez and 3000 Cuban tfoops have arrived and are re ceiving rations. They are wait* ing instructions from the junta to disband. • The city, it is believed, has less than 1,000 rations/ and the condition of the country is bad, owing to the lack of clothing and supplb s. These people are not allowed, tn entor the city. They are in need of medicines and treat ment and the aid of the Red Cross is wanted. CAVALRY FOR ALABAMA. Five Regiments are Under Orders to Move From Camp Wikoff. Camp Wikoff, Montauk Point, N. Y., Sept. 25. One death was reported from (fie hospital today, Arthur L. Kaufman, company M, Eighth Ohio, of typhoid fev er. There are now 423 patients in the hospital. Fifty of the pa tients are in a dangerous condi tion. Gen. Wheeler expects to leave camp tomorrow. The cavalry are all under orders to go to Ala bams. The orders include the First, Second, Sixth, Ninth and Tenth, and supersede the orders directing some of these regi ments to other points . Mr. M. G. Williams, of At lanta. is in the city today. Woman’s Friend The Great Medicine tfiat Give? Nerve Strength Hood’s Sarsaparilla Makes ths Blood Rich and Pure, Creates nn Appetite and Restores lioa’th, Vigor and Vitali y. “I feel that I ought to write a few words in praise of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which has done great thingj for me. 1 was in a delicate condition and we-> sick at my stomach and const!] ntcd. I ' 'cd remedies highly recommended for female weaknesses, but tho medivinos .brought on other troubles. I was so weak 1 could not attend to my household duties, and I then determined to try Hood’s Sar saparilla. After I bad taken this medicine a short time I began to gain strength. I Crew Stronger Eacfj Day until I was ablo to work all day without any inconvenience, I l ive tskou Hood’s Pills for constipation, and I am better to day than I have been for five years, Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills I feel rested in the morning. I am Ices nervous and am sure I hare richer and purer blood. I have always been bothyed with scrofula, but now I am rid of it. Before my last child was born I took Hood’s Bamparfli*, and my girl baby was fat and strong, while my other child was not well and lived to be only two years old.” MBA, E, F. Deal, Box 413, Missouri Valley, lowa. Hood’ S parilia * s tbsbest—lnfant the One True Blood Purifier. Phi* jre|W*rvw<aHe.ear» ■ .lUOU S I Ji IB full/ prepare. « c ««t» THE ARCHDEACON In A Sermon In Philadelphia Scores Management OF BHICKMAUGfI CAdP J Relates Observation Os Camp Horrors. Philadelphia, Sept. 26. —Rev. Cyrus L. Brady, archdeacon of the Protestant Episcopal church of Eastern Pennyslvania and chap lain of the Ist Pennsylvania Vola,, in a sermon last-night severely criticised the management ot the Volunteer camps which came un der his supervision at Chicka mauga, where his regiment was stationed. He said the medica'. commissary, quartermaster and ordnance departments were all to blame and continued thus-: “1 personally saw men left in hospital* in eamps for thirty-six hours without any medical atten dance whatever. “I saw men in those hospitals suffering from fever with the rain beating down upon them. "“I saw men committed to th“ care of unskilled attendants whin it was absolutely impossible for them to receive anything like the attention they deserved. ‘•I saw men suffering from fever lying with their months open and thAr mouths filled with Hies ” In conclusion, the archdeacon said: “I wonder if I dare, being still in the government service, say more? There is much mire that might be told if it were proper for me to tell it, but perhaps this will suffice. I had not intended to touch upon this phase of our experience at all, but wheu I think that these things have taken place in this, the richest, greatest and presum - ably the most advanced nation on the face of the earth, I cannot hold mv peace.” HAVOC WROUGHT FORMOSA Hundbeps Killed Thousands Os Buildings Destroyed. Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 26. — Floods and tyhoons wrought great damage along the t astern and northern shores of For moso, last month Five thousand buildings were destroyed or rendered unin habitable, and 400 people were killed and injured in the northern district about Taipeh, Formosa's capital. In Taipeh prefecture alone 2079 houses were destroyed and 975 badly damaged, while 140 bodies and 160 injured persons were found among ruined buildings. An offici al investigation, now in progress, is expected to double these figures. Japanese officials have undertaken extensive relief work, though hampered by attacks of Formosa rebels, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The uenuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. SEA SWALLOWS FISHERMEN one Hundred And Twenty Drown ed In Seport Tow ns. Memel, Prussia, Sept. 26 Heavy storms are pervailing in Ba'tic Sea. and 120 fishermen have been drowned between Pulangei and Libau, seaport towns of the province of Con-land. Russia. PLANS FOR OUR ARMY How The Country’s F rues Wil . Stand After Keductu n. Washington. Sept 26 —It is ex pected that the United States for ces, after the volunteers designated for the purpose are mustered, out will consist of about 100,000 vol unte rs and 61,000 regulars. <Jk flflMl l n II II 111 " /I UVaU JU jmi we ; ill 111 Ipl REASON TOGETHBE fF W IK — M FOR JOST fl FEW MINUTES. I You have bought a hpj.y | | stock of goods for the fall trade, | : and of course you secured many I choice bargains for your friends; I I now, here wish ere the I ROME DAILY HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL I | come in and proposes to prove | an invaluable friend, for just as I I yon are reading this so will the I tnousands of people in the Rome | | territory read your announce- I I nt in this paper I WE SEASON I FOR AUi TON HAS NOW A'! 11l VET), I $$ Jk rvi E w o I Mb 41b JL O I 01k* *1 tiH I W i