The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 28, 1898, Image 1

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eighth year smoke a Bill Arp ’ waiters New Brand RSI6HOF TKRROR jiseil Bij One Os Biamt Rulers In CUlia GENERAL Afl ASSASSIN n r ty Victims Slain By Him At Night Huvnn., Sept. 28 - A promir t Spaniard who li if ju*t nrriv- d Espiritu, says that * Spaiibli GHiieral. Ignacio Es uch,'.Min .under! himself with ad sei’B, who indicated to him per nio be killed or exiled, Esrouch ade a list of fifty persons, sub itling it for approval to General guirre, commander of his divi- <♦ Marco Garcia, civil governor or Santa Clara Province, said the kt was not n Table, as all the irsons therein were lojal auto imists. Aguirre returned the list Estruch, who. chagrined at his iltin, formed a secret service )lic“ of twenty-five gendarmes, n e l wi h daggers The black-listed persons were rested by night and slain out* i]h tin city walls, the fam*. i.Rof the missing inquired, E*- uch leplied that they had been nested ami releas d, and bad reliably escaped to the Adds and jmed the rebels. Thu* Estruch Msssinated about thirty person. He was arrested for his crimes, ut was released and sent to the aucaro trocha, not being court- j oarlialed on account of lack of 1 iroof. One of the daggers used by | he Estruch police was presented ,o Captain General Blanco. Among , be persons assassinated were dandido Spalederon. a newspaper man and a mulatto named \ en* t ur a Ca a t an<r<lal. A GIRL THE STAKE Itaiiax Riva .s Played Cards For A Wife—Nearly A Tragedy New York, Sept. 28. —In the Italian quarter of this city a ro. mauce that nearly terminated in murder was enacted yesterday. Geronimo Tacano, 50, and Pas quale Mouglo, 25, loved Theresa Kiense The men finally decided to play a game of cards, the stake to be Theresa. They did and the old mail won. Mougio said Theresa would never marry Tacano any* J way. The old mail diew a revol ver and directed four shots at Mou gio, but missed. A policeman ar resled Tacano Mougio said that ’lheresa loved him and that they would soon marry. PORTUGAL’S AFRICAN LANDS Anglo»German Agreement Piiovi des For Purohas Os Them. London, Sept. 28. —According . to an article in the Fortnightly , Review, the Anglo-German agree- , ment provides in detail for Eng land and Germany to become joint heirs, by purchar, of all the I’ortugues possessions in Africa. Ihe first outcome of this, the pa por, says, will be the leasing of Dslagoa Bay tn England. BUCKLEN’B arnica salve I lie best salve in the world for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by (.lurry Ar rington Co. the l?OME H[IST! FR-COMMERCIAI IKDJY nominated 1 Sauei! by The Slacks at El Caney he Defeats THE BLACKS AT SARATOGA A Rough Rider in New York Politics to Ride the “Tiger ’> Saratoga, Sept. 38.—John James Ingalls said yesterday mornin? that politics is no lon ger one of the exact sciences. Perhaps he had in his hand when he said that, a statement from Thomas C. Platt, showing just how and where Theodore Roesevelt would get in yester day’s convention 753 votes and ► Black 219. Senator Inga Is has just seen Roosevelt get exactly one vote more than Platt predicted and Platt one less. The great scien tist from Tioga lias taught the brilliant theorist from bleeding Kansas a lesson in practical pol itics. If Ingalls would come up here and watch Platt he might get back into the senate again. The vote was over at 7 o’clock last night, and a few minutes later Clerk Kinyon began the roll call. When he got down to Queens gftyufw .Revues‘’At-And ate, and he won in a walk. . RnnQPUAIt Depew nominated Hoose vett ■ in a commonplace speech, in which he tried to show how the | logic of the situation d'emanded I the rough rider. He said Roose velt personified the living issues of these war times, snd he told | in stirring words how Roosevelt I charged up San Juan Hill. I Black was fortunate enough • in his speakers, but he stood for a forlorn hope. Judge R. Rider Cady nominated him, and Sax- | ton and others followed. Little | Abe Gurder, for all these years a devotee of Platt, made a bitter speech against the crucifixion of Black. . . Elihu Root argued the eligi ( bility of Roosevelt. With this , great pillar of the bar, this shin- B ing headpiece of the I nion k League Club, to vouch for him, . Roosevelt stood before the con- vention on sound legal legs. Lauterbach followed weakly B ■ half protesting against, half g ’ consenting to, the butchering of || Black, but it was all hopeless. B Black has made a tight to be I 3 remembered for all tim ’. He B said this afternoon, without a g *. trace of regret or surrender in 1 histone, that he felt that he had | rendered a service of lasting ■ value to republicanism in this ■ state by standing out against | Platt. I Black does not mean to stay I deed. He is young, gallant and ambitions. Roosevelt did gi am. J at El Caney and San Juan, but he is made of no bettei stu than Black, who faced the ( strongest machine and the . strongest sentiment the state has ever known with'.ut flinching ] and went down like a man. ’ TO CURE A COLD IN ONE day ’ Take Laxative B.omo Quinine 1 Tablets All tlrnsgi’lß refund s the money if it fails to cure. -«>c. ■' The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. ROME GEORG a, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 28,1898. FALL OPENING LANHAM’S HEW STORE Eli BROAD SI Thursday and Friday September 29 & 30, AND SATURDAY OCT. IST. of our new sbC3 e ' days we will open the doors line of Fall and inter’” ° ™ ™ affnificent DR Y GOODS, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY Not an old piece of goods/ The showing. Everythin** hp« . i < . I hope every lady in and around (me Will come and see the display/” ” " iH astoMish - We For this opening we havrepared especially low prices and .. I high prices at opening and thetit down afterward. We have mi i e,u * 0 I ''“‘Se the old custom of in the house at cut prices for tipening. CUt befo,e «>'* after. Everything I= = - I In sT n't ° f r £mbr ° idery a ‘ OPeZ = A ' C '' ess for ,he °P'"tag down as low as 45 cent, Beautiful &lty Suits Cheap. I 5 ts - 42 inch Black Figured and Bj Mohair Fruit of the Loom Bleached (, opening price. 29c Yard Wide Bleached Cotton ; as “ 5c Narrow Bleached Cotton as I —— -------- 4c I p Yard Wide Percale, opening “ I Best Indigo Calica, opening J 5c I Silver Grey Calico, opening!. - 3%c I Full Standard Calico, openin ji/ c . I Yard Wide Sea Island, opeice fl Best AAA Brown Drill, opcice "" Knotted Fringe All Linen r 5% inches wide, 32 inches long, opening nf ~ 4^C I Large Irish Linen Towels ; wide by 44 inches long, opening price IIC Linen Towels as low as, ea- 19c Thompson’s Glove Fittingthe one dollar kind Sc 75 cent Corsets for the opi 69c L. &S. 40 cent Corsets faring 49c B H ’ 2 9c S A LHtHM S SONS, h 10 CENTS PbK V. t£X