The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 28, 1898, Image 2

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■ p I 111 FURNITURE IT t i reptt ° Ep prd[s |i| | n or der to makeroom for our Fall Stock we are offering anything in our ! I ■« LOW DOWN-FOB. CASHMONEY! h ■ -fljl ALL GOODS NEW AND UP-TO-DATE BUT MUST BE SOLD OUT OCAEIT ii' M if We need the money. We need the floor-room—-so call at once for BARGAINS in: l.| I BED-ROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, CHIFFONIERS, DINING TABLES, CENTER TABLES, ' WARD-ROBES. HAT RACKS, SIDE BOARDS, ROCKERS, MATTINGS, LACE CURTAINS, * ! HALI CURTAINS RUGS, PICTURES, EASELS, SCREENS. BABY CARRIAGES, & &. R DYHARVEY& p—, - V _ CFfcr Undertaking Department is complete in evey partio&Ur, Calls promptly clay or *i s nt. •ay ’Phone No- 9. Night ’Phone No- 182 IS NOT GUILTY Kaiser Will Furnish Eiiidence For Dreyfils. REVISION DENOUNCED By Deputies, Vigorous Action Will be Taken London, Sept. 27.—According to the Vienna correspondent of the Daily Chronicle, Emperor William recently repeated his conviction that Dreyfus wi s in nocent of the charges brought against him. According to the National Re view, if France requests Ger many will permit Gen. Schwarz koppen, formerly German mili tary attache in Paris, to reveal all that he knows regarding the Dreyfus affair. The National Review’s article indicates that much of the infor mation published in London by Mr. Conibear and others really emanated from Col. Schwarz— koppen and Col. Panaizzardi, the Italian military attache in Paris. HARDIN-WOOD. Romantic Marriage Late Th s Afternoon. At 3:30 this afternoon Mi. Green Hardin and Miss Lillian Wood were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. '1 he match was a runaway affair and the ceremony wa-_ pronounced by Rev. John W. Bale, at Sheriff McConnell’s residence at Mobley’s park. The young people have been other for ->/: :te a long time and for sevc ral weeks the friends of both have anticipated such a climax as occurred today. Mr. Haidin is, and for teveral years has been a popular Rome mail carrier. He numbers his friends by his acquaintances. Mrs. Green Hardin, nee Miss Lillian Wood, is one of the pret ty daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Wood, and is a young woman of many personal charms and lovely traits of character. The Rome Hustler-Commer cial wishes Mr. and Mrs. Green Hardin mighty well. < ■ '■ ■ Don’t Make a Mistake I /~A «CX /"JI ICHOISESTI C?' A I FRUI~W j \X/\ C \ i—i " wm J (r J I We carry such a large variety ind excellent quality of fruit ■Jiat some people would imagine 5 we kept only a fruit store. Our real liue is line groceries, but we make a special feature of all kinds of fruits. 3he human system soon be comes sluggish without fruit, but if you trade at our store you will never have any trouble getting your favorite kind, and ’ at a reasonable price. > LLOYD *. HARPER. 1 _ 208, Broad street. LOCai HAPPENINGS. Attended G. A. R. Reunion. —Maj. R. T. Coverdale and Mr. Robt. E. Childs returned last night from Cincinnati accompa nied by Maj. Coverdale's sister in-law, Mrs. Emma Ccverdale. Maj. Coverdale, attended the reunion of the Grand Army of the Republic, of which he is a member. Goes to Hamburg.—Mr. C. A. Hanson, of Anniston, arrived in the city yesterday and left this afternoon, with his sister, Mrs. McGuire, for Hamburg, Ger many. Mr. Hanson is totally blind and goes to the old coun try to have his eyes worked on by an eminent German special ist. His many friends wish for him a prosperous voyage, and that his sight may be fully re stored. Thursday Morning—At 9 o’clock on Thursday morning, the big doors of the great stores of Lanham & Sons will be flung wide and the multitudes are in vited to visit the grand opening of their mammoth stock. The floors of these handsomely reno vated storerooms are crowded with a collection of splendid bargains—and every dollars worth of the stock is new. The millinery display promised will ' eclipse all former efforts made ■ by enterprising milliners in this city or section. Remember the I hour is 9 o’clock a. m. and the day is Thursday, September 29th, And you are cordially in vited to attend. ’ ATHLETIC OFFICERS hAMED University Os Georgia Associa tion Holds An Election. I Athens, Sept. 28. —The advisory committee of the Athletic associa tion has nominated the following officers: President, A. P. Adams of Sa vannah vice president, R. Mc- Whorter of Lexington, treasurer,! Milton Hirsch of Atlanta editor i in chief of Red and Biack, L. A. Cothran of Rome, business mana ger, A. J. Mcßride of Atlanta, assistant business manager, R. B. Pidley of Atlanta local editor Sal isbury Huff of Columbus, athletic editor. E. C. Pomeroy of Mariet ta manager track team. Fair Dodd of Cartersville, manager tennis, D. G. Heidt of Guyton. On Monday morning the associa tion ratified the nominations. PERSONAL MENNOIT. I Judge Branham spent yester day in Atlanta, Miss Lee McGinnis is quite sick at her home in North Rome. Mrs. R. R. Allen is visiting r 1; tives and friends in Chatta nooga. ♦ Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Reyn olds returned last night from Atlanta. Moore & Reese now offfer the trade the very finist fresh meats tibe had on the market. Hon. John W. Maddox spent yesterday in Atlanta, where he entered his son in the Techno logical school. Mrs. James McClure left this afternoon for Germany to visit relatives. She will spend several months in the old country. Mr. John L, Seay returned last night from San Francisco, where he has been the past month visiting his father, Capt. W. W. Seay. Mr. R. V. Allen the popular jeweler, has returned iron An niston, where he spent several days with his brother, Major John H. Allen. Fancy bleached Celery, new Cranberries, delicious table Butter and pther good things at Lloyd’s. i I A WHOLE CLUB | I A .J ■ Make s I v W Better te ■ Running fi 4 / -S-t W t Time ■ z ■ .Z 5 k ffii # I carry a full and complete line of jewelry, inclu ding Diamonds PR = My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- = er more complete. WEDDING PRESENTS A’SPECIALTY. j| I J. K Williamson p STRICT QUARANTINE 1 Against New Orleans, By ad joining ClTEfl. New Orleans is greatly stirred up over the strict quarantine reg ulations, which work a hard ship on the merchants doing bus iness in the present city. No freight or paaeei.ger% are al lowed to stop in Alabama, Mis sissippi or Texas, on account ot ths “supposed existence,” of yel low fever. The people of New Orleans claim there is no yellow fever in the city but what is taken for yel low jack, is nothing more that, malarial fever. OFF' FOR THE PHILIPPINES. The lowa and Oregon Ordered to Sail. New York, Sept. 28.—Ths battleship Oregon, Capt. A. S. Barker , and lowa, Capt Silas Terry, received orders at the navy yard this morning to sail at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning I for Manila. It is expected that it i will take the battleships sixty days to complete the journey. They will stop at Bahia, Bra zil to coal. The cruiser Buffalo, accompa nied by two tore ships, the Iris and the Celtic, is expected to follow the Oregon and lowa in about a week. SMALLPOX Has Broke Out Among Troops At Manila. Manila, Sept. 28—There has been an outbreak of smallpox among the California troops. Six cases, all of a mild type, are re ported. It is reported that the Ameri cans are considering the advisabili ty of securing the entire insurgent Hectare flying an unrecognized flag A belief that foreign war ships may seize the vessels as pir ates is the reason for the contem plated step. Rlpans Tabuies. Ripaaa Tabuies: pleasant laxative