The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 28, 1898, Image 4

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jfHE IIUSTLER-COMNIERCIA L—_ ' EHUSTLEROFROME Established. 18W). "HE ROME COMMERCIAL Exlablishol. 1895. Mitd every evening, except Saturday. Sandav and weekly. PHIL G BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER I Office Wilk arson Block. Third n venue Aetna hasn’t‘shown a spark of interest in the eruption busi ness so far. It seems inclined to let Vesuvius do all the spouting. »With only half as strong a fleet as the English, the trench hare 1,341 lieutenants and sub lieutenants, while England has only 1,246. In fifteen years Russia has sent 24,000 persons to Siberia, fully 100,000 relatives of prison ers having accompanied the ex iles of their own free will. Gen. Schofield’s estimate of • Secretary/Mger leaves one in doubt whether the head of the war department is an intellec tual cripple or a plain liar. -JU _ / The hearing organ of animals is not always located in the head. In some grasshoppers it is in the fore legs, and appears on the wings of many insects. Chili and Argentina have de cided not to go to war over their boundary line. Il is cheaper for each of them to stay at home and settle their dispute over the telephone. A cure for lockjaw, it is claim cd has been discovered in New York. No w r ay has yet been dis covered for giving the lockjaw to the professional politician, the narrator of hard luck stories, or the book agent. The ingrain carpet manufac turers of Philadelphia have agreed to shut down, giving overproduction as the cause. This v. ill throw out of employ ment hundreds of workingmen. So much for Dingleyism. No sooner had the Chinese Emperor manifested a desire to inaugurate a thorough system of modern progress than his mamma took his clothes off and put him to bed. The way of the reformer is rocky, even in China. HOBSON’S TRIUMPH. Lieutenant Hobson has shown that he has constructive, or con servative as well as destructive ability by the recovery of tin Infanta Maria Teresa, one ol the Spanish cruisers run ashore by our fleet in the attempt to escape from Santiago. How valuable she may be as an addition to the navy, it is hard to tell now, but at least she will be a pleasing trophy of the victory of July 3, and the success with which she has been floated and taken into harbor ir itself a gratifying achievement. The Maria Teres i is one of the six modern first-class crui sers with which Spain started in the late war, the Vizcaya and Almirante Oquendo b dug of the same model. She is of 7,000 tons and 13,- 000 nominal horse power, and 20 knots nominal speed, and is protected by a 12 inch steel belt, with 8-inch steel armoring on the heavy gun emplacements. Though these ships went down quickly under the guns of Schley’s fleet, there is no doubt that the Maria Teresa can be reconstructed into a formidable man-of-war. Hu Rov«' I* highest grade baking kaown. Actual testa show it goes om- Utird further tbaa any oilier brand. row POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKIKS POWDER CO., NEW YORK. THE REAL WAR SCXNDAL Mr. McKinley’s personal de meanor during the war was creditable. His fault was that he permitted himself to be used by the same schemers who managed his nomination For instance, he appointed over two hundred civilians to the general army staff without any regard for their ability, experience or motives. The only essential qualification was a pull with some Washing ton official whom the adminis tration was anxious or willing to please. These 200 appointments from civil life took effect in the adju tant general’s department, and in the commissary and quarter master’s departments, the very centers about which revolved the efficiency, comfoit and safety of the army. Most of these up, pointees knew nothing of such large operations as the feeding, transportation and equipping of troops, and they did not worry about mastering such knowledge because they knew’ that their preferment was not due to any thing but a political pull. Nor did the polities of the ad ministration end there. Hun dreds of surgeons, paymasters, inspectors and petty officers were appointed for no better reason than that they had friends who con’d get the ear of the president, or the secretary of war, or this senator and that congressman. Everybody knows the result of the methods which placed such incompetents in charge of our armies. Ten men died of disease where one was killed in battle. The plain soldiers were made to pay political debts and pander to the administration barnacles with their lives or their health. They slept on the wet ground, ate rancid pork, groveled in filthy ships and died of fever and neglect so that the noncombatant pet or syndicate politicians might realize on their Vi 11 * s the primary duty \A ' / ever y woman to wear 17s V VOA ln her face the lilies and roses of health. Jt JK * s one of woman’s nat r- ural missions to please, and one of the first at tributes of a pleasing . VjFlifV woman is a complexion that shows the bloom An.Wr .fH Os health II No matter how beau \-YiSgS w VI tiful a woman may be yiMMB W \tt at the outset, if she '■ilL suffers from weakness . ■■ I and disease of that j»ff ■ 1/ ( delicate and important that is the I , threshold of human V - life, she will soon show traces of suffering in her face, and very shortly become haggar.d and homely. She will lose her animation of manner, the sparkle will fade from her eyes and the roses from her cheeks, her form will lose its roundness and her step its sprightliness. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription imparts strength, health, vigor and virility to the feminine organism. It allays inflammation, heals ulceration and tones the nerves. It makes weak women strong in a womanly way and able to bear the burdens of maternity. It banishes the suffering of the period of gestation, and makes baby’s advent easy and almost pain less. It restores the lost complexion and imparts strength, vitality and health to the entire system. " I am very thankful for what Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription bus done for me," writes Mrs Etta E. Smith, of Grenola. Elk Co., Kans. "About a month before 1 was confined I had such pains that I could stand up only a little while at a time. I could not rest at night or at any other time. I could scarcely eat anything I began taking Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion and alter the second dose I felt better, From then until I was confined I carried all the water that was used up a long hill and worked in the garden every dav. besides my other work and did not feel at all bad. When the baby was born I had a very easy time. The women said I had an easier time than any <Jne they ever saw for the first time. The baby is very healthy. I got up when she was five days old' After two days I began my own work and felt stout and healthy." For a free, paper-covered copy of Doctor Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser send 2i one-cent stamps, to cover mailing only. * Cloth • bound y stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, A medical library in one tooß page volume. pull with the powers that be. The mismanagement of the war did not begin with the suf fering and wanton neglect of the soldiers. It began with the unwarranted and criminal dis tribution of the patronage among incompetent and selfish favorites. This beginning made inevitable the corruptions, fail ures and neglect which shocked the country. zs" ■ jr ITEMS OF INTEREST. Illinois has $5,000,000 invest ed in nurseries. Chinese steamers require three days from Hong Kong to Shang hai. The toll on an ordinary ship passing through the Suez canal averages about $4,000. A Tacoma flour mill recently received a single order from China for 100,000 barrels of flour. Virginia has an institute con ductor, whose duty it is to hold teachers’ institutes in the- sever al counties. There were sixteen vessels en gaged last year in the lapanese fur sealing industry. The catch was valued at $66,390. Mrs. Jane W. Blood, whose death w r as reported last week, was one of the first English con verts to the Mormon faith who left Southampton for Salt Lake in 1854. * EDITORIAL HASH. The agricultural department’s connection with the war will not assert itself until the swords nave been turned into plow shares . Washington Star. The announcement that Mr. Hearst will be a candidate for governor is doubtless the work of-somo vindicative person w’ho has it in for Mr. Pulitzer.— Washington Post. There never was and never will be a hair restorer. Even the wigmaker can do nothing but supply a bald man with hair he never had before.—New Orleans Picayune, If any power choose to inter fere with our disposition of the Philippines, it will run up against a reinforced naval squad ron and a land force on the ground 20,000 strong.—Man chester Union. “It is true/’ says the Medical Record, “that Zola has orbicu lar contraction, cardiac spasms, thoracic cramp, false angina, pectoric, sensory hyperaesthesia and impulsive ideas.’’ This is what comes from not boiling the water. —Chicago News. It is estimated that Sampson will receive SIOO,OOO prize money ; Dewey, SO,OOO, and Schley. $5,000. There are plenty of other reasons for the abolish ment of the prize money system, but is it necessary to advance any other?—Louisville Courier Journal. Ihe Rough Riders’ horses were sold the other day at an average of sl6 each. They cost the government $65 apiece. If they had gone to Cuba like their masters and made a record they might have commanded a bigger price from the butchers, who could have made them into San tiago sausages. Small Boy (looking up from history)—“Papa, the union sol diers were paid sl3 a month. Seems to me that’s awful small when a congressman is paid sl3 a day. Why ain’t soldiers paid as much as a congressman?” Papa—“ Soldiers, my son, do not fix their own salaries.”— New York Weekly. DANGER IN SODA. Serious Results Sometimes Follow Its ExcEssivE Use Common soda is all right in its place and indispensable in the kitchen for cooking and washing purposes, but it was never intended for a medicine, and people who use it as such will some day regret it. We refer to the common use of soda to relieve heartburn or sour stomach, a habit which thousands of people practice al most daily, and one which is fraught with danger; moreover the soda only gives temporary relief and in the end the stom ach trouble gets worse and worse. The soda acts as a mechanical irritant to the walls of the stom ach an.l bowels and cases are on record wheie it accumulated in the intestines, causing death by infl imation or peritontis. Dr. Harlandson recommends as the safest and surest cure for sour stomach (acid dyspepsia) an excellant preparation sold by druggists under the name of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets. These tablets are large 20 grain lozengers, very pleasant to taste and contain the natural acids, peptones and digestive elements essential to good digestion, and when taken after meals they di gest the food perfectly and promptly before it has had time to ferment, sour and poison the blood and nervous system. Dr. W north states that he in variably uses Stuart’s Dyspep sia Tablets in all cases ot stom ( 'rouble, but by promtly di gr ting the fool they create a healthy app tite, increase flesh and strengthen the action of the heart and liver. They are not a oithartic, but intended only for stomach diseases and weakness and will be found reliable in any stomach trouble except can cer of the stomach. All druggists sell Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets at 50c pey package. A little book describing all forms of stomach weakness and their cure mailed free by ad dressing the Stuart Co., of Mar shall, Mich. CURRENT TOPICS. Russian railroad trains have smoking cars for ladies. It is estimated that there are 3,120,000 cyclists in Germany, each one ot whom had to pay a tax of 50 cents to have his name entered and to receive a number for his machine, together with a book, which he mustearry about him, as it contains a description of his person. In three years the expense of running an Atlantic steamer ex ceels the cost of construction. Nine men constitute a jury in Mexico, a id a majority gives the verdict. If the jury is unani mous there is no appeal. In Havana there is a device for protecting passengers from the extortion of cabmen which might probadly be imitated in other countries. The lamp pests are painted in various colors— red for the central district, blue for the second circle, green for the third, etc. —and thus the “fare” knows immediately when he has passed the legal bounda ry, and pays accordingly. The Queen of Holland recent ly receivedjby parcel post a her ring from one of her Joyal sub jects. A note explained that it was the first herring of the sea son’s catch, and was the gift of some {Dutch fisherman. Her majesty promptly had it cooked and'ate’it. ‘ ITEMS OF INTEREST. There are about 350 female blacksmiths in Great Britain. The output of the coal mines of Wyoming is double this year what it was last. The Congregationalists have one minister to every 114 mem bers of their churches. The longest span of telegraph wire in the world is in India, over the river Kiscna. It isover 6,000 feet m length. Col Robert G. Ingersol is said to receive more invitations to deliver funeral orations than any clergyman in the country. Li Hung Chang has appoint ed two Chinese women to be delegates to the international congress of women n xt year in London. /I rose bush bearing bks soins of five different colors wr.s one of the principal attractions at Belfast, Me., flower garden this summer. Annual Seleo 0ver6,000,030 Boxes t’OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS sueh as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Giddiness, Fulness after meals, Head iche. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushing* of, Lwss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin, Cold Chilis, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEI IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffem Will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem anil cure sick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival, And have tbs LARGEST SALE l>f any Patent Medicine in the World, 25 c. at all Drug Stores. YOUNG LADY GR kDUATES Oi the Rome Business College are thoroughly prepared for stenographic and office work; they are found capable when they go into business prac tice ; they re ceive hi g h com mend a-; cions fro m u their employ-’ ers as being capable and experienced. > Rome business College enjoys the largest enrollment of pupils it has had in its history. There will be thousands of vancancies this fall to fill. Young men and ladies will do well to enter here and prepare lor thorough com mercial work. I t 11. S. Shockley, i Princpial. SPa IN ’S s G RE ATES T N E El). Mr. 11, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back of > his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, al! pain soon left him. He says this grand ■ medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies th blood, loiies up ; the stomach, .strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, onlv 50 cents. Sold by Curry Arring on, druggists. TAX NOTICE. The last half of tax for 1898 is now due the city of Home. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified so call at the Clerk’s of fice at the city hall and settle. iSSpt. 16th 1898. Halsted Smith, Clerk Council. 4 S,.- HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dol lars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney it Co., Toledo, O. We, tb.e undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him to be financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Dru ggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. • ;t.wsa...x;. .- fluMKM—'i ii i» Beware of Imitations J I I Co ‘fyuc.v I-- - ST. LOUIS. MO. AND RETURN Ou account of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (colored,) St Louis, Mn,, October 4-10, 181)8 the Southern railway will s?!l round trip tickets at the very low rate of $16.85, lickets on sale October 2, 8 and 4th with final limit returning October 18th* 1898. See that your ticket reades vis, the Southern railway. Finest trains, quickest time. . J. N. Harrisow, C. T A., The Indianapolis News wants tT make a match between Hob son and Miss Helen Gould. PROFESSIONAL URDS ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office 200, east First reet Sr, ' CHAS W. UNDERWOOD A rtornay at Law, Ro a‘ depot aion.Law Oulyr AAZ J. NSEL Attorney at law. Will practice in allocvrts. Special attention given to commercial law and the examination cJ land titles. office In King building. Rome, Ga. AATZkLuTIIHR, HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office ovwF. J- Kane & Co. ’s. LIPSCOMB de ;WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Office in Armstrong hotel building, Rome, G* MB BUB ANNS, Atterney at law. OfflceKing Building.. Rome, ua. w h. ennis, Attorney at Law. Will Practice in .all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. J SA.KTTJK CR.'WS T B Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections a specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSES M RIGHT. HARPER HAMII/VOX W HIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 11 Postoffice Building DENTISTS. J. A. 'WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 240 1-3 Broad. > Over Cantrell & Owen J. L. PENNINGTON. D.D S..M D. . ENTISt'i Office, 305 1-2 Hroad street. Over Hanks Far future Co. , PHYSICIANS. O. HAMILTON. M D- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medb a- Bulldlng Rome, Ga. Oil ce ’phone No. 62. Li- F HAMMOND. M- D” Physician and Surgeon, In Medlca building. Residence, No. 403 West Firs* -i •b/i hcNo. 6 •