The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 28, 1898, Image 6

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, GETS NEW TRIAL The Unfortunate Ex-Artiller Ist Has New Chance FOR HIS VINDICATION And The', French Mob Shouts Vive la Revisiene. Paris, Sept. 26.—At a meet ing of the cabinet this morning, all the ministers being present, a decision was taken in favor of a revision of the trial of former Capt. Dreyfus, and the docu ments in the case will be sent to the court cassation. The court ordered the minister of justice, M. Sarrien, to lay be fore the court ol cassation the petition of Mme. Dreyfus, wife of the prisoner of Devil’s Island, for a revision of her husband’s case. The court therefore will decide the legal question as to whether the first trial of Capt. Ereyfus was vitiated by the forg ery committed by the late Lieut. Col. Henry, who was a witness before the court martial and who confessed to having forged a document in the case. Tne minister of justice has announced that he has given instructions that proceedings are to be taken immediately against anyone attacking the army. The cabinet meeting was pro longed and animated. The min ister of agriculture, M. Viger, is reported to have bitterly oppos ed a revision, and it is rumored he will resign. He left the meet ing before it ended, remarking to a newspaper man that he was completely voiceless. It is supposed that the in structions to prosecute anyone attacking the army were issued at the request of Gen. Chanoine. The city is excited and the bourse is in a disturbed condi tion. Conservative papers, how ever, counsel the people to re main calm. It is doubtful if the action of the cabinet is popular among the masses, particularly the country people, who, it is point ed out, still cling to the fetich of “the honor of the army.*’’ BRISSON CARRRIED THE DAY FOR REVISION. It is understood that M. Bris son literally wrung consent from the cabinet for a revision, after a remarkable display of eloquence and personal influ ence and the stormiest of scenes. His strongest opponent was M. Sarrien, minister of justice, who expressed a desire to re sign, and warned the other min isters that they were assuming a terrible responsibility. MM. Viger and Maruejouls, respectively minister of agricul ture and minister of commerce, supported M. Sarrien. M. Brissoh fell into a violent passion and declared tearfully that the ministers ought to cred it him with understanding all the difficulties and the best way of meeting them. Should they abandon him now by refusing a revision, it would be to face dis honor. As a final argument he pointed out that it would be an extremely grave matter to force a cabinet crisis while the cham ber was not in session. The dissenting members then reluctantly yielded. M. Marejouls said : “It is not worth while to resign when it is known that we shall bo over turned in a fortnight.” M. Chanoine, minister of war, remained neutral. President Faure hastily re turned to Paris this afternoon, but M. Brisson went to Bois de ; Bologne, probably to avoid pres idential interference until th 3 papers should have announced the decision in favor of a revis ion, M. Faure being still strong ly against a revision. The criminal chamber of the court of cessation, which will examine the dossier, consists of fifteen judges and a president, who happens to be a Jew. HIS HEART It Was On Right Side Os Self- Slain Man. San Franc’sco, Sept. 27.—The police of Oakland were much puz zled over four bullet w< unds found over the heart of Lleophiae Gre goire. He had been a stationary engineer but was recently dischaig ed for eccentric cunduct- E.verything pointed to euiede, but the doctors could not account for a man firing four shots into his heart, when one bullet should have been fatal. So an autopsy was held with a result that is almost unparalleled in medical records. It was found that Gregoire’s heart was on the right side of his body, and of the four bullets in tended tor that vital organ only one grazed it and the other pene trated the lungs causing a hemor rhage, which ended in death. Dr. Buleau, who made the autopsy, said there was a general displacu ment of the internal organs. SEVENTH WIFE. Indiana Physician Burieu Sx and Has Another. Wabash, Ind., Sept. 27. Isaac Gephart, of Roanoke was united in marriage for the sev enth time, the last wife being Miss Julia liier. Gephart has for years lived at Roanoke,when several of his wives were buried, the others having died while he was practici g medicine in the West. Rev DeLong, who performed the cerem my on Saturday, says that M . Gephard displayed n trepi Ltion during the service. BRYAN’S MEN Will Soon Bk Mustered Out, Says Army Official. Washington , Sept. 27. —In the cource of a few days orders will be issued by the War Department mustering out Col. Bryan’s Regi ment , the Third Nebraska Volun teers, This stat' ment whs made by a high < fficial of the War Depart ment this afternoon. ELEPHANTS IN WRECK. Forepaugh & Sells Bros’, Train Ditched. Dingess, W. Va., Sept, 27. Forepaugh and Sells Brothers' show train was wrecked at Wil sondale yesterday. J. E. Royle, of Philadelphia, an elephant keeper, was killed Patsey Forepaugh was crippled. Howard Kipps, of Richmond, is reported fatally injured. He was a miner in the employ' of the circus. A car of seven elephants left the track, rolled over and the car was completely wrecked,but only one elephant was injured. Royle was buried at Williamson. The camels of the show were loaded into a box car and the elephants placed in the camels’ car. There was a scene of wild excitement among the other animals. FRENCH VICTORY Over Chief Samory On The Ivory Coast. Paris, Sept. 27. —News has been received here that the French have defeated Chief Samory, on the Ivory coast. Five thousand of Samury’s war riors have surrendered and 20,000 natives have submitted to French rule. MANY BIBK. Brooke Wires as to His Men in Porto Rico. THE HOSPITALS ARE FULL Advises Against Sending of Fresh Regiments Washington, Sept. 27 —The fol lowing cablegram was received from General Brooks at Ponce, P. R., dated today; “Cable regarding sickness and want of rations, That there are sick is a fact. A small proportion of bad cases, but there has been no wrnt of food, Last reports give to tal of sick 2509, 400 typhoid fever and 498 malarial fever, 297 diar rhoea, othorn diseases, 1314 per centage,*23. Think return et reg iments now here would not be ad visable, as others coming would have to go throughs same accli mating conditions. Would advist that certain sick be sent whose re covery would be quickened. If reg iments would be sent to take the place of those now here especial attention should be given to select ing those under good discipline and having full quota of officers. By this means, men may’ be con trolled and sanitary precautions enforced in the small detachment which necessarily must be made ’ KING-JONES Prominent Society Wedding For October. Romans will be interested t< learn of the approaching weddirt of Mrs. Maude Allgood King, of Trion, Ga., and Mr. J. Aehly' Jones, of Atlanta. The marriage will be solemized October the 12tb at the home of the bride’s mother in Trion. Mrs. King has miny friends and relatives in Rome who admire hei for her many fine qualities ol mind and heart. She is highly educated, widely traveled and al together a brilliant and interest ing woman. Mr. Jones is one of leading young men. He possesses tie most affable and courteous manners, and has hosts of friends wherever he is known, Mr. Jone? is connected with the New York Life Insurance company, and hat been most successful in that line. Both Mrs. King and Mr. Jones have many friends t.P ever the state who will j >in their many friends in R< me in extending con gratulations. * LYNCHED YESTERDAY. Tennessee Mob Hanged A Negro Assailant. Mountain City Tenn., Sept 27. —A mob of 100 men, armed with guns, overpowered the Johnson County jailer early this morning and hanged John Williams, color ed, charged with stabbing a white boy and assaulting two women. OLD LI’S RIVAL Is Charged With Harboring Conspirator Kang Yuwei. London, Sept, 27,—The Times Peking correspondent says : Chang Yen Hoon, the Can tonese enemy and rival of Li Hung Chang, who is charged with harboring Kang Yuwei, has been arrested. He will be strip ped of all his offices, his removal giving increased power to Li Hung Chang. Kang Yuwei is charged with conspiring against the Empress Dowager and lias been declared an outlaw and his arrest has been ordered. E .4 vu'l os.!. ml. K * | PIPE | loHETS(SIMPELS ft ftTHE SUMMERHAS I PASSED AND CONE PROVE THE NEXI PRE Y DAY * AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! | I XV U I t S k tin ■ o! law w | ft H ft I WKCIyISa OF AfOOK • ft I \kVEi TURNOm. | v H ST ! 0 g > YOU ARE I rayl ' S bl ? Mil 18TFM ! 1 iIIIJFH. IVH ■■ KI V 4* raj £ IR X ■II I IT II I Vj fl E 1 fca ® A I ft E “ W g ft I VXtOVAQ.'E.. | S' 0 S ' J. w. Landeaster- 1 K Lol t’'