The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 29, 1898, Image 4

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THEJUSTLER-COMMERCIA shustlerofrome Hstablishcd, 1890. RCME COMMERCIAL Established, 1895. mid every evening, except Saturday. Sandav and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR ANO MANAGER. Office Wilkersm Block, Third Avenue Gen. Alger says the way to manage Fitzhugh Lee is to let him have his own way. T 1 ’ The Pittsburg Post prblished 52 columns of names of delin quent tax debtors in that city. Charles W. Woodruff, of Buf falo, N. Y., is said by the police to have been married 50 times. 12 ——— Cochran, Ga., has all yea'r old boy who picked 750 pounds of cotton in three days—2so a day. bays the Savannah News: “The New York Sun may’ win in Georgia. The New York Sun is crazy. g?ML !11 'T-TT* Georgia wants her old time majorities for the Democratic party, and this time she will get them. Den’t tell little lies; talk about ;, thousands and ten of thousands and become known as a statisti cian.—Atchison Globe. The American commission in Havana pajs $1,400 a week rental, and is preparing to spend a comfortable winter. Manana is their motto. Tl I ■llli . LU The Oregon and lowa will help Admiral Dewey considera bly in conducting diplomatic negotiations with the Germans in the Philippines. A schooner, the biggest ever built, is rapidly approaching completion at Camden, Me. She will have five masts and carry 10,000 square yards of canvas. Says the Savannah Press: Gen. Loe’s loftiest ambition is to head the army of occupation in Cuba and nearly 75,000,000 es people are anxious to have that wish gratified. ftOne of the probable subjects for the war department investi gation will be the burying of the soldier dead. It is said that they were thrown into their graves without the slightest ceremony. The present crop of scalawags in South Georgia will be ostra cized in society, in business and in politics, and they should be They will die early and will go down unregretted.—Waycross Herald. Felix Faure, president of the French Republic, “inherits,” as it were, as Chevalier de la Toi son d’Or (Knight of the Golden Fleece), the collar of the late Prince Bismarck. The Spanish order is the oldest in the world. ? And now' lapan proposes to negotiate a foreign loan of $50,- 000,000. It is but a few months since Japan was reveling in prosperity. She hardly knew how to spend the big war indeni nity she obtained from China. Her industries were developing with phenomenal speed. Busi ness.was active in all lines. Ev erybody was happy. Then she adopted the gold standard. Bus iness is at a standstill. Indus tries are depressed. The treasu ry is embarrassed. A foreign loan is needed. Great is the gold standard! » The ?•»»! •« the h.*hest <ir«S« baMuq I |uu>wn- Actual teats allow H a>M>soao further than are W POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL OAKINO FOWOER CO., NSW YORK. A good many people" will be surprised perhaps at Hie state ment of the number of negro soldiers jn the civil war. Speak ing of soldiers for Cuba, an old army officer reminds us that there were 166 regiments of colored soldiers during the war of the rebellion. There ought to be no trouble in getting sol diers for Cuba By the way, 20,- 000 of those colored soldiers of thirty live years ago died in the service of disease and wounds And they were on their own soil, and nearly all in the army dur ing the last eighteen months of the war . When the circus owned by Jesse Coxey, son of the comman der of the once famous Coxey’f army, became stranded in an Indiana town last week, the cele brated general put in an apjoa. ance to deliver a lecture on non interest bearing binds and good roads, under the circus tent and ’■or a price of admission. Gen C’oxey has been going around the country with a brass bail' 1 limself for the past month or so and a union of the tw r o circuset is feared. A shipment of ten million ounces of silver will soon be made by the government frem the Philad^lidiia to the San Francisc-v mint. A special train guarded by Federal soldiers and detectives is to be used and hereafter such bullion will be shipped by freight instead of express. The present shipment amounts to over 300 tons or 15 ordinary car loads. A somewhat pathetic letter comes from an old colored citi zen. It is as follows : “Derain has dun beat down my cotton, an' most er my co’n is dun mint. My son wuz a sojer in de wah wid de Spaniels. He lost two legs in it. Do you reckon de guv’ment will give me $2 a la£t fur ’em?—Constitution. The cold chills of fear run up and down the back of the bravest man when he looks A down the bar- _ rel of a death- V JrZz ' V dealing Win- Wz' )\ H Chester in the a V* hands of a man who Vj rfc / j* means “shoot.” \ Every hour and every \ minute map face death fa \ in a more frequent and ( \X » \ equally certain form — \-5 —Jffn death in the guise of ' 2/ that deadliest enemy / I JJJW of mankind con- / '' >b * I sumption. Out of L J'S n U all the tens of thou A sands who yearly I '* die from consumption 98 per' cent, could be S-A-w saved. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis covers’ is an almost unfailing cure if taken in the earlier stages of the disease. It will cure consumption and all allied dis eases, as bronchial, throat and nasal affec tions. It cures by going to first principles. A man’s body starves a long time before consumption attacks him. The tissues of his lungs starve for lack of sufficient nour ishment. They become inert and half dead and then ate attacked by the baccilli of consumption. The “Golden Medical Discovery ’’ restores the long lost appetite; it strengthens the weak stomach and cor rects the impaired digestion; it promotes the flow of digestive Juices and facilitates the assimilation of the life giving elements of the food into the blood. When the blood is pure and rich, old inert tissues are torn dowm, carried off and excreted, and new, healthy, muscular tissues replace them. It allays inflammation of the mu cous membranes, soothes the cough, fa cilitates expectoration, and deepens the breathing, supplying the system with a much needed stock of oxygen. It drives out all impurities and disease germs. Medicine dealers sell it. I "I was first taken nearly two years ago with choking and aching in my throat," writes Mrs I> Z. Moore, of Deining. Grant Co., N. Mexico. 11 I took everything I could think of and spent a great deal of money. Three doctors treated me. Tty throat ulcerated and I lost my voice. I could scarcely talk The doctors called the trouble bronchial affection. and said the larynx was badly affected. I was almost dead with consumption. My neighbors thought I would not live a month. I began taking Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery From the first. I commenced to improve and now have as good hcaXh as ever. I owe toy life to Dr. Pierce. *’ GEORGIA EDITORS. The “honor” of the French army seem to depend on suicide and forgery to keep it up to the standard —Atlanta Constitution. Col. Hogan possilily has not learned of the many virtues and powers of a typewriter. Just see what Ignatius Donnel ly has done with the aid of his. —Savannah News. The commission to investigate the conduct of the war should not forget to inquire whether or not the governors, in appointing regimental and company officers pei formed their duties faithful ly and fearlessly and with an eye single to the good of the service and the welfare of the men in ranks. —Savannah News. The death of Col. Richard Malcolm Johnson, which occur red at his home in Baltimore yesterday, will occasion general and sincere regret throughout the south. All Georgians, espe cially, loved Col. Johnson, and were proud ot his fame as a scholar, writer and lecturer. Some of the short stories by Col. Johnson were the best ever writ ten by an American author.— Columbus Enquirer Sun. A HUNGRY LOT. Macon made four thousand sandwiches, barbbeued seven Hundred and fifty pounds of veal uid mutton, fried four hundred chickens, bought seventy five <egs of beer and made two hun- Ired gallons of coffee for 900 men of the First Georgia regi ment, and there was nothing left.—Macon News, PITHY PRESS PARAGRAPHS The question as to Queen Wil helmina’s matrimonial prospects is becoming very warm in the lewspapers. —Washington Poet. The statement that a baud of inarchists has been uncovered in New York City will occasion no surprise outside of New York City. —St. Louis G’oba-Democrat. With Israel Zangwill and Hall >aine “in our midst,” it ia small wonder that our surfeited intellec uals are threatened with an ag gravated attack of indigestion.— Florida Times Union. The state of Illinois pays $2 for Gov. Tanner’s shaves cheerfully doubtless when she reflects that instead of Tanner she might have an unshaving pop for governor,— Louisville Courier-Journal, A man’s life is like a printed book, and the thing that bothers him most is the medhsrme refor mer who co aies along every few days and want® him to turn over a new leaf.—-New Orleans Pic ayune. The Atchison Globe sadly re marks: “The worst thing that ever happened to » fellow we know was the result of hoping too long.” She finally relented, *it appears and said yes. —Chicago Times- Herald. Miss .Schley believes her visit to Madrid did as much for peace as her uncle’s cannon. The im pression obtains, however, that if Spain had had her choic? she would have faced several hundred Miss Schleys’ than one of the admiral’scannon. —Chicago News. 1 IX.. ■— IM 'J here is no truth in the recent rport that Pope Leo XIII is about to send the famous Golden Rose to the Queen of the Netherlands as a coronation gift. He could not do io if he wlsbe 1 , because the Rose, which is vitually an order, can only be bestowed upon a Ro man Catb6lic princess. The Governor General of Hava na has order d the return to Spain of the remains of Columbus. He is probably afraid that, even after this interval of lima, old Crjstcv pher,under existiug|ciucumstances might renounce his na’ionality and j 'in the general rush to get in under the Stars and Stripes. DANGER IN SODA. Saßiqus Results Sometimes Fo low Its Excesslve Use Conmon soda is all right in its plice and indispensable in the llitchen for cooking and washing purposes, but it was never intended for a medicine, and people who use it as such will s»me day regret it. We refer to the common use of sod* to relieve heartburn or sour stomach, a habit which thousands of people practice al most daily, and one which is fraught with danger; moreover the soda only gives temporary relief *nd in the end the stom ach trouble gets worse and worse. The soda acts as a mechanical irritant to the walls of the stom ach an J bowels and cases are on record wheie it accumulated in the intestines, causing death by iufiamation or peritontis. Dr. Harlandson recommends as the safest and eurast cure for sour stomach (acid dyspepsia) an excellant preparation sold by druggists under the name of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets. These tablets are large 20 grain lozengers, very pleasant to taste and contain the natural acids, peptones and digestive elements essential to good digestion, and when taken after meals they di gest the food perfectly and promptly before it has had time to ferment, sour and poison the blood and nervous system. Dr. Wuerth states that he in variably uses Stuart’s Dyspep sia Tablets in all cases of stom ach trouble, but by promtly di gesting the fool they create a healthy app tite, increase flesh and strengthen the action of the heart and liver. They are not a cathartic, but intended only for stomach diseases and weakness and will be found reliable in any stomach trouble except cain cer of the stomach, All druggists sell Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets at 50c per package. A little book describing all forms of stomach weakness and their cure mailed free by ad dressing the Stuart Co., of Mar shall, Mich. ~ ■■■ . Captain General Blanco’s greatest difficulty in removing the ramaius of Christopher Co lumbus from Cuba may lie in the fact that they are not there. The remains were interred ip San Dominge in 1541. When San Domingo was ceded to France in 1795 it was stipulated that the bones of the great dis coverer should be taken to Cu ba, and this was supposedly done, but now the story is that workmen repairing the flooring of the Cathedral in San Domin go in 1877 found a casket con taining the bones of Columbus, those that were removed to Ha vana having been the remains of Christopher’s brother, Diago The Spanish officials not wish ing to acknowledge a mistake, hushed the matter up. SRaIN’S GREATEST NEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him.' He tays this grand medicine is wbM his country needs. AH America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou- ble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it, Ev* ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cent#. Sold by Corry] Arring on,JdruggißtS. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Fros. Totten’s predicted de struction of the world has worked no p rceivable difference on the sale of real estate and has not curbed the greed of those who want the earth. —New Orleans Pic ayune. The queen regent fears the send ing of a delegate to the cz ir’s dis armament convention, but from the inefficiency displayed by Sjan i h armies it would app ar that the disarming of Spain would be of little account. — Savan ah Press. The Panama canal is but 45 miles long and is practica', the Nicaraugua canal is 180 mile# long and impractical therefore. The Register favors the building of the Panama canal, and we believe that * ill be the verdict of the Am r ican people.—lowa State Resister. Viceroy Curzon of India has be*- come a baron and is probably pleased. We should nave liked him better if he had stuck the “Hon.” and been content with the honors that have no savor of royalty. Boston Traveler. On the one band we are warned by many republican papers that the war is net over, and that there fore. we mustn’t muster out our volunteers, and on the other hand, a number of northern republican cities are arranging to have peace jubilees at once. “Where are we at?”—Richmond Bispatch. While the Or< gon and lowa are on their way to Manila, the Kear s>age and Kentucky wilt be made ready to take their places on the Atlant c stations These new batt'e ships will be superior to the Oregon or lowa. We commenced late with our new navy, but vie are getting in excellent shape rap idly.—Houston Post. Annual Sales ovsr 6,000,000 Eoxoo FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DIBOF.3EFI3 such ax Wind and Pain in tba Sluiuu■-•ii. Giddiness, Fulness after meals, Ilead he. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Fluahinss ot Heat, Lass of Appetite, Blufches on the Skin, C'dd Chilis, Dis turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and all Nervous i.nd Trembling Sensations, THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every suffered will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. miECSIAM’S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem iir.i cure feick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHiLPfttZN Beecham’s Pilis are Without a Rival And have thw LARGEST SALE any Patent Medicine in the World, 23a. at all Drug Stores. YOUNG LADY GRADUATES Os the Rome Business College are thoroughly prepared for stenographic and office work ; they are found c tpable when they go into business prac tice ; they re- ' ceive high comm e n d a lions fro m their employ ers as being ■ capable and experienced, Rome business College enjoys the largest enrollment of pupils it has had in its history. There will be thousands of v tncancies this fall to fill. Young m n and ladies will do well to enter here and prepare lor thorough com mercial work. H. S, Shockley, Princpial. yyj ijijliji j.,i i ■ ■ ■_ TAX NOTICE. The lust half of tax for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of fice at the city hall and settle. Sept. 16th 1898. Halstep Smith, Clerk Council. wtect your id<*as; they niay tirtrijr you wn’iith I r r'l‘’^£ H h?n^ EDD A EI A IiV . RN Co"Vatent W w w two HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dol lars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. \\ e, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenev for the last 15 years, and believe him to be financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pilis are the best. Beware of Imitations iferefwSira'Are GQ JDMN DUNOAN't BOMfl, AMWTB, NfW YORK. oT LOUTS. MO. AND RETURN On account of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (colored,) St Louis, Mo. ( October 4-10, 189 M the Southern railway will s-4 round trip, tickets at ti e very low rate of '516.85. 'iickets on sale October 2, 3 and 4.di with final limit returning October 18th, 1898. See that your ticket reade» via the Southern railway. Finest trums quickest time. J. N. Harrisow, C. T. A. The Indianapolis News want# te make a match between Hob son and Miss Helen Gould. PBOFESSIONII MDi ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office 200, East Firstreet 3t, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artoruay st Law, Ro a* Crcporaion Law Onlyr AAZ J. NEHII-I Attorney at law. Will practice in all ocuru, Special attention given to commercial law and the examieallon cf land titles. office In King building, Rome, Ga. 'WyLLuT-EIS. HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office aver*’- <!• Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB <Sc IWILLINGHAM Commer-wal Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel building, Itoiuo. •** M B EU’BA.KfKS, Atterney at law. Offlqeßing Building-. Rome, oa. W. 14. ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Oa. J- SAWTA CR.-WF .*> Ft O Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections » specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSES V RIGHT. HAIU’ER HAMILTON WRIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 11 Postoffice Building DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 340 1-2 Broad. Over cautrell A Owen J. L. PENNINGTON. D.D S.,M D. . ENTIST’ Office, 305 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. physic Tans. O. HAMILTON. M D- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. Oil ce ’phone No. #2. lu. P. MA-MMONO. M- D ■ Physician and Surgeon, .Office in Medics building. Residence, No. 103 West c».’ Ih<N< . t t