The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 29, 1898, Image 5

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MTOIE H t Imrni vreduced oDinrr 111 LU IL I I HULU I In order to ma<eroom for our Fall Stock we are offering* anything in our I LOW DOWH--FOR CASHMOHEY! h I ALL GOODS NEW AND UP-TO-DATE BUT MUST BE SOLD OUT OCAEIT I We need the money. We need the floor=room—so call at once for BARGAINS in: ILd-ROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, CHIFFONIERS, DINING TABLES, CENTER TABLES, Bard-robes, hat racks, side boards, rockers, aiattings, lace curtains, ■all curtains, rugs, pictures, easels, screens, baby carriages, & &. RffIJDY HARVEY'C 1111 l f ■ Our Undertaking Department is complete in evey particular. Calls promptly attended day or night. | Bay ’Phone No- 9. . Night ’Phone No- 182 ■OlfflOß GAJWLKR lill Close Hie Campaign in I Savaunali. Ijreut preparations ■ ~ ■ ■ •ins Made for his Reception I By Chathamites. M Savannah, (la., Sept 29.—At H l ' meeting of a special commit the Chatham Candler ’"'Liy fi (ia u arrangements ISh! made for the reception of !■' handler on tlie event of his I Bit here October 3rd. The in iB 1110 ' 1 .' 8 t 0 have an enthusias !■. a^a ’ r of it, and the prospects ißints to a reception equal to I ■*y yet for enthusiasm. 'According to the program, the 'inimttee will meet Col. Can ler and his party, at the depot I, escort them to the DeSoto, J >eie an inform'd reception will I* le hh Ihe distinguished ■ ait J will also take breakfast at fe hotel ail d aftGl , a shorfc reßt w edi iven over the principal B’eets. Ihe drive will end at hly Exchange, where a for ’eception will be held and no f geiler,dl y invited to Candler. The party re main at the exchange 7 ]lt <> 12 o’clock. will n lll tllG excllan ge the party '>ce ail ga « ( take carrift g eß f or the ea 7 h,P be . e here they will ext", VeU abird ’ 8 * e ye view of the ] v in- iln h rov ements recent railrn' i 1 ’e™ by the Central borhn <l i’ C ° stlng in the neigh lh °od of $300,000. UankH thlS a steamer will be d ftt the wharf and the visitors taken to Tvbee. Lunch eon will be served on board the boat and everything done to afford an enjoyable trip. The return will be via the Yacht Club, at Thunderbolt, where the visitors will be entertained a short while, after which trolley cars will be taken for the city. The committee has arranged for a magnificent demonstration at the Savannah theatre at 8 :30 o’clock at night. Brass bands will be engaged to enthuse the rank and file, and Col. Candler’s speech will doubtless be heard by an immense crowd Unless something turns up to thwart the plans as arranged, the recep tion will be one of the most rousing of the campaign. «• ■ ■ ■ - - Don’t Me_ a (Mistake I Uxj fl? L. We carry such a large variety and excellent quality of fruit that some people would imagine we kept only a fruit store. Our real line is fine groceries, but we make a special feature of all kinds of fruits. Ihe human system soon be comes sluggish without fruit, but if you trade at our store you will never have any trouble getting your favorite kind, and at a reasonable price. LLOYD & HARPER. 208, Broad street. INSANE SOLDIER Shot And Almost Killed The Brdtal Gouernor ■ OF 11 SOLDIER'S HOME. Brief Review of Charges Against Gov. Smith. Santa Monica, Cal., Sept. 29. —While Gov. Smith of the Pa cific branch of the National Sol diers’ Home, near this place, was coming to his headquarters today Albert G. Bradley, who has been an inmate of the home for five years, came up behind him and shot at him five times, one ball taking effect under the right shoulder blade, one above tne right hip and one through the right arm. The surgeons think the wounds are not fatal. There is no exter nal bleeding, but fears of inter nal injury are entertained. At times Bradley has acted strange ly and it was supposed he was mentally unsound. The governor is resting easy. Bradley was ar rested. Charges against Gov. Smith that led to an investigation were principally mistreatment of the old soldiers. It was said that be confined men in the insane wards of the hospitals without previous examination by the surgeons ; that he maintained a police system cruel in the ex treme, and that he forced men to take good treatment for drunkenness against their wills. Col. Sidney Cooke, of Her rington, Kan., the local manager testified that he had ordered Gov. Smith to discharge the brutal police officers and to cease the custom of forcin' the 1 soldiers to take a cure for drunk enness. The order, he says, had! been disobeyed. Later, Col. Cooke stated that their pensions had been with held from them by order of the governor and against the law. He had ordered this to cease and had been obeyed. An investiga tion of this had also been made by ex-Governor Glick, pension commissioner. Gov. Smith had been let off with a reprimand. Further charges against the] governor of the soldiers’ home were made, that he had abused and iusulted the officers under him, had caused men, carried on government pay rolls, to do chores about his house and had turned government property over to his own private use. Before becoming governor of the Leavenworth Home. Gov. Smith was for three years treas urer of the National Soldiers’ Home at Togas, Me. Charges preferred against him there by the governor of that home led to his transfer in 1885 to Leaven worth. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bruiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar rington Co. Tragic Death of a Boy. Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 29. —Ernest Schoenherr, a 17 year old boy, met with a horrible death at Oxinor, six miles below here yesterday afternoon. While playing he crawled on top of • ome box cars which were being i:: i .wife j A WHOLE CLUB | gl .nu Can’t —t Make fiS Better I Running J Time eJJ in b Is I carry a full and complete line of jewelry, inclu- ding Diamonds My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- er more complete. E j WEDDING PRESENTS A'SPECIALTY. gj 1 J. K Williamson i jKg _ Pm -—— ■— ..... ■ . . „ ■ E- switched out of the yards, a steam pipe extending overhead over the track threw the boy between ihe cars. Three boxcars ; ran over the boy, breaking his neck and crushing him. The Rush Fiom Klondike. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 29.—The steamer City of Seattle arrived today from Alaska with forty Klondiiters who bring Dawson advices up to September Ist. The winter rush from Dawson has fairly begun. Many aie pre paring to come out on the first approach of winter was begin ning to check the ravages of I typhoid, and there was a de creased number of deaths. RAID ON GAMBIERS. Blanco's Unpaid men Steal the Winnings. Havana, Sept. 28.—Last Fri- Jday, in the gambling houses at j Guanabacoa, just across the bay several Spanish soldiers, not in uniform, entered the place, and, drawing knives, attacked the i players, who fled, leaving their money, which was seized by the soldiers. Troops are six months behind in salaries. GOV. TAYLOR VERY Has Been Weakened by Sovere Attacks of Vomiting Johnson City, Sept. 28. — Gov Taylor is still very sick. He has had severe attacks of vomiting until today, when he was resting easier. He is not thought to be in immediate dan ger. _ I Announce,—To the public that I havs secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thu Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongats, etc. All we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, next door to Curry’s drug store