The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 29, 1898, Image 8

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[bassjros & CO!] GRAND MG M At last, after surmounting many difficulties, we are at home to all bargain seekers. A vis- ■ K it to our magnificent new store will repay you—for-for the best bought stock of goods in Rome Q Q we have built the handsomest retail business home in the state. R M Avail yourself of the first opportunity to accept our most cordial invitation to call, and by M ■ no means miss, on Thursday, Sept. 29th, attendmg our grand Autumn Q MILLINERY O [ OPENING! 8 hgßwemwwwi -1 Ji BRUIBERBMIX Kowardly “Kid’’ McKoy Kicks Kort) ott. fiND TAEtfRUNS AWAY A Physician Summonsed For Ex-Champi»n. New York, Sept, 29—The pugi lists “Kid” McCoy and James J, Corbett, wfrose match has been broken off, met in the Gilsey house lobby yesterday afternoon, when McCoy knocked Corbett's hat off and then while Corbett was held by his friends, kicked Corbett in ths groin. He then ran out of a side door away from the crowd Corbett was taken to his room and a doctor summonsed. Corbett, his manager, George Considine, and Al Smith ate lunch together in the Gilsey case, finish ing about I o’clock. Then they walked out through the lobby and in the Broadway entrance met David Nugent, of the Hawthorne Athletic Clib, who joined them In one side of the entrance were McCoy, William Gray, of the Hawthorne Athletic Club, and six other men. They were talking excitedly. Considine saluted Gray aid Corbett walked up to do likewise. Gray, after acknowledging the salute said to Corbett: ■‘l don’t think you want to fight.” “W hat’s that?” inquired Cor bett, Gray repeated the remark, and Corbett loudly said he was ready to fight McCoy, anywhere and at *ny time. “I’ll fight Lim now, and right k here on the street,” said Corbett. ™ McCoy, who had been listening stepped up to Corbett as the later spoke, and knocked off his hat. Several of Corbett’s friends, wishs ing no disturbance, held him, and just as they seized him by the arms and shoulders, McCoy de* livered a kick at Corbett which struck him in the ’groin. Corbett l«aned over in pain, unablei to try to get at McCoy, who, as soon as he had kicked Corbett, ran back to the side entrance of the hotel, Corbett tried to follow, but he could not do so, and was persuaded to go to his room . A doctor was immediately summon ed. A la-ge crowd had gathered at the first rumor that the prize fighters were in the hotel together and by the time the report that they had got into a fight had been spread, whicn was in a few minut es, the hotel was besieged. The crowd was in a state of excitement about the alleged fight, but neither of the pugilists was seen by the people, McCoy disappeared early . WHEN YOU ARE TIRED. Without extra exertion, languid, dull and listless, your blood is failing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and strength-giving properties they require. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling enriching and purifying the blood. It will give you energy and vigor. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easj to operate. Cure indigestion biliousness. 25c. GERMAN INTERFERENCE In Dreyfus Case May Cause Troub’e. Berlin, Sept. 29.—Rumors of proposed interference in the Dreyfus affair are causing in tense excitement on the frontier between France and Germany. The Forgacher Zeitung tele graphs that French agents in I the vicinity of Metz are causing! a veritable panic by the circula- lion of reports that the Emperor has sent an ultimatum to the French government demanding i that the revision be suppressed to prevent the publication of letters exchanged between him self and Dreyfus. A NARROW ESCAPE. i Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying 1 could not live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and heAlthy womai.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s. Regular size 50 cents and if 1.00, guaranteed or price refunded. DEWEY’S VIEWS. On Philippines Now In Presi dent’s Hands. Washington, D. C., Sept. 29. —Admiral Dewey’s views on the Philippine question was placed in the hands of Assistant Secretary of ths Navy /Vilen yes terday by Ge i. Greene, who had just arrived from Manila. Later the memorandum containing the opinion was presented to the ’ president, and a copy will un- 1 doubtedly be forwarded to the Peace Commission in Paris. , While nothing of an official nature could be obtained, it was stated that Amiral Dewey be ■ Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No f smoke or soot. Clean ’ and economical. For further particulars see ROME. GAS CO. TT’T?-"- L 1 — 1 » . lieves with the president, that , ihe United States should occupy the island of Luzon and should > have reversionary rights with respects to the remainder of the islands. Naval officers, on the other hand, believe that the admiral is in favor of the retention of all the islands. f l,l 1 " ' ■■ 2-°CENT STAMP! Will und ■ letter to any point in Uncle Sam’s big / ’ domain.l For this very reason, if you are sick, •ore or suffering, this 'ta very trifling outlay ilf May Save Your WSBI lif A f Here’s just how LIIBI it is. You can romw write a plain letter, can’t you? Well, it will take just two cents to carry it ffo tig “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute, ► Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famous specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and I treatment by mail as well as if you came in per- I son to the city. 1 his is no mistake. They are do "JK? 1 everyday. They now have patients in all the adjoining States, some of them hundred! dlrlill au d cures are simply won* CURES POSITIVE ANDrnrri CONSULTATION FFl£ 11 In every Deformity of Spine or I.imbs, Club Foot, ■ r P' Cross Kyesanu other surgical cases, also in all forms of Bkm and Blood disorders,Rheuma tism, Catarrh of the Nose, Throat Lungs, Stomach or any vital organ, Liver. Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak nease* of either men or women, diseases of the jexual parts and every other bodily affliction that •rained specialists alone can deal with. Write freely It costs you nothing If we un dertake yonr case we shall send you question «>'•"* < 2 r . fu ” Particulars. If your case is IT ,klll “ nd pcrfcct lienee WE fetTe h A t -^?ri;.u? P “* y “ Vey<mrl,fn - AU ’ ADDRESS, Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE. fpo-1 Austell BHg., Atlanta. <ia southern fjbim Comlenweil Schedule iu kuVet July 0. IMPS. ~ / ~ I N6.~ 10 |Nn H tfoTl Cv C’hai' iuug;. . ..-; rn ■ 1 ' A 7.51 am l.'.iOnm w H'W “.taau*.;' !• Al)pm| I 4 Jam Ar A ’n-ita •• Il 4'an: li.’» m Minin Lv At. .nta i > pn,| . Kr MauOU 7.lup:ul 2 ■ ;in; b.vUim A.r J< sup . tour ' 2.38 pm jArL.erett | 7.25 am! 3.25 pm .y Jacksonville ...... I . 19. :a> 9. .‘bpm l.v Jesup 77... .......... ; 10.01 am: S.’SOpm Ar Jacksonville l.«opm‘lo.lspir Lv F rereft' '. ? wiiml 3. jopF Ar Brunswick • •••■I 8.40 am | 4.3 ; .a N->. 10 carries Punman Sleep! u,- Car Chat tanooga to Atlanta. (No. 14 carries i’ullu an Sleeping Cur and Da/ , Couches Chaittt ' Toga ‘o Jacksonville and At ! lunta to Bruosv. .ck. I No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chnttfe oouga to Atlanta. S : : ' No F i tvAlkuiii) 4.90* in 4.00 pm 7.scam I Ar Rome 6.30 am 6.2ap.n pi.2oam Ar ualt'in ?.2’2uiii 7.34 pm 11 3oam 1 Ar < hattanooga B.4onni 8 soi>ir. l.OUpm Lv Cuattauooga B.s'»atu fl.iojan Ar Burgin .... 4.20 pm;... Ar Lexington 5.10 pm! 4.Warn . 7’.T Ar Louisville 750 pin ?.soam Ar Cincinnati'., ..7 ~7.~ 7.:X>pni Tiluarn 7777 T Lv Chattanooga l.Shpnii T. 15am *i 25pm Ar Nashville ,|>tu 3. ; ■ . u 6;55pm No. 18 carries Pullman SP-eptm.- < ar Atlanta to Chattanooga and Chat.auoova io <7l noin latl. No. 0 carries Pullman Sleeping Cur Atlanta to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to U>i>t»tll!e. STATIONS, j x.. 4. ; No.J? Wo. 1< Lv Chattanooga ■ 8. i-inm 4. ion in 1 16 JOpm Ar Knoxville 11 sSnm Ass nm Ijiiatn Ar Morristown I.2:pm 2..’sain Ar Hot Springs .1 l.tprn 11. Iflmr. t.Wam ,! v V le 4.3’ipm l.lApmj 5. lOarj Ar 5a1i5bury.................. c.4opm #.3onm Ar Greensboro U .’.'pm. 12.10 pm } r S ale » R » 130 am! 3.23 pm ArWa h1ngt0u..7..7.7.j777.77. Ti .. I!.Upml 6.23 am No. 12 carries Pullman Drawh u- Ro >£ Sfeeiii lag Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond an Ivlug Rich, mond 6.40 am. also Pullman Car Greensboro 10 Norfolk. No Id Is solid train C'in'.tnnn >-a to Salis bury, with Pullman Sleeping Cm- (•’lutt-m , a - a to Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. ~ «■>ATiioKM. j ~ -I No. T i ko. 'f Lv Chattanooga , s.ia>pm| 8.40 am Ar Knoxville 8. I >pm 11.55 am Ar Mojrlstuwil -j |3ain l.2<pm I Ar . l Se w York. ' 1.20 pm No. fl. carries Pullman Sleeping Car Cli’atta noofca t > Washlm.-t n and Chattum ogu to New Yq.*k without change. No. 4 carries Pullrnub Sleeping Oar Kuom villetoßrl tol. ~~~ BTAfioNfl7 • TtoTiy Lv Rome .............................. *6. toam Ar Anniston 11.21 am Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm Ar S 5 3.55 pm T-»»Pm Ax New Orleans,.... v ,, lauoum Ar Jackson 6.45 am Ar Shreveport 7.20 pm 8 ~ VWa ITtNo.IO aObpmj A4opm fl.s7pm Ar (lad.den. ar AOOnm 68<)a"> AOQpml 7.10 pm Ar Attalla. |y_s.4sam £ mam t Dally except Sunday. | Sunday only. P. S. GANNON. Hdv.F. A o.M ,Washington, D.O. J. M. CULP, Traf. Mgr., Washington. D. Cl W. A. TURK. G. P. Washington, D. Cl 0. A. BRNSOCFF3J4. A a. w t T... Rlpaas Tubules cure headache. Rlpans Tabnßac cure uver (roubles Rlpans Tabulee; lor sour stomach. JUpans Tabuleg cure Udltestlon. Tabules cure torpid liver, ——— —a. ... , DIAMOND CARNIVAL. To be Held in Macon, October 11tm—14th 1898. O’i account of the Diamond ■’ubiee Carnival to be held at Maco 1, Ga., Octobtr 11th—14th 1898, the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets from all ’ points on its line between Merid lian. Birmingham, Chattanooga, ; Knoxville, Morristown and in termediate points to Macon, Ga, and return at one tare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold October 10, 11, 12 and 13th witli a final limit October 15th to return, while from points within a radius of 150 miles in the states of Alabama and Georgia, tickets will be sold at something less than one fare for the round trip, on October 11 th 12th and 13th, with final limit to return October 14th. There will be many attrac tions in Macon on this occasion, and those taking advantage of these reduced rates cannot fail to enjoy themselves. For further information call on Southern Railway Ticket Agent. Starke, The Tailor - Mr. > s . M. Staiko the popular tailor is now open for orders and ready for business m his new business home next door to Wooten’s drug store in the Clark building. Mr. Starke Las a splendid line of new season goods and invites you to call and see him and them. “ I’iik White Front.”—Messrs- W. H, Coker A Co, in their new and elegant businesfl home 1,1 Shorter Block, on Lower Broad, re port business as benm in »plendi<l shape The fall season, so fa r 118 the “White Front” is concerned, his already arrived. But d> pll ' C ker & Co. are always busy, ,D will oon'.iuUe to do a rushing hus ineis as long as people are h.Dgrf furbargaiue.