The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 30, 1898, Image 2

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Mi at Hand in France, Think It Rochefort. t| EHE pope is for peace lergy to Discontinuecampaign Against a New Trial. Paris, Sept. 30.—The minis er of justice has formerly sub fituted to the procurator-gener «ui a legal request for a revision ] of the Dreyful trial. M. Sarrien, minister of jus- NB 'J tice, communicated to the coun- M cil of ministers the terms Gs the •|i letter which he will present to jf the court of cessation, demand- I ing the revision of the trial of I Dreyfus. According to the Petite Ile publique Francaise the cabinet council is likely to inquire into Gen. Zurlindeu’s conduct in or dering Col Picquart's persecu tion in defiance of the govern ment’s resolution to the contra ry. It is likely that a vote of censure will be passed, which will be communicated to Gen. Zurlinden by letter, the text of which will be made public. M. Viger, minister of agricul ture, is hesitating whether or not to remain in the cabinet, and his resignation is regarded as not im probable . The present understand, ing is that there-will be reorgani zation of the ministry. M . Rochefort, in tne Intranei geant. is perhaps the most violent of the cri.ics of the decision. He predicts as its result an era cf bloodshed, which will not come to an end until every Dreyfueard and Jew is either killed or hunted out of the country. The Intransigeant and the Libre Parole both indu'ge in violent at tack upon Premier Brisson, and the Petit Journal declares: “We are in the presence of a political revision conceived by politicians and organized like a conspra.” The Voltaire says : “We learn from a trustworthy source that the members of the revision committee were absolutely stupefied at the emptiness of the Dreyfus dossier and the inanity of the documents comprising it. Though punctillious jurists, there was perfect agreement among the membeis of the com mission that annulment of the trial was imperative, and that that the court of cessation would not hesitate to order it,” M. Reinach, in the Siecle, says that all those who regard the decision of the cabinet as a deliverance of the army will re ceive the finding of the ministers with the utmost joy. The Figara says that the ac tion of the cabinet will result in quieting public opinion, and that henceforth agitation will be both ciininal and stupid. Vatican Takes a Band. Rome, Sept. 30.—The Messa gero asserts that the Vatican has instructed the papal nuncio at Paris to request the Catholic bishops and clergy of France, as well as the clerical newspapers, to discontinue their campaign against the revision of the Drey fus trial. Mme. Paulmier Oct on Bail. Paris, Sept. 30.—Mme. Paul mier, wile of the member of the chamber of deputies, who on Friday last, entered the office of La Lanterne and, drawing a re volver, fired upon M. Oliver, has been released on bail. » The elections occur next Wed’ —ms nr— s i n A Tumor Formed Finally It Broke Inwardly and Discharged Trouble Began With Dyspepsia and Impure Blood Thorough Course of HooJ's Sarsa parilla Completely Cures. There is danger in impure blood. Disease and suffering are surely com ing to those who neglect this threaten ing symptom. Head this: oGilliam, Missouri. “C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maas.; “Gentlemen;—My trouble* began with nervous headaches, which would la»t me for two or three days. The doctors pronounced my trouble dyspepsia, bal they could not do anything for me, and advised a change of location. At the age of 66 a tumor formed on my spine, which Was Very Painful but did not rise or discharge. The doctor thought t est to cut It out, but I objected. It finally broke and discharged a great deal. The doctors said they could do nothing tor it. Then the tumor began to rise Inwardly and discharge. 1 read much about cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla and thought I would try it. Before 1 had finished taking one bottle I was much relieved. I continued the use of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and after taking 12 bottles I was entirely cured. lam now well, have a good appetite and feel that I owe my life to Hood’a Sarsaparilla.” W. D. FOM HOOvi S B parl?la 's the best -In fact the One True Hlood Purifier johl by all druggists. |1; for |5. Hood’s Pills HEAVY IRON TRADE Occasions A Scarcity of Carb In The Birmingham District. Birmingham, Ala , Sept. 30. — The railroads in the Birmingham district report a scarcity of lox cars. This is occasi med by an in cre 8"d demand on the part o< fun ace operators for cars to handle their produce out of the district. The pig iron trade is exceeding ly brisk and the various iron com panies are making demands foi empties to be loadtd with the pro duct in filling orders. While no complaint is being made as yet by the furnacemen the railroad officials are hustling to keep up with the call for cars I’he furnacemen are shipping more iron than th i y are making, there by decr?>i«ing the stocks on hane very rapidly . FIRES IN WISCONSIN. Chippewa Falls, Wis., Sept 30 - —Forest fires are raging to an alarming extentin this section. Hundreds of farmers are working night and day fighting the flames. Four homes and other buildings have been destroyed aud many persons seriously burned. Only a heavy fall of rain will prevent a serious loss. The Wisconsin Ceu'ral passen ger train due hire at 8150 last evening passed through what wa« almost a sea of fire between {Boyd and iCadott . Passengers on the train says the flames were raging fiercely on both sides of the track and threatening every building in sight, SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Nebraskan Able To Sit Up And Is Joined By Mrs. Bryan. Washington, Sept. 30. —Colonel Wilbam J. Bryan, of thi Third Nebraska, was much improved last night. He was able to sit up a part of the day rad hopes to be able to return to Jackj.muill in a day or two. Mrs. B.yan arrived here yester day aud will remain with her hus band until he returns to tne sou h LAUGH AT THE POWERS Teaks Pursling Their Usual Po licy In Crete. Candia Crete, Sept 80. —E Inem Pasha, the Turkish governor, wh is chrilly blamed fur the recen rioting here has been deprived oi the governorship and eta-tod foi Smyrna today. The delays aud su*urfuges it. complying with the orders of Ad Noel, the British comman der in these waters, incre; st, Tlh Turkish authorities have ceas< d surrendering arms and are pre tending that disurammeut has been completed. J2The British oflicers propose t 0 Search thejsu*' ffted housed. Thoj have discover •<! that mmy of th< men eusrrem.'er-'d to Ad Noel an ringleaders of the rioting or, innocent, while the guilty are still at liberty. A detachment of 800 British bluejtckets werj paraded through the town yesterday. Djevado Pasha, the local Turk ish military commander, has con sented to remove the Turkish troops to the suburbs. SULTAN HAS THE ULTIMA TUM. Pans, Sept. 30 —lt is reliably reported tint the ultimatum of the powers to Turkey regaiding tin island of Cree was rep »rtid to the Sultan yesterday. FOREST FIRES Tuemendcub Damage Being Done —Many Lives Lost. Washington, Sept. 30.—The secretary of the interior today re ceived the following dispatch from Representative Knowles, of North Dakota: “Black Hille forest fires destroy ing towns and life. Can’t troops at Fort Meade help fight fire. Send answer to Mayor of Deadwood.” The secretary of the interior forwarded the message to the war department with the request that aid if possible be furnished. Don’t Make a Mistake I W'! itfS Mblr , y a | FRiji p J a / I H We carry such a large variety and excellent quality of fruit that some people would imagine we kept only a fruit store. Our real liue is fine groceries, but we make a special feature of all kinds of fruits. The human system soon be comes sluggish without fruit, but if you trade at our store you will never have any trouble getting your favorite kind, and at a reasonable price. LLOYD Sc HARPER. 208, Broad street. DEWEY’S VIEWS. On Philippines Now in Presi dent's Hands. Washington, I). C., Sept. 29. —Admiral Dewey’s views on the Philippine question was placed in the hands of Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen yes terday by Ge i. Greene, who had just arrived from Manila. Later the memorandum containing the opinion was presented to the president, and a copy will un doubtedly be forwarded to the Peace Commission in Paris. While nothing of a i official nature could be obtained, it was Copenhagen, Sept. 29.—The Queen of Denmark died at 5:35 o’clock this morning TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L B. Q on each tablet. The departure of the troops from Camp Wikoff will probab ly result in the starvation of the ’erins that an eminent surgeon liscovered there a short time ago.—Chicago Inter Ocein. LOCfii HAPPENINGS. Police Court —Fines to the ' amount of $7.50 were collected, at this morning’s police court from violations of the law. t House BukneD—A small wood en tenement house belonging to’ Crockett Campbell, col., w« burned ye: terd«y morning in East Rome, abv ul 3 o’clock, Campbell had no insurance. The house and contents was entirely destroyed. RingYuUß Bell —The police are kept busy «. ver hau'ing, the small boys who have failed o put a red lamp and bell on his wheel Most of the bicyclist ho ever have complied with the law, and at night dozens of red lamps can be seen on the streets. New Pennsylvania Buckwheat is good enough to eat, and you’ll find some new crop, in '1 any quant ty you want, at Lio* 41 & Ilaper’s. Also new Oat»’ ea^ » . Flip Jack Flour, Food, etc. If you A ’ ou 'd healthy furnish /bur system what nature at this season. i Will ’“Jve To Rome.—The Calhou* Times says: Judge J: \j one of the best known attorneys in this circuit, will soon .nove from Cartersville to Rome und engage in the parctice of law with his brother, Hon. W. J Neel under the firm name of Neel & Neel. TLis wi'l be one of the ; •trongesc law firms in upptr Gcor 1 - gia and ih j v wll do a large prac tice throughout 'his section, I Ann unce.—To the public that I have secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thu Garrow f >inous candy kitcheh is Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, .creams, nongats, etc. All we ask is la trial. We an please you. A. M. Antugholi, next door to Curry’s drug Svore Sending Invitations. —Mr. A. W. Walton, Grand Comman der of the Knights Templar of Georgia is sending out the fol lowing invitations over the Uni ted States: “Twenty-seventh Triennial conclave, Grand En campment Knights Templar, Pittsburg, Pa. The Knights' Templar of Georgia, will be at home, St. James hotel, every evening, October 11th to 15th.” • High Grade Groceries. — | That’s the only kind we keep,! ;and we carry a larger as'-orc | inent than any house in this i section and our goods are al ways [fresh, clean and attractive. If j you would like to live well and 1 save money on your monthly grocery bill, we can certainly accommodate you.—Lloyd & II irper. Pr minent Devine—Rev. R. C. Foufe pasto-’ of Grace Episco .palchuixh, San Francisco, is 1 the guost of his sister, Mrs. E. [H. West, on Second avenue. He I was formerly pastor of a church in Atlanta, and is well known and has many friends in Rome. His sister-, Mrs. ('ranmiles, of Cleveland, Mrs. Baker, of Dal ton, Hid Mrs. Gallaher, of At lanta ai r ved in the city today so visit him. Gtorge Clark, of Merriam's Cirner. n nr Concord, Mass., was plowing the other day and, glanc ing < ver his shoulder at the up turned furrows, saw somethirg glis’fhicg ii> the sun. It proved to be a six-, of 1G52, a splendid spec*men of the lare “pinetree” currency, tin first coinage of New England. In 1054 the General Court prohibited the transporta tion out of its jurisdiction of more than 20 shillings “for necessary exp-nses’’ by any ergon. Officers were appointed to “examine all packs, persons, trunks, chests, boxss cr the like.” The penalty ’ i was the seizure of th? whole estite i of the offender. PERSONAL MfNNOIT. - ——————— I Mrs. W. P. McLeod is quite I sick. Rev.[Mr. Hudson has returned from Dalton. “Mr. Karl Jackson, of La Fayette is bore today. Mr. John W. Nickels, of Dalton, is in tiie city. Prof. J. 0. Harris spent today in Cave Spring. W. A. Logan, of Chattanooga, is in the eit.v Mr. B- E- Curry, of Canton, is in the cit/ today. Geoige Clndsey went down te AtM ta yesterday. Air. J. Lawson of Atlanta is al che Central today. Mrs. W, W. Watters has re turned from Atlanta. Miss Miriam Reynolds is vis ing friends ia Atlanta. J. A. Enslow, of Atlanta, is at the Armstrong today. The young men will give a dance at the Armstrong tonight. Miss Ida Langston has gone to Atlanta to accept a position. Miss Smith, of Cleveland, Tenn , is the guest of Miss Mary Berry. Miss Carrie Ragan is very sick at her home on Seventh avenue. Mr. Farris P. Nixon, of Nan nie, is spending a few days in the city, Mr. Claud Hargrove went down to Atlanta on business this' morning. Miss Gussie Ross is quite sick at the home of her parents on Fourth avenue. For choice cuts of finest fresh meats to be had on the market call on Moore & Reese. Mr. J. B. Ingram, of the fa mom Ingram Springs, near An nist m, is in the city. Moore & Reese now offfer the trade the very finist fresh meats t bo had on the market. Col. J. B. F. Lumpkin, a will known Rome attorney, was in j the city Monday on legal busi ness. — Da’ton Citizen. Miss Edith McMillian, after a p'easant visit to her aunt, Mrs. H. A. Smith, returned to her home in Anniston today. Frank Shumate has bought Lady Belle, Ed Colclough’s well known Rome mare, and she is a fine one.—Dalton Citizen. Miss Peatl Ballew, of Lily Pond, and Miss Pearl Rawlins, Scrofula Is a deep-seated blood disease which all the mineral mixtures in the world cannot cure. S.S.S. (guaranteedpurely vegetable ) is a real blood remedy for blood diseases and has no equal. Mrs. V.T. Buck, of Delaney, Ark., had Scrofula for twenty-five years and most of the time was under the care of the doctors who could not relieve her. A S specialist said he could cure her, but he filled her with arsenic and potash which almost ruined her constitution. She then took nearly every so-called blood medicine and drank them by the wholesale, -but they did not reach ,hcr trouble. Some one advised her to try S.S.S. and she very soon found that she had a real blood remedy at last. She says: “After tak ing one do en bottles of S.S.S. I am perfectly well, my skin is clear and healthy and I would not be in my former condition for two thousand dollars. Instead of drying upthepois' n in my system, like the potash and arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out through the skin, and I was perma nently rid of it.” A Real Blood Remedy* S.S.S. never fails to cure Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison, or any disorder of the blood. Do not rely upon a simple tonic to cure a deep-seated blood disease, but take a real blood remedy. Our books free upon appli cation. Swift Specific Co., 1 Atlanta, Ga. kJB °lßime, ie thef guests of Miss Balk.—Calhoun Times. Juge Jun W. Maddox ac— compoiejjy Frank Summer our wqt oer to Spring Place Mondiiq w.ere the Judge made a speea.—)alton Citizen. Milliuyy, openings are cer tainly att-acUie to the ladies, and while oU shopping they should call Ly Lloyd’s and see tho display of good things to eit. ■■ J l . J ■? J.!" —J ■ — * 5 LL| [i i; We are just receiving the handsomest and most complete line of furniture of all kinds ev er brought to the city. Within the next few weeks our store will be packed full of the newest up to-date goods—and we pro pose to sell them at astonishing ly low prices. See us before you buy any thing in the furniture line. Rhudy, Harvey & Co.. 337, Broad street. Passed as His Wifk —Bob Gas ton, of Atlanta, was arris ed th » morning by Bailiff Byars, on a 3 eriouß charge, Gaston has been boarding iu East Rome, with a woman claiming to be his wife Ti e 'andlady thinking their actions were a little suspicious she sus*- peeted something wronp, and sworn out a wairant for both parties charging th with aduliry The case will probably be heard bmrrow befcre a Justice of Peace. In the mean while Gaston, will be held pending the investiga tion. S 3 |^RjOU T Western & Atlantic R. R. <HA 11 Iff IILDS LINt) AM) * Nashville, Chattanooga & St- Louis Railway ' ——) CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS Ak ST. LOUIS. PULLMAN PALACE BUFFET SLEEPING CARS JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA .. TO .. NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. Local Sleepers jetween Atlanta and Chat tanooga. Cheap Emigrant Rates to Arkansas aod T is* Excursion Tickets to California and '■* orado Resorts. for Map,, folders, Car any information about Ra'es, Sclmoußs, write or apply to t. B. WALKER, J. A. THOMAS, Ticket Agent, Lnior Oepot, No. 8 I Ho« " r * ATLANTA, GA. CX. AYER. J. L. EDMONDSON. ’• * "Ticket Agent.*. iOS. M. BRQWN, CHAS. L. HARM'N» Traffic Manager, „ Ge-> % _ ATLANTA, ft. * BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the woii'-l for cuts, bi uiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores. Tettei, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruption'’ and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction 1)1 money refunded. Price 25 <’» nts per box. For salu by Curry -* r ngtm Co.