The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 30, 1898, Image 7

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I (HL TBKET lemocrat? of Floyd Coilnty- T CHEEFULLY Youg.’lO Th. PO"» e it Straight- dußignon, chair a democratic state unni ittec of Georgia Homingofficial ticket [er-Commercial, y officers, the Hus rcial has filled in 0 nominees of Floyd ing the full official ,icket for state and OCRATIO TICKET, ot as prepared by ite Committee. Governor: ' Alien I). CANDLIB. Secretary of State . Philii’ Cook. [Comptroller General: W ILHAM A. \V RIGHT. State Treasurer: William J. Speer. ■ Attorney General : Bl J■- n-n M Terrell. missionsr of Agriculture B o. B. Stevexs. Kale School Commissioner: ■ G. IL Glenn. ■ Prison Commissioner ■ Joseph S. Ti RNRR. ■h t s Justice of Supreme Court: t Thomas J. Simmons.’ Islociate Justice of Court for ■ I Full Tenn of Six Years : ■ William 11. Fish. ■Asßocia.e Justice of Supreme ■Hf'euit for I’nexpired Term ■ of Two Years: ■ Henry T. Lewis. Kliiator for the 42nd Senatorial B District: ■ IL T. Fouche. Representative in the House of E Representatives: I W. C. Bryan. I J. L. Johnson. I R. A. Denny. I For ratification of the amend ment of uaragraph 2 of section 3 ■rtcle 6 of the constitution (for ■lection of judges of superior Burts by the people.) | Against the ratification of ■mendment of paragraph 2 of I lection 3, article 6 of the con- Ittitution (against election of I udges of superior courts by the I leople.) tor ratification of amendment lof paragraph 3 of section 3, article 6 of the constitution (for election of judges of superior [courts by the people.) Against ratification of the I amendment of paragraph 3 of section 3, arlcle 6of the consti t ition ( against election of judges cl superior courts by the people.) I'or ratification of amend men cf p-.ragraph I of section 11 of anicle 6of [] ie constitution (for election of solicitors general by tlm people.) Against ratification of atnend •ment o f paragraph 1 of section 1 1 artcle 6of the constitution 1 -'gainst election of solictors general by the people.) lerk ot Superior Court: H. W. Simmons. Sheriff: Ed. Camp. Receiver of Tax Returns : ;J. N. Crozier.' lax Collector : A . T. Sanford. County Treasurer: J. B. Hill. County Surveyor: J. T. Moore. Coroner: F. H. Schlapbaob£| GRANDEST OPENING Os THEM AL£, Selling Oul 11 Cost Ind Less Th Cost FOR CASH. K is selling out .t KTTTTWKk not wit » Ve AV B eAIbMI NESS TMUBHII * - -Y ? £ A new firm will be formed January Ist 1899. and to aooomnlßh this end. we are offering our entire stock, large and comolet® a, it is, in both Fall and Winter Styles, at prices that cannot fail to interest the closest buyers. It will pay you well to visit us and examine our goods before buying ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of fir»t-class seasonable merchandise will be and must be sold within a short time. Ne ver, never, no never in the history of Southern dry goods retailing has there been a sale to approach this one. Anything and everything in our store, which is crowded from bottom to top with new and desirable nr rchand ee, will be sold at cost and less than cost. To prove our sincerity, wa will give you our cost mark* 4 A . And be it well remembered , our cost is from 25 to 50 per cents less than most merchants pa-y for same e-oods. Buying a s we do in the largest quantities from headquarters, for spot oash, giyes us the inside, which not many merchants enjoy; therefore come to u» for everything you need in Foreign and DomesticJJress Goods, Silks, SaHns, Velvets. Notions, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Capes, Jackets, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Laces, White Goods, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Underwear; also muslin underwear, Towels, Blan= kets and Comforts. Rugs, Mattings, Shades, Curtains, Bleachings, Sheetings, Ginghams, Prints, Outings, etc. When in need of Clothing be sure and ook through our wholesale and retail stock, iverything goe 3 in this sale, We have eyery size imaginable and e/ery style you can thihk of. Our stock of furnishing goods is com plete: we have plenty shirts, underwear, hosiery, hats., susoenders, neckwear’ collarsand cuffs, trunks, valises, umbrellas. Our stock of shcee was never inlbetter shape, and you can fit feet and purSe at the same time with out trouble. [SPECIALS UNTIL GONE. The entire stock is yeurs at cost and less than cost. Merchant* Fruit Os !!)• loom bleaching, closing pr-ce . . • 41 need not send to Nt w York and elsewhere for good c , but come Yard wide percale, new fall styles ... • • • ' - Indi ocalico S ngfet here and get whatyou want. You can save money and ® 01 Standard prints, new dark style freight besides • .•. 4 « AAA drilling ..•••• Heavy cotton flannel worth b - PQN T ASK FORCRKDIT! tve can’t sell goods at cost and less Fast black hose, ladies and cinldieu . . than costand charge them besides. 3 spools thread for Samples sent on application. Mail orders promptly attended to.J A B oVE WOT Agricultural Sea. Mill college i ikg J-J Main ouilp:nO. Ln '<j L 'w‘ /B I js|i®iw DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education in Ute reach of *lh U.S., Normal and Itusniess Man .courts Uoetilalx nu-les; heabful mate; mihtarj <1 ,<cl P ’ . ’ *» board in the religious influences. p l r^d u Ce;e »penec« state; abundance of country proou , from t 75 to »1» * or privatefanttlK. -pec 81l ullder tb« teachers, lull faculty colleire prepar- ax’tfg’rjfer&sar- an JdeajLT«> e gs Ui«.U.nZ w-tnl-l RELIABILITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of “yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upoh its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the trutfi about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York oity that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its ♦wn staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the worli Its war news service is unapproachably the best. Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: •‘We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.*’ Sold bv newsdealers everywhere and subscription! by all. postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, Madison atreet, Chicago, | AWHOy-ICLUB B Ca ’t its fi Make fa B fietter b • Running Time M S| I carry a full and omp’ete line of jewelry, inclu d*"g Diamonds My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- ttr-l er more complete. inifl WEDDING H J. K Williamson l|