The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, September 30, 1898, Image 8

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Mlamr » «i— - ■ " =S j| BASS BROS SCO! GRAND OPENING « ''"'S At last, after surmounting many difficulties, we are at home to all bargain seekers. A vis it to our magnificent new store will repay you—for—for the best bought stock of goods in Rome we have built the handsomest retail business home in the state. Avail yourself of the first opportunity to accept our most cordial invitation to call, and by no means miss, on Thursday, Sept. 29th, attending our grand Autumn MILLINERY $> OPENING! i . -J JUDGE W tITCK Nominated by Democats to Defeat Roasenelt NEW YORK STATE TICKET Is Made uP of Men of Integrity and Abi'ity, Syracuse, Sept. 30 —The Dem ocratic State convention met at 12.17 p. tn. yesterday. Augustus Van Wyck was nom inated for Governor on the firpf ballot. Tho remainder of the ticket was nominated by aeclatiop as fol lows. —■ Fur Lieutenant-Governor —Eh Ji »t Danforth. Fur Secretary 61 StUe—George W. Batten, of N'iigcr*» For Comptroller—Ed ward S. A t water, of Duchess. For State Treasurer —E. B.Nor ria, of Wayne. For Attorney General— Thomas F. Conway, of Clinton. For State Engineer and Survey or—Martin Sclnnck, of lienssae h-r, The ticket as above named was dictated by Richard Croker. Tammany men arejul ilant, and all smile and say Crok< r is the greatest politician on earth. At 11 o’clock many delegates were already in their seats in the rink, and the galleries were packed with spectators. At 11:451 he Tammany d leg tes arrived at the c invention. Croker walked don n the center aisle at the head of tne delegation with a broad smile on his face . I In re was considerable applauie when th ■ spectators caught sight of the Tamm'in; chief. Ex ‘•.’enator Hili ent Ted the hall shortly afterwards, and th* reception he got must have made him feci that he is still a power in the party. The platform congratulates the country upon the successful termi nation of tne war, “undertaken not for conquest or aggrandize ment, but in the interests of hu manity, liberty and civilization.” Upraises the patriotism and valor of our soldiers and sailors, favors the »d >ption of a liberal policy toward those who have suf- I'mu; nj ;k:es that the Democracy has been /connect* d with every honorald4 step in the war; con demnsytne action of President Mc- Kinley in scafering army commie siytis among inexperienced civil ians, which, it is charged, is large i ly accountable for the fearful suf fering and loss of life among our gallant soldiers, promises that a Democratic Comgress will, if elect ' eHTSpvestigate the conduct of the war and expose and punish all who may be responsible f r the un* necessary deaths and privations. Van Wyck wae nominated on the first ballot The roll c.ll was completed at 2;30 p, m. The total v te was as fol low s: Van Wyck 850 Stanchfield ,38 McGuire 21 liius. . . . • , . .41 Total in the conven’ior, 450, ne cessary for choice, 266. .Judge Tayl< r of Chemung, moved to make the nomination un animous. All defeated candidatts see nd the motion and the nomi nation, at 2:35 p . m., was made u n a n i mo u« ■ Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No s noke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME.GAS CO. HIS REPUTATION I Staked by Hobson on Rais-, iny the Colon. 120,000 IN AIR BAGS. Th» Originally Cos 1 About $40,000. Washington, Sept. 30.—As sistant Secretary Allen, diiectly in charge of the arrangements made for raising such of the Spanish war ships sunk or stranded in the battle of July 3d as can be removed, said yester day, referring to coustructoi Hobston’s work on the Teresa, that the navy department had given the young constructor ah of the assistance which it was possible to extend in the prose cution of his work. Moreover, it is now proposed to give him further aid in his effort to raisr the Colon, by far the finest of the Spanish squadron. Whatever credit has been earned by Constructor Hobson by reason of the Teresa would, in the opinion of Mr. Allen, be largely exc< eded if the attempt to raise the Colon results sue- ; cessfully. In case of this ship the young constructor has pledged Ins pro fessional reputation against the unanimous opinion of all of the expert wreckers wha have ex amined the bhip. Yet the navy department is unhesitatingly supporting Hobson’s judgement, as is indicated by the fact that yesterday it shipped from New York 120,000 worth as specially manufactured rubber air bags to be used in lifting the Colon. Aside from the sentim.ntJ reasons for sparing no effort to save this ship, the navy depart ment is satisfied, from the re ports of the divers who have in vestigated her condition that she is purely well worth, from a purely monetrry point of view’, the expenditure of a considers ble percentage of her orininaj value, about 14,000,000, if there is a reasonable prospect of rait her. The firm of Camp & O’Rea r is this day (Aug. 27, 1898) dis solved. All parties indebted to them will not pay unless both names, S. D. Camp and J. M. O’Rear, are signed to the bills »■_ -L- Ll—. J 2-°CENT STAMP! Will vend a letter to any point in Uncle Sam’s big 4 domain,' For this very . J reason, if you are sick, jj C •ore or suffering, this very trifling outlay jiV May Save Your lif A I Here's just how LIlWi k te- You can write a plain letter, can't you? will take just two cents to carry it to the “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia," And the fanions specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came in per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do ing it every day. They now have patients in ali the adjoining Stales, some of them hundredi of miles away, and their cures are simply won* dcrful. CURES POSITIVE AND r n r r I CONSULTATION Hitt! tn every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club Foot. Hare Lip, Cross Eyes ano other surgical cases, also in al' forms of Bkm and Blood disorders,Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose Throat Lungs. Stomach or any vitnl organ, Liver, Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak nesses of either men or women, diseases of th< sexual parts anil every other bodily affliction that highly traiued specialists alone can deal with. Write freely It costs you nothing If we un dertake year case we shall send yot qiiestion blank for full particulars. If yoar case it curable by human skill and perfect science Wt SHALL CURB IT. That first 2-cent stamp may save your life. All otters sacredly private. ADDRESS. Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE. 500-1 Austell Bldg., Atlanta, (ia SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (tn ea-ml Schedule in Effect July ft. 1S»8. STATIONS. I No. Hl |No 11 Nth i -V Chattanooga .'...■am! ... m !■'. f>pm \r rtnfton 7..->l;i.:a m l.'.lOam \r Home | ii.O-.iri' 9 l.ipm: I.llam tr A’l> ■ a j11 l .;i :u 1 .J * in ’ 0 ’am .♦ i I r..-r:' I'• ;>u Tenn tr Mae iu 7. ip n 2 :.i, v am ifJ ’-'ip i .;>i., Slim \r E. -rett I j 7: • ni < pin tr Jacksonville I Itt.iJaml w. spm ■ v Jesup f '.i'i;. is ft . m \r Jacksonville...... I.UOi ni I I 15pm .v Everett. 777.... ‘ 7.A,au>| 3.3*ii tn tr Brunswick..... | -1.30 pm No. 10 carries Publmun Sleeping Car (,'hat an oga to Atl mta. No. 14 i’uiln an Sleeping Car an 1 Day 'caches Cha la-.ooga 'o Jacksonville and Al ania to Brunswick. No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta looga to Allan; a. STATIONS. No. 1.1 No. 9 1 No 7 Lv Atlanta 4.20 am 4.00 pm 7.50 am tr Rome R.3oam| ii.2spm io.2l’am V Dalton 7.22 itn 7.31 pm 11 30um Ar Chattanooga I 8. 11l m B.snpn. l.oepm Lv Chattanooga < B..>sari ; 9. lOptn Ar Burgin ' 4.21-pmi Kr Lexington :>. Itlnni 1 1.50 am Ar Louisville I 750 pm 7.50 am, Ar Cincinnati | tapin' 7,30 um 77“7 Lv Chattanooga.... ! i7«r>pm' 1. i.’.am 125 pm Ar Nashville . ii. I ; m 6.55 pm No. 13 carrie, Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta toChattano >ga and Chatta-io > -a to Cincinnati. No. 9 carries Pullman Sleep a.-. Car Atlanta .0 Cincinnati and Chat'a t o ;.i io Louisville. STATIONS. Jj N .fl. No |» No. t< Lt Chattanooga 8 I'am iu.iin 10 iopm Ar Knoxville II Mam K.O int I.loam Ar Morristown l.Jlpni '.i.5 litu 2..‘sani Ar Hot Springs 3 I :pm I l.4(iatr. 4.00 am Ar Asheville 4.3 .pm l.l.’.pnt 5. lOaro Ar Salisbury 0. lopni 9.30. tn Ar Greensboro j o.f. Jpm 12. iOptt Ar Raleigh I 1.1 , ;>m 3.23pn. Ar Norfolk 7 50 am Ar Wa hlngton 177777. 1 ..’fin 9 Inpir Ar New York......_... I 1 1:. 43pm 6 .’.lan No. 12 carries Pullman Doiwi .g r.'o n: Sleep ing Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond arrivin r iUeh mond 0.40 a m also Pullman Ca: lieensboro to Norfolk No. 10 Is solid train C intt.ano >ra to Salls ■jury, with Pullman Sleep! i- c,u- c , ittan ><>'a to Salisbury and Salisbury t > N w York with yut change. STATIONS- No 4 No 77 Lv Chattanooga . .. ... optn B.4han Ar Knoxville 8. ' pm II ,5 m Ar Morristown 2 I , m i.o p n Ar Bristol 1.0 i.un 3 >spn Ar Washington | 7. 4'an Ar New York I 1 i.gopn No. 6. carries Pullman Sleeping Car Ch'u.ta nooga to Washinrt >n am) Chaltan oga to Nev York without change. No. 4 carries Pullin.u, Sleepin;; Car Kiiot vtlie to Bri tol. "hTArii'Ni ~ No. 15 Cv Rome . ............ I Ilian Ar Anniston 1 l,?i n n Ar Birmingham ... J lO.OOpr Ar Selma ; 3.55pn Ar Meridian 7.30pn Ar New Orleans umoan Ar Jackson 9.45 an Ar Vicksburg i11.35nn Ar Shreveport I 7.2 i pn ♦No 15 I |No. 9~i ~/ " |+No. 16 JJNo. Ki 2 00pm 4.50pm,1.v Rome ar B..Hlam 8 l.>un 5.40 pm fl.s7pin | Ar Gad den. ar’ fl.OOam f 1.3 no’ B.oopm, 7. IhpmiAr Attalla. Ivl 5.45 am, o.coau t Daily except Sunday. $ Sunday only. V S. GANNON. 3dv.p. A o.M.,Washington. D C J. M. CULP, Traf Mgr., Wa -hington D. C. W. A. TURK, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. <1 A. BENSCOTSR. A a.». A..Ohatt*noogß Ten- Rlpang Tabules cure heaihebp. Rioans Tabags cure liver troubles Rlpans Tabulae: for sour stomach. JUpans Tabules cure indigestion. DIAMOND CARNIVAL. To be Held in Macon,Octobkb 11th—14th 1898. On account of the Diamond Jubilee Carnival to be held at Maco i, Ga., Octob< r 11th—14th 1898, the Southern Railway will •ell round trip tickets from all I points on its line between Merid ian, Birmingham, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Morristown and in termediate points to Macon, Ga, and return at one tare forth e round trip. Tickets will be sold October 10, 11,12 and 13th with a final limit October 15th to return, while from points within a radius of 150 miles in the states of Alabama and Georgia, tickets will be sold at something less than one fare for the round trip, on October 11th 12th and 13th, with final limit to return October 14th. There will be many attrac tions in Macon on this occasion, and those taking ♦’dvantage of these reduced rates cannot fail to enjoy themselves. For further information call on Southern Railway Ticket Agent. Starke, The Tailor - Mr. 8. M. Starke the popular tailor is now epen for orders and ready lor business in his nev business home next door to Wooten’s drug si re in the Clark building.. Mr. Starke has a splendid line of new sea mn goods and invites you to call ’•'! see him and them. “The White Front.”—M p! 19, W. H. Coker A Co, in thrir new and elegant business home m Shorter Block, on Lower Broad, re port business as being in eplei did shape The full season, so lar the “White Front” is concerned, has already arrived. But iben, C ker & Co. are always I use, an will con'iuue to do a ruahin j l ,ui ' iness as long as people ire bi nj l ’/ fer bargains.