The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 02, 1898, Image 1

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smoke a “Bill Arp’ waiters New Brand I WHOLE COUNTIES I in Wisconsin Swept by Rag- I ing Fires. I MILLIOfiS OF DOLLARS I worth of Property And Some I Loss of Life- I St. Paul, Minn., Oct. I.—The I forest fires which have been I burning in various for the past few days were fanned into fu rious storms of flame by yester | joy's winds and did great dam age throughout Chippewa, Bar t n, Dunu, St. Croix aud Folk counties. A general destruction of tele graph wires makes the reports very incomplete, but it seems that the villages of Clayton, A’amena and Poskin have been wholly n r partly destroyed, that (,’unrber.anu has suffered heavy losses and that Glenwood, Bar ron, Prentice, Philippines and Turtle lake weie save ! only by 1 great efforts. Reports of loss of life are corn in'! in but have not been verified except in one instance. , A rail road bridge and trtstle over 700 feet long on the Sou line west | of Barron was burned last night a/i<l trains are running by an other route. Fires have been checked in places by rains and subsidence of winds. A rough estiinaie places the aggregate loss at from $3,000,000 to $5,000,000. Denver, Oct. I.—Reports from the Western portion of the state continue to tell of the rav ages of the forest fires which bid fair to devastate the greater part of the forests of the state. A special from Glenwood Springs, the center of the burn ing district, says : “I he tires in the mountains near here have taken fresh life today owing to the high winds. Ihe sky has been nearly ob scured all day and the atmos phere is heavy with smoke. The file East of Glenwood Springs is fortunately in an unsettled portion of the county, and aside hem the immense loss by the burning of timber, no loss has occurred up to the present time. A special to the News from koino, Col,, says : forest fires are raging on «very hand here. Sheep moun- on the North side is a mass of flames which are within a quarter of a mile °f this camp. Great apprehen- s ’°u is felt here for the safety of the town ” Mrs. C. R. Garrard’s •ongstay in the East ern. rriar ket has result in securing for the wne trade th© very Pettiest and moststyl millinery ever die ? n this city at You are tilted to call and see on T? urs ®m ‘Opening dav T *u rSday and Fri_ aa y. this wee>|. THE ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAI ninth year IN fl TYPHOON Manila haospor Senator Was » Damaged 9 SHE WAS COMPELLED I To Repair At Honolulu Com missioners .Return. San Francisco, Oct. .I.—The United States Hawaiian Commis sioners have arrived hero on the steamer Gaelic which brings the following advice’ Honolulu, Oct. 1 .—The labors os tin Hawaiian Commission are ended. They have received a num ber of petitions but informally only Senator Cullom iu an inter view yesterday said he could not give the result of the commissien's inquiries and deliberations before sending the report to Congress, but one thing it cer ain and that is. that annexation will stand for ever. Cullom predicts that if Congress shall adopt the ncommendations of the commission, just and wise laws would be giver the Hawaiian Islands In the District Court at Hilo yesterday the first case since an nexation under the contract-labor law came up for hearing. 1 be Hon olulu Sugar Company complained of a Polish lab rer who had broken hie contract. The defense claimed that the contract was contrary to the Con stitution of the United S ates. The prisoner was ordered back to work but refu ed and was placed in jail An appeal has been taken to the Supreme Court. The transport Senator arrived on Sept. 19, 25 days from Manila. The transport encountered a ty phoon a few days out from Ma nila. The storm lasted two days. The vessel’s decks were swept clean and the rails torn away. She will repair here before sailing for San Francisco which will be in about a week All on board are we’l. She brings a number of time expired regulars. INDIANS GO TO MEXICO Delaware Tribe And Some Cher okees Will Move M EST. Denisen, Tex., Qct. I—lt is stated on good authority that a chai has been concluded by Dela ware Indians for the purchase of 550,000 acres of land in Mexico, and that as soon as they secure a settlement with the United States and the Cherokees they will remove there. It is thought that many of the full-blood Cherokees will accom pany them. The tract purchased is on the Yagin river, state of Sonora, ai d is said to be line land. Repre sentatives of Mexican land holders were recently among the Cher okees. __________ WILL PROTECT KANG Official Orders To Let No Harm Come To Chinese Fugitive. ! Hongkong, Oct. I.—The British Consul here has been instructed to protect the family of the Canton ese reform leader, Kang 5 uwei, who is now on Lis way to Hong kong on board the steamer Ballar at, and is charged with conspiracy in connection with efforts to pre vent the dethroning of the Emper or and th.) elevation of the Dowa ger Empress to the throne are ?ek»ng. GOME GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER?.# 1898. SHAFTER HIISBACK Attack of “Yellow Press Sim pig Oiltrageoils.’’ LETTERS THE RESULT >Of Personal Spite, General likes H. Clay Evans. Nashville, Oct. I.—Postmas. ter Wills today received a letter from Gen. Shafter, dated Camp Wikoff, Sept. 26, in which the general says of new paper attacks upon him : attacks of (he yellow press upon me and upon others of the administration are simply outrageous. The articles are fill ed with untruths, beginning with, the one that I was respon sible for the equipment of the army with Springfield rifles, which you (and every other) sensible man) know is a lie. The behavior of some of the yellow journalists was so out rageous, before we even got into Cuba, that I had to put my hand on them, and after we got into Cuba it was still worse. Then letters are the result of personal spite. If I had come back with a defeated army there might have neen soifle excuse for their talk, but having commanded one of the most successful campaigns of modern military history, it is simply an outrage. “I am very fond of Evans (pension commissioner) and am very glad that you are defending him. Some of the G. A. R. are simply unbearable, and seem toj think that if they can’t have the I treasury turned over’ to them they are being defrauded Very truly yours, ‘•Wm. R Shafter.” WHEJs YOU ARE TIRED. Without extra exertion, languid, dull aud listless, your blood is failing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and strength-giving properties they require. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling enriching and purifying the blood. It will give you energy and vigor. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, eas; to operate. Cure indigestion biliousness. 25c. ——————————“— NO MORE SPACE AT PARIS Brisson Doubts if He Can Get Extra Room. Paris Oct. I*—Ferdinand W. Peck, the United S’ates Commis sioner to tbe Paris Exposition of 1900 today had an interview with M. Brisson, the Premier, in the course ot which M. Brisson p’om ised to do ail he possibly could in regard to securing extra space at the Exposition for American exhibits, but said it was not likely ■that any greater space than had been allotted could be obtained. HYDROPHOBIA DEATH Dr. Todd. Os Ohio, Died Last Night In Chicago Hospital. Chicago,' Oct. I. —Dr, F. A Todd, a prominent physician of Toledo, O . died here last night from the effect of hydrophobia. His death was the outcome -of be ing attacked by a rabid dog at Ohio state hospital for the insane a mon'h ago- He had been taking the Pasteur treatment. LANHAM’S STORES OLD STORE, NEW STORE, Fourth Ward. 245 BroadSt , . V V w J We have never sold out at cost nor faked the people in any way, and therefore we think our adver tisements are more worthy of consideration by the trading public than if we made promises that we did not live up to. We have always made it a rule to state the exact facts and perform all we promise in our ad vertisement, and we are not going* to begin a crusade of fakeism this late day. We have the Vc*y largest stozk of all New Goods in Rome, and our prices are und r any. We are more than willing to compare quality and vie with any, and we mean to be up with any in quality style, ect , and as low or lower than any in price. Our Millinery Department is a marvel of beauty and style and the prices are far below others We have the best milliner in Rome, Miss LaFrance having worked for the very best millinery stores in the country-- a number of seasons in the largest cities of the East, Is comnetmt to build the hat so any lady of the land. _______ • Our stock of Dress Goods emor, ces all the noweft weaves and colors, and some of the styles are not to be had outside of our house. Some of the extreme French novelties are to be found here and only here, and the prices are the vjry Io west. Embroideries! If you want embroideries you can’t afford to pass our door. We have the largest stock in Rome and the prices a*re about half the regular. We quote a few prices here and you wil find they are just as we say: ■“"■■■■■»•O _ f Double fold dress goods all wool filling, new style, only pc Double fold plaid novelty, pretty and worth much more . pc One dollar corsets ’ 49c 42m Fine dress goods worth twice our price 29c • The very best indigo calico, not the thin kind 31-2 Bleached cotton 2 3-4 Ladies hose, fast black, 5 Best spool thread, per spool . 3 l-a And we let you have all you Hwant at this price. Six papers pins for 5c Thirteen balls thread 5c See the stamped linen and get our prices. We sell napkins, 12 inches square at, each 5c Clothing and gents’ furnishings at close prices. White shirts 25c IHJNHHM MND SONS. IO CENTS PER WEEK