The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 02, 1898, Image 4

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JCJK V A . M *-V * THE IIUSfIER-COMMERCIA ehustlerofrome ■•ttblisbed, I-wo. ~HE ROME COMMERCIAL E«tabll»h*<l. !»*>• »t«d •▼•ry svening. except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. If the tightneis of his hat band is acriterion Aguinaldo ought to favor expansion. The peace protocol did not bring any cessation of hostilities for Secretary Alger. The Dreyfus infamy is rusting the bright prospects of ilie Inter national Exposition mightly. Fitzhugh Lte tells Bob Cramer, of the Atlanta Constiution that he ia unequivocally out of politics. Blanco has consigned his type writer to the cellar. Thus the fruits cf victory come our way. Make your plai.s so that you can go to the polls next Wednesday and vote a straight Democratic ticket. Whether it be revolution or no revolution, Dreyfus must be retried. This is written in the horoscope of Frsnce. The Empress Dowvger is not the Emperor of China’s mothi r-in law—only his aunt. This may ex plain why he is still alive. There are two Hawaiians on the Yale football team. Who said those islanders were not fit ted for American citizenship? After submitting to the embrac es of Tom Cat Platt, Colonel Rooss velt ought to go into quarantine and have his San Juan laurels fumigated. The greatest walkover that has been known in Georgia po'itics, where there was an alleged contest , will be the victory of Colonel Can dler next week, - China’s Empress Dowager does not propose to allow’ an adulescent Emperor to stand in her way. She prefers to make an angel of this “Son of Heaven. ” A railroad man is authority for the statement that more bales ol hay are imported into Georgia than bales of cotton are exported from the slate. There is no txiuse for this. ~ ■ IL Despite the iact that hundreds of persons have killed themselves because they have been ruined by the Vienna Municipal Lottery, the Viennese continue to regard ihe institution with favor, it keeps dow n ths Taxes. A Kansas girl has brought suit against her pastor fur kissing her alleging that the kiss was so coil that it made her shiver. The Mont gomery Advertiser suggests that the poor girl should come south and tangle labia with a returner soldier. Mies Winnie Davis was the only Daughter of the Confederacy, by reason.of the fact that she was th* only child born in the White House ot the Confederacy. The movement to select Miss Davis’s successo’ will not prove a very popular on for the reason stated. —Calhoun Enquirer. Lrt every person in North Geoi gia who can get ’to Dalton next Monday, be sure to come in and hear Hon. Fleming dußignon and Senator A. S. Clay speak. It wi 1 be a big occasion, and you will hear two of the finest speeches ever made in Dalton made by tw< of the cleve r est, nicest men in the s ate. The ladies are especially in* vited to attend. — Baltcn Argus .... . .. ... ... rrMii —.- I - •» - --- • The populi is oHtried thirty-two cotinties in Ueoiglk two yearn ago, but if there is ahything in the surface indications of the political waters of the Btat« they will not carry half that many this year. The populist leaders have aban doned party and principle in form ing an alliance with lhe repub licans wherever the latter are found to be i.i Pi.fficent numbers to form a contingent for a bargain, This has disgusted the better element of the original populist party of th“) state, and many of them are coming back to the democratic party. The fact is, many populists are anxious to comeback to the democratic party anyhow to vole for Allen D. Can dler for Governor —Albany Her* aid. —S" ! The city of Monroe, La having almost completed the construction of a bridge across the Red River at that point, has just discovered that the structure will be ninety • eel too short to reach from bank to bank. The municipal author ities have declined to be responsi ble for further work on the bridg unless it shall be made long enough to be of use, and the con tractors are in a quandary. It seems that the engineer who drew lhe plats took his figures from an old and inaccurate Government map instead of making the meas urements personally and his time saving method has been the cause of ail the trouble. The people of Saltillo, Statu o, Coahuila, Mexico, have called th attention of the United tlatn* Government to the fact that the bodies of over 500 American sol diers lie in unmarked graves near that cityv They were the victm 8 of the battle of Buena Vista, the scene of which was fourteen milei from this neglected military cem 1 - etery AfUr the battle the dead were conveyed to Saltillo and in terred, and an adobe wall was built arc und the graveyard. The ground is owned by a Mexican, who now contemplates utilizing it for othei purposes. » ■ \ irgil blue an old colored man of Fatquier Court House, Va., called at the W ar Department the other day to inquire about two of his sons who were wounded at Santiago. He said that he had thirty-five nephews in the colored regular and volunteer regiment— “sort ob a fightin ’ crowd”—and that he used to enjiy a “tussle” himself. “The chief beauty of the cli mate of the East is that a perscn may survive it tor years,” says a Los Angeles writer. “Easterner who have not been sunetruck up to this writing stand an excellent chance to escape it until next sum mer if they do not nave pneumo nia in the winter.” George Clark, of Merrit m’s Corner, near Concord, Mass., was plowing the other day and, glanc ing over his shoulder at the up turned furrows, saw something glistening in the sun. It proved t< be a eix-pence of 1652, a splendid -pecimen of the rare “pinetree” currency, the first coinage of Nev England. In 1654 the General Court prohibited the transporta tion out ot its jurisdiction of mor* than 20 shillings “for necessary expenses” by any *; e s n. Officer were appointed to “examine all packs, persons, trunks, chests, bcxse cr the like.” The penalty vas the seizure cf the whole estat >f the offender. EDITORIAL COMMENT. If a waiuan’s bite is venom ous, is a kiss only a pleasant neighbor to infection*'—l lorida Times-Union . Hobson is in Santiago, and probably will not dare to ven ture North again during the heated term. —Chicago Times-' Herald, The proposed alliance be tween Japan and China suggest* that between a locomotive and a freight traiu t =—Philadelphia j Public Ledger. Jim Corbett anil Kid McCoy are saving some very hard things of each other, and the public is supposed to indorse it all.— Washington Post. There are lots of sympathetic people going about shouldering the griefs of other people who would break down entirely if they had troubles of their own. —New Orleans Picayune. The governor of Kentucky is •aid to be discouraging the car rying of pistols. Great Scott! One of these days some one will be trying to discourage the drinking of whisky.—New York Tribune. The first Filipino congress •eems to be a big improvement on the Spanish cortes and the Austrian reichsrath. There was not a single fist fight during the entire continuance and only one cussing match.—St. Louis Republic. French is the diplomatic lan guage of the globe, but before many years English will be the commercial language. The An glo-Saxon triumphs in two con tinents within a few months have a great significance.— Cin cinnati Commercial-Tribune. EDITORIAL HASH DISH. There are lots of people wlr, when it comes to civil office around Santiago, will take any thing. No immunes exist in this direction.—Philadelp lia Times. It is a trifle difficult to distin guish where champagne leave-> off and sham pain begins in th i> discussion over the christening of the Illinois.—Chicago Inter Ocean. Mr. Bynum will not lead many gold Democrats into the Republican party. Men are not given to following a person who is being propelled by the toe of a boot.—Washington Post. Don’t forget, please, that the names of the peace commission ers of Spain are Rios, Cerero, Abarzuza, Villarrutia and Gar nica. Perhaps it might be well to chalk them down.—Boston Herald. It is stated that the kaiser will postpone his visit to the holy land. This announce ment does not come as a surprise. It was expected from the day that the czar stole his Mount of Oliv-s sermon.—New York Sun. SPAIN’S GREATEST NEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back ot his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blooc and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He tays this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, oulv 50 cents. Sold by k Cwrry| Arring on,’druggists. TAX NOTICE. The last half of tax for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of fice at the city hall and settle. Sept. 16th 1898. Halsted Smith, Clerk Council. 1 1 1« I♦ - . .r-j <; .< T.-rhaon x“xl K"1« -:- •. a.Vk* . I x.UI J n’.d: (MIWM 4 OTtU'XMf 'nr»>iivruliifor. WE ■ > & , | THE SUMMER HAS | PASSED AND CONE j I IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAI - 8 AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! • ' i a YOU H 1 S B: ISKXIOW |: >£• • I; Ith1 th Ei’iiji" j oi< Work S ; WYE. TUR ROUT. E ’ i ”i ’ II W YOU ARE p: ■IAU7! h INVITED w • wg i S H Si it iJ, kandeaster £ i 5 bm' Ed •