The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 02, 1898, Image 8

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IfflCT MIKM RWI WBKf And it will be for business from the shoulder henceforward til! we close out and leave retailing. Make a cross-mark here and when you want to buy anything in ourline come to our new store and get the value of nearly two dollars for an hurt died cents. Our own great stock plus the Kane superb stock, adding our receut choice selections to fill in the broken condition of the assortment finds us today with the largest stock of high-grade merchan* i dise to be found in all North Georgia. Come to see us, FOSTER'S KID GLOVES FREE! During the next three days we will give to each lady who buys from us as much as $5.00 worth of goods in any department of the store, or in alTdepariments, a pair of Fos ter’s best dollar gloves. Failng to have in stock your exact size and shade desired, we shah order at once those wanted from the factory. Foster’s gloves are the best. We sell you the goods lower than they can be bought elsewhere, and the gloves thus gratis * b? os ® Ml KI SI fl V w y 31 tsfe Bi W f 11 Kit' Jw I -I II 1 U |ill F| |b 110 dr Ibll ■ st? IT; 'I ML —J i ’ ’ mMßMKMKnKanEHaMßrwHkaaaa«ao«aDi»a»aa» a»Kr»3-• mm h ■ pmiw Mi jiw.uMiMiTcrjimiT-u f ..7V r^--.rWI7WIiIWSITJn' 8 .T r JLT’lT!irr•’liTTrL'.'F- '2 T'.-driUL'.I.J, -LLL'WLIIIL III I^ JU I.UU. L_JJU... fill MB WBJUmiZMWUFMIMI ■MVMMMRS3BFIDL^-XI&E.-jSS- TGC? I V :fCTA£ytK.b<i' ROME LOSES. ARMY WINTER-QUARTER ■ CAMPS LOCATED. I * Augusta Gets Main Camp, Ath ens Also Gets Camp. iJ' ■■ .♦.< ~ Washington, Oct. I.—While no official information on the subject-is forthcoming, it is said the of sites for camps in the South has been practical ly determined - It’is understood they will be located tit Augusta and Athens, Ga./and Columbia, Greenville, and ‘Spartanburg, S. C. The'inain camp will be at augusta, on a sight of about 600 acrefe, just outside the city. Representative Fleming, Ex- Senator Walsh and Col. Dyer, of Augusta, were in Washing toif toda’y, and called upon the president, secretary of war and Adjutant General Corbin, rela tive to Augusta camn. 'DREYFUS MOVED. * <J. . . Taken to'Cayenne to Await a ft Steamer For France. ‘ Ejf >.? ,£ayis, Oct. 1 —lt is rumored tljatdJrpyfus has already been transferred from the Isle du Dtabtc to Cayenne, where he a steamer to bring him to^a’French or an Algerian port. The firm of Camp & O’Rear is this day (Aug. 27, 1898) dis solved. All parties indebted to them will not pay unless Loth names, S. D. Camp and J. M. O’Rear, are signed to the bills. SFCiiNB GEORGH I BEING PAID OFF. MEN WILL BE FURLOUGHED * Companies to be Sent to Mus- tering Out P< ints. Atlanta, Ga , Oct- 1 • —Today the soldi :rs of the Second Georgia legunent are receiving their pay. The accounts of tha < slicers will ’ at once inspected, the regiment will be temporarily disorganized ■ and the various companies will go ■ to their mustering out places. , Perhaps two days may be re , quired for the auditing of accoun's and the preparation for transport t tation, but by Tuesday or Wed* j 1 day at latest the visit of the G. or I gia volunteers will be a thing of the past and the Sic m.l regiment will be homeward bound. The visit of heS<ccwd eorgia regiment has been one of brb f duration, but it has bun < : joyed I Loth by the scldiors and their ' i manv friends in this city. The memb' rs of the reg’nient have j been all »i xious to get to their homes an.d families and have j nec-ssarily fe t some little iinpa [ tieiicm but this has not interfered wi’h tl eir enjoying th ir short ■ stay h, re and the hospiality cf , rhe A 1 lan 'a people. DR GUILFORD CAPTURED Woman Physician Charged With Murder — • London, Oct. 1 —Dr. Nancy Guilford, the midwife of Bridge ' port, Conn., who is wanted by the American police on the charge of having been conn ct ed with the death of Emma ,1 Gill, has been srrested. •’’X •’"X. •’’X -’’X • V. (liigraM | LITHIA ! J ' • ■ ateß * fa BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, 4\ „ ' i For Sale at Soda Founts of: CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. P-Crouch and Jervis&Wright. A • '•* v - A,- t I NW MnMMMHBKawrj V um-.. m m>■■ maraai>■■■ ->-♦—■♦-t-.-htt---- "rji-grriM mn innw—iiucilti uJ— Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr., Jan. 10,1898. . Jan. 2,1898. I would not be I regard PISO’S without PISO’S CURE FOR CON- CURE for CON- L' i JPtSwHfHEAiLLLs'^h^m'P JL fev SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any ”"8 best Cough medi- thing. For a bad cine on the market, | Cough or Col Jit is M ** having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER “The Best Cough Medicine.” —ir raaiHa—i .<-<■- aaana-•L.~» —. • r - .n’-v.u- v«trjvrr vcr.rxxKrtffmMaKiv iwamunaazj* ■m jF C '29 CATIIARTIC jd CURE CONSTIPATION ,Oc 25c 50c DRUGGISTS TTinrm im .vwnimM<n - "~~**—*—i«,iiu l i. n—» .»w>>wMwg«WKTrrarw T B W MMiii »w—t . iH»iM J I SOUTHERN RfliLwny. Comleniied Srhodale 1- L.ivri <».y *>. ■ . s’ l Cv < i a . ... j ’■ .1. .'■ . . i l '. i ‘;,ra A- ' -:i ! inntn A' : I ' I ..... .. .1 ... : .dl Ar .-> I i its ,n 4i.un I. .’■ i:; Lv A . into - * ■■ . 1 •> ’■ ■■ .:.i \r M . k.u. ... .......; 7.1 t ~:u > >■ n, '.-'...irn ArJ r -.U'> ...j ■ .'.injitn Ar E irarett I I 7.25uni Ar Jacltsoryrille j I iri' . . u.-iopni LvJesup |.........19.0ium| 6.stipin Ar Jacksonville I I I.oopm 10.l&p-n Lv F. rerett i | 7.:ii)arn| 3.3»r,-m Ar Bruii.swtdl: . . .... |. r/Miainj 1..’ . a No. 10 eii rPr '.’ut tii.-.u Sleßplfi: Car Clmv , tan..oj'ti to Allan n. ■ No. 14 carries ullu un < 'ar uu<l Day ' ?oa-hes Cuiiitn."Oira V> Jacksonville anil At* : lant i to J3> insv i ;k. | No. 8 cartjes l' .Ilmas Sleeping Cur Chatti | noo .’a to A Aant a.- station "IT? iJ *Rg So. f * | Lv .it aiiiu | 4.2 «•”' 4 (riptni T.A'iatn ■ArBo ne I :n r pm in. 2uu lAr Oilton I 7.2: >n 7. H|«n 11 am Ar ‘ tniitunoosd I B.4'ini R.’ilprrJ I.Oapm Lv Ci.attauoogu B.i«,iun; I'.tOpm Ar Burgin .... 4.2S)pm| I Ar Lexington o.lOpni! I.Ninm Ar Louisville......7.Bo]>:u 7.50imJ........ Jtr Cincinnati | TjJQj in 7J 5tin.'......1 Lv Chattanooga 'l.l 'p n l.'l,Li:i , ~l 25pm Ar_Njislinlle : . A, 6.56 pm I N'o - 111 carrie . Pullman L pi i r Car Atlanta toCtiattano ga ;ri I Cha . . :. a .o Cuial:. inti. No 9 carries Pullman.' s '' rr .'ar Atlanta ‘ io Cincinnati and Chattanoi. z.. l-j Lmr.sville. | stations. • N '. Nx 1? No. if Lv ChattaiiMOpa iSi -m lo.ur- 10 Wpm I Ar Knoxville Ill.AVhu B.»nm l.loam Ar Morrtat wn [ l -.’i; u-un 'I t am Ar Hot Springs : I pm ll.l'inii;. 4.0 i:im Ar Asheville 1.35 pm 1. i>>m; 5. Warn Ar Salisbury >... ... I6.;>iin U.liliam Ar Greensboro.. v.r..’:.:u 12.10 nm Ar Raleigh j i.imm 3.23 pm Ar N0rf01k.....' 1.... .... I 7.60 am Ar Wa Ihngton 1....777. "OFim ftftipn Ar. New York | U-.'. I.ipinl 6.2.1 am N" l: viirri.-s Pnl’m-in briiwi ir L’o m"sleep’* Ing Car Clml tanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Kick n,md arriving Rlch- 1 mond 6.10 n.m. also Pull.nau Car Gieensboro to Norfolk. No Ills solM train Cii•tainri to Salis bury with Pullrr. in Sle n, r < •.- ra to Sa'isburv and Salislsirv t > New York with out change. RTA-HOfM No. 8* ILv Caatiai.ooga . ... ;■ m s. I >am Ar Knoxville i 8. rpm 11.55 am Ar Morrlst .wn 2.1'.; m 1.31 pm Ar Bristol . 7.UJuin 3.'ispm Ar Washington 1 7.Hmm Ar Now York I 1 1.20 pm No. 6. onrries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Washin rt m and Cha'.tan. oga to New Yc: k without change. No. 1 . 'irrier Pullman Sleeping Cur Knog villetoßri tol. St-AT1...-.s “TJoTSr Lv Rome ............... ...... ....... B.loam Ar Anniston 11.21 am Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm Ar Selma 3.55 pm Ar Meridian - .*. 7.30 pm j Ar New 0r1ean5........ 10.30 am 1 Ar Jackson 9745 am 1 Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am ' Ar Shreveport. 7.2l'pm ♦No m ix... ta SNL in_ 2.<K)pnr •ksopm.Lv fioine ar 8.50am'8.35am 5.40 pm, 6.s7pmiAr Had den, ar B.ooam 6.3oarn 7. lOpmlAr .Attalla, lv 5.15 am 'o.aoeui t Dally except Sunday. $ Sunday only. 1 F. S. GANNON, SdV.P. A G.M.,Washington. D.G. i J. M. CULP, Traf. Mgr., Washington D. O W. A. TURK, G. P. A., Waablngtoß, D. a a A. HENSCOTP U. > n.». A-.Ohnt.taaoogn.Tßn> I « Rlpajas Tubules cure headacUe. Rluans TabiH“s care liver troubles. Hlpans Tabulae: for sour stomacn. I Rlpaus Tabules cure Indigestion. CITY FATHERS’ Council meeting, Sept. 29, H 98.—Present lion. J. J. Seay, ii. tyor, and Councilmen J D. i .mer, T. J. Reese, D. B. L ...nilton, Jr. , B. T. Haynes, C. W. Morris, Walter Harris and A. B. Me A r ver. The chairman of the finance committee reported that the Vandiver Company had with drawn its application for li cense to «ell liquor and that therefore the committee had no further report to make. The following petition was received and ordered spread on the minutes, towit: — State of Georgia, Floyd Co. To the Mayor and Council of tho city of Rome, Whereas there •is an application before your body asking that the ordinance of the city of Rome, relative to the sale of spirituous liquors be amended so as to allow any one to take out a Iscense at any lime during the fiscal year, and with out paying for that period of the fiscal year which has passed, and asking that the time which has passed during this fiscal year be all >wed them on the next fiscal year. We respectfully ask that said amendment be not allowed, and that parties desiring a license to sell spirituous liquors be compelled to abide by the ordi nance of the city of Rome a 9 now stands. This Sept. -'Yh 189'8. J. B. Chamlek, A. Dougherty, W.J.Satterfield, Agt. IL J. Galt, IL G.Stoffregan. Kay Brothers, L. W. Stoffregan. I